
The majority of communication-related performance issues are due to synchronous communication. Most issues in this area emerge from missing timeouts that lead client calls to block infinitely and cause deadlock situations. This happens if no client-side timeouts are configured and the invoked system is unavailable.

A less critical but similarly imperfect situation occurs if the configured timeouts are too large. This causes systems to wait for too long, slowing down processes and blocking threads.

Configuring timeouts for client invocations, as described earlier, provides simple but effective relief from this issue.

High response time and low throughput can have multiple origins. Performance analysis provides insights into where the time is spent.

There are some other potential bottlenecks, such as payload sizes. Whether data is sent as plain text or binary data can make quite some difference in payload sizes. Serialization that uses imperfect algorithms or technology can also decrease the responsiveness. Still, these concerns are usually negligible unless the application resides in high performance situations.

If multiple, synchronous invocations are required, they should happen in parallel if possible, using container-managed threads; for example, provided by a managed executor service. This avoids unnecessarily making the application wait.

In general, use cases that span multiple transactional systems, such as databases using distributed transactions, should be avoided. As described previously, distributed transactions won't scale. The business use case should be considered to effectively process asynchronously instead.

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