© Jeffrey Linwood 2020
J. LinwoodBuild Location Apps on iOS with Swifthttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6083-8_9

9. Using Directions with the Google Directions API

Jeffrey Linwood1 
Austin, TX, USA

The Google Directions API is a simple HTTPS API that lets you get driving directions to a destination. The Google Directions API does not have a native Swift implementation from Google – instead, you make an HTTPS API call to Google and parse the JSON results in the response. Part of a successful response is a path that can be turned into a polyline and displayed on the map.

This chapter builds on the work done in Chapters 7 and 8. In Chapter 7, we set up a basic iOS application project using CocoaPods with the Google Maps API. In Chapter 8, we discussed how to display shapes and markers on the map. For this chapter, we are going to reuse the same project as Chapters 7 and 8 – or you can create a new project that uses the Google Maps iOS SDK and has a map view on the storyboard.

We will need to do a little more work to enable the Google Directions API and create a new API key to use with the HTTP API.

Setting up the Google Directions API

In Chapter 7, we created an API Key and enabled the Google Maps APIs. Because we only chose to enable maps, we need to add the Google Directions API to our Google Cloud Project. Log in to your account at https://cloud.google.com/maps-platform.

Select APIs from the menu in the sidebar (Figure 9-1).
Figure 9-1

Enabled APIs and Additional APIs for Google Maps

You will see the APIs you added for Google Maps here, along with a list of additional APIs you could use in your project. Under Additional APIs, you will find the Google Directions API (Figure 9-2).
Figure 9-2

Enabling the Google Directions API

Enable the Directions API here.


If you forget to enable the Google Directions API, when you make an HTTP request, you will get an error message similar to this: “This API project is not authorized to use this API.

After enabling the Directions API, you will need to create a new API key. Visit the Credentials screen for Google Cloud Platform’s APIs and Services at https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials. You should see your iOS Maps Key, as in Figure 9-3.
Figure 9-3

Credentials screen for creating API keys

Create a new credential, and when the drop-down menu appears, choose API Key. A new API key will be generated, but it will be unrestricted – the next step is to restrict the API key.

Restricting the API Key

Choose the RESTRICT KEY button on the dialog box that appears (Figure 9-4).
Figure 9-4

API key created dialog box, with RESTRICT KEY button

Although it may seem like you want to restrict the Google Directions API Key to an iOS app, that doesn’t work with making an HTTPS call to the Google Directions API. If you are going to directly embed the API Key into an iOS app, you need to choose None for application restrictions.

The best practice for this is not to embed the API Key into the app, like we do with the sample project – this works for prototyping and development, but means that if someone can look for static strings in your app, they could extract the string.

You also want to be careful if you upload this project into a public Git repository as open source. It’s very easy to get an API key if it’s published, even if you go back later and make a commit that takes it out.

Instead, what you can do is make a web service that proxies the request from your application to Google. Your web service can be the only code that knows about your API key, and it can live on an application server or in a serverless cloud environment as a function. Put the API Key into an environment or context variable, rather than directly embedding it in the code, or in a configuration file.

You can control access to this web service or function by requiring a valid user credential, if your app has typical user signup and authentication.

This also has the advantage of not breaking existing mobile applications if you need to rotate your Google API keys – you can simply set a new environment variable for your web service or cloud function and then restart your service or function.

For this project, we can put those concerns aside, so that we can try out the Google Directions API. Just don’t upload this source code to your public Git repository, or if you do by accident, delete the API Key from Google Cloud Platform.

Under API restrictions, restrict this key to the Google Directions API, and then save the changes, as shown in Figure 9-5.
Figure 9-5

Restrict API key screen

Once you have saved the Google Directions API key, make note of it.

Using the Google Directions API

Unfortunately, there is not an official helper library for iOS or Swift from Google for the Google Directions API. Instead, we can use the standard iOS networking library to make the API calls. The Google Directions API consists of an HTTPS endpoint that takes request parameters and returns a JSON response (there is also an XML endpoint).

To implement this API in Swift, we can use the URLSession class (and its related classes) to make the HTTPS call. We can either parse the JSON into dictionaries and arrays using the JSONSerialization class or define a data structure that implements the Codable protocol for the JSON response and use the JSONDecoder class. The second approach is much cleaner, as the first approach requires copious uses of if let and guard let statements with the nested structure of the Google Directions API response. We create a basic set of Swift structures to hold the Directions API response in this chapter.

Creating the URL

The Google Directions API is an HTTPS-based API, and you can easily test your requests out in a web browser. You will need to declare a constant to hold an API Key that supports the Google Directions API. We set this API up in the first part of this chapter. The following value is an example API key; substitute yours in its place:
You will also need to build up the URL for the API call. There are many different parameters you can send to the Google Directions API. The following three parameters are required:
  • origin – A street address, set of coordinates, or a Google Places ID

  • destination – Same as origin

  • key – A valid API Key

Other parameters you may include are
  • mode – Driving (default), walking, bicycling, transit

  • waypoints – Intermediate destinations for the route, except for transit

  • alternatives – True/false; will return multiple routes if they are available, and no intermediate waypoints are specified

  • avoid – Tolls, highways, ferries, indoor; which methods of transportation to avoid in the calculated routes

In addition to the preceding parameters, others you may want to consider are transit_routing_preference, language, arrival_time, departure_time, region, units, and traffic_model. See the detailed explanations of each of these parameters at the Google Directions API documentation page (https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/directions/intro).

An example Google Maps Directions URL might look like the following, with the API key being interpolated into the string:
let directionsUri = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/directions/json?origin=Austin,TX&destination=Houston,TX&key=(apiKey)"

You can certainly use your own location or an interesting place as either the origin or destination.

Calling the Directions API with URLSession

We need to make the call to the Google directions API ourselves. Using the standard URLSession and its related classes, we will create a data task and then call another method to process the response as a Data object.

The following retrieveDirections() method only handles the networking aspect, not the data processing. Add the method in Listing 9-1 to your ViewController class. You could also extend this method to take arguments for the origin and destination, if you wanted to ask the user for those through a text field, or perhaps use the user’s current location as a latitude/longitude pair.
func retrieveDirections() {
  let directionsUri = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/directions/json?origin=Austin,TX&destination=Houston,TX&key=(apiKey)"
  let session = URLSession(configuration: .default)
  guard let url = URL(string: directionsUri) else {
    print("Could not parse directions URI into URL")
  let task = session.dataTask(with: url) { (data, response, error) in
    guard let data = data else {
      print("Error returning data from url")
      print(error?.localizedDescription ?? "No error defined")
Listing 9-1

Making an HTTPS call to the Google Directions API

The next step is to process the Data object that we get from the HTTPS call and turn it into usable data structures.

Processing the directions response

Our request to the Google Directions API asks for a JSON response. We could also ask for XML, but that is harder to parse. With JSON, we need to decode the Data object using the JSONDecoder . We will define a set of data structures based on the JSON response from the Google Directions API.

An entire JSON response from the Google Directions API is too long to include in this chapter, but you can make an HTTPS request in your web browser to inspect the complete response. An edited version of the JSON response follows in Listing 9-2, with marking the removed parts. Most notably, the geocoded waypoints have been trimmed, the encoded paths for the polylines have been trimmed, and the number of steps in the route has been reduced to one.
  "geocoded_waypoints": [
  "routes": [
      "bounds": {
        "northeast": {
          "lat": 30.2671031,
          "lng": -95.3657891
        "southwest": {
          "lat": 29.69176959999999,
          "lng": -97.7506595
      "copyrights": "Map data ©2020 Google, INEGI",
      "legs": [
          "distance": {
            "text": "165 mi",
            "value": 265936
          "duration": {
            "text": "2 hours 33 mins",
            "value": 9172
          "end_address": "Houston, TX, USA",
          "end_location": {
            "lat": 29.76043,
            "lng": -95.3698084
          "start_address": "Austin, TX, USA",
          "start_location": {
            "lat": 30.2671031,
            "lng": -97.74307949999999
          "steps": [
              "distance": {
                  "text": "0.5 mi",
                  "value": 776
              "duration": {
                  "text": "3 mins",
                  "value": 167
              "end_location": {
                  "lat": 30.2649534,
                  "lng": -97.73539049999999
              "html_instructions": "Head <b>east</b>...",
              "polyline": {
                  "points": ...
              "start_location": {
                  "lat": 30.2671031,
                  "lng": -97.74307949999999
              "travel_mode": "DRIVING"
          "traffic_speed_entry": [ ],
          "via_waypoint": [ ]
      "overview_polyline": {
          "points": ...
      "summary": "TX-71 E and I-10 E",
      "warnings": [ ],
      "waypoint_order": [ ]
  "status": "OK"
Listing 9-2

Trimmed JSON response from Google Directions API

Inspecting this JSON response, we can determine which fields are useful for our application and which can be ignored. For instance, we may be building a hiking application, so we could ignore the traffic field. We will also create the bounding box from the polyline path, so we don’t need to parse it out separately.

Let’s start with a few basic data structures for the response, as seen in Listing 9-3, so that we can display the overview of the route on the map. We are only going to get the route and the points in the overview polyline. Define these structures in your ViewController.swift file for easy reference.

We are using Codable here for easy serialization between JSON and data structures. Otherwise, we would have to parse the nested response as a series of dictionaries and arrays, and the resulting Swift code would not be very maintainable.
struct GoogleDirectionsResponse:Codable {
  var routes:[Route]?
struct Route:Codable {
  var overview_polyline:OverviewPolyline?
struct OverviewPolyline:Codable {
  var points:String?
Listing 9-3

Data structures for the Google Directions API response

Once we have the data structures defined, we can decode the Data object from the HTTPS response (Listing 9-4). We do need to use a do-try-catch statement for this process, so that we can handle any JSON decoding errors or mismatches between our defined data structures and the response (such as a missing required property).

Last, once we have the response parsed out, we check to see if there are any points in the response for the overview, and if so, pass them to a separate method to display them. That method will execute on the main thread, as it changes the user interface.
func processDirections(_ data:Data) {
  let decoder = JSONDecoder()
  do {
    let response = try decoder.decode(GoogleDirectionsResponse.self, from: data)
    guard let points = response.routes?.first?.overview_polyline?.points else {
    // displaying the polyline on the map has to be on the main thread
    DispatchQueue.main.async {
  catch let error as NSError {
      print("JSON Error: (error)")
Listing 9-4

Decoding the JSON response into a data structure

Add the method in Listing 9-4 to your ViewController class . We still need to write the displayOverviewPolyline() method to show the user which way the route goes.

Displaying the route as a polyline

The response from the Google Directions API includes the points in the route as an encoded string that can be turned into a GMSPath object. This path object represents all of the points on the route, which includes the beginning and ends of all of the segments. You can use a path to create a polyline and then configure that polyline with the appropriate stroke color and width.

You also need to set the map property on the polyline to the Google map view. We also store the polyline as a member variable on the view controller at the end of the function (Listing 9-5).

Add the polyline as a member variable on the ViewController class:
var routePolyline: GMSPolyline?
For more about polylines and paths, see Chapter 8.
func displayOverviewPolyline(_ points:String) {
  guard let routePath = GMSPath(
    fromEncodedPath: points) else {
  let polyline = GMSPolyline(path: routePath)
  polyline.strokeColor = .red
  polyline.strokeWidth = 3
  polyline.map = mapView
  self.routePolyline = polyline
Listing 9-5

Displaying the Google Directions API response as a polyline on Google Maps

As a quick reminder, this method needs to be called on the main thread, just like any other user interface modification.

At the end of the method, we included a call to a method that updates the map bounding box, based on the path the route takes.

Updating the map bounding box

The GMSCoordinateBounds class is used to create a bounding box that you can then use with a camera update to display a rectangular segment of the world in the map view. You can create one of these bounds with a GMSPath object, like the list of points used in the route overview. That bounds will have no additional padding, but the camera update allows you to specify padding as a UIEdgeInsets structure.

Putting this together with a call to the moveCamera() method on the map view, we get the following function (Listing 9-6), which you can add to your ViewController class.
func updateMapBounds(_ routePath: GMSPath) {
  let bounds = GMSCoordinateBounds(path: routePath)
  let insets = UIEdgeInsets(top: 100, left: 100, bottom: 100, right: 100)
  let cameraUpdate = GMSCameraUpdate.fit(bounds, with: insets)
Listing 9-6

Displaying the entire route in the map view

You could adjust those edge insets as you like, to give the route enough padding. Having it stretch across the whole screen can look strange.

Now that all of the functions are complete, try running your application in the Simulator. You should see a red line appear on the Google Map for your route, like the following figure. Double-check the API key for your driving directions if you have problems (you can always test the URL in a web browser).
Figure 9-6

Displaying Google directions on a Google Map

This completes our use of the Google Directions API for this project. The next step to building out your application would probably be to add turn-by-turn directions, by breaking the route down into its different legs and steps.

Next steps: Displaying each leg and step

To extend this project out, we would need to add additional data structures to our project to decode each leg of the route, as well as each step of each leg. You could also add previous and next buttons that would walk up and down the list of steps, showing the HTML instructions and displaying the step polyline on the map.

Last, when you are done with this project, go back into the Google Cloud Platform console at https://console.cloud.google.com/ and delete your Google Directions API key. It’s always a good idea to clean up your project credentials!

In Chapter 10, we will use the Google Places SDK for iOS to search for points of interest and display them on a Google map. You could combine the work we did in this chapter with the search functionality in Chapter 10 to build some interesting applications on your own!

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