Reusability considerations

The trade-off is always reusability and having to deal with these issues versus simplicity and potential duplication. Depending on the level of self-sufficiency, the choice will be made toward one or the other. Generally speaking, the cost of coordinating dependencies, versions, and technology, outweighs the benefits of avoiding redundancy.

An important question to be asked, however, is how the projects modules are layered either vertically or horizontally. An example for horizontal layering is the typical three-tier architecture of clustering into a presentation, business and data layer. Vertical layering means to group functionality based on their business domain. Examples would be modules for accounts, orders or articles, including all technical requirements such as HTTP endpoints or database access. Both types of modules can potentially be reused.

In reality horizontal layered modules like models are more likely subject to be shared among other projects. These types of modules naturally have a smaller variety of dependencies, ideally zero. On the contrary, vertical layered modules will contain implementation details and expect certain circumstances, for example, how the container is configured. And again, it depends a lot on the technology being used within the modules that are subject to share.

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