

Meets/Exceeds Expectations

image Leads by example

image Places the needs of her staff above her own

image Provides adequate structure, direction, and feedback to subordinates

image Ensures open communication and staff camaraderie

image Recognizes and rewards staff achievements

image Encourages staff to assume responsibility for their actions

image Listens actively

image Allocates his resources appropriately in the face of competing demands

image Creates a culture of mutual trust and caring

image Channels strategic vision into concrete plans of action

image Consistently earns respect from subordinates

image Holds herself accountable for staff performance

image Readily shares information and develops staff by delegating to their strengths

image Provides strategic vision of future goals and objectives

image Develops plans for achieving goals and objectives

image Always puts others’ needs before his own

image Readily assumes responsibility for her actions

image Successfully manages the tactical steps needed to push a project forward

image Staff would “follow him into battle” because he’s decisive and loyal

image Takes appropriate risks and encourages others to do so

image Makes high probability decisions even when she doesn’t have all the facts

image Demonstrates high standards of ethics and fairness

Needs Improvement

image Over-analyzes problems when swift decision making is needed

image Confuses subordinates by sending mixed signals about goals and priorities

image Fails to maintain confidential information

image Fails to plan for future needs

image Often flouts corporate policy and appears to march to his own drummer

image Is ill prepared to debate and defend an intended course of action

image Rarely shows appreciation for a job well done

image Demonstrates an entitlement mentality

image Appears unwilling to accommodate subordinates’ needs

image Does not yet trust his instincts to lead and motivate others

image Sets unreasonably high expectations for himself and others

image Uses his position to dominate and intimidate others

image Fails to generate enthusiasm for new projects and initiatives

image Does not recognize or reward subordinates’ achievements

image “Plays favorites” and does not treat people fairly

image Blames others for errors and failure to meet goals

Leadership Goals

image Strive to build alliances whenever the opportunity arises

image Identify and partner with key business stakeholders

image Build relationships within and across departments

image Engender trust and respect among your teammates

image Build support for ideas through persuasion and consensus building

image Make others feel welcome to seek your advice and counsel

image Learn others’ preferences and amend your style to accommodate their needs

image Appreciate that things can be accomplished in many different ways

image Encourage and support work-life balance for yourself and others

image Volunteer for leadership opportunities in industry and charity events

image Build trust through regular, open, and honest communication

image Regularly assume responsibility for new projects and programs

image Be willing to incur risk

image Create a learning environment

image Make it safe for subordinates to make mistakes and volunteer new ideas

image Coach people to prepare for their next move in career progression

image Lead work teams and task forces with authority and self-assurance

image Ensure alignment with corporate goals through teamwork and communication

image Inspire others to follow your example

image Inspire a high level of trust from others

image Create an environment where employees feel valued, respected, and trusted

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