© Joseph Coburn 2020
J. CoburnBuild Your Own Car Dashboard with a Raspberry Pihttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6080-7_6

6. Getting Started with Flask

Chapter goal: Get Flask running on your computer. Learn the basics of Flask. Run Flask on the Pi and get it to autostart your application when it boots.
Joseph Coburn1 
Alford, UK

As you learned back in Chapter 4, Flask is a Python microframework – but what does that mean? Essentially, Flask is a web application framework. It makes it easy for you to develop and run complex web applications. Using Flask, you can write Python and have it executed when someone visits your web page. The Flask project resides at https://flask.palletsprojects.com/. It’s open source and available on GitHub at https://github.com/pallets/flask. You can create a login and user registration system, web admin panel, student management system, COVID-19 tracker, basic CRUD (create, read, upload, delete) system, or almost anything else you can imagine.

Flask has no opinion. It won’t force you to use specific databases or code patterns – it leaves those choices up to you. If you’d like to avoid the decision-making process, Django (www.djangoproject.com/) is a Python framework with an opinion, but this book is based on Flask, and I’ll guide you through every step of the way.

Flask is maintained by an organization called Pallets (https://palletsprojects.com/), and if you visit their GitHub profile at https://github.com/pallets, you’ll see a vast number of exceedingly popular projects. I can personally attest to the usefulness and quality of Python code available from Pallets, and count myself fortunate to contribute to Flask-SQLAlchemy (https://github.com/pallets/flask-sqlalchemy). Anyway, I digress.

First Flask Config

Flask is already included in your project. In Chapter 4 you included the source code in your Pipfile. Flask is very simple to use. Begin by navigating to your top-level Pi-Car folder in your Terminal, and creating these files and folders:
mkdir Pi_Car
cd Pi_Car
mkdir config
touch config/__init__.py
touch config/local_config.py
touch __init__.py
touch app.py

By now you should be comfortable with Git and be able to format your code with Black. If you need a reminder, take a look at the Git cheat sheet at the end of Chapter 4. The rest of this book won’t explicitly remind you to format and commit your code – remember to do so on a regular basis! A good rule of thumb is any time you have a significant change or working state, or when you’re taking a break or have finished coding for the day, commit your work. It’s OK to commit broken or incomplete code to feature branches (rarely to master).

There are only two main files here – everything else is either a folder or a Python init. The local_config.py file located inside the config folder is where you’ll store your application configuration. Later on you’ll access configurations here from any file in your project. It’s a centralized place to store project settings. If you want to change a setting, it’s much easier to modify it in one central place, rather than digging through the whole code base and making potentially hundreds of changes. Here’s the code you need to get started:
# https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/1.1.x/config/
# Flask-specific values
# Custom values
# Possible logging levels:
LOG_FILE_NAME = "pi-car.log"

This config file is a Python file. You can write complex logic in here, but it’s best to avoid doing so. You can freely assign, create, delete, or otherwise modify these values. As you can see, there’s a mixture of Booleans, strings, and comments. There’s nothing special about this code, but it is used to modify the state of the application. Each variable is written in uppercase. This naming convention indicates that these variables are constants – they won’t (or should not) change during the execution of the code. On its own this config does nothing. It’s only when implemented by your code in other files that they begin to provide value. Here’s the breakdown of what each one does.

The Flask-specific values section contains configurations for Flask itself. These settings are read by Flask and used to change its behavior. The TESTING variable exists to make your life easier as a developer and make your application more secure (when not set). You may not want to use these on a production server, but on your Pi (for personal use), and while developing the code this is fine.

The APPLICATION_ROUTE informs Flask where your code lives relative to the folder Flask is running from. The PREFERRED_URL_SCHEME tells Flask to use a secure or insecure Hypertext Transfer Protocol – HTTP or HTTPS. Encrypting your application traffic and generating an SSL or TLS certificate is possible locally, but it’s not required unless you want to run your code on the Internet. You can learn more about all the possible Flask config options at https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/1.1.x/config/, but these are enough for you to get started.

Cryptographic protocols

SSL and TLS exist to establish an encrypted connection between you and the server hosting the website you want to visit. They ensure that any data sent between you and a website is encrypted and not visible to anyone else. These protocols are used by your bank, or websites with a padlock in the URL bar, but a time is coming in the not-too-distant future whereby every website you visit will use some form of encryption. SSL stands for secure sockets layer, and TLS stands for transport layer security. TLS is the successor to SSL.

The custom values section is where you’ll find configurations specific to your application. These values won’t interfere with Flask itself, and you’ll need to explicitly write your code to handle these. LOGGER_LEVEL is used to increase or reduce the verbosity of the application logs – which you’ll learn about in the following pages. LOG_FILE_NAME defines the name of the file to record these logs to. You’ll expand on this config file as you develop more code.

The app.py file is where the main Flask initialization happens. Here is where you tell Flask how to work. You’ll configure different URL routes, logging, security, and much more. It’s the central nervous system of your app. This doesn’t mean you can smash all your code in here, however. As you’ll learn later on, there are ways to split this code into other files to keep it neat and follow OOP practices. For now, the starting code is fine to live here. Here’s the code you need to get started:
import logging
from flask import Flask
from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler
def create_app(config_file="config/local_config.py"):
    app = Flask(__name__)  # Initialize app
    app.config.from_pyfile(config_file, silent=False)  # Read in config from file
    # Configure file-based log handler
    log_file_handler = RotatingFileHandler(
        filename=app.config.get("LOG_FILE_NAME", "config/pi-car.log"),
        logging.Formatter("[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s in %(module)s: %(message)s")
    app.logger.setLevel(app.config.get("LOGGER_LEVEL", "ERROR"))
    app.logger.info("----- STARTING APP ------")
    def hello_world():
        app.logger.info("Running first route")
        return "Hello, World!"
    app.logger.info("----- FINISHED STARTING APP -----")
    return app
This may look like a lot of code, but taken one line at a time, it’s not as scary as it looks. Let’s jump right in. Start by importing some modules:
import logging
from flask import Flask
from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler

Imports are Python’s way of reusing code. Files you want to import are called modules , but really they are just folders. You can import a whole module, or smaller sections, and from subfolders. You can import your own code, or code written by other people. All of these imports (so far) are using modules installed previously by Pipenv. If Python can’t find a module to import, it will complain by raising an error – otherwise known as throwing an error, or throwing an exception . You can write code to handle errors, but I’ll cover that when required.

Next, create a function called create_app. This is an application factory, which is a fancy way of saying it is in charge of building the Flask application. Functions (sometimes called methods) are blocks of code neatly bundled together with a useful name. They let you recycle code by bunching specific code together. Ideally, functions should not be too long, and should perform one task. You’ll refactor this function later as your code grows. Here’s the first line:
def create_app(config_file="config/local_config.py"):

The keyword def lets Python know you’d like to create a new function, and that everything following the keyword is the function. After def comes the function name – create_app in this case. Python naming convention for functions is all lowercase, with underscores between words.

Next up are your parameters. These let you pass data to functions when they are used. This data is accessible inside the function. Using parameters like this lets you change the data every time you use your code. If you don’t need to use different data, or your function can “figure out” what it needs, you don’t need to use parameters. This function has one parameter called config_file. It has a default value of config/local_config.py. If you don’t provide this parameter, the default value is used instead. Default values are optional – if you don’t specify one, your code will crash if you don’t supply the parameter. This config file is used inside this function to point your code to your config. It’s common to change configs depending on your environment – production, on your computer, on the Pi, and so on.

Finally, the colon indicates the end of the function configuration, and that everything that follows is the function’s code. Python uses indentation to assign code to different objects, so ensure everything inside the function lines up.

Here’s the first line of code inside the create_app function:
app = Flask(__name__)  # Initialize app

This creates a variable called app and instantiates it as a Flask object. You can see a comment following it – denoted by the hash sign at the start. Comments are ignored by the Python interpreter, and exist to help you and other developers in the future when revisiting code. Comments should be clean and clear – don’t just copy what the code does. The comments in these examples are more verbose than may typically be desirable, to really help you out in your understanding.

Before going any further, let’s really dig into what this line does. If you think back to Chapter 2 – the software development primer, you learned about object-oriented programming and how classes are really just recipes which define how a piece of code should work. Here, Flask is a class – and it follows the class naming guidelines of Pascal Case. Pascal Case is where the first letter of every word is uppercase, and the rest of the letters are lowercase. This Flask class defines how code should work and what it should do as designed by the Pallets team when creating Flask itself. Therefore, app is a new instance of the Flask class.

The parameter __name__ is passed to the class. In Flask, this is a parameter called import_name. You don’t have to specify this when using classes or functions – but you can if you’d like to:
app = Flask(import_name=__name__)  # Initialize app

This import_name lets Flask know where the application is running, relative to your code base. It lets Flask figure out where to find all of its other code. In Python, __name__ is a special variable. This evaluates to the name of the current module – Pi-Car.Pi_Car.app in this file, which represents the file name, the folder name, and the parent directory name. Special variables in Python begin and end with dunder – double underscores for both the prefix and suffix.

Next, configure your Flask application by pointing it to the config file you created previously:
app.config.from_pyfile(config_file, silent=False)  # Read in config from file

Notice how the config_file variable is passed in here – you defined this in your function definition, and as of right now, it references the file in config/local_config.py. This helpful function loads all of your config variables into your Flask app. Any changes you make to the config will get automatically picked up by Flask whenever you restart the application. The silent parameter instructs Flask to raise errors if that file does not exist. As you only have one config file right now, it’s a good idea to leave this set to False. If you wanted to use an optional config file – one which may or may not exist, then setting silent to True is a good way to handle this. When true, Flask will happily keep working, even if it can’t find the config file.

The next chunk of code handles application logging. Before discussing this, let’s look at what logging is and why it’s so important.

Logs let you record information during the execution of an application. Essentially they are just messages to yourself, written to aid you during development and deployment. They are an essential metric and provide much-needed visibility into the state of your application.

Logs are often divided into logging levels. Each log is classified into a group depending on its relevance or severity. When looking at logs at a later stage, it’s possible to filter these so as to see only the most relevant results. It’s also possible to limit the creation of logs based on their level. This is defined in your config file as LOGGER_LEVEL.

Logger levels can vary slightly between projects and frameworks, but for the most part, they all work in the same way. Log levels operate in descending order of priority. If you set a log level, your application will output all logs of that level or higher. You’ll always see logs deemed more important than the current log level, but anything less important will be hidden. From most important to least important, the logging levels available through Flask and this application are
  • Critical

  • Fatal

  • Error

  • Warning

  • Info

  • Debug

The critical level indicates there was a serious problem with the code – perhaps a config file or variable is not configured. This should be reserved for problems which prevent the application running at all, or very serious issues which need resolving right now. Fatal is very similar to critical (and in the Python core logging library, they are the same). Use fatal when you encounter a problem that cannot be corrected or recovered from in the code.

The error logging level is perhaps more common than most. Use this to indicate that a problem has occurred, but not one that prevents the whole application from working. This could be localized to a specific request or function or tied to a specific action. Other requests and functions may still work fine, just this one in particular may be impacted.

When working in a corporate environment, you may be fortunate enough to have an operations team, sometimes known as DevOps or ops. This team is responsible for running the infrastructure needed to execute your code. A good rule of thumb is that critical, fatal, or error levels should be serious enough to get your ops team out of bed, and will require some corrective action. Granted, this car project has far fewer people working on it, and an issue may not warrant immediate corrective action, but you can’t fix what you don’t know about, so use sensible logs and log levels at every opportunity.

The warning log level is much gentler, and often ignored. Use warning levels to indicate that something undesirable happened, or something is unavailable or inaccessible, but the application continues to operate just fine. Perhaps the code is designed to handle this bad condition – but you still want to know when it happens.

The info logging level is incredibly useful, but often one that is easy to abuse. This level should be used to inform about the state of the application. A good practice is to put info log statements at the start and end of every function execution. Info could perhaps be used by a nontechnical person to see that every step of a process is followed.

Finally, debug is a level that you can use for almost anything. If you want to know the state of a variable at a point in time, or if a particular code block is executed, use debug. Debug log levels exist to help you as a developer understand what is happening in your code, down to a very fine-grained level. You would not generally run applications at this level in production, as it can be too verbose. Occasionally is fine, when troubleshooting or deploying new systems, but when fully operational, a higher log level is often used. I once worked on a Python application where the server bill to store all the logs from running debug in production cost more than the whole application cost to run.

This application uses log handlers to output logs to both a file and the standout output, known as stdout , which is essentially your console. Log handlers are used to configure all kinds of logging settings. You can customize the format, file name, logging level, and more. By default, Flask logging has a log handler which outputs to the console. This is very useful, so let’s leave this as is. Create a new file-based log handler, using the RotatingFileHandler class, previously imported from logging.handlers:
# Configure file-based log handler
log_file_handler = RotatingFileHandler(
    filename=app.config.get("LOG_FILE_NAME", "config/pi-car.log"),

This rotating file handler records all your logs to a file. Once the file gets too large, it creates a new file. Once it reaches four new files, it goes back to the first file and starts again. The file name defines what to call the new files created for your logs. maxBytes is used to limit the maximum file size in bytes. 10MB is specified here. Finally, backupCount specifies the total number of log files to rotate around. Notice how these parameters are named using CamelCase – the first letter of every word is uppercase, apart from the first letter of the variable. This is not a Python convention, but as you’ll come to find out, software developers all write code in different styles, based on their preferences.

Notice how the file name looks like this:
app.config.get("LOG_FILE_NAME", "config/pi-car.log")

This reads the config variable LOG_FILE_NAME defined in your config file and then loaded into the Flask config object. This is your first introduction to defensive programming. Throughout this application, you should ask yourself, “What happens if this piece of code fails?” In this case, what will happen if LOG_FILE_NAME does not exist in your config? Config is a dictionary object, and dictionaries support the get function. This function safely retrieves data from dictionaries. If LOG_FILE_NAME is not present in the config, get returns None instead of crashing your application. Alternatively, you can specify a default value to use if the LOG_FILE_NAME is not found. In summary, if you don’t set LOG_FILE_NAME in your config, this code will fall back to using config/pi-car.log. This makes your code powerful and resilient to failure. It can error-correct itself to continue normal operation.

The alternative to the get function is accessing the dictionary by its key:
This will return the value defined in your config, but it will crash your application if this key does not exist in the config dictionary. Now this will raise a KeyError, which you could correct with a try/catch statement (Python’s syntax uses the word Except here, but the terminology is Catch):
    filename = ["LOG_FILE_NAME"]
except KeyError:
    filename = "config/pi-car.log"
log_file_handler = RotatingFileHandler(

Try/catch statements are used liberally in Python (perhaps more so than other languages). This way of handling exceptions is fine in many cases, but in this particular case, it bloats the code when compared to using the get function.

This code is another important pattern to learn. If you anticipate errors may happen, wrap your code in a try/catch pattern. Any code inside the try will let you handle the errors inside the except. You can handle specific errors as shown earlier, or you can handle any error – although make sure you don’t just wrap all your code in a massive try and catch any error. Specific error handling is far more useful than blindly catching all errors. If you want to assign the error itself to a variable, you can alias it:
    filename = ["LOG_FILE_NAME"]
except KeyError as e:
    filename = "config/pi-car.log"
Now, e is a variable that contains more information about the problem. You can and should log this with a suitable message, but as you’re still configuring the logs at this stage, you may not be able to read the logs yet. Finally, if you want to explicitly ignore an error, you can use the pass keyword:
    filename = ["LOG_FILE_NAME"]
except KeyError:

A dictionary is an object used to store data in key/value pairs using curly braces. Here’s a basic example:

my_dict = {
    "A": "Apples",
    "B": "Bananas",
Items on the left are the keys and items on the right are the values, and you can now access items by their key (and square brackets):

This will return you the value of “Apples”. As you learned about earlier, defensive programming with dictionaries is an excellent way to improve your code.

You can store any data in dictionaries, including complex objects or nested dictionaries.

Back to your log handler, you need to explicitly set the logging level in use by pulling the value out of your config file and using the setLevel function:
log_file_handler.setLevel(app.config.get("LOGGER_LEVEL", "ERROR"))

Notice how this defensively retrieves the config value, or defaults to ERROR.

Use the setFormatter function to define a format for your logs:
    logging.Formatter("[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s in %(module)s: %(message)s")
This injects useful data into your logs, which makes them far more useful when reading at a later date – data such as the date and time they were produced, the log level, and the file they came from. Such a log entry may look like this:
[2020-04-04 11:26:38,333] INFO in app: Log message here...
Finally, you need to tell Flask about your new log handler, which is done with the addHandler function:
You’re now ready to use logs all over your application! Here’s how to log to the info level:
app.logger.info("----- STARTING APP ------")

Notice how you access the info attribute of the logger object in your app object. Because your app is an instance of the Flask class, you have access to app.logger, because Flask defined it in the class definition. This is what makes object-oriented code so powerful. The ability to reuse code (built by other people in many cases) can really speed up your development time. You don’t need to defensively handle app.logger – you can almost always rely on functions being available – provided you are certain the object is what you think it is.

To log to the other log levels, replace info with the log level you want, all in lowercase:
app.logger.critical("This is a critical log message")
app.logger.fatal("This is a fatal log message")
app.logger.error("This is an error log message")
app.logger.warning("This is a warning log message")
app.logger.info("This is an info log message")
app.logger.debug("This is a debug log message")

Later on you’ll learn how to log complex objects, but for now, play around with logging different messages to different log levels.

Here’s the final piece of the Flask puzzle. Routes are a foundation of any web app, and Flask is no different. Routes let users and developers use memorable names in the URL, each one routing to a different piece of code. Flask needs to know which routes exist, so here’s the code that handles this first route:
def hello_world():
    app.logger.info("Running first route")
    return "Hello, World!"

This defines a route accessible at “/”. The function is called hello_world, but this has no impact on the URL. Inside, you can see some basic logging to the info level, and then it returns a string. In Flask, you must return something inside your routes – this is what is shown when you load this page in your browser.

You may be wondering what the @ sign used for. In Python, this is a decorator. Decorators are ways of running functions, and are a common pattern in Python. This essentially provides hello_world as a parameter to the route function, which is defined in the Flask class, of which your app is an instance of. Decorators keep your code neat, but they can be difficult to write and get confusing when using multiple decorators on the same piece of code.

Finally, as the very last line of code in create_app, you need to return your app object:
return app

As this create_app function is an app factory, tasked with making Flask apps, it needs to return the newly built and configured app to whatever code requested it. Any code after this return statement will not run.

That’s it for the Flask code. It may be slightly larger than the very core Flask code you need to get started, but you now have an app factory, which implements some very important logging and route functionality. You’ve learned some core concepts that you can carry with you to any project, and you are now ready to run your app!

From the terminal, make sure you’re in a Pipenv shell from your top-level project folder (which for me is Pi-Car). Configure your environment by telling Flask where to find your app factory:
export FLASK_APP=Pi_Car.app
This line sets an environment variable called FLASK_APP with the value of Pi_Car.app. This is your subfolder and your Python file. The .py extension is not required. Flask will automatically read this environment variable and go and use your create_app function inside app.py. Optionally, configure the FLASK_ENV variable . Setting this to development makes Flask much easier to work with. Flask will monitor your code for any changes and reload the app if it detects any. It’s not possible to configure this in your config file, as it needs setting before the app launches:
export FLASK_ENV=development
Now run your app:
flask run
Visit in your browser. You’ll see your “Hello, World!” message on the page, and your console will fill up with your application logs (Figure 6-1)! You’ll see several Flask messages about the environment, app name, and so on. You’ll also see your application logs. Refresh the page and notice how more logs arrive.
Figure 6-1

Output from running the Flask server

Open the new pi-car.log file and you’ll also see your application logs. The logs in your console are temporary and exist to help you out. When running on the Pi, you’ll use this log file more often. You don’t need to worry about storing this log file in Git – it’s already ignored through the .gitignore template file GitHub created for you. You can see several sample logs in Figure 6-2. Well done! You are well on your way to becoming a Python expert!
Figure 6-2

First application logs

Running Flask on the Pi

Now that you have a working application and know how to run Flask, let’s get Flask running on the Pi and access it from your computer over your local network. The start of this process is very similar to running Flask on your computer. You need to get the latest code onto the Pi and boot the server. Start by connecting to your Pi over SSH and navigate to the root project directory:
cd Documents/Pi-Car
Now use your update script to pull the latest code from the master branch:
After updating, start a Pipenv shell:
pipenv shell
Finally, configure the environment and start the server – Figure 6-3 shows the sample output:
export FLASK_APP=Pi_Car.app
flask run
Notice the IP address Flask is running on:
* Running on (Press Ctrl+C to quit)
Figure 6-3

The Flask server running on the Pi

This is known as your localhost address – sometimes called a loopback address . It is an almost universal standard IP address to refer to “this computer.” On your Pi, this address is the same. It’s the same address on my desktop computer, your laptop, my Pi, or almost any other computer. This is a reserved IP address, and it’s used to make developer’s lives easier. When running your applications, it doesn’t make sense to send packets out over the Internet, only to come back in to access your application. Localhost addresses are often only accessible to the computer that is running something on it – although you can expose them to the Internet via a public-facing IP address.

Herein lies the problem. This localhost address works fine on your computer – Flask runs on this address, and as you’re using the computer Flask is running on, you can access it just fine. As the Pi is a different computer to the one you are developing on, you need to tell Flask to run on a different internal IP address, so that you can access it remotely. When running inside your car, this localhost address works perfectly, but while you’re still developing this project, it’s much easier to access the Pi remotely.

Fortunately, Flask lets you change the IP address when you start the project. Instead of Flask run, modify the command to change the IP address, shown in Figure 6-4:
flask run --host=
This tells Flask to listen on the IP address – which is another reserved network address. This IP address will never be used by an internal or external network. You can freely use it for purposes such as this. Once again, this is local to your computer or Pi – every computer has its own IP address.
Figure 6-4

Flask server running on port

This IP address listens to all incoming connections. When you connect to your Pi’s IP address, your traffic will route to Flask, which is essentially listening to all incoming traffic on the Pi. On your desktop computer, fire up your web browser of choice, and enter your Pi’s IP address in the address bar:

Remember you can get your Pi’s IP address by running ifconfig on the Pi and looking under the inet section for wlan0. Now you can access the Flask application running on your Pi from your desktop computer. You can see the logs in real time through your SSH session. For all practical purposes, the Pi is acting as a remote web server, which you are administering over the network. It doesn’t matter that the Pi may be on your desk or tucked behind a cupboard – only the IP address changes for a device next to you or 1000 miles away.

IP addresses

power every device on the Internet or internal network. The Domain Name System (DNS) defines how servers convert memorable domain names such as google.com to hard to remember IP addresses such as There’s nothing stopping you from entering IP addresses into your web browser, but letters and words are much easier to remember. When you enter your Pi’s IP address into your web browser, you’re skipping the domain name lookup process, as you already know the IP address you want.

Notice the 5000 at the end of your IP address? This is the port in use by Flask. Ports in networking are communication endpoints. Computers have a maximum of 65535 ports, and each one is associated with a service or application. Certain ports are associated with services by default. Insecure websites use port 80, for example, or TLS connections use port 443. When entering a website, by default, browsers use port 80 or 443 unless told otherwise. As Flask is running on port 5000, trying to connect over port 80 will not work. By using a colon, and specifying the port in the URL, you can connect over the correct port.

Why 65535 ports? Ports are stored as an unsigned 16-bit integer, which provides a maximum of 65535 digits. This means you can theoretically have 65535 applications running on your computer, all listening on a different port from 0 to 65535. Negative ports are not supported in TCP/IP applications.

You could configure Flask to run on port 80, but the Pi probably has something already running on that port, and you can’t share ports which are in use. For now, let’s stick with port 5000.

As for the IP address, you could bookmark this, or write it down, but in the words of Python core developer Raymond Hettinger, “there must be a better way!” By using a hosts file, you can create an easy-to-remember text-based entry, which will redirect you to the Pi’s IP address. This is a bit like running your own DNS server on your computer – you could even redirect google.com to your Pi. Remember though that it’s only you who will see this – it’s not that easy to hack servers.

You’ll need to perform this change on your desktop computer, not the Pi. Start in your console and open the hosts file (it doesn’t matter what folder you are currently in), shown in Figure 6-5:
sudo nano /private/etc/hosts
You’ll need to enter your password – the sudo command runs this with the necessary privileges required to edit the file. Nano is a lightweight console-based text editor, although if you’re a fan of Vi, Vim, or Emacs, then you might be screaming at me right now. These alternative software packages also work well, so use whatever you’re comfortable with.
Figure 6-5

macOS default hosts file entries

Each line in this file represents an independent host entry. The left portion is the address to redirect to, and the right portion is the easy-to-remember name. Notice how there are already several entries:       localhost broadcasthost
::1             localhost
These default entries let you (and other applications) access via the easy-to-remember name of localhost. Ensure you don’t change these existing entries. Use your keyboard arrow keys to scroll to the bottom of this file, and insert a new blank line with your return key . Enter your Pi’s IP address on the left and an easy-to-remember name on the right:   pi-car
Figure 6-6

macOS hosts file with pi-car entry

Figure 6-6 shows the now modified hosts file. Remember, your internal IP address is different from mine. Press Ctrl+X to exit Nano, making sure to type yes to save the file (shown in Figure 6-7), and then press return to use the existing file name.
Figure 6-7

Nano file saving confirmation message

Back in your web browser, you can access the Pi via pi-car now, instead of You’ll still need to use the port Flask is running on, along with the protocol, like this: http://pi-car:5000/. You may need to repeat this process if your Pi’s internal IP address changes – which is possible but unlikely.

Autostart Flask When the Pi Boots

Whenever the Pi boots, it needs to run the Flask server. There are many ways to configure autorun behavior such as this on the Pi. Here’s how to modify rc.local to configure everything you need for Flask to run when the Pi boots. It will
  • Ensure the Pi can access your Python 3 interpreter

  • Configure the FLASK_APP environment variable

  • Pull the latest code from your GitHub repository

  • Create a virtual environment and install the dependencies

  • Run the Flask app

This stands for run control, and it exists to let you run commands automatically when the Pi starts up. Commands here get executed by the root user, without you having to log in to the Pi. This presents some challenges, as all of your Python installations and files are relative to your user, located in /home/pi/. As you’ll see shortly, it’s a simple process to point the root user to the files necessary to run the server. You can reference scripts here, but for this purpose, you can store your commands directly in the file.

Begin by editing the rc.local file on the Pi:
sudo nano /etc/rc.local
Notice here there’s already some code here – several lines of comments followed by a simple IP address retrieval. You can safely remove all of this code. Enter this new code:
sleep 15
export PATH=/home/pi/.pyenv/shims:$PATH
export FLASK_APP=Pi_Car.app
cd /home/pi/Documents/Pi-Car/
pipenv install
flask run --host= &
exit 0
Most of this should be familiar to you. Notice how it changes directory into your /home/pi/ folder, exports the PATH into that directory, and runs the Git clone script you created earlier. It also installs the latest requirements from the Pipfile and runs the Flask server on the correct address. You can see this from the Pi’s console in Figure 6-8.
Figure 6-8

Basic Pi rc.local configuration

At the start of the file, the sleep command delays execution for 15 seconds:
sleep 15

This ensures that the Pi can access the Internet to clone your latest code. Without it, the Pi may not have finished configuring its network devices and would therefore mean any commands requiring Internet access (such as your Git clone) would fail.

When running the Flask server, pay special attention to the ampersand at the end of the line:
pipenv run flask run --host= &

This isn’t a typo. It runs your Flask server in “background mode” as it were. Without it, your server would run just fine, but this script would wait for it to finish execution (which it may never do). By including this special character, the Pi is free to go about any other business it needs to do.

Finally, there is the exit command:
exit 0

This is a bash exit code, specifically, the success code. Again, this tells the Pi that everything executed successfully. It’s critically important that you retain this line at the bottom of the file. Without it, the Pi would not be able to determine if everything executed successfully, and may prematurely kill off your server.

Save and exit Nano, and restart the Pi:
sudo reboot

Once the Pi starts up, point your web browser to the Pi’s domain and port (http://pi-car:5000/), and you’ll see your hello world welcome page. Well done, you have now completed possibly the hardest tasks of all. As you progress through these projects, everything else will seem like smooth sailing now that you have all your environments configured and a (mostly) fully automated deployment pipeline.

Chapter Summary

Throughout this chapter, you’ve installed and configured Flask and built your first application routes. You learned how to run a Flask application server on your local computer and how to do the same on the Pi. You’ve configured your application logging – both to the standard out and to a rotating log file handler. You configured the Pi to grab the latest code from the repo and start the Flask application when it boots. You can access this over your local network.

In the next chapter, you’ll connect a temperature sensor and modify your application to read data from it.

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