Communication and Cooperation


Meets/Exceeds Expectations

image Regularly asks for immediate feedback to ensure understanding

image Remains open-minded and willing to entertain others’ ideas

image Communicates clearly with customers who do not speak English fluently

image Cultivates a culture of openness in information sharing

image Builds consensus

image Regularly solicits constructive feedback

image Asks well-thought-out and well-prepared questions

image Stands out among her peers as a public speaker and corporate spokesperson

image Explains complicated issues clearly and succinctly

image Demonstrates candor and a sense of humor in all business dealings

image Possesses a knack for summarizing and communicating end results

image Effectively shares highlights of conferences and workshops with her peers

image Speaks persuasively and convincingly

image Is not afraid to say “I don’t know” or “I’ll check on that and get back you”

image Demonstrates a willingness to hear others out before reaching a decision

image Always makes others feel comfortable to participate and share their opinions

image Allows subordinates to share their achievements at weekly staff meetings

image Creates an inclusive work environment

image Always makes others feel welcome to drop by her office or interrupt her

image Acts as a calming influence when faced with anger or resentment

image Holds weekly staff meetings to ensure open communication

image Provides timely feedback and follow-up

image Regularly conducts postmortems on failed deals and learns from his mistakes

image Builds strong working relationships with other internal departments

image Provides ongoing feedback in a spirit of constructive criticism

image Encourages open communication, cooperation, and the sharing of knowledge

Needs Improvement

image Creates a territorial atmosphere

image Readily attributes blame to others

image Regularly complains of a lack of necessary resources to perform effectively

image Has difficulty distinguishing clearly between macro issues and micro details

image Tends to “foxhole” and isolate himself

image Refuses to commit her staff’s time to other departments when asked

image Has difficulty boiling down complex issues into their component parts

image Fails to communicate bad news upward

image Asks questions for questions’ sake

image Engages in shouting matches

image Uses defamatory, derogatory language to humiliate staff members

image Delays passing along bad news for fear of potential confrontation

image Is too wordy to communicate a clear and compelling message

image Remains reluctant to provide subordinates with constructive feedback

image Fails to take disciplinary actions when subordinates fail to meet expectations

image Appears unable or unwilling to say no to any request

image Prefers that others deliver bad news, even if it’s clearly her responsibility

image Makes others feel intimidated and uncomfortable when they ask for help

Communication and Cooperation Goals

image Cultivate a culture of openness and information sharing

image Build consensus via shared decision-making

image Ensure that your direct reports are informed of each others’ activities

image Readily admit if you’re not sure of an answer

image Be conscious of your body language at all times

image Manage others’ expectations appropriately

image Clearly state up front if you will not be able to deliver as requested

image Readily share information and resources to support business objectives

image Build trust through regular, open, and honest communication

image Listen and respond to others appropriately using a respectful tone

image Answer incoming telephone lines within two rings

image Say yes when you mean yes and no when you mean no

image Do not leave callers on hold for more than 30 seconds

image Proactively feed information upwards to keep management well informed

image Stop others immediately from speaking to you in a derogatory tone

image Refrain from using comments like “It’s not in my job description”

image Be careful not to appear overwhelmed or anxious about the workload

image Don’t treat coworkers who interrupt you as if they’re inconveniencing you

image Always deliver bad news quickly and tactfully

image Avoid blaming or censuring others publicly

image Nod your head to communicate that you are actively listening

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