1 percenters. See wealthiest 1 percent.

3EStrategies, 219

30-40 now work plan, 204

1984, 152


abortion, effect on crime rates, 73

acquisitive society, 65

activity-limiting diseases, U. S. ranking, 98

Adams, John, 117

Adbusters, 195

addictions accumulating things, 25. See also hoarding.

alcohol, 24

coffee, 23

gambling, 24

generosity, 104

illegal drugs, 24

pathological buying, 26

psychology of, 26

shopping, 24

similarities among, 26

social factors, 25

tobacco, 24

adolescent pregnancy, U. S. ranking, 98

advertisements. See also commercialism; marketing; television advertisements.

anti-ads, 195–196

billboards, 141–142

brand recognition, 141

Internet, 143

media literacy, 198

outdoor, 141–142

over the phone, 143

placement, 142–143

protection from, 46–47, 198

in schools, 48

telemarketing, 143

ubiquity of, 141–142

uncommercials, 195–196

advertising. See also PR (public relations).

Buy Nothing Day, 196–197

hypercommercialism, 143

purpose of, 140

resistance to, 195–196

affluence, history of, 19


beginnings of, 110

conservatives vs. liberals, 65

curing, 164–168

definition, 1

downshifters, 168 Patient Zero, 110

problem scope, 4–5

a self test, 160–162

vaccinating children against, 198–200

Affluenza (book), 5–6

Affluenza (film)

causes of gang violence, 73

reactions to, 3–4

Agassi, Andre, 143

The Age of Missing Information, 181

AIDS, U. S. ranking, 98

air travel

baggage, 32

trends, 32

AirBnB, 190

alcohol, addiction to, 24

Alliance for Sustainability and Prosperity (website), 227

Alone Together, 54–55

aluminum cans, recycling, 233

Amador County, CA, 205–207

Amazon, 56

American Mania, 199

American Revolution, 117–118

Andrews, Cecile, 170–171, 173–174

Andrews, Paul, 21

annual national checkup, 8–9

anti-ads, 195–196

anti-consumerism. See simplifying your life.

anti-smoking advertisements, 195–196

antidepressants, U.S. consumption of, 96


law of progressive simplification, 175

living off the grid, 166

resisting consumerism, 196–197

techniques for, 174–175

ultra-small houses, 166

World War II era, 136–137

antisocial behavior in pursuit of a product, 47–48

apodments, 166

aquatic gyres, 92

Aristotle, 113

articles. See books and publications.

Atwater, Lee, 62

automobiles. See cars.

autonomous cars, 31


baggage, air travel, 32

Bangladesh textile factory fire (2013), 69


credit default swaps, 145

credit unions vs. banks, 186

derivatives, 145

financial collapse of 2008, 144–146

Glass-Steagal Act, 145–146

in a new economy, 186–187

bankruptcies, personal, 2

Barnes & Noble, 56

Bartolini, Stefano, 23

Beavan, Colin, 166–167, 168

Beck, Glenn, 199

bees, mass death of, 176–177

Begley, Ed, Jr., 199

Bernays, Edward, 151

Beverly Cooperative Bank, 186

Beyond Ecophobia, 182

Beyond Our Means: Why America Spends While the World Saves, 23

Beyond the Limits, 99

Beyond the Purchase (website), 200

Bhutan, happiness rating, 221–223, 227

bicycles, sharing, 191

big-box stores. See chain stores. bigwigs, 117

billboards, 141–142

Bingham Canyon Mine, 80

Blackwell, Lucien, 203

Blake, William, 117

Blakely, Edward, 57

Blanchard, Chuck and Joy, 131

Bloomberg, Michael, 191

Boe, Vivia, 3, 159

Boesky, Ivan, 140, 145

book stores, chain stores, 56

books and publications 1984, 152

Adbusters, 195

The Age of Missing Information, 181

Alone Together, 54–55

American Mania, 199

Beyond Ecophobia, 182

Beyond Our Means: Why America Spends While the World Saves, 23

Beyond the Limits, 99

Born to Buy, 46

“Bread and Roses,” 126

Catholic Charities Review, 127–128

The Circle of Simplicity, 171

Coming Back to Life, 230

Coming Home, 221

Common Sense, 185

The Communist Manifesto, 118

Consuming Kids, 46

Culture Jam, 194–195

The Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844, 119

The End of Nature, 83

The End of Patience, 37

Flow, 102

Fortress America, 57

Free Time, 127

The Future: Six Drivers of Global Change, 149

Genetic Roulette, 93

The Geography of Nowhere, 53

The Greening of America, 137

Grist, 77

The Hidden Persuaders, 137

High Tech/High Touch, 33

A Humane Economy: The Social Framework of the Free Market, 65

Kellogg’s Six-Hour Day, 131

The Ladies Home Journal, 125

Last Child in the Woods, 177

Life without Principle, 121

Living Downstream, 88

The Lonely American, 42

“Love Global Warming,” 150

Luxury Fever, 210

Marketing Madness, 142

Motivation in Advertising, 140

Natural Capitalism, 78, 211

The New Normal, 32

Nickel and Dimed, 72

The Nine Tenths, 125–126

Our Stolen Future, 92

Owning the Future, 186

The Paradox of Choice, 37

Port Huron Statement, 64

Prodigal Sons and Material Girls: How Not to Be Your Child’s ATM, 198

Rerum Novarum, 127, 210

“The Right to Be Lazy,” 124

Satisfaction Guaranteed, 133–134

Selling Out America’s Children, 46

The Simple Life, 113, 125

The Spirit Level, 74

The Status Seekers, 137

“The Road Not Taken,” 123

This Ugly Civilization, 128–129

Toxic Deception, 89

Toxic Sludge is Good for You, 148

Trends 2000, 8

Turbo-Capitalism, 50

Voluntary Simplicity, 170, 174

Walden, 121

The Waste Makers, 137

The Wealth of Nations, 185

“The Welfare of Children in Rich Countries,” 44

When Corporations Rule the World, 74

Whoops!, 145

Work Without End, 127

Working, 64

Your Money or Your Life, 164, 215–216

boredom among children, 44

Born to Buy, 46

Borsodi, Ralph, 128–130

bottled water, 91

Boyte, Harry, 61


examining under MRI, 104

nucleus accumbens, 103

reward center, 103

Brancacio, David, 204

brand recognition, 141

“Bread and Roses,” 126

Bread and Roses Strike, 126

Bretton Woods Agreement of 1944, 227

Broder, David, 72

Brower, David, 13

Brown, Kirk Warren, 168

Brown, Lester, 81

Brown, Willie, 5

Brune, Michael, 83

Buffett, Warren, 189–190, 235

Bullitt Center, 192

bumblebees, mass death of, 176–177

Bush, George w.

Do Not Call legislation, 143

shopping to fight terror, 5

working hours, 205

Bushmen of the Kalahari, 75

Buy Nothing Day, 196–197


caffeine in the water supply, 91

campaign finance reform, 212

Canadian Index of Well-Being, 226

Cancer Alley, 73

carbon taxes, 211

carcinogens, environmental, 88–89


annual model change, 134

autonomous, 31

driving rates, 22

non-drivers, 53

self-driving, 31

sharing, 190–191

size trends, 20

traffic, 31

Carter, Jimmy, 138

Carver, Thomas Nixon, 128

Cashman, Kate, 49

Catholic Charities Review, 127–128

CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps), 61

Celente, Gerald, 8, 73

cell phones

being buried with, 58

role in community, 55

cement industry, CO2 emissions, 192

Center for a New American Dream (website), 7, 168

CEO compensation. See also wages.

Disney, 72

Eisner, Michael, 72

Exxon, 83

Nike, 71

Parker, Mike, 71

Tillerson, Rex, 83

vs. worker compensation, 71, 72

chain stores. See also malls; shopping centers; specific stores.

book stores, 56

coffee shops, 56

divider effect, 56

home improvement, 56

localization of food industry, 59

loss of locally-owned shops, 55–56

resistance campaign, 56, 58–59

restaurants, 56

charitable contributions by the wealthiest 1 percent, 70, 235

chemicals. See also drugs; GMOs (genetically engineered organisms).

in bottled water, 91

caffeine in the water supply, 91

dead zones, 91

environmental carcinogens, 88–89

formaldehyde, 89–90

orphan molecules, 91

rate of discovery, 90

the Starbucks effect, 91

synthetic, 88

toxic house, 89–90

toxicity, 88

Chevy Suburban, 20

Chiaramonte, Loan, 45

child welfare, worldwide rankings, 44

childbirth leave, 204–205


antisocial behavior in pursuit of a product, 47–48

boredom, 44

depression, 49

effects of television, 46

exposure to PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls), 92

marketing to, 45–46, 47–48, 211–212

mental health, 48–50

protecting from commercialism, 46–47

self-centeredness, 50

spending by, 45–46

suicidal thoughts, 49

values held by, 49–50

choice, effect on anxiety, 37

church attendance vs. mall attendance, 15

The Circle of Simplicity, 171

Citi Bike program, 191

Citizens United (Supreme Court decision), 212

civil disobedience. See nonviolent civil disobedience.

Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), 61

classless society, 72–73

climate change

average planetary temperature, 83

cement industry, CO2 emissions, 192

denying, 150

effects on insurance industry, 78

clinical depression. See depression.

clutter, sources of, 33

coffee, addiction to, 23

coffee shops, chain stores, 56

cohousing, 193

Colburn, Theo, 92

Collins, Judy, 126

Colman, Ronald, 220

Coming Back to Life, 230

Coming Home, 221


protecting children from, 46–47

in schools, 48

Common Sense, 185

The Communist Manifesto, 118


duties and obligations, 53

fraternal organizations, 54

gated communities, 57–58

great good places, 53

isolation, 53–55, 57–58

loss of locally-owned shops, 55–56. See also chain stores.

role of cell phones, 55

safety, 58

social capital, 53–54

third places, 53

compulsive buyers, mental states, 24

conservatives vs. liberals, on affluenza, 65

conspicuous consumption, role of department stores, 125

Consumer Jungle (website), 198

consumer loans, World War II era, 133–134

consumer spending, as percentage of overall economy, 15. See also shopping.


education, 198

resisting, 196–197

World War II era, 133

Consuming Kids, 46


conspicuous, role of department stores, 125

definition, 123

European attitudes vs. American, 35

Coontz, Stephanie, 43

cooperative investing, 190

copper, mining, 80

Corrections Corporation of America, 74

Costanza, Robert, 227

credit default swaps, 145

credit unions vs. banks, 186

crime rates

effects of abortion, 73

imprisonment in the United States, 73

crowdfunding, 190

crowdsourcing, 190

Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly, 102

Culture Jam, 194–195

curing affluenza

admitting the problem, 229–230

campaign finance reform, 212

downshifting, 166–168

fighting consumerism, 196–197

flexible work schedules, 203–204

key actions, 202–203

maternity leave, 204–205

maximum wage, 210. See also minimum wage.

new lifestyle paradigm, 230–233

reducing spending, 164–165

single-payer health care, 208

standardizing work hours, 203

taxation, 211

time protections, 204

curing affluenza, work reduction

30-40 now plan, 204

childbirth leave, 204–205

forty-hour week, 203

four-day week, 205–207

graduated retirement, 209

limiting overtime, 204–205

paid sick leave, 204–205

six-hour day, 203

thirty-hour week, 203

thirty-two-hour week, 203

time off for family illness, 205

time protections, 204

U.S. ranking, 204–205

work reduction, 205–208

work sharing, 205–209

Cynic tradition, 113


Daly, Herman, 224

dead zones in the oceans, 91

debt crisis, The Story of Broke (video), 199

DeChristopher, Tim, 82–83

department stores, role in conspicuous consumption, 125

depletion taxes, 211

depression (clinical) among children, 49

rates of, in the United States, 54

depression (economic), 130. See also Great Recession. derivatives, 145

development paradigm, 223

development vs. growth, 224

Disney, CEO compensation, 72

divider effect, 56

divorce rates, 44, 98

Do Not Call legislation, 143

Doherty, William, 43

domestic servants, 72–73

Dominguez, Joe, 164–165

downshifting, 166–168

drilling for oil and gas, nonviolent civil disobedience, 82. See also fracking (Hydraulic Fracturing). drug use, U. S. ranking, 98

drugs (illegal), addiction to, 24

drugs (prescription)

antidepressants, U.S. consumption of, 96

deaths from, 97

sleep aids, 96

Dubai Mall, 17

Dungan, Nathan, 198

Dunkin’ Donuts, 56

Durning, Alan, 103


Earle, Alison, 39

Earth, compressed time line of, 13–15

Earth Day, 138

Easterlin Paradox, 224

Ebell, Myron, 150

ecological footprint

for the average person, 79

definition, 79

in market analysis, 220–221

reducing, 167

vs. ecological handprint, 200–201

ecological handprint, 200–201

The Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844, 119


collapse of. See depression (economic); Great Recession.

community-based, 186–189

cooperative investing, 190

crowdfunding, 190

crowdsourcing, 190

leasing vs. owning, 189–191

local living economies, 188–189

postconsumer disruption, 212–213

shaping for affordability, 233–234

sharing-based, 189–191

sustainability, 186–187

ecophobia, 182

Ehrenreich, Barbara, 72–73

eight-hour day, 127

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 135

Eisner, Michael, CEO compensation, 72

Elgin, Duane, 170, 174

The End of Nature, 83

The End of Patience, 37

energy companies, federal subsidies, 83

Engels, Friedrich, 118, 120

(En)Rich List, 197–198

ethics among low-income youths, 73. See also morality; values.

Europe, attitudes towards consumption, 35

European Union, productivity, 41

expenses, cutting, 164–168

extended producer responsibility, 81, 191–192, 211

extinctions. See species extinctions.

Exxon, CEO compensation, 83


Faber, Ronald, 24, 26

FAIR (Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting), 153

Fair Labor Standards Act, 127

family life

child welfare, worldwide rankings, 44

divorce rates, 44

marriage rates, 44

solitary living, 44

television and exposure to advertisements, 43

time pressures and strain on marriages, 43–44

time spent together, 43

unmarried parents, 44

family values

held by children, 49–50

vs. market values, 50–51

farm land, demand for, 81

farmer assurance provision, 149

federal subsidies, energy companies, 83

financial collapse of 2008, 144–146. See also Great Recession.

First, Fred, 177

five-day week, 130

flexible work schedules, 203–204

Flow, 102

flying. See air travel.


insects as food source, 82

trends, 20–21

food industry, localization, 59

food insecurity, 70. See also hunger.

Ford, Gerald, 138

Ford, Henry, 133–134

Ford, William, 20

Ford Excursion, 20

formaldehyde, 89–90

forms of capital, 223

Fortress America, 57

forty-hour week, 127, 131, 203

Forward on Climate rally, 83

four-day week, 205–207

Fox, Josh, 154

fracking (Hydraulic Fracturing), 153–154

franchises. See chain stores.

Francis, Pope, 62–63

Frank, Robert, 27, 210

Frankenfood. See GMOs (genetically engineered organisms).

Franklin, Benjamin, 117

fraternal organizations, decline in, 54

Free Time, 127

freedom, a European view, 74

freeway system, 135

Fromm, Erich, 65

front groups, 149–150

Frost, Robert, 123

frugality, 164–168

Furlong, Edward, 91

The Future: Six Drivers of Global Change, 149


Galbraith, John Kenneth, 19, 137

gambling, addiction to, 24

Gandhi, Mahatma, 229

gang violence, causes of, 73

garage size, 28–30

gardening, 183

gas. See oil and gas.

Gasland, 154

gated communities, 57–58

Gates, Bill, 71, 235

GDP (gross domestic product), 217–221

generosity, addiction to, 104

Genetic Roulette, 93

Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI), 218–221

The Geography of Nowhere, 53

glass bottles, recycling, 233

Glass-Steagal Act, 145–146

global warming. See climate change.

GMOs (genetically engineered organisms). See also chemicals.

crop yields, 93

farmer assurance provision, 149

mandatory product labeling, 94

Monsanto, 92–94

Monsanto Protection Act, 149

overview, 92–94

patenting, 92

pesticide use, 93

Roundup Ready crops, 92–93


commonly expressed, 100

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, 101–102

universal human, 102–103

wanting what we have, 104–105

Goodman, Ellen, 33

Goran, Sheldon, 23

Gore, Al, 149

GPI (Genuine Progress Indicator), 218–221

GPI Plus, 226

graduated retirement, 209

grain, demand for, 81

Grayson, Alan, 40

great good places, 53

Great Recession

credit default swaps, 145

credit unions vs. banks, 186

depression (economic), 130

derivatives, 145

financial collapse of 2008, 144–146

Glass-Steagal Act, 145–146

role of the housing market, 145

Green, David, 234

Green, William, 127

green taxes, 211

greenest office building, 192

The Greening of America, 137

Greenway, Robert, 182

Grist, 77

gross domestic product (GDP), 217–221

Gross National Happiness Index (website), 222

growth vs. development, 224

gun industry, 58

Guzman, Monica, 21

gyres, 92


Hanauer, Nick, 210

Handprinting (website), 201


material wealth and, 99, 200–201, 224

measuring, 207

United Nations Happiness Report, 224–225

U.S. ranking, 225

vs. well-being, 224

on weekends vs. workdays, 207

Happiness Initiative, 226–227

happiness skills, 225

Harmony Village, 193

Hawken, Paul, 211, 230

Hayden, Tom, 64

Hayes, Sylvia, 219

Healey, Ron, 204

health care

as percentage of GDP, 41

single-payer plan, 208

health consequences of poverty, 73

health issues, among wealthy people, 99

heart disease, U. S. ranking, 98

Heller, Rick, 168

Helliwell, John, 225

Heschel, Abraham, 113

Heymann, Jody, 39

The Hidden Persuaders, 137

High Tech/High Touch, 33

Hightower, Jim, 212


problem scope, 29

sources of clutter, 33

hog waste, 94–95

Holst, Carol, 199–200

Home Depot, 56

home improvement, chain stores, 56

home shopping, 18

hoodia plant, 75

Hoover, Herbert, 130

Horsey, David, 200


apodments, 166

average size, 19, 28–29, 132–133

garage size, 28–30

off the grid, 166

ultra-small, 166


cohousing, 193

designing a neighborhood, 193

short-term rentals, 190

housing market, role in the Great Recession, 145

Howell, Ryan, 200

A Humane Economy: The Social Framework of the Free Market, 65

Hummer, 20

hunger, 70. See also food insecurity.

Hunnicutt, Benjamin, 127, 131

hunter-gatherers, 110–112, 114

Hurdle, Annette, 177

Hydraulic Fracturing (fracking), 153–154

hypercommercialism, 143



as a business, 74

in California, 74

Corrections Corporation of America, 74

in the United States, 73, 98

impulse buying, 17

income distribution, 69–70. See also wealth distribution; wealthiest 1 percent.

income levels, role models, 23

industrial accidents

Bangladesh textile factory fire (2013), 69

demands for safe working conditions, 125–126

Thai toy factory fire (1993), 68–69

Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire (1911), 69

workplace safety, 125–126

Industrial Revolution, working hours, 118

infant mortality, U. S. ranking, 98

insecticides, bee deaths, 176–177

insects, as food source, 82

insomnia, 96

Internet advertisements, 143

interstate highway system, 135


in communities, 53–55, 57–58

de-individualization, 66

loneliness, 44

overcoming, 64


Jacobson, Michael, 9, 16, 142

Japanese culture, 100

Jesus, 114

Joe Camel/Chemo character, 195

Johnson, Allen, 111–112

Johnson, Beth, 29

Johnson, Brad, 141

Johnson, Lyndon B., 137

Johnson, Samuel, 123

Jones, Van, 189–190


Kasser, Tim, 64, 99

keeping up with the Joneses downside of, 65

the Jones family today, 159–160

The Status Seekers, 137

trends, 22

Kellogg, A. K., 130, 204

Kellogg’s, working hours, 130–131

Kellogg’s Six-Hour Day, 131

Kelly, Marjorie, 186–187, 189

Kelly, Michael, 187

Keltner, Dacher, 234

Kennecott Copper Mine, 80

Kennedy, John F., 64

Kennedy, Robert F., 138

Kerry, John, 205

Keynes, John Maynard, 187

Keystone XL Pipeline

environmental impact of, 76–77

nonviolent civil disobedience, 83

Korten, David, 74–75, 98

Kubiszewski, Ida, 227

!Kung Bushmen, 110–111

Kuntsler, James, 53

Kurnit, Paul, 47

Kuznets, Simon, 219–220


The Ladies Home Journal, 125

Lafargue, Paul, 124

Lakota Sioux tribe, 114–115

Lanchester, John, 145

land, demand for, 81

Lasn, Kally, 148, 194–197

Last Child in the Woods, 177

law of diminishing marginal utility, 25

law of progressive simplification, 175

Layard, Richard, 73

laziness, as a right, 124

leaded gasoline, PR (public relations), 150–152

leasing vs. owning, 189–191

leisure class, time pressures, 37

leisure time

effects on business, 128–130

wealth as disposable time, 119–122

Leo XIII, Pope, 127, 210

Leonard, Annie, 198, 199

Lerner, Michael, 63–64

levels of sufficiency, 224

Levittown development

average house size, 19

World War II era, 132–133

liberals vs. conservatives, on affluenza, 65

life expectancy, American, 41

life-satisfaction scores, 226

Life without Principle, 121

Linder, Staffan, 37–38

Linn, Susan, 46

Living Downstream, 88

localization of food industry, 59. See also chain stores, resistance campaign.

logging industry, 84

loneliness, 44. See also isolation.

The Lonely American, 42

Los Angeles, traffic, 31

Louv, Richard, 177–178

“Love Global Warming,” 150

Lovins, Amory and Hunter, 211

Lowe’s, 56

lung disease, U. S. ranking, 98

Luntz, Frank, 204

Luttwak, Edward, 50

luxuries vs. necessities, 21

Luxury Fever, 210


Machiguenga tribe, 111–112

Mack, Burton, 113

Macy, Joanna, 229

magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), brain imaging, 104

mail order shopping, 18

Mall of America, 17

malls. See also chain stores; shopping centers.

attendance, 15

cost in lost farmland, 15

decline in, 18

Dubai Mall, 17

Mall of America, 17

New South China Mall, 17

Phoenix City Market Mall, 17

Potomac Mills, 16–17

Super Mall, 16

vs. houses of worship, 15

Mander, Jerry, 104–105

Marcuse, Herbert, 65

market values, vs. family values, 50–51

Marketing Madness, 142

marketing to children, 45–46, 47–48, 211–212. See also advertisements. marriage rates, 44

Martineau, Pierre, 140

Marx, Karl, 118–119, 120

Maslow, Abraham, 101, 223

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, 101–102

mass production, de-individualizing the worker, 66

maternity leave, 204–205

Matthews, Vince, 80

Max-Neef, Manfred, 223

maximum wage, 210

Mazur, Laurie, 141, 143

McDonald’s, 56

McDonough, William, 178

McGinn, Anne Platt, 90

McKibben, Bill, 82–83, 181, 198

Mead, Margaret, 172

Meadows, Donella, 99, 154–155, 198, 230

media literacy, 198

medieval times, working hours, 118

mental health, among children, 48–50

Merry Maids, 72

Mexico, community forests, 187

Meyer, Jim, 76–77

military spending, U. S. ranking, 98

mindfulness, 168

minimum wage

garment workers in

Bangladesh, 69

papal call for, 127

U.S. ranking, 210

moderation, 113–114

Molnar, Alex, 48


buying happiness. See happiness; well-being.

vs. time, 122

monitoring employees, 39

Monsanto, 92–94, 149

Monsanto Protection Act, 149

morality. See also ethics; values.

codes through history, 113–114

direction of a consumer society, 65

Morris, William, 124

Mosaic, 190

Mother Teresa, 61–62

Motivation in Advertising, 140

Mount Rainier National Park, 60–61

MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), brain imaging, 104

Murray, Patty, 5

Musikanski, Laura, 226

Myers, David, 25

Myers, Norman, 82


Nader, Ralph, 211–212

Naisbitt, John, 33

Natural Capitalism, 78, 211

natural gas drilling. See fracking (Hydraulic Fracturing).

natural resources. See resources (natural).


a child’s view of, 177–179

ecophobia, 182

for educators, 180

for individuals and families, 179

restorative properties of, 180–183

separation from, 181–182

necessities vs. luxuries, 21

neighborhoods. See community.

Netherlands, work reduction, 207–208

New Development Paradigm, 223–224

The New Normal, 32

New South China Mall, 17

Nickel and Dimed, 72

Nike, CEO compensation, 71

The Nine Tenths, 125–126 1984, 152

No Impact Man, 167

No Impact Project (website), 167

No-Vacation Nation, 39

Nomad community, 193

nonviolent civil disobedience

drilling for oil and gas, 82

Forward on Climate rally, 83

Keystone XL Pipeline, 83

Sierra Club, 83

Norman, Al, 56

Norris, Margaret, 73

Northwest Earth Institute (website), 173

nucleus accumbens, 103

Nussbaum, Karen, 39


Obama, Barack, 205

obesity, U. S. ranking, 98

Occupy Wall Street, forerunners of, 125–126

O’Connor, Terrance, 230

off the grid, 166

oil and gas, drilling for

declining petroleum production, 81

fracking (Hydraulic Fracturing), 153–154

nonviolent civil disobedience, 82

oil and gas industry, PR (public relations), 153–154

oil sands, 76–77

Oldenburg, Ray, 53

Olds, Jacqueline, 42–43, 50

O’Malley, Martin, 220

Omega Boys Club, 73

On-Going community, 193

1 percenters. See wealthiest 1 percent.

online resources. See also specific resources.

Alliance for Sustainability and Prosperity, 227

Beyond the Purchase, 200

Center for a New American Dream, 7, 168

Consumer Jungle, 198

Gross National Happiness Index, 222

Handprinting, 201

No Impact Project, 167

Northwest Earth Institute, 173

Postconsumers, 200

PRWatch, 148

Redefining Progress, 79

Share Save Spend, 198

Sprawl Busters, 56

The Story of Broke (video), 199

The Story of Stuff (video), 199

Wikipedia, 10

online shopping, growth in, 18

Oppenheim, James, 125–126

orphan molecules, 91

Orwell, George, 152

Our Stolen Future, 92

outdoor advertisements, 141–142

overconsumption, stimuli for, 32–33

overtime, limiting, 204–205

Owning the Future, 186

owning vs. leasing, 189–191


Packard, Vance, 137

Paine, Thomas, 185

The Paradox of Choice, 37

parents, in television advertisements, 47

parents as gatekeepers, 47–48

Parker, Mike, CEO compensation, 71

patenting GMOs, 92

paternity leave, 204–205

pathological buying, 26

Patient Zero, 110

Paul, Alexandra, 199

PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls), 92

petroleum, declining production, 81

pharmaceuticals. See drugs. Phoenix City Market Mall, 17

phone advertisements, 143

Pickett, Kate, 74

Piersall, Alex, 29

pig waste, 94–95

Pinkerton, David and Mary, 89

planned obsolescence, 133–134, 137

polls, American thoughts on affluenza, 7

pollution taxes, 211

polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), 92

Port Huron Statement, 64

Porter, Lana, 183

possession overload, 34–35

Post-Growth Institute, 197–198

Postconsumers (website), 200

Potomac Mills, 16–17

Potvin, Noelle, 58


1980s, 70

2010, 71

environmental contaminants, 73

health consequences of, 73

worldwide, 75

poverty-level wages, 72

Powers, Bill and Melissa, 166, 168

Poyntz, Juliet Stuart, 127

PR (public relations). See also advertising.

definition, 148

fracking, 153–154

front groups, 149–150

history of, 150–152

influence on policy, 148–149

for leaded gasoline, 150–152

oil and gas industry, 153–154

scientific feedback, 154–155

spin doctors, 152–154

for tobacco, 150–152

pregnancy, adolescent, 98

preventive measures, annual checkup, 8–9

Prodigal Sons and Material Girls: How Not to Be Your Child’s ATM, 198

productivity, European Union, 41

progressive consumption tax, 210

PRWatch, 148

psychology, of addiction, 26

publications. See books and publications.

Publix Supermarkets vs. Wal-Mart, 56

Putnam, Robert, 53, 58


Quakers, 117


Rand, Ayn, 62, 65

rare earth elements, demand for, 80–81

Reagan, Ronald, 139

the realm of necessity, 120

recession. See Great Recession.

recycling. See also waste disposal.

advocacy vs. performance, 173

aluminum cans, 233

extended producer responsibility, 81, 191–192, 211

glass bottles, 233

Redefining Progress (website), 79

Rees, William, 79

Reich, Charles, 137

Reich, Robert, 57

religious observances, time for, 127–128

reports. See books and publications.

Rerum Novarum, 127, 210

resource pyramids, 80

resources (natural). See also specific resources.

learning from the past, 77–79

oil sands, 76–77

waste production for an average family, 78

water consumption in an average lifetime, 78

resources (sources of help). See books and publications; online resources.


chain stores, 56

portion creep, 25

retirement, graduated, 209

reward center of the brain, 103

Riederer, Susan, 235

Rifkin, Jeremy, 2, 123

“The Right to Be Lazy,” 124

Robin, Vicki, 164–165, 168, 215–216

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 130

Röpke, Wilhelm, 65, 137, 143–144

Roundup Ready crops, 92–93

Roy, Dick and Jeanne, 172–174

Ryan, John, 127

Ryan, Richard, 64, 99



community, 58

workplace, 125–126. See also industrial accidents.

Saint Monday, 118

Saltzman, Amy, 168

Satisfaction Guaranteed, 133–134

savings rates, trends, 23

Schilke, Jacki, 154

schools, commercialism in, 48

Schor, Juliet

American workload, 38

children as consumers, 46

on productivity, 40–41

television as a role model, 22

values held by children, 50

on working hours, 203

Schumacher, E. F., 198

Schwartz, Barry, 37

Schwartz, Richard, 42–43, 50

Seeds of Simplicity, 199

Segal, Jerome, 113, 117

Seiple, Robert, 61–62


in American culture, 61–63

among American children, 50

self-driving cars, 31

Selling Out America’s Children, 46

Share Save Spend (website), 198


bicycles, 191

cars, 190–191

housing, 193

work, 130, 205–209

sharing-based economies, 189–191

Shenk, David, 37

Shi, David, 113, 125


addiction to, 24

consumer spending, as percentage of overall economy, 15

to fight terror, 5

from home, 18

impulse buying, 17

by mail order, 18

online, 18

shopping centers. See also chain stores; malls.

vs. high schools, 15

World War II era, 135–136

sick leave, paid, 204–205

Sierra Club, nonviolent civil disobedience, 83

Sillivan, Mike, 20

Simon, Scott, 16, 141

The Simple Life, 113, 125

simplifying your life

antimaterialism, World War II era, 136–137

law of progressive simplification, 175

living off the grid, 166

resisting consumerism, 196–197

techniques for, 174–175

ultra-small houses, 166

single-payer health care, 208

Sismondi, Jean Charles de, 120–121

Sitting Bull, 114–115

six-hour day, 130, 203

sleep aids, 96

Smith, Adam, 185

Smith, Jeffrey M., 93

smoking, vs. stress, 39

Sobel, David, 182

social capital, 53–54

socialism, working hours, 120

solar projects, 190

solitary living, loneliness, 44

species extinctions, 82, 85

Speck, Sarah, 39–40

Spencer, Miranda, 153


by children, 45–46

reducing, 164–168

spin doctors, 152–154

The Spirit Level, 74

Sprawl Busters, 56

Starbucks, 56

the Starbucks effect, 91

The Status Seekers, 137

Stauber, John, 148

Steingraber, Sandra, 88

Steves, Rick, 35

Stone Age cultures, 110–112

The Story of Broke (video), 199

The Story of Stuff (video), 199

Strasser, Susan, 125, 133–134


effects of, 39–40

resulting from work, 39

vs. smoking, 39

stress clinics, 63–64

study circles, 170–175, 199

suicidal thoughts among children, 49

suicide rates, Indian Farmers, 93

Super Mall, 16

support groups, forming, 173–174

survival of the kindest, 234–235


Alliance for Sustainability and Prosperity (website), 227

balanced with growth, 213

of economies, 186–187

Suzuki, David, 198

Swenson, Richard, 34–35, 114

Swofford, Mike, 200

synthetic chemicals, 88. See also chemicals.


Tawney, R. H., 65

tax share (2004), wealthiest 1 percent, 70


carbon, 211

curing affluenza, 211

depletion, 211

green system, 211

pollution, 211

progressive consumption tax, 210

Taylor, James, 150

telemarketing, 143


effects on children, 46

as a model for standard of living, 22

World War II era, 136

television advertisements. See also advertisements; commercialism; marketing.

cost of, 141

increasing exposure to, 43

lifetime exposure to, 140

parents as gatekeepers, 47–48

portrayal of parents, 47

temperature of the planet, average change, 83

Terkel, Studs, 64

test for affluenza, 160–162

texting, and traffic accidents, 55

Thai toy factory fire (1993), 68–69

“The Road Not Taken,” 123

Thinley, Jigmi, 222, 227

third places, 53

thirty-hour week, 130–131, 203

thirty-two-hour week, 203

30-40 now work plan, 204

This Ugly Civilization, 128–129

Thoreau, Henry David, 121–122

3EStrategies, 219

Tillerson, Rex, CEO compensation, 83

time. See also working hours.

to know God, 127–128

vs. money, 122

as wealth, 119–121

time famine, 35–37

time off for family illness, 205

time pressures

of the leisure class, 37

strain on marriages, 43–44

time protections, 204

timesickness, 182


addiction to, 24

anti-smoking advertisements, 195–196

Joe Camel/Chemo character, 195

PR (public relations), 150–152

Toxic Deception, 89

toxic house, 89–90

Toxic Sludge is Good for You, 148

toxicity, of common chemicals, 88

Toynbee, Arnold, 175

traffic, 31. See also cars.

traffic deaths, U. S. ranking, 98

Trends 2000, 8

Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire (1911), 69, 125

Truman, Harry, 136

Turbo-Capitalism, 50

Turkle, Sherry, 55

Turner, Ted, 235


uncommercials, 195–196

United Nations Happiness Report, 224–225

United States

activity-limiting diseases, 98

adolescent pregnancy, 98

AIDS, 98

as a bad example, 23

child welfare, worldwide rankings, 44

divorce rate, 98

drug use, 98

heart disease, 98

imprisonment, 73, 98

infant mortality, 98

lung disease, 98

military spending, 98

obesity, 98

traffic deaths, 98

wealth, worldwide rankings, 97–99

unmarried parents, 44

“the Uprising of the Thirty Thousand,” 126

Ura, Dasho Karma, 222


vacation time

average, 39

guaranteeing, 40, 204–205

perils of not taking, 40–41


among students, 64

moral codes through history, 113–114

moral direction of a consumer society, 65

values, family

ethics among low-income youths, 73

held by children, 49–50

vs. market values, 50–51

Van Boven, Leaf, 200

van den Haag, Ernest, 66

Voluntary Simplicity, 170, 174

voting in presidential elections, 54


Wachtel, Paul, 19

Wacker, La Nita, 28–29

Wackernagel, Mathis, 79, 220

wages. See also CEO compensation.

maximum, 210

poverty-level, 72

stagnation, 144

wages, minimum

garment workers in Bangladesh, 69

papal call for, 127

U.S. ranking, 210


annual revenue, 56

resistance campaign, 56, 58–59

vs. Publix Supermarkets, 56

Walden, 121

Walsh, David, 46–47

Wangchuck, Jigme Singye, 222

Wann, David, 32

waste disposal. See also recycling; specific wastes.

aquatic gyres, 92

hog waste, 94–95

reducing personal waste, 172–173

at sea, 91, 92

The Waste Makers, 137

waste production

for an average family, 78

ecological footprint, 79

water consumption

in an average lifetime, 78

ecological footprint, 79

Waters, Alice, 59


from within, 100

accumulating, motives for, 99

as disposable time, 119–121

flaunting, 27

U.S. rankings worldwide, 97–99

wealth distribution, 70–71. See also CEO compensation; income distribution.

The Wealth of Nations, 185

wealthiest 1 percent

charitable contributions (1980s), 70

charitable contributions (today), 235

income distribution (1980s), 69–70

tax share (2004), 70

wealth distribution (1999), 70

wealthy people, health issues, 99

Weber, Max, 118

Webster, Donovan, 94–95

“The Welfare of Children in Rich Countries,” 44

well-being, measuring

Canadian Index of Well-Being, 226

community level, 217–221

development paradigm, 223

Easterlin Paradox, 224

forms of capital, 223

GDP (gross domestic product), 217–221

GPI (Genuine Progress Indicator), 218–221

GPI Plus, 226

Gross National Happiness Index, 222

Happiness Initiative, 226

levels of sufficiency, 224

life-satisfaction scores, 226

national level, 217–225

New Development Paradigm, 223–224

personal level, 216–217

United Nations Happiness Report, 224–225

well-being vs. happiness, 224

West Coast Trail, 84

When Corporations Rule the World, 74

Whoops!, 145

Whybrow, Peter, 199

Wicks, Judy, 188

Wikipedia, online resource, 10

Wilkinson, Richard, 74

Williamson, Marianne, 185

Wilson, E. O., 82

wind rights, 187

Woll, Matthew, 127

Woolman, John, 117


pace of, 38–39

sharing, 130

stress resulting from, 39

Work Without End, 127

working hours. See also time; vacation time.

30-40 now plan, 204

childbirth leave, 204–205

during the depression, 130

eight-hour day, 127

Fair Labor Standards Act, 127

five-day week, 130

forty-hour week, 127, 131, 203

four-day week, 205–207

graduated retirement, 209

Industrial Revolution, 118

at Kellogg’s, 130–131

limiting overtime, 204–205

medieval times, 118

movement to shorten, 127

paid sick leave, 204–205

the realm of necessity, 120

Saint Monday, 118

six-hour day, 130, 203

under socialism, 120

thirty-hour week, 130–131, 203

thirty-two-hour week, 203

time off for family illness, 205

time protections, 204

trends, 38

U.S. ranking, 204–205

work reduction, 205–208

work sharing, 130, 205–209

work week, prediction for (1965), 36


monitoring employees, 39

safety, demands for, 125–126. See also industrial accidents.

World War II era

antimaterialism, 136–138

consumer loans, 133–134

consumerism, 133

Levittown development, 132–133

planned obsolescence, 133–134, 137

shopping malls, 135–136

television, 136

voices of discontent, 136–137

Wuerthele, Suzanne, 88


Yalom, Irvin, 216

Your Money or Your Life, 164, 215–216


Zipcar franchise, 190

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