Adding Color to GraphPaper

In the remainder of this chapter, we’ll add color to our GraphPaper application. To do this, we’ll add a Preferences panel (users refer to it as a Preferences dialog) that will let the user choose three distinct colors for drawing the graph, the equation, and the axes.

To isolate the parts of the GraphView that deal solely with color, we’ll create a GraphView subclass called ColorGraphView. This way, we won’t need to make any changes to the GraphView class itself, yet we can use all of its functionality. This is called reusability of classes.

The user probably won’t want to change the graph’s colors every time the GraphPaper application is run, so we’ll put the Preferences panel in its own nib file rather than in MainMenu.nib. That way, the Preferences panel will be loaded and take up memory only when the user chooses to see it. The ColorGraphView class will have three NSColor instance variables, to keep track of the colors currently being used.

We’ll also set up a new class called PrefController to take care of modifying these instance variables when the Preferences panel is displayed. If the Preferences panel isn’t loaded, the ColorGraphView class will use reasonable defaults for the color instance variables. In Chapter 21, we’ll see how to set the values for these colors from the Mac OS X defaults database, application- defaults information stored in every user’s ~/Library/Preferences folder. (The application’s defaults database was introduced in Chapter 2).

Creating a Preferences Panel

A Preferences panel is a panel that an application provides to let users change preferences and configuration options. It gives the user an easy way to read the contents of the defaults database for his particular application and to make modifications. Every configuration or installation option that your program supports should be settable via the Preferences panel.

Preferences panels can be simple or complex; usually, there is little correlation between the complexity of a program’s Preferences panel and the complexity of the program itself. However, you should try to keep the number of options in your application’s Preferences panel under control. When in doubt, let ease of use be your guide.

In the upcoming sections, we’ll make a simple Preferences panel for setting the colors of the graph, the axes, and the function in GraphPaper. This panel won’t be fully functional, though, because it will be missing the OK and Revert buttons for saving the Preferences information into the defaults database. We’ll add those in Chapter 21.

First we’ll create a Controller class for our application, which will act as a central coordinator of the activity of the GraphView object and the Preferences panel. Contrast this with the PrefController class, which will control only the preferences in GraphPaper.

The Controller Class

As with most Cocoa applications, the purpose of GraphPaper’s Controller class will be to load nibs and provide a central means for finding the ids of important objects. It won’t be a very complicated class, but it will be very important.

We’ll set up the Controller object so that it is the NSApp delegate. The delegate outlet will make it possible for any object in our application to get the id of the GraphView instance (pointed to by graphView) by evaluating the following message:

 [ [NSApp delegate] graphView]

Putting accessor methods in classes when you design them is good programming practice. We’re just planning ahead.

To have the Preferences panel in its own nib, we will also need to arrange for the Controller class to load the nib on demand. We’ll use code similar to that we used in previous chapters to load the About box nib on demand.

  1. Open your GraphPaper project in Project Builder and the MainMenu.nib file in IB.

  2. Subclass the NSObject class in IB (Classes Subclass NSObject) and rename the new class “Controller”.

  3. Add an outlet called graphView to the Controller class in the Controller Info dialog.

  4. Add another outlet, called prefController, to the Controller class.

  5. Add an action method called showPrefs: to the Controller class.

  6. Create the files for the Controller class (Classes Create Files for Controller) and insert the new class files to the GraphPaper project.

  7. Instantiate the Controller class (Classes Instantiate Controller). A new icon labeled “Controller” will show up in the Instances pane of the MainMenu.nib window.

  8. Make the Controller the File’s Owner’s delegate by Control-dragging from the File’s Owner icon to the Controller icon and double-clicking delegate in the File’s Owner Info dialog.

  9. Connect the Controller’s graphView outlet to the on-screen GraphView instance in GraphPaper’s main window.

  10. Insert the @class directive and graphView method declaration shown here in bold into Controller.h:

    #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
    @class GraphView;
    @interface Controller : NSObject
        IBOutlet id graphView;
        IBOutlet id prefController;
    - (IBAction)showPrefs:(id)sender;- (GraphView *)graphView;

    The @class directive allows the Controller class to declare that it returns an object of the GraphView type without including the whole GraphView class definition.

  11. Insert the lines shown here in bold into Controller.m:

    #import "Controller.h"#import "GraphView.h"
    @implementation Controller
    - (GraphView *)graphView
                                return graphView;
    - (IBAction)showPrefs:(id)sender
    {    if (!prefController) {
                                    [NSBundle loadNibNamed:@"Preferences.nib" owner:self];
                                [ [prefController window] makeKeyAndOrderFront:sender];

Controller may appear to be a gratuitous class — why not just make the GraphView instance the delegate of the NSApp object? The answer will become clear as we add more features to the GraphPaper application: having a separate Controller object will make it easier to add new functionality.

The prefController outlet will be initialized to point to a PrefController object (which will control the Preferences panel) that we’ll create in the next section. The showPrefs: action will be invoked in response to a user’s choosing GraphPaper Preferences and will pass the request along to the PrefController object through the prefController outlet.

The first time the showPrefs: action method is invoked, it will load Preferences.nib. Every time the showPrefs: action method is invoked, it asks the prefController for the id of its window and then exposes the window with the makeKeyAndOrderFront: message.

  1. Back in IB, Control-drag from the MainMenu.nib application menu item GraphPaper Preferences to the Controller instance (see Figure 17-4).

  2. Connect the GraphPaper Preferences menu cell to the Controller instance so that it sends the showPrefs: action message, as shown in Figure 17-4.

Connection from GraphPaper’s Preferences Menu item to the Controller

Figure 17-4. Connection from GraphPaper’s Preferences Menu item to the Controller

  1. Save MainMenu.nib and minimize the MainMenu.nib window by clicking its yellow minimize button (working with two on-screen nibs in IB can be confusing).

Creating the Preferences Nib, Panel, and PrefController

The Preferences panel will be loaded by a PrefController object in response to the user’s choosing the GraphPaper Preferences menu command. In this section we’ll set up the nib and create the PrefController class. These next few steps all refer to the file Preferences.nib , not to MainMenu.nib.

  1. Choose IB’s File New command and then choose Cocoa Empty from the resulting Starting Point panel.

  2. Save the new nib module in the Preferences.nib file in GraphPaper’s English.lproj folder and add it to the GraphPaper target.

  3. Read (parse) the definition of the Controller class (Classes Read Files) by reading the declarations in Controller.h. The Controller class should appear as a subclass of the NSObject class, and thus Preferences.nib should now know about the Controller class.

  4. Change the class of Preferences.nib’s File’s Owner to the Controller class. To do this, select the File’s Owner icon under the Instances tab in the Preferences.nib window, type Command-1, and then change the class of the File’s Owner from NSObject to Controller.

  5. Subclass the NSObject class again (Classes Subclass NSObject) and rename the new class “PrefController”.

  6. Add these four outlets and two actions to the PrefController class:

                            Outlets                      Action Methods
    graphColorWell               okay:
    axesColorWell                revert:

    Don’t worry about the revert: and okay: actions now; we won’t use them until Chapter 21.

  7. Create the files for the PrefController class (Classes Create Files for PrefController) and insert the new class files to the GraphPaper project.

  8. Instantiate the Controller class (Classes Instantiate PrefController). A new icon labeled “PrefController” will show up in the Instances pane of the Preferences.nib window.

  9. Connect the prefController outlet in the File’s Owner (Controller) object to the PrefController instance in the Preferences.nib window.

  10. Set up a Preferences panel in Preferences.nib that looks like the one in Figure 17-5. To do this, drag a Panel icon from IB’s Cocoa-Windows palette and drop it on the desktop. Rename it “Preferences”. Then drag three NSColorWells from the Cocoa-Other palette and three Message Text icons from the Cocoa-Views palette and drop them all in the new panel. Use IB’s blue guidelines and the Layout Alignment menu command to align these objects. Then choose Layout Group In Box to get the boundary (Box) and rename it “Colors”, as shown in Figure 17-5.

GraphPaper’s Preferences panel in IB

Figure 17-5. GraphPaper’s Preferences panel in IB

  1. Set the tag of the NSColorWell labeled “Graph” to “1” (make sure you set the tag on the NSColorWell and not the text label).

  2. Set the tag of the NSColorWell labeled “Axes” to “2”.

  3. Set the tag of the NSColorWell labeled “Label” to “3”.

  4. Connect each color-well outlet in PrefController to the appropriate NSColorWell object in the Preferences panel. Be sure that you are connecting to the NSColorWell object and not to the labels! See Figure 17-6 for the labelColorWell outlet connection.

Connecting PrefController outlets to color wells

Figure 17-6. Connecting PrefController outlets to color wells

  1. Connect PrefController’s window outlet to the Preferences panel’s title bar.

  2. Save Preferences.nib.

PrefController Class Implementation

A PrefController object will manage the Preferences panel. Following is the implementation of the awakeFromNib method and the method that it invokes (setUpWell:) to set up each color well. In addition, the window accessor method is added so the Controller can send a window message to PrefController to get the id of the Preferences panel to send it the makeKeyAndOrderFront: message.

  1. Back in PB, insert the three method declarations shown here in bold into PrefController.h:

    #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
    @interface PrefController : NSObject
        IBOutlet id axesColorWell;
        IBOutlet id graphColorWell;
        IBOutlet id labelColorWell;
        IBOutlet id window;
    - (IBAction)okay:(id)sender;
    - (IBAction)revert:(id)sender;
    - (NSWindow *)window;
                            - (void)setUpWell:(NSColorWell *)well;
                            - (NSColorWell *)colorWellForTag:(int)aTag;
  2. Insert these two #import directives into PrefController.m:

                            #import "Controller.h"
                            #import "ColorGraphView.h"
  3. Insert the following two method implementations into PrefController.m:

                            - (NSWindow *)window
                                return window;
    - (void)setUpWell:(NSColorWell *)well
                                id colorGraphView = [ [NSApp delegate] graphView] ;
        [well setTarget:colorGraphView];
                                [well setAction:@selector(setObjectsToColor:) ];
                                [well setColor:[colorGraphView colorForTag:[well tag]] ];

The setUpWell: method arranges for the NSColorWell to send the setObjectsToColor: action message (described later) directly to the ColorGraphView target object. It gets the ColorGraphView id (graphView) by sending the graphView accessor message to the Controller (NSApp’s delegate). This allows us to overcome Cocoa’s apparent inability to send messages between nibs. In fact, it’s easy to send messages between objects that are in different nibs — you just can’t wire it up graphically using IB.

After the NSColorWell’s action and target are set, the setUpWell: method goes to the colorGraphView, asks for the color that is associated with the particular tag, and then sets the NSColorWell to be this color. We’ll implement the colorForTag: method later in this chapter.

  1. Insert the following awakeFromNib method implementation into PrefController.m:

                            - (void)awakeFromNib
                                [ [NSColorPanel sharedColorPanel] setContinuous:YES];
        [self setUpWell:axesColorWell ];
                                [self setUpWell:labelColorWell ];
                                [self setUpWell:graphColorWell ];

The Application Kit uses a single NSColorPanel object for each running application. The method [NSColorPanel sharedInstance:YES] returns the id of that shared instance; if the Colors panel hasn’t been created yet, it gets created.

PrefController’s awakeFromNib method first creates a shared Colors panel, then sets the continuous flag for the Colors panel. It is necessary to set the continuous flags in both the color well and the Colors panel if you want a color well to automatically send a message to its target as the color on the Colors panel is changed. The awakeFromNib method also invokes the setUpWell: method for each of the three color wells.

Finally, we will add a method that will allow other objects to obtain the id of an NSColorWell on the Preferences panel by specifying the tag. Because all of the color wells are subviews of the window’s content view, this is easy.

  1. Insert the following method implementation for the colorWellForTag: method into PrefController.m:

                            -(NSColorWell *)colorWellForTag:(int)aTag
                                return [ [window contentView] viewWithTag:aTag];


In this section we’ll create the ColorGraphView class, which knows how to draw a graph in color and how to change the colors of the objects in the display list. The ColorGraphView class will have two jobs: managing the drawing of the graph in color, and changing the colors of objects in the display list when requested.

  1. Back in IB, open (or maximize) the MainMenu.nib file if it is not already open. (Make sure that you are no longer working in Preferences.nib by minimizing it.)

  2. Subclass the GraphView class (which itself is a subclass of NSView) in the MainMenu.nib file. Rename the new class “ColorGraphView”.

  3. Change the class of the on-screen GraphView instance in GraphPaper’s main window to ColorGraphView in the Info dialog (Command-1).

    Changing the class of GraphView to ColorGraphView shouldn’t break any of the connections we made with GraphView. However, if you inadvertently changed the class to one that didn’t implement the graph: action (such as NSView), IB may have broken the Graph button’s connection. If this or any other connection was broken, reconnect it.

  4. Add a new action called setObjectsToColor: to ColorGraphView.

    Note that because GraphView is ColorGraphView’s superclass, its outlets and actions show up as dimmed, uneditable text in the Info dialog.

  5. Create the files for the ColorGraphView class and insert the new class files to the GraphPaper project.

  6. Insert the lines shown here in bold into ColorGraphView.h:

    #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>#import "GraphView.h"
    @interface ColorGraphView : GraphView
    {    NSColor *axesColor;
                                NSColor *graphColor;
                                NSColor *labelColor;
    }- (NSColor *)colorForTag:(int)aTag;
                            - (void)setObjectsToColor:(NSColor *)theColor forTag:(int)aTag;
                            - (void)addGraphElement:(id)element;
    - (IBAction)setObjectsToColor:(id)sender;

The axesColor, graphColor, and labelColor instance variables will store the current colors for the axes, graph, and label, respectively. The color wells in the Preferences panel will send the setObjectsToColor: message to tell the ColorGraphView when the user wants to change the color of the axes, graph, or label (the setObjectsToColor method was referenced in setUpWell: and will be implemented later). This method, in turn, will invoke the setObjectsToColor:forTag: method, which will cause ColorGraphView to change the colors of all of the objects in the display list that have a matching tag. The colorForTag: method returns the color of the particular NSColor that matches the provided tag.

The ColorGraphView Class Implementation

The ColorGraphView implementation isn’t very complicated, because most of the work of actually drawing the graph is done in the GraphView class. The only thing the ColorGraphView class has to manage is the color of the newly drawn objects on the graph, as well as changing the colors of existing objects when the user changes a color in one of the color wells in the Colors panel.

  1. Insert the following #import directives into ColorGraphView.m:

                            #import "Segment.h"
                            #import "Label.h"

The key definitions that we need for color are contained in Cocoa’s NSColorWell.h and NSColorPanel.h files. It’s a good idea to look briefly at these files, as well as at NSColor.h, to learn the basic structures, constants, and methods Cocoa provides for handling color. All of these files can be viewed using PB’s Find pane.

The first two methods in the following ColorGraphView class implementation provide for the basic mapping between tags and the three color-containing instance variables in ColorGraphView. The colorForTag: method takes a tag and returns the matching color instance variable. The setObjectsToColor:forTag: method sets the appropriate instance variable to be the passed-in color. It then goes through the entire display list, finds all of the elements with matching tags, and sets their colors as well.

  1. Insert the following two method implementations into ColorGraphView.m:

                            - (NSColor *)colorForTag:(int)aTag
                                switch (aTag) {
                                  case AXES_TAG:    return axesColor;
                                  case GRAPH_TAG:   return graphColor;
                                  case LABEL_TAG:   return labelColor;
                                return nil;        // no color?
    - (void)setObjectsToColor:(NSColor *)theColor forTag:(int)aTag
                                NSEnumerator *en;
                                id obj=nil;
        // First set the correct instance variable
                                switch (aTag) {
                                  case AXES_TAG:
                                    [axesColor release];
                                    axesColor = [theColor retain];
          case GRAPH_TAG:
                                    [graphColor release];
                                    graphColor = [theColor retain];
          case LABEL_TAG:
                                    [labelColor release];
                                    labelColor = [theColor retain];
        // Now set the elements in the display list
                                en = [displayList objectEnumerator];
                                while (obj = [en nextObject]) {
                                    if ([obj tag]==aTag) {
                                        [obj setColor:theColor];
                                        [self setNeedsDisplayInRect:[obj bounds] ];

When new objects are added to the display list, their colors must be set in accordance with their tags. We can set the colors quite simply by overriding GraphView’s addGraphElement: method. Notice that our implementation of this method uses the colorForTag: method to find out what the color for the passed-in element should be.

  1. Insert the following addGraphElement: method implementation into ColorGraphView.m:

                            - (void)addGraphElement:(id)element
                                // Set the color to match the request
                                [element setColor:[self colorForTag:[element tag]] ];
        // Add the element to the display list
                                [super addGraphElement:element];   

As this example shows, part of a good class design is being able to easily change or enhance functionality by subclassing.[39]

These three methods are all that are necessary to display newly drawn graphs in the colors requested by the user. But if you want to respond to color-change requests from the user, we will need one more method.

Setting the Colors

When the user changes a color using an NSColorWell object, the NSColorWell sends the setObjectsToColor: action to the ColorGraphView object (the target and action were set up in PrefController’s setUpWell: method). The setObjectsToColor: method in ColorGraphView needs to change the value of the appropriate color instance variable as well as the elements in the display list. We’ll use the NSColorWell’s tag instance variable to figure out which NSColorWell sent the message. (Recall that we set each color well to have a different tag.)

  1. Insert the following setObjectsToColor: method implementation into ColorGraphView.m:

                            - (IBAction)setObjectsToColor:(id)sender
                                [self setObjectsToColor:[sender color] forTag:[sender tag] ];

Setting the Initial Color

There’s a problem with the code that we’ve written so far: if the user tries to make a graph without first invoking the Preferences panel, nothing will be drawn, because all of the NSColor instance variables for setting the graph, axes, and label colors will be zero. The logical way to set the initial values for these instance variables is by overriding the GraphView’s initWithFrame: method. For now, we’ll just hardcode in values. In Chapter 21, we’ll see how to set these values from the defaults database system.

  1. Override GraphView’s initWithFrame: method implementation by inserting the following method into ColorGraphView.m:

                            - initWithFrame:(NSRect)frame
                                [super initWithFrame:frame];
                                axesColor =  [ [NSColor lightGrayColor] retain];
                                graphColor = [ [NSColor blackColor] retain];
                                labelColor = [ [NSColor darkGrayColor] retain];
                                return self;

The GraphView, Segment, and Label Classes

We were very careful in the last chapter to build in flexibility when we designed the GraphView, Segment, and Label classes. Because these classes have proper abstractions, instance variables, and protocols, not a single line of code in them needs to be changed.

Testing GraphPaper’s Color

  1. Build and run GraphPaper. Save all files first.

  2. Click the Graph button to make a graph with axes and a function label appear.

  3. Choose GraphPaper Preferences to make the Preferences panel appear.

  4. Click the border of the Graph color well to expose the Colors panel, which will be linked to the color well you clicked.

  5. Try changing the color in the Colors panel. The color of the graph will change immediately (and continuously, if you drag the Colors panel sliders).

  6. Now try changing the colors of the axes and function label. In Figure 17-7, we have changed the colors of all three items displayed for the function x*cos(x).

GraphPaper running with colors chosen via the Preferences panel

Figure 17-7. GraphPaper running with colors chosen via the Preferences panel

  1. Quit GraphPaper.

[39] An earlier version of the GraphView class that is not shown in this book didn’t have a separate method for adding graph elements to the display list. Instead, there was duplicate code throughout the GraphView class for manipulating the display list. Not only was this version of the program longer, but it also proved to be impossible to add color to that version of GraphView without making changes to the GraphView class itself (i.e., subclassing didn’t work). The new version of GraphView — the one we showed in the previous chapter — overcame those problems through better design.

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