Further patterns

Besides the mentioned patterns that are implemented with specific Java EE functionalities, there are other design patterns that still are implemented with pure Java, as described in the GoF book. The presented list is certainly not complete, but includes design patterns that are usually being used in enterprise projects.

There are some design patterns that are at the core of Java EE, such as the proxy pattern. Another example is the mediator pattern that encapsulates communication between a set of objects. For example, to design loosely coupled communication, we would not implement this pattern ourselves rather than use API functionality that implements it internally, such as CDI events.

There are many other patterns that aren't used much by the Java EE API, but would be implemented using plain Java. Depending on the actual case, CDI could be used to support the creation and instantiation of objects. Examples for these patterns are prototype, builder, adapter, bridge, composite, flyweight, chain of responsibility, state, and visitor.

Again if we look into the Enterprise API, we will find, for example, the builder pattern being heavily used in the JSON-P API. I refer to the Design Patterns book by the Gang of Four, for further usage and patterns.

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