Security groups

Security groups act as virtual firewalls at the instance level by restricting all inbound traffic and only allowing relevant traffic to the instance. These rules work at the instance level, and are associated with the virtual network interface.

If an instance is not assigned to a custom security group, it will be assigned to the default security group. This security group has the following rules:

Source Protocol Port range
The same security ID (sg-0axxx) All All
Source Protocol Port range All All
Default security group

This means that two instances associated with the same security group can communicate with each other, denying any kind of ingress traffic.

Security groups are stateful, meaning that any rule allowed for ingress is also allowed to egress the instance. Only allow rules can be specified, because anything that is not permitted is denied by default.

To test this behavior, you can launch an EC2 instance in the public subnet, log in to the instance, and perform a PING to; you will receive a PING response, but if you try to PING from your local computer, the response will be denied.

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