Meeting customer's demands

We have the following questions:

  • What is the application's business purpose?
  • What are the most important features that users care about?
  • Which aspects will generate revenue?

The answers to these questions should be known to the stakeholders. If not, then the correct way would be to take a step back, look at the overall picture of the software landscape, and reconsider the software's right to exist. Not in all cases the motivation will be purely business-driven. There are, in fact, a lot of cases where we will implement solutions that do not directly generate revenue but do so indirectly, by supporting others. These cases are certainly necessary and we will cover them and the general topic of how to construct reasonable system landscapes in Chapter 8, Microservices and System Architecture.

Besides these supporting software systems, we focus on business aspects. Having this main goal in mind, the first thing to address is how to model the business use cases and transform them into software. Only after that, the use cases are implemented using certain technologies.

These priorities will also reflect the customer demands. The application's stakeholders care about software that fulfills its purpose.

Software engineers tend to see this differently. They care about implementation details and the elegance of solutions. Engineers are often passionate about certain technologies and spend much time and effort choosing the right solutions as well as implementing them well. This includes a lot of technical cross-cutting concerns, such as logging, and so-called over-engineering, which is not mandatory for the business domain. Embracing software craftsmanship certainly has its importance and is essential for writing better software, but many times it is orthogonal to the client's motivations. Before spending time and effort with implementation details, engineers should be aware of the client's demands first.

Project timeline requirements are another aspect to consider. Software teams weigh business use cases against the quality of technical solutions. They tend to postpone required software tests or quality measures in order to meet deadlines. The technology used to implement the business application should support effective and pragmatic development.

When seeing the enterprise world through the eyes of a paying customer or a manager with limited time and budget, software engineers will likely understand their priorities. Caring about revenue-generating use cases first is mandatory. Technical necessities beyond these are seen by customers and managers as a necessary evil.

The rest of this book will show you how to meet and balance these two motivations with Java EE.

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