User creation

We will create an IAM user and this user can be used by a person for the purpose of everyday operations. But it can also be used by an application invoking service APIs.

  1. Let's navigate to the IAM service in the console, choose the left menu Users, and then Add user:
  1. The user we will create can only access the web console, and for this, we will create credentials that consist of a username and a password:
  1. In this case, check the AWS Management Console access (1) as shown in the next screenshot. You have the possibility to assign a custom password for the user or to generate one randomly. It is a good practice to enable password resetting on the next sign-in. This will automatically assign the policy IAMUserChangePassword (2) that will allow the user to change their own password as shown here:
  1. Choose Next: Permissions; on this screen, we will leave it as is. Select Create User to demonstrate the default user level that every new user has. The last screen shows us the login data, such as the URL. This URL is different than root access:

  1. Copy the URL, username, and password shown in the previous screenshot. The access URL can be customized; by default, it has the account number but it is up to the administrator to generate an alias by clicking Customize:
  1. Close your current session and use the new access URL. You will see a screen like the following:
  1. Use your new IAM administrator username and password; once logged in, search for the EC2 services. You will get the following behavior:
  1. Let's validate the current access scope by trying to list the account buckets in S3:

This simple test shows up something fundamental about AWS security. Every IAM user, once created, has no permissions; only when permissions are assigned explicitly will the IAM user be able to use APIs, including the AWS console. Let's close this session and log in again; this time, with the root account to create a secure access structure.

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