
XmlAttributeCollection — System.Xml (system.xml.dll) CF 1.0  class 


public class XmlAttributeCollection : XmlNamedNodeMap, ICollection {
// Public Instance Properties
   public virtual XmlAttribute this[ string localName, string namespaceURI ]{get; } 
   public virtual XmlAttribute this[ string name ]{get; } 
   public virtual XmlAttribute this[ int i ]{get; } 
// Public Instance Methods
   public virtual XmlAttribute Append( XmlAttribute node);  
   public void CopyTo( XmlAttribute[ ] array, int index);  
   public virtual XmlAttribute InsertAfter( XmlAttribute newNode, XmlAttribute refNode);  
   public virtual XmlAttribute InsertBefore( XmlAttribute newNode, XmlAttribute refNode);  
   public virtual XmlAttribute Prepend( XmlAttribute node);  
   public virtual XmlAttribute Remove( XmlAttribute node);  
   public virtual void RemoveAll( );  
   public virtual XmlAttribute RemoveAt( int i);  
   public override XmlNode SetNamedItem( XmlNode node);               // overrides XmlNamedNodeMap

This class defines a collection of attributes for an XmlElement node. An XmlAttributeCollection is returned by the XmlElement.Attributes property. The collection contains XmlAttribute objects that can be specified by either an object name or a zero-based index. Attribute nodes can be added and removed from the collection with methods, such as InsertBefore( ), InsertAfter( ), Prepend( ), and RemoveAt( ).



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