Health checks

Go through the following steps to perform health checks:

  1. Navigate to Route 53 and click on Create health check:

  1. You must specify a name, use health-check-1 or something that makes sense to your monitoring and use the Endpoint option on What to monitor.

  1. You must configure the endpoint, this can be an IP address or a domain name. Choose the IP address and paste the Elastic IP of the primary server.

  1. In the advanced configuration section set the Request interval to Fast (10 seconds) and the Failure threshold as 2 to be able to fail fast. Leave all other options as default and click Next:

  1. You can configure a CloudWatch alarm to get notified when changes in the health status occur, for simplicity choose No and click on Create health check.

  1. In the Route 53 navigate to the Hosted Zones section and select your domain name hosted zone. In my case is the name of my website.

  1. You can see that after the registration of a domain name NS and SOA records are present.

We will create a record set for this hosted zone.

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