Chapter 21. Preferences and Defaults

If you’ve used an operating environment other than Mac OS X (such as Windows or Unix), you’ve probably had to worry about environment variables and configuration files. Such nuisances are pointedly missing from most Mac OS X applications, because Mac OS X uses a database to store all such configuration and user-preferences information. This database is called the defaults database .

The Mac OS X defaults database stores the preferences set in the Preferences dialogs of all applications. As a Cocoa programmer, you can use the defaults database system to store whatever information you want.

The Mac OS X defaults database is similar to the registry in Microsoft Windows, but with one critical difference — Mac OS X applications use this database only for storing preferences, not for storing critical information that is necessary for the proper operation of an application. Unlike Windows, where registry keys must be created when an application is installed, Mac OS X applications create their defaults entries when they run — and they automatically recreate the settings if they are accidentally or intentionally removed. Furthermore, the settings in the defaults system never contain full application pathnames — applications find where they are installed by examining their MainBundles (the directory from which the application is run). Thus, you can move an application and it will still work properly.

In this chapter, we’ll modify the GraphPaper program to work with the defaults database system. We’ll use the database to store the colors used to draw the graph, axes, and labels. In the second half of this chapter, we’ll use the defaults system to store the initial values for the graph parameters. Finally, we’ll create a multi-view Info dialog to switch between these two preferences options.

Preferences and the Defaults Database System

Mac OS X stores preferences information for each application in a file located in the user’s ~/Library/Preferences/ folder. The preferences files are actually XML-encoded property lists with the .plist extension. To prevent namespace collisions, each file is named using the reversed fully-qualified hostname of the company that created the application (e.g., “”), followed by the application name (e.g., “clock”). Apple calls these names domains . Defaults domains are similar in appearance and spirit to class names in the Java programming language. For example, the Clock application stores its preferences information in a file called

Because the ~/Library/Preferences folder is stored under the user’s Home folder, each user has her own preferences information. If you NFS-mount a user’s Home directory in a networked environment, that user will have access to her preferences information regardless of which computer she uses for login.

Accessing the Defaults Database with PropertyListEditor

If you double-click ~/Library/Preferences/ in the Finder, the PropertyListEditor application will open and display a window similar to that in Figure 21-1 (click the disclosure triangle next to Root, if necessary).

Property list for Apple’s Clock application displayed in PropertyListEditor

Figure 21-1. Property list for Apple’s Clock application displayed in PropertyListEditor

You can edit a .plist file in PropertyListEditor using the steppers and New Sibling and New Child buttons (recall that we did this earlier in PB). Try changing the InDock property of the Clock from Yes to No (or vice versa) using the stepper at the far right of the window, and then save the file. If the Clock is already running, it won’t change its Dock status immediately. However, if you quit the Clock application and then restart it, it should change its Dock status. Changing preferences of a running application in PropertyListEditor is dangerous, because the running application may also change the preferences, which can lead to inconsistent results. It’s like two people editing the same exact file on a server and saving it at different times.

When we clicked the Dump button in the upper-right corner of the PropertyListEditor window, we got the window containing the ASCII dump of the file, as shown in Figure 21-2.

ASCII dump of file

Figure 21-2. ASCII dump of file

When we listed the exact same file in a Terminal shell, we got the same listing as in the PropertyListEditor dump:

% cd ~/Library/Preferences/
% cat
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist SYSTEM "file://localhost/System/Library/DTDs/
<plist version="0.9">
         <key>NSWindow Frame Clock</key>
         <string>591 418 128 128 0 0 1024 746 </string>

Only printable ASCII text should be stored in the database, but Apple’s XML encoding system should take care of this for you automatically.

Accessing the Defaults Database in a Terminal

In addition to PropertyListEditor, Mac OS X provides a Unix command-line program called defaults for reading and modifying the contents of the defaults database.

The defaults command makes it possible to use and modify the defaults database without having to start up a Mac OS X program and read the XML property list. That’s handy if you’re writing a shell script or just trying to learn your way around the defaults system. The defaults command can also read the contents of the defaults databases on other computers, provided you have sufficient permissions to do so.

The primary functions of the defaults command are summarized in Table 21-1.

Table 21-1. Defaults system commands



defaults [-host host]
  read domain 

Reads the defaults value of the key in the specified domain. If key is omitted, all of the keys are read. If domain is omitted, all of the domains are read. This can be incredibly verbose!

defaults [-host host]
  read domain key

Reads the type of the key in the specified domain. If key is omitted, all of the keys are read. If domain is omitted, all of the domains are read.

defaults [-host host]
  write domain plist

Adds the property list plist to the preferences values for the domain.

defaults [-host host]
  write domain name value

Adds the (name,value) pair to the set of preferences for the domain.

defaults [-host host]
  rename domain old new

Renames the key old to have the name new in the domain.

defaults [-host host]
  delete domain key

Deletes the specified key in the domain. If key is omitted, all of the keys are removed. If domain is omitted, all of the user’s domains are removed.

defaults [-host host]

Lists all of the domains on the command line.

defaults [-host host]
  domains find word

Lists all of the domains that contain a key or value that contains word.

We can use the defaults read command in a Terminal window to see all of the variables and defaults for the Clock application:

% cd ~/Library/Preferences/
% defaults read
    AppendAMPM = 1; 
    ClockDigital = 1; 
    ClockEnabled = 1; 
    DisplaySeconds = 1; 
    FlashSeparators = 0; 
    PreferencesVersion = 1; 
    ShowDay = 1; 

If we wanted to make the clock’s AM/PM indicator disappear, we could execute this command:

% defaults write AppendAMPM 0

That wasn’t terribly informative. What’s worse, if you execute this command and then look at your clock, you’ll see that the AM/PM indicator is still there. Did the command take?

% defaults read
    AppendAMPM = 0; 
    ClockDigital = 1; 
    ClockEnabled = 1; 
    DisplaySeconds = 1; 
    FlashSeparators = 0; 
    PreferencesVersion = 1; 
    ShowDay = 1; 

It looks as if the command worked, but its effects haven’t shown up yet. Try clicking the menu bar clock and then choose View as Icon. Click the menu bar clock once again and choose View as Text. Now the AM/PM indicator should disappear. The behavior of preferences in other applications may differ — it depends on how often the program checks the defaults database stored in its .plist file.

Defaults Domains

The Mac OS X defaults system is designed to accommodate multiple defaults domains. Each domain is a collection of names and values. Internally, Cocoa implements defaults domains as NSDictionary objects that store zero or more other objects. The key to the NSDictionary is the name of each defaults value; it is determined by an NSString object. The value can be any object that can be stored in a property list — that is, an NSData, NSString, NSNumber, NSDate, or NSArray object, or another NSDictionary object.

Every application that you run can have its own defaults domain. The name of this domain is the same as the application’s application identifier, which is set in Project Builder.

Persistent versus volatile defaults

Defaults domains can be persistent or volatile. A persistent domain is a domain that is stored after an application exits and is made available again the next time that application runs. The contents of a volatile domain are simply lost when the application finishes executing — but that doesn’t matter, because they are recreated the next time the application runs.

Persistent defaults domains are typically stored as files in the user’s ~/Library/Preferences folder, but they could in theory be stored in other locations, such as in a SQL database or an LDAP server. In fact, the mechanics of how persistent defaults are stored and then loaded back into memory are intentionally hidden from the programmer.

Standard defaults domains

Mac OS X provides each application with five standard defaults domains, described in Table 21-2.

Table 21-2. Defaults domains available to every application





Stores the command-line arguments provided when the program is run.



Provides persistent storage of the user’s preferences and other values.



Used by user-interface objects that require a consistent behavior between user applications.



Used for language-specific default values. For example, NSGregorianCalendarDate, NSDate, NSTimeZone, NSString, and NSScanner use this defaults domain to remember language-specific defaults (such as the names of the days of the week).



Stores application-specific defaults of applications before they are changed by the user.


[a] The name of this domain is the same as the name of the application identifier.

[b] The names of these domains correspond to the name of the language.

The NSUserDefaults Class

The NSUserDefaults class is the standard interface that you will use to communicate with the defaults system. Your application will create a single instance of this class; you can get the id of this instance using the class method +standardUserDefaults . For example:

                  NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];

The NSUserDefaults object implements a search system by which successive domains are searched when you ask to look up an object by key. The domains are searched in the order given in Table 21-2:

  1. The NSUserDefaults object first checks the NSArgumentDomain, which is built from the command line that was used to launch the application, if one exists. This lets you temporarily change the value of a preference for a single run of an application.

  2. If no command-line value was given, it next checks the application domain, as specified by the application’s bundle identifier.

  3. If no owner/name combination is found in the defaults database, the NSUserDefaults object next checks for a default in the NSGlobalDomain.

  4. If no NSGlobalDomain default is found, the NSUserDefaults object checks the domains for each of the user’s preferred languages.

  5. If no default has been found up to this point, the NSUserDefaults object returns the value that was specified in the registration table that was registered in the NSRegistrationDomain.

This search order of the application’s compiled-in defaults will be honored unless they are superseded by defaults specific to the user’s language, defaults that have been stored, or command-line arguments.

If we want the GraphPaper application to start up with an xstep of 5, we could launch it with the following command line in the Terminal:

% build/ -xstep 5

When your application starts up, it needs to read the user’s default values and set the state of its associated objects. Recall that in Chapter 17 we simply hardcoded values to use for defaults in ColorGraphView.m and in Interface Builder. We’ll change that in the next section.

The most obvious use of the defaults system is to remember user preferences between successive invocations of an application, but the defaults system is actually used throughout the Mac OS X environment. For example, Cocoa’s NSRulerView class references the NSGlobalDomain to remember if the user’s preferred unit of measurement is picas, points, inches, or centimeters. The internationalization of Cocoa is provided through the AppleLanguages key that is stored in the NSGlobalDomain defaults domain, which allows users to specify which languages they want to use, and in which order.

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