
A note on the digital index

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A/B tests, Testing for Correlation
Adams, Douglas, Formulate the Question
advertising, The Promise, Social Media Is Cheap, Branding, Where is Linda?Return on Investment: Was Linda Worth It?, How to Find Purchase Intent, PR Often Has No Measurable ROI, Context in PR, Impersonation
Coca-Cola and, Branding
Google and, How to Find Purchase Intent
impersonation PR disasters and, Impersonation
measuring, PR Often Has No Measurable ROI
social media is cheap myth, Social Media Is Cheap
Super Bowl and, Context in PR
targeted, The Promise
Virgin Atlantic Airways case, Where is Linda?Return on Investment: Was Linda Worth It?
Advertising Value Equivalent (AVE), PR Often Has No Measurable ROI
Air Force (US), The US Military’s Search for Social Media Robots
airline customer satisfaction, A Case of Airline Customer SatisfactionA Case of Airline Customer Satisfaction
Aldi (company), PR Often Has No Measurable ROI
Alloca, Kevin, Speed to disaster
Amatriain, Xavier, How to Build a Recommendation System: Start Small, Data Selection, Sampling, Analytics Focus, Social Media Is Just Another Channel, Recommendation Systems, Collaborative Recommendations, How to Build a Recommendation System: Start Small
big data and, Analytics Focus
product reviews, Social Media Is Just Another Channel
recommendation systems, Recommendation Systems, Collaborative Recommendations, How to Build a Recommendation System: Start Small
Amleshwaram, Amit A., How to Spot Bots
analytical CRM, Analytical CRM: The New Frontier, Issues with the Traditional WayIssues with the Traditional Way, Turning CRM Around, Facebook and Open GraphFacebook and Open Graph
about, Analytical CRM: The New Frontier
Facebook and Open Graph, Facebook and Open GraphFacebook and Open Graph
issues with traditional way, Issues with the Traditional WayIssues with the Traditional Way
turning CRM around, Turning CRM Around
anaphora algorithm, Anaphora Algorithm
Anderson, Chris, The Promise
Anderson, Tom, Use the Right Data
Anscombe, F. J., Creative Discovery
antitrust case (Microsoft), Microsoft’s Antitrust Case
AP News, Measuring PeopleMeasuring People
Apache Hadoop, Better Technology
Apple Computer, Is Social Customer Care the New Commodity?
Arab Spring, Six principles of influence, Inappropriate selling
Aris, Annet, Issues with the Traditional Way
Arizona State University, Prediction of Learning
Arthur, Charles, Conclusion
ask-measure-learn systems, Analytics Focus, Analytics Focus, Analytics Focus, Predicting the Future, Predicting the Future, Predicting the Future, Ask the Right QuestionWorkbook Questions, Use the Right DataWorkbook, Define the Right MeasurementWorkbook
asking the right question, Analytics Focus, Predicting the Future, Ask the Right QuestionWorkbook Questions
defining the right measure, Analytics Focus, Predicting the Future, Define the Right MeasurementWorkbook
using the right data, Analytics Focus, Predicting the Future, Use the Right DataWorkbook
asking the right question (AML), Analytics Focus, Predicting the Future, Ask the Right QuestionAsk the Right Question, Case Study: Major Telecom CompanyWas He Heard?, Formulate the QuestionThe Right Question, An Industry in Search of a Question, SummaryWorkbook Questions, Workbook Questions
about, Ask the Right QuestionAsk the Right Question
analytic focus, Analytics Focus
chapter summary, SummaryWorkbook Questions
formulating the question, Formulate the QuestionThe Right Question
measurement companies and, An Industry in Search of a Question
predicting the future, Predicting the Future
telecom case study, Case Study: Major Telecom CompanyWas He Heard?
workbook questions, Workbook Questions
Assange, Julian, Conclusion
astroturfing, Spreading Paid Opinions: Grassroots and AstroturfingCause, Access, and Reach, How to Spot Attempts to Create Contagiousness
Asur, Sitaram, Insights with Caution
author, context of, Context of the author
authority (influence principle), Six principles of influence, Influence
automation and customer care, Automation and Business IntelligenceCase: Dell’s customer care
AVE (Advertising Value Equivalent), PR Often Has No Measurable ROI
awareness (brand), Marketing and Social Media: The Promise and the Reality, Reach Does Not Equal Awareness, Case: Virgin Atlantic AirwaysReturn on Investment: Was Linda Worth It?, Reach Versus IntentionReach Versus Intention, Knowledge Bases and Customer Self-Service
about, Marketing and Social Media: The Promise and the Reality
customer self-service and, Knowledge Bases and Customer Self-Service
reach and, Reach Does Not Equal Awareness, Reach Versus IntentionReach Versus Intention
Virgin Atlantic Airways case, Case: Virgin Atlantic AirwaysReturn on Investment: Was Linda Worth It?


Baird, Carolyn Heller, Return on Investment: Was Linda Worth It?
Bakshy, Eytan, The Influencer, Journalism CRM, Viral by Design
Bandurski, David, China’s 50-Cent Bloggers
banking industry, Is Social Customer Care the New Commodity?
Beane, Billy, Cost and Insider Knowledge
behavioral targeting, Behavioral TargetingBehavioral Targeting, Behavioral Targeting, Behavioral Targeting, Behavioral Targeting, Social Connections versus BehaviorSocial Connections versus Behavior
about, Behavioral TargetingBehavioral Targeting
creepiness factor, Behavioral Targeting
limits of, Behavioral Targeting
machine learning and, Behavioral Targeting
social connections and, Social Connections versus BehaviorSocial Connections versus Behavior
Berners-Lee, Tim, Facebook and Open Graph
Best Buy retail chain, Resources and Scaling
Bhatt, Rushi, Social Connections versus Behavior
bias, Selection Bias, Bad PR Bias
bad PR, Bad PR Bias
selection, Selection Bias
Bieber, Justin, Ask the Right Question
big data, Introduction, The Fourth V of DataThe Fourth V of Data, The Promise, The PromiseThe Promise, The Promise, The Data FocusBetter Technology, More Data, Better Technology, Analytics FocusAnalytics Focus, Conclusion
about, Introduction, More Data
analytics focus of, Analytics FocusAnalytics Focus
data focus of, The Data FocusBetter Technology
predictive policing and, The Promise
privacy and, Conclusion
promise of, The PromiseThe Promise
technology and, Better Technology
three Vs of, The Fourth V of DataThe Fourth V of Data
usage examples, The Promise
bin Laden, Osama, Introduction
Blakley, Johanna, Issues with the Traditional Way
Blodget, Henry, Your Friends Like It...
Blog Post Automator, The Myth of Number of Articles
Bohr, Nils, Predicting the Future
Boshmaf, Yazan, Creating Reach, How to Spot Bots
bots (robots), Spam and RobotsSpam and Robots, Creating ReachCreating Reach, Creating Reach, How to Spot BotsHow to Spot Bots, How to Spot Bots, Smearing OpponentsFollower Scandals, Creating Influence and IntentionThe US Military’s Search for Social Media Robots, Spreading Paid Opinions: Grassroots and AstroturfingCause, Access, and Reach, Blurry Lines
about, Spam and RobotsSpam and Robots
blurry lines, Blurry Lines
creating influence and intention, Creating Influence and IntentionThe US Military’s Search for Social Media Robots
creating reach, Creating ReachCreating Reach
prevalence of, Creating Reach
setting up, How to Spot Bots
smearing opponents, Smearing OpponentsFollower Scandals
spotting, How to Spot BotsHow to Spot Bots
spreading paid opinions, Spreading Paid Opinions: Grassroots and AstroturfingCause, Access, and Reach
box offices, predicting, Predicting Box OfficesConclusion
branding, Marketing and Social Media: The Promise and the Reality, Social Media Is Just Another Channel, BrandingReturn on Investment: Was Linda Worth It?, Branding, Reach Does Not Equal AwarenessReturn on Investment: Was Linda Worth It?, Return on Investment: Was Linda Worth It?, Knowledge Bases and Customer Self-Service
brand awareness, Marketing and Social Media: The Promise and the Reality, Reach Does Not Equal AwarenessReturn on Investment: Was Linda Worth It?, Knowledge Bases and Customer Self-Service
Coca-Cola and, Branding
owned media and, Social Media Is Just Another Channel
ROI and, Return on Investment: Was Linda Worth It?
social media and, BrandingReturn on Investment: Was Linda Worth It?
Breen, Jeffrey, A Case of Airline Customer SatisfactionSentiment Algorithm
Brenner, Jeffrey, The Promise
British Petroleum case, CausationAll of the above
Brooks, David, The Promise
Brown, Danny, Social Media Is Cheap
Brown, Gordon, Copying
Brynley-Jones, Luke, Resources and Scaling
Buck, Michael, PR Often Has No Measurable ROI
Bulova advertisement, Social Media Is Cheap
Burson Marstella (PR firm), Self-censorship, The Case of Facebook
business intelligence and customer care, Automation and Business IntelligenceCase: Dell’s customer care


C-SAT score, Case Study: Customer Lifecycle
CAPTCHA codes, How to Spot Bots, How to Spot Bots
Carnegie, Dale, Six principles of influence
Carroll, Dave, United Breaks Guitars, Ask the Right Question
causal inference, Testing for Correlation
causal relationships, Return on Investment: Was Linda Worth It?
causation, CausationAll of the above, Case: A Matchmaking Engine, Influence
data selection process and, CausationAll of the above, Case: A Matchmaking Engine
influence and, Influence
centrality (metric), The Influencer, Reach in PR, Influence
about, The Influencer
influence and, Influence
public relations and, Reach in PR
change metrics, Overcoming the issues
chatbots, A Turing Test on Twitter
Checa, Nicolas, Issues with the Traditional Way
Chinese 50-cent bloggers, China’s 50-Cent Bloggers
Cialdini, Robert, Reason, Six principles of influence
Circle Me (company), You Like It...
Clausen, Lasse, The Cold-Start Problem
click-through rate (CTR), Reach Does Not Equal Awareness, Social Connections versus Behavior
Clinton, Bill, Case: Haiti
clipping articles, ClippingThe Myth of Number of Articles
closed metrics, Overcoming the issues
CLV (customer lifetime value), Return on Investment: Was Linda Worth It?
co-creation concept, Analytical CRM: The New Frontier
Coca-Cola, Social Media Is Just Another ChannelBranding
Cocozza, Frankie, Context of the content
Colao, Vittorio, Was He Heard?
cold-start problem (recommendation systems), The Cold-Start Problem
collaborative recommendations, Collaborative Recommendations, The Cold-Start Problem
Comcast service provider, Customer Care 2.0
comments, User comments (see ratings and reviews)
commitment (influence principle), Six principles of influence
communication, public relations and, Communication Is HumanSix principles of influence, Reach Versus Intention
Confirmit survey, Social Media: Too Shallow?
Consortium for Service Innovation, Knowledge Bases and Customer Self-Service
consumer preferences, Consumer PreferenceConsumer Preference
contagiousness, Contagiousness, Kony2012, Viral by DesignViral by Design, The Truth about the Truth, How to Spot Attempts to Create Contagiousness
about, Contagiousness
false information and, The Truth about the Truth
Kony2012 video, Kony2012
spotting attempts to create, How to Spot Attempts to Create Contagiousness
viral by design, Viral by DesignViral by Design
content, Context of the content, Smart Selection, Spreading Paid Opinions: Grassroots and Astroturfing, Kony2012
context of, Context of the content
grassroot movement success factor, Spreading Paid Opinions: Grassroots and Astroturfing
Kony2012 video, Kony2012
measuring for customer care, Smart Selection
content-based recommendations, Content-Based Recommendations
context, Measuring People, Context in PRContext of the author, Context of the content, Context of the author, Context
of author, Context of the author
of content, Context of the content
public relations and, Measuring People, Context in PRContext of the author
sentiment algorithm and, Context
controlled responding, Reason
cookies, behavioral targeting with, Behavioral Targeting
correlation, Correlation versus causation, Direct effect, Testing for CorrelationTesting for Correlation
causation versus, Correlation versus causation
direct, Direct effect
testing for, Testing for CorrelationTesting for Correlation
costs, Cost and Insider Knowledge, Case: A Matchmaking Engine, Influence
for data retrieval, Cost and Insider Knowledge, Case: A Matchmaking Engine
influence and, Influence
Coyne, Chris, Case: A Matchmaking Engine
Crayfourd, Peter, Case Study: Customer LifecycleCase Study: Customer Lifecycle, Turning CRM Around
creating the right measure, Summary (see defining the right measure)
creative discovery, Creative DiscoveryCreative Discovery
creepiness factor, Behavioral Targeting, Case: A Matchmaking Engine
CRM (customer relationship management), Journalism CRM, Customer Care 2.0, Positive Publicity, Dos and Don’tsResources and Scaling, Dos and Don’tsIs Social Customer Care the New Commodity?, Social CRM: Market ResearchWorkbook, Analytical CRM: The New FrontierFacebook and Open Graph
analytical, Analytical CRM: The New FrontierFacebook and Open Graph
dos and don’ts, Dos and Don’tsResources and Scaling
journalism, Journalism CRM
social, Positive Publicity, Dos and Don’tsIs Social Customer Care the New Commodity?, Social CRM: Market ResearchWorkbook
social media channels and, Customer Care 2.0
Croll, Alistair, Ask the Right Question
crowdsourcing, Predicting the Future, Prediction of Learning, Predicting Elections
confusion around, Predicting the Future
predicting elections, Predicting Elections
predicting learning, Prediction of Learning
CTR (click-through rate), Reach Does Not Equal Awareness, Social Connections versus Behavior
customer care, Customer Care, New Voice of the CustomerUnited Breaks Guitars, Dell Hell, United Breaks Guitars, United Breaks Guitars, Customer Care 2.0Positive Publicity, Knowledge Bases and Customer Self-ServiceHappier Employees, Knowledge Bases and Customer Self-ServiceHappier Employees, Knowledge Bases and Customer Self-Service, Happier Employees, Smart Selection, Smart Selection, Smart Selection, Positive Publicity, Positive Publicity, Dos and Don’tsResources and Scaling, Dos and Don’tsIs Social Customer Care the New Commodity?, Get Clients into Your Service Channel, Mind the Trolls, Resources and Scaling, Automation and Business IntelligenceCase: Dell’s customer care, Automation and Business IntelligenceCase: Dell’s customer care, Case Sony Ericsson—special wordsA Dynamic Approach to Machine Learning, A Dynamic Approach to Machine LearningCase: Dell’s customer care, Case: Dell’s customer care, Summary, Workbook
about, Customer Care
automation and, Automation and Business IntelligenceCase: Dell’s customer care
business intelligence and, Automation and Business IntelligenceCase: Dell’s customer care
chapter summary, Summary
cost cutting and, New Voice of the CustomerUnited Breaks Guitars
customer self-service and, Knowledge Bases and Customer Self-ServiceHappier Employees
Dell Computer cases, Dell Hell, Case: Dell’s customer care
Delta Airlines case, United Breaks Guitars
detecting dissatisfaction, Smart Selection
dos and don’ts, Dos and Don’tsResources and Scaling
engagement metric and, Smart Selection
happier employees and, Happier Employees
knowledge bases and, Knowledge Bases and Customer Self-ServiceHappier Employees
machine learning and, A Dynamic Approach to Machine LearningCase: Dell’s customer care
measuring content for, Smart Selection
positive publicity, Positive Publicity
responding to clients publicly, Get Clients into Your Service Channel
ROI on, Knowledge Bases and Customer Self-Service
social CRM and, Positive Publicity, Dos and Don’tsIs Social Customer Care the New Commodity?
social media channels and, Customer Care 2.0Positive Publicity
Sony Ericsson case, Case Sony Ericsson—special wordsA Dynamic Approach to Machine Learning
staffing considerations, Resources and Scaling
trolls and, Mind the Trolls
United Airlines case, United Breaks Guitars
workbook questions, Workbook
customer lifetime value (CLV), Return on Investment: Was Linda Worth It?
customer relationship management, Positive Publicity (see CRM)


data analytics, Analytics FocusAnalytics Focus, Marketing, Which Data?Personal Data: Too Sensitive?, Social Media: Too Shallow?, Personal Data: Too Sensitive?Personal Data: Too Sensitive?, Gaming the SystemWorkbook
challenges of, Analytics FocusAnalytics Focus
data considerations, Which Data?Personal Data: Too Sensitive?
gaming the system, Gaming the SystemWorkbook
marketing and, Marketing
sensitive data and, Personal Data: Too Sensitive?Personal Data: Too Sensitive?
social-sourced data, Social Media: Too Shallow?
data sparsity, Not Enough Data
data-driven sales, Data-Driven Sales
data-reduction process, A Case of Airline Customer Satisfaction
De Vany, Arthur S., Branding, Conclusion
defining the right measure (AML), Analytics Focus, Predicting the Future, Define the Right MeasurementDefine the Right Measurement, Examples of Social Media MetricsThe Quest for ROI, The Risks of MetricsOvercoming the issues, Summary, Workbook
about, Define the Right MeasurementDefine the Right Measurement
analytic focus, Analytics Focus
chapter summary, Summary
examples of social media metrics, Examples of Social Media MetricsThe Quest for ROI
predicting the future, Predicting the Future
risks of metrics, The Risks of MetricsOvercoming the issues
workbook questions, Workbook
Dell Computer cases, Dell Hell, Case: Dell’s customer care, Predicting the Future
Delta Airlines case, United Breaks Guitars
Deming, W. Edwards, Closing Predictions
Derwent Capital hedge fund, Predicting the Stock Market
Deutsche Bahn, Mind the Trolls
Dig Your Well Before You’re Thirsty (Mackay), Influence
digital ethnography, Analytical CRM: The New Frontier
Digital Journalism Study, Spam and Robots
digital Maoism, Collaborative Recommendations
Dior, Aja, Measuring People
distributing information (public relations), Public RelationsPublic Relations, Measuring PeopleSix principles of influence, Measuring DistributingCase: Spread of the Idea of “Resilient India”, ClippingClipping, The Myth of Number of ArticlesThe Myth of Number of Articles, The Myth of Number of ArticlesCase: Spread of the Idea of “Resilient India”, Reading Lists, Case: Spread of the Idea of “Resilient India”Case: Spread of the Idea of “Resilient India”
about, Public RelationsPublic Relations
aggregating articles, The Myth of Number of ArticlesThe Myth of Number of Articles
by clipping articles, ClippingClipping
engagement metric, The Myth of Number of ArticlesCase: Spread of the Idea of “Resilient India”
measuring, Measuring DistributingCase: Spread of the Idea of “Resilient India”
measuring people, Measuring PeopleSix principles of influence
reading lists, Reading Lists
resilient India case, Case: Spread of the Idea of “Resilient India”Case: Spread of the Idea of “Resilient India”
domain knowledge, Domain Knowledge
Doran, George T., The Right Question
double-blind trials, Testing for Correlation
D’Antonio, Giuseppe, You Like It...


earned media, Social Media Is Just Another Channel, Reach Does Not Equal Awareness
eccomplished study, Do Social Confirmation and Peer Pressure Work?
edge stores, Facebook and Open Graph
elections predictions for, Predicting ElectionsPredicting Voting Behavior
Eliason, Frank, Customer Care 2.0
ELIZA computer program, A Turing Test on Twitter
employees, Happier Employees, Resources and Scaling
customer care considerations, Resources and Scaling
happier, Happier Employees
engagement (metric), Reach Does Not Equal Awareness, Case: Virgin Atlantic AirwaysReturn on Investment: Was Linda Worth It?, How to Find Purchase Intent, The Myth of Number of ArticlesEngagement, Engagement, Engagement, Engagement, Engagement, Engagement, Clicking, Sharing, Liking, Thumbs Up, Commenting, Copying, Smart Selection, Influence
about, Reach Does Not Equal Awareness, The Myth of Number of ArticlesEngagement
clicking, Engagement, Clicking
commenting, Engagement, Commenting
copying, Engagement, Copying
customer care and, Smart Selection
influence and, Influence
sharing, Engagement, Sharing, Liking, Thumbs Up
social targeting and, How to Find Purchase Intent
tracking, Engagement
Virgin Atlantic Airways case, Case: Virgin Atlantic AirwaysReturn on Investment: Was Linda Worth It?
entropy, defined, Behavioral Targeting
Erlang C model, Resources and Scaling
error rates, Error, or Why Structured Data Is SuperiorUnstructured, Case: A Matchmaking Engine, Influence
influence and, Influence
structured data and, Error, or Why Structured Data Is SuperiorUnstructured, Case: A Matchmaking Engine
European Union, Copying
expectation gap in social media, Return on Investment: Was Linda Worth It?


F-commerce, Social Sales
Facebook, Marketing and Social Media: The Promise and the Reality, Where is Linda?, Social Targeting, Social Sales, Public Relations, Speed to disaster, United Breaks Guitars, Customer Care 2.0, Positive Publicity, Get Clients into Your Service Channel, Mind the Trolls, Facebook and Open GraphFacebook and Open Graph, Spam and Robots, How to Spot Bots, How to Spot Bots, How to Spot Bots, The Case of Facebook, Predicting Elections, Insights with Caution
about, Marketing and Social Media: The Promise and the Reality
bot detection and, How to Spot Bots, How to Spot Bots, How to Spot Bots
checking rate of escalation, Speed to disaster
criticism of, The Case of Facebook
CRM and, Customer Care 2.0
customer care and, Get Clients into Your Service Channel
Delta Airlines case, United Breaks Guitars
Deutsche Bahn and, Mind the Trolls
KLM airline and, Positive Publicity
Open Graph and, Facebook and Open GraphFacebook and Open Graph
predicting box offces, Insights with Caution
predicting elections and, Predicting Elections
social commerce and, Social Sales
social spam and, Spam and Robots
social targeting and, Social Targeting
Virgin Atlantic Airways case, Where is Linda?
Zuckerberg and, Public Relations
filtering, No Surprises, No truth
keywords and, No truth
recommendation systems and, No Surprises
financial metrics, PR Often Has No Measurable ROI, Unstructured, Wrong behavior
Finger, Lutz, Context of the author
Fisheye Analytics, Introduction, Context of the content, Reading Lists, Sharing, Liking, Thumbs Up, Speed to disaster, Speed to disaster, China’s 50-Cent Bloggers, Use the Right Data, Causation
about, Introduction, Use the Right Data
on birthday party flash mob, Speed to disaster
on 50-cent bloggers, China’s 50-Cent Bloggers
“mood of the nation” experiment, Context of the content
Net-Sentiment-Score, Causation
on share of voice within media lists, Reading Lists
on sharing articles, Sharing, Liking, Thumbs Up, Speed to disaster
flash mobs, Speed to disaster
FOIA (Freedom of Information Act), Consumer Preference
Ford Motor Company, Marketing and Social Media: The Promise and the Reality, Your Friends Like It...
FOUNDD, The Cold-Start Problem
Foursquare app, Case: A Matchmaking Engine
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), Consumer Preference
Freeman, Linton C., Reach in PR
future, predicting the, Predicting the FuturePredicting the Future


Gambhir, Ashish, Case: newBrandAnalytics, Consumer Preference
gaming the system, Gaming the System, Spam and Robots, Creating ReachCreating Reach, How to Spot BotsHow to Spot Bots, Smearing OpponentsFollower Scandals, Follower Scandals, Creating Influence and IntentionThe US Military’s Search for Social Media Robots, Spreading Paid Opinions: Grassroots and AstroturfingCause, Access, and Reach, ContagiousnessHow to Spot Attempts to Create Contagiousness, The Opposite of Virality: Suppressing Messages, Blurry Lines, SummaryWorkbook, Workbook
about, Gaming the System
analyzing motivation behind, Follower Scandals
blurry lines, Blurry Lines
chapter summary, SummaryWorkbook
contagiousness and, ContagiousnessHow to Spot Attempts to Create Contagiousness
creating influence and intention, Creating Influence and IntentionThe US Military’s Search for Social Media Robots
creating reach, Creating ReachCreating Reach
smearing opponents, Smearing OpponentsFollower Scandals
spam and robots, Spam and Robots
spotting bots, How to Spot BotsHow to Spot Bots
spreading paid opinions, Spreading Paid Opinions: Grassroots and AstroturfingCause, Access, and Reach
suppressing messages, The Opposite of Virality: Suppressing Messages
workbook questions, Workbook
Gawker social media channel, United Breaks Guitars
General Electric, Predicting the Future
Gilles, Martin, Personal Data: Too Sensitive?
Gingrich, Newt, Follower Scandals
Gladwell, Malcolm, Your Friends Like It..., Your Friends Like It...
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, Your Friends Like It..., Case: A Matchmaking Engine
Google, The Promise, Analytics Focus, How to Find Purchase Intent, Social Targeting, Collaborative Recommendations, The Technology of Recommendation Systems, The Myth of Number of Articles, Knowledge Bases and Customer Self-Service, Spam and Robots, SOPA and PIPA Act: A Modern Grassroots Movement, The Case of Facebook, Predicting Voting Behavior, I know keywords, Define the Right Measurement, The Risks of Metrics
customer self-service and, Knowledge Bases and Customer Self-Service
dominance of, Analytics Focus
Facebook case and, The Case of Facebook
grassroots movement, SOPA and PIPA Act: A Modern Grassroots Movement
keyword setup, I know keywords
online advertising and, How to Find Purchase Intent
PageRank metric, Define the Right Measurement, The Risks of Metrics
predicting voting behavior, Predicting Voting Behavior
predictions and, The Promise, The Technology of Recommendation Systems
recommendation systems, Collaborative Recommendations
SEO algorithm and, Spam and Robots
social targeting and, Social Targeting
spam blogs and, The Myth of Number of Articles
Google Prediction API, The Technology of Recommendation Systems, Predicting Elections
Google Search API, Predicting the Stock Market
Gorkana Group, Journalism CRM
GPS devices, The Promise
Granovetter, Mark, No Early Warning Systems
grassroots movements, Spreading Paid Opinions: Grassroots and AstroturfingCause, Access, and Reach
Greenpeace environmental group, Impersonation
Griffiths, José-Marie, Acknowledgments
Gruning, James E., Public Relations, PR to Warn
Gutjahr, Richard, Copying


Hadoop (Apache), Better Technology
Haenlein, Michael, Social Media Is Just Another Channel
Haiti case, Case: Haiti website, User Ratings
Herrmann, Bjoern Lasse, Reach Versus Intention
Heywood, Jamie, Social Media: Too Shallow?
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (Adams), Formulate the Question
Holland, Paul W., Testing for Correlation
Hollywood Economics (De Vany), Branding
homophily, Your Friends Like It..., Homophily versus Influence, Homophily versus Influence, Measuring People, Influence
about, Your Friends Like It..., Homophily versus Influence
influence versus, Homophily versus Influence, Measuring People, Influence website, User comments
Houston, Whitney, Measuring People
How to Win Friends and Influence People (Carnegie), Six principles of influence
Huberman, Bernardo A., Insights with Caution
Hussey, Michael, How to Spot Bots


IBM, The Promise
identity theft, Six principles of influence
ifbyphone surveys, PR Often Has No Measurable ROI service, How to Spot Bots
impersonation (PR disasters), Impersonation
inappropriate selling (PR disaster), Inappropriate selling
Incapsula (company), Creating Reach
influence, Homophily versus Influence, Social Connections versus Behavior, The Influencer, What—or Who—Would Make You Buy?, Measuring People, Six principles of influenceSix principles of influence, Creating Influence and IntentionThe US Military’s Search for Social Media Robots, InfluenceInfluence, Influence, Influencing the metric
gaming the system, Creating Influence and IntentionThe US Military’s Search for Social Media Robots
homophily versus, Homophily versus Influence, Measuring People, Influence
local scope of, The Influencer
measurements and, Influencing the metric
principles of, Six principles of influenceSix principles of influence
of ratings and reviews, Social Connections versus Behavior, What—or Who—Would Make You Buy?
social media metric examples, InfluenceInfluence
influencers, Marketing and Social Media: The Promise and the Reality, Marketing and Social Media: The Promise and the Reality, Marketing and Social Media: The Promise and the Reality, Your Friends Like It...Your Friends Like It..., The InfluencerThe Influencer, Public Relations
about, Marketing and Social Media: The Promise and the Reality
brand message and, Marketing and Social Media: The Promise and the Reality
Ford Motor Company and, Marketing and Social Media: The Promise and the Reality
public relations and, Public Relations
purchase intent and, The InfluencerThe Influencer
social targeting and, Your Friends Like It...Your Friends Like It...
information intake, behavioral targeting and, How to Find Purchase Intent
insider knowledge, data retrieval and, Cost and Insider Knowledge
intent to purchase, Marketing and Social Media: The Promise and the Reality (see purchase intent)
IOC (International Olympic Committee), Smart Selection
IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL), Knowledge Bases and Customer Self-Service
ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library), Knowledge Bases and Customer Self-Service


Jacobson, Matt, Insights with Caution
Jarvis, Jeff, Dell Hell


Kaplan, Andreas M., Social Media Is Just Another Channel
Katz, Elihu, Your Friends Like It...
Kauskik, Avinash, Behavioral Targeting
KCS (Knowledge-Centered Support), Knowledge Bases and Customer Self-ServiceHappier Employees
Kenneth Cole (manufacturer), Inappropriate selling
Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), Inappropriate selling
keywords, SubsetsNo truth, No truth
KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken), Inappropriate selling
Kimmel, Jimmy, Nondeterministic
KLM airline, Positive Publicity
Klout (company), Influencing the metric
knowledge as sales driver, Introduction, Data-Driven Sales, Reach Versus Intention
about, Introduction
creating purchase intent, Reach Versus Intention
data-driven sales and, Data-Driven Sales
Knowledge-Centered Support (KCS), Knowledge Bases and Customer Self-ServiceHappier Employees
Knox, Steve, Six principles of influence
Kony, Joseph, Kony2012
Kony2012 video, Kony2012
Krux Consumer Survey, Behavioral Targeting


machine learning, Behavioral Targeting, The Technology of Recommendation SystemsThe Technology of Recommendation Systems, A Dynamic Approach to Machine LearningCase: Dell’s customer care, A Dynamic Approach to Machine Learning
behavioral targeting and, Behavioral Targeting
dynamic approach to, A Dynamic Approach to Machine LearningCase: Dell’s customer care
supervised learning and, The Technology of Recommendation SystemsThe Technology of Recommendation Systems, A Dynamic Approach to Machine Learning
Mackay, Harvey, Influence
market research, Social CRM: Market Research, Case Study: Customer LifecycleCase Study: Customer Lifecycle, Analytical CRM: The New Frontier, Which Data?Personal Data: Too Sensitive?, Summary, Workbook
about, Social CRM: Market Research
analytical CRM and, Analytical CRM: The New Frontier
chapter summary, Summary
customer lifecycle case study, Case Study: Customer LifecycleCase Study: Customer Lifecycle
linking data, Which Data?Personal Data: Too Sensitive?
workbook questions, Workbook
market research online communities (MROCs), Analytical CRM: The New Frontier
marketing, Marketing, Marketing and Social Media: The Promise and the RealityMarketing and Social Media: The Promise and the Reality, Marketing and Social Media: The Promise and the Reality, Marketing and Social Media: The Promise and the Reality, Three Myths about Social MediaSocial Media Is Just Another Channel, BrandingReturn on Investment: Was Linda Worth It?, Purchase IntentThe Influencer, SummaryWorkbook, Workbook, Predicting the Future
about, Marketing
branding and, Marketing and Social Media: The Promise and the Reality, BrandingReturn on Investment: Was Linda Worth It?
chapter summary, SummaryWorkbook
crowdsourcing and, Predicting the Future
purchase intent and, Marketing and Social Media: The Promise and the Reality, Purchase IntentThe Influencer
social media and, Marketing and Social Media: The Promise and the RealityMarketing and Social Media: The Promise and the Reality
social media myths, Three Myths about Social MediaSocial Media Is Just Another Channel
workbook questions, Workbook
Marsteller, Burson, Your Friends Like It...
massive open online courses (MOOCs), Prediction of Learning
master data management (MDM), Social CRM: Market Research
matchmaking engine case, Case: A Matchmaking EngineCase: A Matchmaking Engine
Mathuros, Fon, Case: Spread of the Idea of “Resilient India”
McDonald’s case, Case: McDonald’s
McKinsey & Company, Marketing and Social Media: The Promise and the Reality, Predicting the Future
McServed website, Case: McDonald’s
MDM (master data management), Social CRM: Market Research
measurement paradoxon, The Risks of Metrics
measurements (metrics), Analytics Focus, Social Media Is Just Another ChannelSocial Media Is Just Another Channel, Social Media: A New Class of Metrics, PR Often Has No Measurable ROIPR Often Has No Measurable ROI, Measuring PeopleSix principles of influence, Measuring DistributingCase: Spread of the Idea of “Resilient India”, Smart Selection, Gaming the SystemWorkbook, How to Spot BotsHow to Spot Bots, Predicting the Future, Ask the Right Question, An Industry in Search of a Question, Cost and Insider Knowledge, Define the Right MeasurementWorkbook, Examples of Social Media MetricsThe Quest for ROI, The Risks of MetricsOvercoming the issues, Influencing the metric, Wrong behavior, Changes Over Time and SpaceChanges Over Time and Space, Overcoming the issues
asking the right question and, An Industry in Search of a Question
changes over time and space, Changes Over Time and SpaceChanges Over Time and Space
complaint importance, Smart Selection
defining the right measurement, Analytics Focus, Predicting the Future, Define the Right MeasurementWorkbook
differing platforms for, Social Media: A New Class of Metrics
gaming the system, Gaming the SystemWorkbook
influencing, Influencing the metric
measuring distributing information, Measuring DistributingCase: Spread of the Idea of “Resilient India”
measuring people, Measuring PeopleSix principles of influence
measuring ROI, PR Often Has No Measurable ROIPR Often Has No Measurable ROI
overcoming issues, Overcoming the issues
risks of, The Risks of MetricsOvercoming the issues
sabermetrics, Cost and Insider Knowledge
social media examples, Examples of Social Media MetricsThe Quest for ROI
social media myths and, Social Media Is Just Another ChannelSocial Media Is Just Another Channel
spotting bots, How to Spot BotsHow to Spot Bots
wrong behavior, Wrong behavior
YouTube views, Ask the Right Question
Meltwater, NLA v., Clipping
memes, How to Spot Attempts to Create Contagiousness
Menczer, Filippo, How to Spot Attempts to Create Contagiousness
Merton, Robert, Your Friends Like It...
metadata, Facebook and Open Graph
Microsoft antitrust case, Microsoft’s Antitrust Case
Milgram, Stanley, How to Spot Bots
Milgrim experiments, Six principles of influence
Miller, Paul, Conclusion
Ming Fai Wong, Felix, Insights with Caution
MIT Technology Review, Creating Influence and Intention
Monck, Adrian, Ask the Right Question
Moneyball (Lewis), Predicting the Future, Cost and Insider Knowledge
MOOCs (massive open online courses), Prediction of Learning
“mood of the nation”, Context of the content
Moog (company), PR Often Has No Measurable ROI
Moran, Robert, Analytical CRM: The New Frontier
Morano, Nadine, Follower Scandals
motivation behind fraudulent behavior, Follower Scandals
movie industry, Predicting Box OfficesConclusion
MROCs (market research online communities), Analytical CRM: The New Frontier


PageRank metric, Define the Right Measurement, The Risks of Metrics
paid media, Social Media Is Just Another Channel (see advertising)
paid opinions, spreading, Spreading Paid Opinions: Grassroots and AstroturfingCause, Access, and Reach
Paine, Katie Delahaye, Sentiment Algorithm
Parasnis, Gautam, Return on Investment: Was Linda Worth It?
Pariser, Eli, No Surprises
PatienceLikeMe patient community, Social Media: Too Shallow?
Patino, Anthony, Social Media: Too Shallow?
Paul, Ron, Predicting Elections
Payless shoe retailer, Content-Based Recommendations
Pearl, Judea, Correlation versus causation
PeekYou (company), How to Spot Bots, Follower Scandals
peer pressure, Peer PressureDo Social Confirmation and Peer Pressure Work?
peerindex (company), Context of the author
personal relationships and sales, Personal Relationships
Petraeus, David, The US Military’s Search for Social Media Robots
Phelps, Joseph E., Context in PR
Piatetsky-Shapiro, Gregory, What This Book Covers
PIPA (Protect Intellectual Property Act), SOPA and PIPA Act: A Modern Grassroots Movement
politics, Smearing OpponentsFollower Scandals, Predicting ElectionsPredicting Voting Behavior
predicting elections, Predicting ElectionsPredicting Voting Behavior
smearing opponents, Smearing OpponentsFollower Scandals
positive reinforcement, The Technology of Recommendation Systems
predictions, The Promise, The Technology of Recommendation Systems, Predicting the FuturePredicting the Future, Prediction of LearningPredicting Elections, Predicting ElectionsPredicting Voting Behavior, Predicting Voting BehaviorPredicting Box Offices, Predicting Box OfficesConclusion, Predicting the Stock MarketPredicting the Stock Market, Closing PredictionsClosing Predictions, Workbook Questions
about the future, Predicting the FuturePredicting the Future
for box offices, Predicting Box OfficesConclusion
closing, Closing PredictionsClosing Predictions
for elections, Predicting ElectionsPredicting Voting Behavior
Google and, The Promise, The Technology of Recommendation Systems
for learning, Prediction of LearningPredicting Elections
for stock market, Predicting the Stock MarketPredicting the Stock Market
voting behavior, Predicting Voting BehaviorPredicting Box Offices
workbook questions, Workbook Questions
privacy, Conclusion, Case: A Matchmaking Engine, Case: A Matchmaking Engine
AML systems and, Case: A Matchmaking Engine
big data and, Conclusion
matchmaking engine case, Case: A Matchmaking Engine
Prophet consultancy, Case Study: Customer Lifecycle
Protect Intellectual Property Act (PIPA), SOPA and PIPA Act: A Modern Grassroots Movement
Provalis Research, Context
Prudhoe Bay oil spill, Testing for Correlation
public relations, Public Relations, Public RelationsPublic Relations, Public RelationsPublic Relations, PR Often Has No Measurable ROIPR Often Has No Measurable ROI, Measuring PeopleSix principles of influence, Measuring PeopleCase: Spread of the Idea of “Resilient India”, Measuring PeopleSix principles of influence, Measuring People, Context in PRContext of the author, Journalism CRM, Communication Is HumanSix principles of influence, PR to WarnWarning Signals, Examples of PR disastersImpersonation, Case: McDonald’s, SummaryWorkbook, Workbook, Predicting the Future, Bad PR Bias
about, Public Relations
bad PR bias, Bad PR Bias
chapter summary, SummaryWorkbook
communication and, Communication Is HumanSix principles of influence
context metric and, Measuring People, Context in PRContext of the author
crowdsourcing and, Predicting the Future
disaster examples, Examples of PR disastersImpersonation
distributing information, Public RelationsPublic Relations, Measuring PeopleCase: Spread of the Idea of “Resilient India”
giving warning, Public RelationsPublic Relations, PR to WarnWarning Signals
journalism CRM, Journalism CRM
McDonald’s case, Case: McDonald’s
measuring people, Measuring PeopleSix principles of influence
measuring ROI, PR Often Has No Measurable ROIPR Often Has No Measurable ROI
reach metric and, Measuring PeopleSix principles of influence
workbook questions, Workbook
purchase intent, Marketing and Social Media: The Promise and the Reality, Purchase Intent, How to Find Purchase Intent, Behavioral TargetingBehavioral Targeting, Social TargetingYour Friends Like It..., Homophily versus Influence, Social Connections versus BehaviorSocial Connections versus Behavior, The InfluencerThe Influencer, Reach Versus IntentionWhat—or Who—Would Make You Buy?, Social Confirmation Creates Trust, User Ratings, User comments, Peer PressureDo Social Confirmation and Peer Pressure Work?, Creating Influence and IntentionThe US Military’s Search for Social Media Robots, Creating Influence and Intention
about, Marketing and Social Media: The Promise and the Reality, Purchase Intent
behavioral targeting, Behavioral TargetingBehavioral Targeting
finding, How to Find Purchase Intent
gaming the system, Creating Influence and IntentionThe US Military’s Search for Social Media Robots
homophily versus influence, Homophily versus Influence
influencers and, The InfluencerThe Influencer
peer pressure and, Peer PressureDo Social Confirmation and Peer Pressure Work?
reach versus, Reach Versus IntentionWhat—or Who—Would Make You Buy?, Creating Influence and Intention
social confirmation and, Social Confirmation Creates Trust
social connections versus behavior, Social Connections versus BehaviorSocial Connections versus Behavior
social targeting, Social TargetingYour Friends Like It...
user comments and, User comments
user ratings and, User Ratings


Rand, Paul M., Your Friends Like It...
randomized controlled trials, Testing for Correlation website, User Ratings
ratings and reviews, Social Media Is Just Another Channel, Social Connections versus Behavior, User Ratings, What—or Who—Would Make You Buy?
creating trust, User Ratings
earned media and, Social Media Is Just Another Channel
influence of, Social Connections versus Behavior, What—or Who—Would Make You Buy?
Ratkiewicz, J., The Truth about the Truth
reach (metric), Social Media: A New Class of Metrics, Reach Does Not Equal Awareness, Social Connections versus Behavior, Reach Versus IntentionWhat—or Who—Would Make You Buy?, Reach Versus IntentionReach Versus Intention, Measuring PeopleReach in PR, Creating ReachCreating Reach, Creating Influence and Intention, Spreading Paid Opinions: Grassroots and Astroturfing
awareness and, Reach Versus IntentionReach Versus Intention
brand awareness and, Reach Does Not Equal Awareness
creating, Creating ReachCreating Reach
CTR and, Social Connections versus Behavior
grassroot movement success factor, Spreading Paid Opinions: Grassroots and Astroturfing
O’Reilly measurement overview, Social Media: A New Class of Metrics
public relations and, Measuring PeopleReach in PR
purchase intent versus, Reach Versus IntentionWhat—or Who—Would Make You Buy?, Creating Influence and Intention
reading lists, Reading Lists
reason as sales component, Reason
reciprocal altruism, Six principles of influence
reciprocity (influence principle), Six principles of influence
recommendation systems, Data-Driven Sales, What—or Who—Would Make You Buy?Recommendation Systems, Collaborative Recommendations, Collaborative Recommendations, Content-Based RecommendationsThe Technology of Recommendation Systems, The Technology of Recommendation SystemsHow to Build a Recommendation System: Start Small, The Cold-Start Problem, The Cold-Start Problem, Not Enough Data, No Surprises, No Surprises, How to Build a Recommendation System: Start SmallHow to Build a Recommendation System: Start Small, Facebook and Open Graph
about, Data-Driven Sales, What—or Who—Would Make You Buy?Recommendation Systems
building, How to Build a Recommendation System: Start SmallHow to Build a Recommendation System: Start Small
cold-start problem, The Cold-Start Problem
collaborative, Collaborative Recommendations, The Cold-Start Problem
content-based, Content-Based RecommendationsThe Technology of Recommendation Systems
data sparsity, Not Enough Data
filtering information, No Surprises
inaccuracy of, Collaborative Recommendations
personalization gap and, Facebook and Open Graph
popular choices and, No Surprises
technology of, The Technology of Recommendation SystemsHow to Build a Recommendation System: Start Small
Reddy, Ashwin, China’s 50-Cent Bloggers
regression analysis, The Technology of Recommendation SystemsThe Technology of Recommendation Systems
Reichheld, Fred, Consumer Preference
Renaissance Technologies fund, Predicting the Stock Market
resilient India case, Case: Spread of the Idea of “Resilient India”Case: Spread of the Idea of “Resilient India”
return on investment, Return on Investment: Was Linda Worth It? (see ROI)
Riewa, Jens, Happier Employees, Positive Publicity
risks of metrics, The Risks of MetricsOvercoming the issues
robots, Spam and Robots (see bots)
Rogers, Carl, A Turing Test on Twitter
ROI (return on investment), Return on Investment: Was Linda Worth It?Return on Investment: Was Linda Worth It?, Return on Investment: Was Linda Worth It?, Social Sales, PR Often Has No Measurable ROIPR Often Has No Measurable ROI, Knowledge Bases and Customer Self-Service, The Quest for ROIThe Quest for ROI
about, The Quest for ROIThe Quest for ROI
branding campaigns and, Return on Investment: Was Linda Worth It?
on customer care, Knowledge Bases and Customer Self-Service
linking effects from social media, Social Sales
on public relations, PR Often Has No Measurable ROIPR Often Has No Measurable ROI
Virgin Atlantic Airways case, Return on Investment: Was Linda Worth It?Return on Investment: Was Linda Worth It?
Romney, Mitt, John SununuFollower Scandals, Predicting Elections
Rose, John, Personal Data: Too Sensitive?
Rosset, Xavier, Conclusion
Roth, Carol, Collaborative Recommendations
Rowady, Paul, Predicting the Stock Market
Rowinski, Dan, SOPA and PIPA Act: A Modern Grassroots Movement


S.M.A.R.T. mnemonic device, The Right Question
sabermetrics, Cost and Insider Knowledge
Salathe, Marcel, The Influencer
sales, Introduction, Introduction, Social SalesSocial Sales, Data-Driven Sales, Reach Versus IntentionWhat—or Who—Would Make You Buy?, Recommendation SystemsHow to Build a Recommendation System: Start Small, Trust, Personality, and Reason, Personal Relationships, Reason, SummaryWorkbook
about, Introduction
chapter summary, SummaryWorkbook
data-driven, Data-Driven Sales
personal relationships and, Personal Relationships
reach versus intention, Reach Versus IntentionWhat—or Who—Would Make You Buy?
reason component in, Reason
recommendation systems, Recommendation SystemsHow to Build a Recommendation System: Start Small
social, Social SalesSocial Sales
trust component in, Introduction, Trust, Personality, and Reason
sampling data, Sampling
Samuel, Arthur, The Technology of Recommendation Systems
Santorum, Rick, Predicting Elections
scarcity (influence principle), Six principles of influence
Schneider, Dave, United Breaks Guitars
Schufa credit-rating company, Personal Data: Too Sensitive?Personal Data: Too Sensitive?
Schwab, Klaus, Case: Haiti
SCM (Structural Causal Models), Correlation versus causation
search engine optimization (SEO), Spam and Robots, The Risks of Metrics
Sebastian, Miguel, Was He Heard?
secret metrics, Overcoming the issues
selection bias, Selection Bias
self-censorship (PR disasters), Self-censorship
self-servicing customers, Knowledge Bases and Customer Self-ServiceHappier Employees
semantic web, Facebook and Open Graph
Semasio (company), Behavioral Targeting
sentiment analytics, Automation and Business Intelligence, Sentiment AlgorithmContext
SEO (search engine optimization), Spam and Robots, The Risks of Metrics
al-Sharif, Manal, Warning Signals
Shirky, Clay, Six principles of influence
shortlink services, Clicking
Shulman, Stuart, Case: Dell’s customer care
Sina Weibo, The Fourth V of Data
Skou, Kasper, Behavioral Targeting
Sky TV channel, Resources and Scaling
small world experiment, How to Spot Bots
smearing opponents, Smearing OpponentsFollower Scandals, The Case of Facebook
Smith, Catharine, Collaborative Recommendations
Snowden, Edward, Context in PR, Conclusion
social commerce, Social SalesSocial Sales, Recommendation Systems
social confirmation, Social Confirmation Creates Trust, User Ratings, User comments, Peer PressureDo Social Confirmation and Peer Pressure Work?
creating trust, Social Confirmation Creates Trust
peer pressure and, Peer PressureDo Social Confirmation and Peer Pressure Work?
user comments, User comments
user ratings, User Ratings
social connections versus behavior, Social Connections versus BehaviorSocial Connections versus Behavior
social CRM, Positive Publicity, Dos and Don’tsResources and Scaling, Is Social Customer Care the New Commodity?, Social CRM: Market Research, Case Study: Customer LifecycleCase Study: Customer Lifecycle, Which Data?Personal Data: Too Sensitive?, Summary, Workbook
about, Is Social Customer Care the New Commodity?, Social CRM: Market Research
chapter summary, Summary
customer lifecycle case study, Case Study: Customer LifecycleCase Study: Customer Lifecycle
dos and don’ts, Dos and Don’tsResources and Scaling
linking data, Which Data?Personal Data: Too Sensitive?
positive publicity, Positive Publicity
workbook questions, Workbook
social media, Three Myths about Social MediaSocial Media Is Just Another Channel, Social Media Is Just Another Channel, Return on Investment: Was Linda Worth It?
expectation gap in, Return on Investment: Was Linda Worth It?
myths about, Three Myths about Social MediaSocial Media Is Just Another Channel
platform categories, Social Media Is Just Another Channel
social media analytics, The Fourth V of Data, MarketingWorkbook, Marketing and Social Media: The Promise and the RealityMarketing and Social Media: The Promise and the Reality
about, The Fourth V of Data
marketing and, MarketingWorkbook
promise of, Marketing and Social Media: The Promise and the RealityMarketing and Social Media: The Promise and the Reality
social proof (influence principle), Six principles of influence
social targeting, Social TargetingYour Friends Like It...
socialflow (company), Context of the content
Soghoian, Christopher, The Case of Facebook
Sommer, Robin, Creative Discovery
Sony Ericsson case, Case Sony Ericsson—special wordsA Dynamic Approach to Machine Learning
SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act), SOPA and PIPA Act: A Modern Grassroots Movement
Sophos survey, Six principles of influence
spam blogs, The Myth of Number of Articles
spamming, Spam and RobotsSpam and Robots, Creating ReachCreating Reach, How to Spot Bots, Smearing OpponentsFollower Scandals, Creating Influence and IntentionThe US Military’s Search for Social Media Robots, Spreading Paid Opinions: Grassroots and AstroturfingCause, Access, and Reach, The Opposite of Virality: Suppressing Messages
about, Spam and RobotsSpam and Robots
creating influence and intention, Creating Influence and IntentionThe US Military’s Search for Social Media Robots
creating reach, Creating ReachCreating Reach
smearing opponents, Smearing OpponentsFollower Scandals
spreading paid opinions, Spreading Paid Opinions: Grassroots and AstroturfingCause, Access, and Reach
suppressing messages, The Opposite of Virality: Suppressing Messages
Twitter and, How to Spot Bots
Spencer, Stephan, Overcoming the issues
StackOverflow, More Data
StatusPeople (company), How to Spot Bots
stock market, predicting, Predicting the Stock MarketPredicting the Stock Market
Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), SOPA and PIPA Act: A Modern Grassroots Movement
Structural Causal Models (SCM), Correlation versus causation
structured data, Error, or Why Structured Data Is SuperiorUnstructured, Subsets
subprime mortage crisis, Wrong behavior
subsets of data, SubsetsNo truth
Sununu, John, John Sununu
supervised learning, The Technology of Recommendation SystemsThe Technology of Recommendation Systems, A Dynamic Approach to Machine Learning portal site, Customer Care 2.0
suppressing messages, The Opposite of Virality: Suppressing Messages
Sysomos (company), Sentiment Algorithm


T-commerce, Social Sales
Tang, Lei, Social Connections versus Behavior
targeted advertising, The Promise
tastemakers, Speed to disaster
TBG Digital, Social Media Is Cheap
technology of recommendation systems, The Technology of Recommendation SystemsThe Technology of Recommendation Systems, The Cold-Start Problem, Not Enough Data, No Surprises, How to Build a Recommendation System: Start SmallHow to Build a Recommendation System: Start Small
about, The Technology of Recommendation SystemsThe Technology of Recommendation Systems
building recommendation systems, How to Build a Recommendation System: Start SmallHow to Build a Recommendation System: Start Small
cold-start problem, The Cold-Start Problem
data sparsity, Not Enough Data
popular choices and, No Surprises
telecommunication industry, Case Study: Customer LifecycleCase Study: Customer Lifecycle, Case Study: Major Telecom CompanyWas He Heard?
testing, Testing for CorrelationTesting for Correlation, No truth
for correlation, Testing for CorrelationTesting for Correlation
keyword setup, No truth
Thong, Jacqueline, Social Media: Too Shallow?
Thrun, Sebastian, Prediction of Learning
The Tipping Point (Gladwell), Your Friends Like It...
Toubon, Jacques, Was He Heard?
touchpoints with customers, Turning CRM Around
tracking, Behavioral Targeting, Engagement
engagement metric, Engagement
online, Behavioral Targeting
Treehugger media outlet, A Turing Test on Twitter
triggers to buying, Marketing and Social Media: The Promise and the Reality, Reach Does Not Equal Awareness, Where is Linda?, Social TargetingYour Friends Like It...
brand awareness as, Reach Does Not Equal Awareness
social media as, Marketing and Social Media: The Promise and the Reality
social targeting and, Social TargetingYour Friends Like It...
Virgin Atlantic Airways case, Where is Linda? website, User comments
trolls, customer care and, Mind the Trolls
Trotter, Fred, Consumer Preference
trust as sales driver, Introduction, Data-Driven Sales, Reach Versus Intention, Social Confirmation Creates Trust, The Cold-Start Problem, Trust, Personality, and Reason
about, Introduction, Trust, Personality, and Reason
creating purchase intent, Reach Versus Intention
data-driven sales and, Data-Driven Sales
recommendation systems and, The Cold-Start Problem
social confirmation and, Social Confirmation Creates Trust
Turing Test (bot), A Turing Test on Twitter
Turing, Alan, A Turing Test on Twitter
Twitter, More Data, Marketing and Social Media: The Promise and the Reality, Social Media Is Fast, Social Media: A New Class of Metrics, Social Sales, Speed to disaster, Case: McDonald’s, Warning Signals, Customer Care 2.0, Positive Publicity, Resources and Scaling, Case Sony Ericsson—special words, Spam and Robots, How to Spot Bots, How to Spot Bots, How to Spot Bots, How to Spot Bots, John Sununu, Creating Influence and Intention, Viral by Design, Predicting the Future, Changes Over Time and Space
about, More Data, Marketing and Social Media: The Promise and the Reality, Social Media Is Fast
bot detection and, How to Spot Bots, How to Spot Bots, How to Spot Bots
bot influence and, Creating Influence and Intention
changes over time and space, Changes Over Time and Space
checking rate of escalation, Speed to disaster
Comcast service channel on, Customer Care 2.0
customer care and, Resources and Scaling
General Electric and, Predicting the Future
KLM airline and, Positive Publicity
O’Reilly measurement overview, Social Media: A New Class of Metrics
smearing opponents and, John Sununu
social commerce and, Social Sales
social spam and, Spam and Robots
Sony Ericsson case, Case Sony Ericsson—special words
spamming and, How to Spot Bots
trending topics, Case: McDonald’s
virality by design, Viral by Design
Women2Drive campaign and, Warning Signals
Twitter API, A Case of Airline Customer Satisfaction
2Style4You, The Promise


unintended consequences, law of, Spam and Robots
United Airlines case, United Breaks Guitars, Ask the Right Question
unstructured data, Unstructured, Subsets
uplift (metric), Social Connections versus Behavior
US Air Force, The US Military’s Search for Social Media Robots
using the right data (AML), Analytics Focus, Predicting the Future, Use the Right Data, Which Data Is Important?Case: A Matchmaking Engine, CausationAll of the above, CausationAll of the above, Testing for CorrelationTesting for Correlation, Error, or Why Structured Data Is SuperiorUnstructured, Error, or Why Structured Data Is SuperiorUnstructured, Cost and Insider Knowledge, Cost and Insider Knowledge, Case: A Matchmaking EngineCase: A Matchmaking Engine, Case: A Matchmaking Engine, Case: A Matchmaking Engine, Case: A Matchmaking Engine, Case: A Matchmaking Engine, Data SelectionCase: Haiti, Case: Haiti, Summary, Workbook
about, Use the Right Data
analytic focus, Analytics Focus
British Petroleum case and, CausationAll of the above
causation and, CausationAll of the above, Case: A Matchmaking Engine
chapter summary, Summary
costs for data retrieval, Cost and Insider Knowledge, Case: A Matchmaking Engine
data selection, Data SelectionCase: Haiti
error and, Error, or Why Structured Data Is SuperiorUnstructured, Case: A Matchmaking Engine
Haiti case, Case: Haiti
identifying which data, Which Data Is Important?Case: A Matchmaking Engine
insider knowledge and, Cost and Insider Knowledge
matchmaking engine case, Case: A Matchmaking EngineCase: A Matchmaking Engine
predicting the future, Predicting the Future
privacy considerations, Case: A Matchmaking Engine
structured data, Error, or Why Structured Data Is SuperiorUnstructured
testing for correlation, Testing for CorrelationTesting for Correlation
workbook questions, Workbook


vaccinations, child, The Influencer
value (Vs of big data), The Fourth V of Data, The Promise, More Data, PR Often Has No Measurable ROIPR Often Has No Measurable ROI
about, The Fourth V of Data
finding, The Promise, More Data
measuring ROI and, PR Often Has No Measurable ROIPR Often Has No Measurable ROI
Van Dongen, Rachel, Predicting Elections
variety (Vs of big data), The Fourth V of Data, More Data
velocity (Vs of big data), The Fourth V of Data, More Data
Verizon (company), Case Study: Customer Lifecycle
Vernal, Mike, Facebook and Open Graph
virality and viral outbreaks, Social Media Is Fast, Branding, Underestimation of virality, No Early Warning SystemsCase: McDonald’s, No Early Warning SystemsNondeterministic, No Early Warning SystemsCase: McDonald’s, No Early Warning Systems, Smart Selection, ContagiousnessHow to Spot Attempts to Create Contagiousness, Viral by DesignViral by Design
about, No Early Warning Systems
gaming the system and, ContagiousnessHow to Spot Attempts to Create Contagiousness
nondeterministic timing of, No Early Warning SystemsNondeterministic
rewording term, Branding
social media speed myth and, Social Media Is Fast
speed to disaster, No Early Warning SystemsCase: McDonald’s
spreading customer dissatisfaction, Smart Selection
underestimating, Underestimation of virality
viral by design, Viral by DesignViral by Design
warning systems and, No Early Warning SystemsCase: McDonald’s
Virgin Atlantic Airways case, Case: Virgin Atlantic AirwaysReturn on Investment: Was Linda Worth It?
volume (Vs of big data), The Fourth V of Data, More Data
Vonn, Lindsey, Smart Selection
voting behavior, predicting, Predicting Voting BehaviorPredicting Box Offices


X Factor (TV show), Context of the content
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