HBase data model

The HBase data model is ideal for storing semistructured data that has different or varying types of data in each column, which itself can be of varying sizes. In addition, columns can be added dynamically. The way data is grouped together in HBase helps in partitioning the data and distributing it across the cluster. The HBase data model consists of:

  • HBase tables: Logical collection of rows stored in individual partitions known as regions
  • HBase row: Instance of data in a table
  • RowKey: Every entry in an HBase table is identified and indexed by a RowKey
  • Columns: For every RowKey, an unlimited number of attributes can be stored
  • Column family: Data in rows is grouped together as column families and all columns are stored together in a low-level storage file known as HFile

Here is a diagrammatic view of a typical hBase table with two column families:

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