

Meets/Exceeds Expectations

image Consistently pursues her own professional development

image Regularly takes on responsibility for areas beyond his basic duties

image Assists other departments with special projects that arise

image Reinvents processes and redefines the workflow in light of changing needs

image Has successfully automated portions of a manual process

image Is willing to work whatever hours are necessary in order to get the job done

image Approaches clients with a can-do attitude

image Looks for creative solutions around traditional obstacles

image Assumes new responsibilities whenever the opportunity arises

image Researches outside sources and best practices to improve her knowledge

image Does not hesitate to question ways we’ve always done business

image Is typically the first in line to put newly acquired training tools to the test

image Requires little or no direction in performing day-to-day responsibilities

image Looks for what needs to be done rather than waiting to be told

image Assumes a leadership role whenever an appropriate occasion arises

image Asks for additional responsibilities whenever possible

image Is not afraid to make errors

Needs Improvement

image Tends to demonstrate a “time clock mentality”

image Fails to assume responsibilities beyond the basic, written job description

image Often says, “That’s not how we did this at my last company”

image Discourages others from assuming broader job responsibilities

image Resists training and continues to “do things the old way”

image Lacks the confidence necessary to bring about change in the department

image Offers few creative suggestions or alternatives

image Fails to pursue out-of-the-ordinary solutions for customers with special needs

image Resists applying newly learned skills

image Sometimes takes initiative too far by overstepping his authority

image Fails to take advantage of available external training options

image Always sticks to the tried and true

image Resists picking up his pace when the tempo of the office increases

image Has trouble doing her work without ongoing direction from management

Initiative Goals

image Look for ways of adding value to your role

image Reconfigure your work in light of our department’s changing needs

image Don’t wait for work to come to you—go out and find it

image Ask not what your company can do for you—ask what you can do for your company

image Research matters thoroughly before asking for help

image Keep a notebook handy with shortcuts and rules of thumb to save time

image Make yourself a valuable business partner to your clients

image Identify and fulfill customers’ needs on a proactive basis

image Demonstrate interest in professional development opportunities

image When things are slow in our area, ask for more work

image Look for ways you can contribute beyond your current job description

image Keep abreast of trends and changes in our business

image Attend two outside workshops to further your professional development

image Take advantage of our tuition reimbursement program to complete your degree

image Identify ways to fill any skills gap that may exist in your resume

image Self-identify areas for development and growth

image Strive to become more independent in your role

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