Setting Up a Multi-View Panel

In this section, we’re going to change the Preferences panel into a multi-view panel, so that we can use it to change either the initial colors or the initial graph parameters (e.g., xmin, ymax). Figure 21-8 shows the pop-up menu and two NSViews that will show up in our new Preferences panel. The particular view that shows up depends on which tab (Colors or Initial) the user selects. In the final section of this chapter (and the book!), we’ll modify GraphView to read its initial graph conditions out of the defaults database.

The two views of the multi-view Preferences dialog

Figure 21-8. The two views of the multi-view Preferences dialog

Tab Views

It’s quite easy to set up a tab view with Cocoa: just drag out the tab view and drop your GUI elements into place. Before we do this, however, we need to set up instance variables to hold the additional controls.

  1. Insert the five outlet instance variables shown here in bold into PrefController.h:

    #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
    @interface PrefController : NSObject
        // Colors tab
        IBOutlet id axesColorWell;
        IBOutlet id graphColorWell;
        IBOutlet id labelColorWell;
        // Initial tab
                                IBOutlet id xminCell;
                                IBOutlet id xmaxCell;
                                IBOutlet id xstepCell;
                                IBOutlet id yminCell;
                                IBOutlet id ymaxCell;
        IBOutlet id window;
  2. Save PrefController.h.

  3. Open Preferences.nib in IB.

  4. Drag the PrefController.h icon from PB and drop it in the Preferences.nib window in IB.

The last step brought the five new outlet variables into IB. In the next few steps, we’ll put a tab view on the Preferences panel and set up the appropriate controls.

  1. Select a color well in the Preferences panel in IB and then Shift-select the other two color wells and the labels. Then type Command-X to cut the six selected items (we’ll paste them back later).

  2. Select the Colors box and hit the Delete key (we won’t need it anymore).

  3. Drag a Tab/View icon from IB’s Cocoa-Containers palette and drop it in the Preferences panel.

  4. Size the Tab/View to fit in the Preferences panel (see Figure 21-8).

  5. Double-click inside the Tab/View to tell IB that you want to work within the container.

  6. Type Command-V to paste in the three color wells and their labels.

  7. Reconnect the PrefController’s axesColorWell, graphColorWell, and labelColorWell outlets to their respective color wells (Control-drag from PrefController to each well).

  8. Double-click on the tab labeled “Tab” in the Tab/View and change the label to read “Colors”.

  9. Click the tab labeled “View” in the Tab/View. Note that your controls disappear! (Don’t worry — they’re still there — you can make them reappear by clicking the Colors tab.)

  10. Change the word “View” to “Initial”.

  11. Drag out a Field1/Field2 NSForm from the Cocoa-Views palette and drop it in the Initial tab (pane).

  12. Expand the NSForm to five cells. You may want (or need) to shrink the font size or change the intercell spacing. (You can change the intercell spacing by holding down the Command key while resizing the matrix.)

  13. Connect the appropriate PrefController outlets (xmaxCell, xminCell, xstepCell, yminCell, and ymaxCell) to the appropriate cells in the form (Control-drag from PrefController to the fields).

  14. Save the Preferences.nib file.

Loading and Saving the Default Values

Finally, we need to modify the revert: and okay: methods for the PrefController class so that the xmin, xmax, xstep, ymin, and ymax values are read from the defaults database when the Preferences window is displayed and saved back into the defaults database when the OK button is pressed. (Recall that we have already modified the GraphView class so that it initializes these values from the defaults database.)

  1. Insert the lines shown here in bold into the revert: method in the PrefController.m class file:

    - (IBAction)revert:(id)sender
        NSUserDefaults *defs = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
        [self setUpWell:axesColorWell ];
        [self setUpWell:labelColorWell ];
        [self setUpWell:graphColorWell ];
        [xminCell  setObjectValue:[defs objectForKey:GP_xmin]];
                                [xmaxCell  setObjectValue:[defs objectForKey:GP_xmax]];
                                [xstepCell setObjectValue:[defs objectForKey:GP_xstep]];
                                [yminCell  setObjectValue:[defs objectForKey:GP_ymin]];
                                [ymaxCell  setObjectValue:[defs objectForKey:GP_ymax]];
  2. Insert the five lines shown here in bold into the okay: method in PrefController.m:

    - (IBAction)okay:(id)sender
        NSUserDefaults *defs = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
        [defs setObject:DataForColor([axesColorWell color])
        [defs setObject:DataForColor([labelColorWell color])
        [defs setObject:DataForColor([graphColorWell color])
        [defs setObject:[xminCell objectValue] forKey:GP_xmin];
                                [defs setObject:[xmaxCell objectValue] forKey:GP_xmax];
                                [defs setObject:[xstepCell objectValue] forKey:GP_xstep];
                                [defs setObject:[yminCell objectValue] forKey:GP_ymin];
                                [defs setObject:[ymaxCell objectValue] forKey:GP_ymax];
        [window orderOut:nil];
  3. Build and run GraphPaper, saving all files first.

  4. Choose GraphPaper Preferences.

  5. Select the Initial tab in the Preferences panel, and you should see the initial defaults, as shown in Figure 21-9.

GraphPaper’s Preferences panel with initial defaults

Figure 21-9. GraphPaper’s Preferences panel with initial defaults

  1. Enter values for all of the initial parameters and click OK (or hit Return). The OK and Revert buttons work as before.

  2. Quit GraphPaper.

  3. Now run GraphPaper again, and the initial values should show up in both the GraphPaper window and the Preferences panel.

  4. Quit GraphPaper.

  5. Double-click the ~/Library/Preferences/com.nitroba.GraphPaper.plist file in the Finder to view the GraphPaper defaults in PropertyListEditor, as shown in Figure 21-10.

com.nitroba.GraphPaper.plist file after setting initial values in the Preferences panel

Figure 21-10. com.nitroba.GraphPaper.plist file after setting initial values in the Preferences panel

  1. Quit GraphPaper.

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