
Well, we’ve finally come to the end of the book. In this chapter, we learned some more about how to write a professional quality Cocoa application program and, in particular, how to use the Mac OS X defaults database.

Although there’s lots more to learn about Cocoa, from here on you should be able to get most of what you need from the online documentation (or from our next book!). If you’ve been with us until now, you’ve learned the basics of Cocoa’s three main classes (NSApplication, NSView, and NSWindow), how they interact, and how to modify their functions as necessary to get done just about anything that you want to get done.

Cocoa establishes a framework into which all of the Application Kit objects neatly fit, like carved wooden pieces into a Chinese puzzle. The longer you program Cocoa, the more you’ll learn about using the pieces that Apple provides; you’ll also learn more and more about adding your own pieces.

Now go out and write a killer application!

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