Table of Contents

Cover image

Title page


List of figures and tables


About the author

Chapter 1: Introduction


1.1 Complex systems: From uncertainty to predictability

1.2 Harnessing omics technology

1.3 Bioinformatics: From theory to practice

1.4 Take home messages

Chapter 2: Genomics


2.1 Introduction

2.2 The human genome and variome

2.3 Genomic platforms and platform level analysis

2.4 Study designs and contrast level analysis of GWAS

2.5 Adaptive exploration of interactions of multiple genes

2.6 Somatic genomic alterations and cancer

2.7 Case studies

2.8 Take home messages

Chapter 3: Transcriptomics


3.1 Introduction

3.2 Transcriptomic platforms at a glance

3.3 Platform level analysis for transcriptomics

3.4 Contrast level analysis and global visualization

3.5 Module level analysis

3.6 Systems level analysis for causal inference

3.7 RNA secondary structure analysis

3.8 Case studies

3.9 Take home messages

Chapter 4: Proteomics


4.1 Introduction

4.2 Proteomics platforms at a glance

4.3 Protein identification by MS based proteomics

4.4 From protein sequences to structures

4.5 Protein interaction networks

4.6 Case studies

4.7 Take home messages

Chapter 5: Systems biomedical science


5.1 Introduction

5.2 Cell level technology and resources at a glance

5.3 Conceptual frameworks from top-down

5.4 Systems construction from bottom-up and top-down

5.5 Specific directions of systems biomedical science

5.6 Case studies

5.7 Take home messages

Chapter 6: Clinical developments


6.1 Fulfilling unmet medical needs

6.2 Translational medicine

6.3 Clinical product development

6.4 Critical use of clinical information

6.5 Case studies

6.6 Take home messages

Chapter 7: Conclusions


7.1 Change and move forward

7.2 Presentation, presentation, presentation

7.3 Domain knowledge plus adaptivity


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