Eclipse Enterprise for Java

In September 2017, just before publishing this book, Oracle, the steward of Java EE and the JCP, announced to move the Java EE platform and its standards to an Open Source Foundation, what emerged in Eclipse Enterprise for Java (EE4J). The plans aim to lower the barrier for companies and developers who would like to contribute and to ultimately enable to a more open technology.

However the realization of these plans will look, it's important to mention that the plans include the preservation of the nature of the platform. The approaches and techniques presented in this book will hold true in the future of enterprise Java.

I can repeat my message of what I have said in the past about participation within the JCP. However the manifestation of the standardization process of Enterprise Java looks, I encourage engineers and companies to have a look into Eclipse Enterprise for Java and to participate in defining enterprise standards. The collective knowledge and real world experience helped shaping the standards of Java EE, and will help shaping Enterprise Java in the future.

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