Contributor Biographies

Cany Ash and Robert Sakula are founder partners of Ash Sakula Architects, where they explore contemporary architecture in ways that come from an intense curiosity about what makes a place unique.

Gem Barton is a writer and course leader in Interior Architecture at the University of Brighton.

Uwe Bresan is an editor of the architecture and interior design magazine AIT in Stuttgart, Germany.

James Benedict Brown is lecturer in architecture at the Leicester School of Architecture at De Montfort University. He is the producer of the Arch. Ed. Podcast, founder member of the Association of Architectural Educators, and assistant editor of the journal Charrette.

Lori Brown is an associate professor at the Syracuse University School of Architecture and co-founder of ArchiteXX.

Dr Karen Burns is a feminist activist and theorist and teaches in the architecture programme at the Melbourne School of Design at the University of Melbourne.

Justine Clark is an architectural editor, writer and researcher. She is the editor of Parlour: women, equity, architecture and honorary senior research fellow at the University of Melbourne.

Ann de Graft-Johnson is a senior lecturer in Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of the West of England, Bristol.

Paul Davies was born on Mersea island in 1961 and studied at Bristol University and PCL. He writes regularly for the Architectural Review.

Doric (a pseudonym) is in his mid-40s and is a partner in an AJ100 practice, but not an architect. He is passionate about making great buildings and places that work.

Samuel Douek is a Part 2 architecture student at the Royal College of Art who uses documentary film in tandem with design endeavour to explore the relationship between gender, sexuality and architecture.

Jane Duncan is president of the Royal Institute of British Architects and runs Jane Duncan Architects, an award winning practice.

John Dickson FitzGerald is a 50-year-old architect based in Belfast. He is also a husband, a father, a son, a brother, an uncle, a friend, an occasional educator, and many other things that have equal to if not more importance than his job.

David Gloster has devoted most of his life to either producing architecture, or teaching it; he is currently director of education at the Royal Institute of British Architects, so now does relatively little of either.

Anthony Graham is a curator and writer based in the US. His research focuses on questions of sexuality, gender and race in art and architecture.

Sophie Hamer is a practising architectural graduate, writer, and architectural researcher based in New Zealand. Her work explores interdisciplinary intersections between architecture, art, literature, and psychoanalysis.

Dr Harriet Harriss in an architect and writer, leads the PhD Architecture and Interior Design programmes at the Royal College of Art in London, and co-directs the cognitive design practice GRAPH.

Naomi House is a designer, educator and writer with an approach to the Interior that is framed through forensic investigation - a Senior Lecturer in Interior Architecture at Middlesex University, she is also a Tutor in Critical and Historical Studies at the Royal College of Art.

Julie Humphryes is a UK based architect and co-directs Archer Humphryes Architects.

Alexis Kalli is as an architectural assistant at Levitt Bernstein and works with RVTFuture, a community group aiming to bring the UK’s oldest queer venue, The Royal Vauxhall Tavern, under community ownership.

Joe Kerr is an architectural historian and head of the Critical and Historical Studies programme at the Royal College of Art. He is a passionate supporter of trade unionism and an advocate for equality and fairness in the workplace.

Lesley Lokko is an architect, academic, and the author of ten best-selling novels. She is currently head of the Graduate School of Architecture at the University of Johannesburg.

Sandra Manley is a Visiting Research Fellow in the faculty of Environment and Technology at the University of the West of England, Bristol.

Laura Mark is an architectural writer and designer. She is the Architects’ Journal’s digital editor and championed the magazine’s Women in Architecture campaign.

Brian McGrath is an architect and professor of Urban Design at Parsons School of Design, specialising in feminist and queer theories and practices of architecture and urbanism in New York.

Ruth Morrow is professor of architecture at Queen’s University Belfast, the only female professor of architecture in Ireland, to date.

Virginia Newman is a director of KSR Architects in London and is RIBA’s Ambassador for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.

Hugh Pearman is editor of the RIBA Journal and helped establish the Stirling Prize for Architecture in 1996.

Professor Mary Pepchinski is a professor of architecture at the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft in Dresden, Germany.

Lucía C Pérez-Moreno is an assistant professor in History and Theory of Architecture in the School of Engineering and Architecture at Zaragoza University, Spain.

Flora Samuel is an architect, writer, and formerly the first woman head of the University of Sheffield School of Architecture. She is now helping to set up a new industry-facing school of architecture at the University of Reading.

James Soane is an architect and teacher who set up Project Orange with his husband in 1997. He is also director of Critical Practice at the new London School of Architecture.

Dr Igea Troiani is an architect-educator committed to the feminisation of the architectural profession through challenging and contesting its established values and practices.

Wolfgang Voigt is an architectural historian and retired substitute director at the DAM (Deutsches Architekturmuseum) in Frankfurt, Germany.

Julian Williams is a principal lecturer in architecture at the University of Westminster, teaching design studio and architectural history.

Catherine W Zipf is an architectural historian with expertise in historic preservation and researches women’s participation in architectural and decorative arts history.

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