GraphQL queries

In addition to supporting SPARQL, Stardog also supports an extended implementation of the GraphQL specification from Facebook. Unlike a standalone GraphQL server, the GraphQL support is embedded within the standard Stardog server at the  /<database>/graphql endpoint. Additionally, Stardog's implementation of GraphQL does NOT require the definition of a GraphQL schema, nor does it require the development of resolvers in order to handle the translations from SPARQL results into GraphQL's JSON results. All that is required is for the data to be loaded into the graph and one can begin performing queries.

As with most everything in Stardog, graphql queries can be executed from the command line, via a curl command, or through the popular GraphiQL ( client. Unlike the standalone implementations of GraphQL, Stardog has enhanced their command-line interface to allow reasoning to also be used within GraphQL queries. Additionally, Stardog's implementation provides a number of convenience capabilities, such as ordering of results, pagination, and custom directives for filtering, marking a returned fields to be optional, filtering nodes by type, binding fields to computed values, and flattening intermediate objects.

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