
JOHN DE GRAAF is a documentary filmmaker who has produced more than a dozen national PBS specials, including Affluenza. He is the co-author of What’s the Economy for, Anyway? Why It’s Time to Stop Chasing Growth and Start Pursuing Happiness, and editor of Take Back Your Time. He is the Executive Director of Take Back Your Time, co-founder of The Happiness Alliance, Senior Well-Being Advisor for Earth Economics and a member of the Earth Island Institute board of directors. He has taught at The Evergreen State College and lives in Seattle, Washington.


DAVID WANN is the author of ten books and a speaker on sustainable lifestyles and designs. He has produced twenty-five documentaries, several of them award winners. He is president of the Sustainable Futures Society and a designer of the cohousing neighborhood he has lived in for seventeen years, where he coordinates the community garden. He’s now at work on a book of essays called Letters to the Future.

THOMAS NAYLOR is professor emeritus of economics at Duke University, where he taught for thirty years. He has also taught at Middlebury College. He is a writer and social critic and has consulted with governments and major corporations in more than thirty countries. In 1993 he moved to Charlotte, Vermont, where he writes about the search for meaning and community and for simplifying all aspects of our lives His articles have been published in the New York Times, the International Herald Tribune, the Los Angeles Times, the Boston Globe, the Christian Science Monitor, the Nation, and Business Week. He has appeared on ABC, CBS, CNN, NPR, and the CBC. He is the author or co-author of thirty books.

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