Chapter 8. Events and Responders

Our Calculator already handles events such as mouseclicks on buttons and menu items, but all this was automatic; we haven’t had to write any specific code to handle these mouse events. In this chapter we’ll learn more about events and the chain of objects that Cocoa uses to respond to events. At the end of the chapter, we’ll see how to “catch” events from the keyboard in our Calculator application. This is the final chapter of the Calculator application.

Events and the NSResponder Chain

There are seven basic kinds of events that Cocoa developers need to be concerned about:

Mouse events

Generated by pressing, clicking, or moving the mouse

Keyboard events

Generated by a keypress or release

Tracking rectangle and cursor-update events

Generated when the cursor crosses the boundary of a predefined rectangular area (tracking rectangle) in a window

Periodic events

Generated to notify an application that a certain time interval has elapsed

AppKit-defined events

Generated by the Application Kit when a window is moved, resized, or exposed, or when the application is activated or deactivated

System-defined events

Generated by the system — for example, when the power is turned off

NSApplication-defined events

Custom events defined and generated by your application to be inserted into the event queue

Of these, the mouse and keyboard events are usually the most important for developers.

What Is an Event?

A Cocoa event is a message and a corresponding object that the Window Server sends to an application in response to some action taken by the user. Pressing a key on the keyboard generates an event, as does releasing that same key. Pressing the mouse button in a window generates an event, as does releasing the mouse button (and moving the mouse, too).

The Mac OS X Window Server, which was introduced in Chapter 1, is a low-level process running in the background that is responsible for sending events to applications and displaying images on the screen. It isolates you from the details of the Mac’s hardware. We’ll discuss the Window Server in detail in the next chapter.

Events drive applications. Every action that a user takes is turned into an event by the Window Server, which in turn sends the event information to the appropriate Mac OS X application. Each window has an event mask that it uses to tell the Window Server which events it wants to receive. We’ll describe event masks in more detail later in this chapter.

What is actually sent to the application is an event record, in the form of an NSEvent object. The NSApplication object stores events in an event queue.

The NSEvent Object

When your program receives an event, it is packaged in an NSEvent object. The types of information that the object contains, along with the data types, is in the file NSEvent.h. Search for this file via the Find or Classes (vertical) tab in Project Builder if you’re curious about the class interface.

Cocoa supports many different kinds of events. The following 21 events are listed in the file NSEvent.h:

typedef enum _NSEventType {
        NSLeftMouseDown         = 1,
        NSLeftMouseUp           = 2,
        NSRightMouseDown        = 3,
        NSRightMouseUp          = 4,
        NSMouseMoved            = 5,
        NSLeftMouseDragged      = 6,
        NSRightMouseDragged     = 7,
        NSMouseEntered          = 8,
        NSMouseExited           = 9,
        NSKeyDown               = 10,
        NSKeyUp                 = 11,
        NSFlagsChanged          = 12,
        NSAppKitDefined         = 13,
        NSSystemDefined         = 14,
        NSApplicationDefined    = 15,
        NSPeriodic              = 16,
        NSCursorUpdate          = 17,
        NSScrollWheel           = 22,
        NSOtherMouseDown        = 25,
        NSOtherMouseUp          = 26,
        NSOtherMouseDragged     = 27
} NSEventType;

It’s unlikely that you’ll ever work with these event numbers, because whenever the NSApplication object receives event numbers from the Window Server, it automatically translates them into Objective-C messages. The corresponding methods are defined in the NSResponder class.

NSResponder is the abstract superclass that contains Cocoa’s event-responding mechanism. Most of the classes that we have discussed so far in this book, including NSApplication, NSWindow, and NSView, are subclasses of NSResponder. The NSResponder methods are defined in the file NSResponder.h. The methods that are important for event handling include the following.

                  - (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent;
- (void)mouseUp:(NSEvent *)theEvent;
- (void)mouseMoved:(NSEvent *)theEvent;
- (void)mouseDragged:(NSEvent *)theEvent;
- (void)scrollWheel:(NSEvent *)theEvent;
                  - (void)rightMouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent;
- (void)rightMouseUp:(NSEvent *)theEvent;
- (void)rightMouseDragged:(NSEvent *)theEvent;
- (void)mouseEntered:(NSEvent *)theEvent;
- (void)mouseExited:(NSEvent *)theEvent;
- (void)keyDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent;
- (void)keyUp:(NSEvent *)theEvent;
- (BOOL)performKeyEquivalent:(NSEvent *)theEvent;

This list contains about half of the event-handling methods available in NSResponder. Each of the methods in the list has a pointer to an NSEvent object as its first and only argument. By sending messages via this pointer to an NSEvent object, you can learn about the NSEvent itself. Table 8-1 describes the messages that you would typically send to an NSEvent object from your event-handler code.

Table 8-1. Important NSEvent methods

Data element


- (NSString *)characters

Returns the characters associated with a key-up or key-down event.

- (NSString *)charactersIgnoringModifiers

Returns the characters as they would have been received if no modifier key (other than Shift) were pressed.

- (int)clickCount

Returns the number of mouseclicks associated with a mouse-down or mouse-up event.

- (float)deltaX- (float)deltaY- (float)deltaZ

Returns the change in x, y, and z for scroll-wheel, mouse-moved, and drag events.

- (BOOL)isARepeat

Returns YES if the key event was caused by a key autorepeating when the user held the key down.

- (unsigned short)keyCode

Returns the hardware-dependent value of the key that was pressed for key-down and key-up events.

- (NSPoint)locationInWindow

Returns the location of the event in the associated window’s coordinate system.

- (unsigned int)modifierFlags

Returns the settings of the Shift, Control, Option, and Command keys.

- (NSTimeInterval)timestamp

Returns the time of the event since system startup. You may find it difficult to translate this timestamp to an actual time, but usually it’s not necessary.

- (int)trackingNumber

Returns the number of the tracking rectangle that was entered or exited, for tracking-rectangle events.

- (NSEventType)type

Returns the type of the event.

- (NSWindow *)window

Returns the window associated with the event.

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