This book is for the beginning iPhone and iPad developer who wants to start developing applications using the Apple iOS SDK. To truly benefit from this book, you should have some background in programming and at least be familiar with object-oriented programming concepts. If you are totally new to the Objective-C language, you might want to jump straight to Appendix C, which provides an overview of the language. Alternatively, you can use Appendix C as a quick reference while you tackle the various chapters, checking out the syntax as you try the exercises. Depending on your learning style, one of these approaches should work best for you.

While most of the chapters are geared toward developing for the iPhone, the concepts apply to iPad development as well. In cases where specific features are available only on the iPad, they are pointed out.

image NOTE All the examples discussed in this book were written and tested using the iOS SDK 5.0. While every effort has been made to ensure that the screen shots are as current as possible, the actual screen that you see may differ when the iOS SDK is revised.

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