Building your first plugin

When you have installed the Atlassian SDK, you can start building your first plugin. We will be building a new Confluence macro, which can be used to format content.

We will take a look at:

  • The macro interface, which is the base of all macros
  • The xhtml-macro module
  • Adding resources, such as a stylesheet, to your plugin

We will be building a macro that displays links as buttons.

Creating the plugin project

First, we have to create our plugin skeleton using the Atlassian SDK and load our new project into Eclipse.

  1. Open a command prompt and navigate to the location for you new plugin.
  2. Enter the following command to create a new Confluence plugin:
  3. When prompted, enter the following information to identify your plugin:









  4. Confirm your entries when prompted.
  5. Start Eclipse.
  6. Select File | Import... from the Eclipse menu.
  7. Type Maven in the filter text field and select Existing Maven Projects:
    Creating the plugin project
  8. Click on Browse and browse to the location where you created the plugin.
  9. Select the pom.xml file and click on Finish. Eclipse will now import your project and download all dependencies if needed. This can take a while.
  10. Sometimes an error will occur during this process, if so:
    1. Right-click on the imported project (in the project explorer).
    2. Select Maven | Update Project Configuration.

Updating the generated code

When you have just generated a new plugin skeleton, you have to make sure all the details, like the plugin name or description, are correct. In this section, we'll check the Confluence version value and tweak some settings. Open your plugin project in Eclipse and follow along.

Adding plugin metadata to the POM file

The metadata in your POM file will be used when your plugin is built. This would be the place to add your company details and description of the plugin.

  1. Edit the pom.xml file in the root of your plugin.
  2. Add your company or organization details to the <organization> element:
    <name>Stefan Kohler</name>
  3. Update the <name> and <description> elements:
    <name>Confluence Button Macro</name>
    <description>Display a link using a nicely formatted button.</description>
  4. Save the file.

Verifying your Confluence version

When you generated a new plugin skeleton, a default Confluence version was included in your pom.xml file. Before you start building your plugin, make sure this version is up-to-date.

  1. Open the pom.xml file in Eclipse.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the file.
  3. Find the <properties> element. This section lists the version of Confluence and other properties of your plugin.
  4. Change the Confluence version to 5.1.2, or a more recent one if available.
  5. Save the pom.xml file. Eclipse will automatically download the new dependencies for you.

Cleaning up the plugin skeleton

We are building a new macro, and most of the generated code is for a different component. Therefore, we have no use for the generated code. Before we start, let's clean up first.

  1. Open src/main/resources/atlassian-plugin.xml in Eclipse.
  2. Remove the <web-resource>, <component-import>, and <component> sections.
  3. Also remove the corresponding files:

Adding a new macro module

With our plugin skeleton ready for development, we will be adding some new modules to our plugin descriptor.

  1. Open your atlassian-plugin.xml file in Eclipse.
  2. Add the xhtml-macro component to the file:
  3. The Class argument is pointing to an implementation of our macro.

Implementing the macro interface

The macro module we just defined will call the execute method of our Java class com.example.confluence.button.LinkButton. That class doesn't exist yet, so let's create it.

  1. Right-click on the com.example.confluence.button package (folder) in your project.
  2. Select New | Class and enter the following details:
    • Packagecom.example.confluence.button
    • NameLinkButton
    • Interfaces – Add com.atlassian.confluence.macro.Macro
  3. Click on Finish.

Your new Java class will be generated, and you might notice we have to implement three methods.

Implementing the getBodyType and getOutputType methods

These two methods specify whether the macro has a body (and the type of body if it does have one) and the output type, be it block or inline. The macro we implement will have a body and will have the block output type.

publicBodyTypegetBodyType() {

publicOutputTypegetOutputType() {

Implementing the execute method

The execute method will determine what the output of our macro will be. I have included an easy template with some HTML to style our button. We will be using the body of our macro and use that as input for our button.

  public String execute(Map<String, String> parameters,
      String body, ConversionContext context) throws MacroExecutionException {

    String template = "<div class="aui-button aui-button-primary link-button">%s</div>";
    returnString.format(template, body);

The template we are using makes use of the Atlassian User Interface (AUI), a library with JavaScript, stylesheets, and templates that is included in all Atlassian products. If you use the AUI in your plugin, it will have the same look and feel as Confluence.

More information about the AUI can be found online at

Building, installing, and running your plugin

When we have the basics set for our plugin, it is time to build and run the plugin in Confluence.

  1. Save all the changes to your code.
  2. Open a command prompt and navigate to the location of your plugin.
  3. Run the following command:

    This command will build your plugin, start a Confluence installation, and install your plugin in that Confluence installation. This may take a while. When the process is completed, the last lines of the output should look as follows:

    [INFO] confluence started successfully in 225s at http://localhost:1990/confluence
    [INFO] Type Ctrl-D to shutdown gracefully
    [INFO] Type Ctrl-C to exit

    If Confluence couldn't use port 1990 because another application is using it, Confluence will start on a different port and will mention it in these lines.

  4. Open your browser at http://localhost:1990/confluence.
  5. At the Confluence login, enter a username admin with the password admin.
  6. Create a new page with your new macro.
    1. Click on Create in the navigation bar.
    2. Select Insert | Other macros.
    3. Search for Link Button.
    4. Insert your macro.
      Building, installing, and running your plugin
    5. Add a link in the body of your macro as you would normally do in Confluence.
    6. Save the page.
  7. Watch how your new macro has formatted your link:
    Building, installing, and running your plugin

Adding resources

What the preceding screenshot displays is not very user-readable; it would be better if the link itself is white. For this we have to add resources, a CSS file, to our plugin.

In the atlassian-plugin.xml file, add the <web-resources> element to the file:

<web-resource key="link-button-resources" 
name="Link Button Resources">

<resource type="download" name="button-macro.css"
location="css/button-macro.css" />



The <resource> element determines which file will be included with our plugin. The location is relative to the src/main/resources folder.

The <context> element will tell Confluence when to load these extra resources. In our case, the resources are loaded on every page except for administrative screens.

The following CSS has to be added to our button-macro.css class: a {
  color: #ffffff !important;

After reloading our plugin, the button should now look like this:

Adding resources


Reloading your plugin with FastDev

FastDev is a feature of Atlassian SDK that speeds up plugin development. FastDev will scan your plugin directory for changes, and is able to package and reinstall your plugin directly from Confluence. More information on FastDev at

Releasing your plugin

At a certain point, you are done developing your plugin and you want to deliver the end result to your company or maybe even to the rest of world. The first thing we have to do is release your plugin.

The release process relies heavily on you to have a revision control system for your plugin, like Subversion or GIT. If you don't have such a system in place, you could consider taking a look at, which is an online Atlassian tool that offers free source hosting.

Before we can release our plugin, we have to make sure that our pom.xml file has all the requirements to do so.

To set the SCM properties, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the pom.xml file in your plugin.
  2. Add the following lines to the file with your SCM information:
    scm:git:[email protected]:stefankohler/plugin-example-button.git
  3. Save the pom.xml file.

The connection and developerConnection tell Maven how to connect to your repository. While connection requires read access for Maven to be able to find the source code (for example, an update), developerConnection requires a connection that will give write access.

The url element is not required, but can be used for a publicly accessible URL to your repository.

Setting distributionManagement

The release process will upload your plugin to a specified location defined by the distributionManagement section in your pom.xml file. This location can be anything from a remote server to your local filesystem. For now, we will set this location to a temp directory on your local machine, as the process requires this setting.

  1. Open the pom.xml file in your plugin.
  2. Add the following lines to the file:
  3. The variable will be replaced with your own local settings.
  4. Save the file.

The next step is to release your plugin:

  1. Make sure all changes have been committed.
  2. Open a command prompt and navigate to the location of your plugin and run the following command:
    atlas-mvn release:prepare
  3. This command will update your pom.xml file with the required version and will make a new tag for the release. During the process you will be asked the release version and the next development version.
  4. After the command has finished run the following command:
    atlas-mvn release:perform

    This command will:

    • Check out the just created tag.
    • Run all tests.
    • Compile the code and package it.
    • Upload your binary to a defined location.
  5. After the command is finished, you can find your released plugin in the target directory in your plugin folder. This should be a .jar file, named for your plugin and version, that is button-macro-1.0.jar.

Releasing your plugin without revision control

If you don't have any revision control, the release process of your plugin involves some manual steps.

  1. Open the pom.xml file in your plugin.
  2. Change the <version></version> parameter to your release version, that is 1.1.
  3. Save the file.
  4. Open a command prompt and go to your plugin location.
  5. Run the atlas-package command. This command will compile, test, and build your plugin.
  6. After the command is finished, you can find your released plugin in the target directory in your plugin folder. This should be a .jar file, named for your plugin and version, that is button-macro-1.1.jar.
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