Creating a resource group

In this example, I will create a resource group based on EC2 tag names of PackT:

  1. From within AWS Systems Manager console, I select Find Resources from the left menu:

  1. Within the Resource query section, I will select the AWS::EC2::Instance from the Select resource type drop-down box:

  1. I can now enter the tag key of Name with an optional tag value of PackT:

  1. Once this information is entered, I select View query results, and the following is displayed showing two instances that match the key of Name and the key value of PackT.
  2. When I am happy with the returned results, I can select Save query as group using the orange button on the bottom right.

This will then ask me for additional details, such as a Group name, a Group description, and, optionally, Group tags:

  1. When I have added the required information, I then need to select Create group.
  2. This will then display a confirmation message that the group is created:

One of the benefits of having these resource groups configured is that it allows you to perform configuration changes on multiple instances at once through a single command within Systems Manager.

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