The Files in a Project

If you’ve been checking your ~/Calculator directory while stepping through this chapter, you’ll probably have noticed that several files were automatically created in it. This section will discuss what these files contain and how they fit into a project.

PB’s Groups & Files pane uses an outline view to list each project file by type, as shown in Figure 5-31. You can display the different types of files in this outline view by clicking the disclosure triangle next to a file type (e.g., Resources, Frameworks). In Table 5-1, we summarize what each file type means.

Groups & Files pane in Calculator’s main window in PB

Figure 5-31. Groups & Files pane in Calculator’s main window in PB

Table 5-1. Cocoa file types

File type

Typical extensions



.h, .m, .mm

Objective-C class interface (.h) and implementation (.m) files. The .mm extension is used for Objective-C++ source code files.

Other Sources

.c, .m, .mm

ANSI C (.c) and Objective-C (.m) source code files (e.g., main.m).


.nib, .strings

Resources used by the application, including the IB (.nib) files and strings tables.



Library files that are linked into your program (e.g., Cocoa and Foundation).



Applications that have been built with PB.

The main.m Program File Generated by PB

When you create a project, PB generates an Objective-C file called main.m containing the program’s main( ) function. The main( ) function is where every Objective-C (and C) program begins. The following code in the main.m file is generated in the Calculator project:

#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>

int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
    return NSApplicationMain(argc, argv);

As you can see, this is a very simple function! All it does is run the NSApplicationMain( ) function that is built into the Cocoa Application Kit framework.

The Cocoa documentation for the NSApplication class (not function) defines the NSApplicationMain( ) function as the following:

void NSApplicationMain(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    [NSApplication sharedApplication];
    [NSBundle loadNibNamed:@"myMain" owner:app];
    [NSApp run];

This function creates the NSApplication object, which creates the autorelease memory pool that we discussed in Chapter 4, then loads the application’s main nib file (MainMenu.nib in Calculator) and starts the NSApplication object’s main event loop. The main event loop handles menu clicks, keystrokes, and all of the other events to which an application can respond.

Control doesn’t return to main( ) until the NSApplication object receives a stop: or terminate: message, which usually happens in response to a user’s choosing the application’s Quit menu item. At that point, the main( ) function receives the return code from the NSApplicationMain( ) function.

Other PB-Generated Files

In addition to creating the Objective-C .h, .m, .nib, and main.m program files for a project, PB created the following files for us:


The directory containing the project files, which keep track of the individual parts of the project. You might investigate this directory in a Terminal window because, like, it appears to be a simple file (not a folder) in the Finder.


The project file that keeps track of the parts of the project.

Calculator.pbproj/ username .pbxuser

The project file that keeps track of the preferences for the user username.


A directory that contains the information for an English-language version of our project, including the MainMenu.nib file (discussed earlier) in our example.


A string table that references all of the strings inside the English-language project.

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