Entity Control Boundary

Coping with the number of classes in the module package, there is another approach similar to technical layering, but with fewer and clearer defined packages. The idea is to structure due to what is a use case boundary of the module, which are subsequent business logic components, and which are entity classes.

This focuses on organizing module packages by their responsibilities, but with fewer technical details at the top package layer, compared to horizontal layering. The boundary package contains the use cases initiators, the boundaries, which are accessed from the outside of the system. These classes typically represent HTTP endpoints, message driven beans, frontend related controllers, or simply Enterprise Java Beans. They will implement the business driven use cases and optionally delegate to subsequent classes residing in the optional control package. The entity package contains all the nouns in the module, domain entities or transfer objects.

Ivar Jacobson has formed the term Entity Control Boundary for following way of organizing modules:

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