© The Author(s), under exclusive license to APress Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2022
D. IlettBuilding Quality Shaders for Unity®https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-8652-4_5

5. Textures and UV Coordinates

Daniel Ilett1  
Coventry, UK

Now we have seen how basic shaders are made in Unity using both shader code and Shader Graph. It’s possible to add complex color patterns to the surface of an object by generating those patterns within the shader itself, but this is not always possible, so sometimes we will need to create such patterns externally and import them into the shader. We do this using textures.

The most common type of texture is a 2D array of color data that a shader can read. You can think of a texture as a regular image – texture is the technical term we use in computer graphics to refer to them. We apply textures to objects using a process called texture mapping, where we match up each part of the 2D texture to parts of the surface of a 3D object and apply those bits of the texture to those bits of the model. What we do with the values from the texture after mapping them depends on the context. Or we might mess with the way the mapping works inside the shader itself to achieve certain effects.


Unity supports many file formats for textures, such as PNG, TIFF, and JPEG. I use PNG for most textures I create.

In this chapter, you will learn everything you need to know about texture mapping. We will tweak the basic shader we wrote earlier to include texture support. Then we will see some techniques to modify the mapping between textures and meshes. Later, we will see different kinds of textures other than regular 2D textures and use them in a slightly different way.

Basic Texturing

A basic type of texture contains data about the color of the surface of an object. If I wanted to create a model of a wooden table and apply a texture to the surface, then the bulk of the texture would probably be some shade of brown and contain a wood grain pattern using different shades of brown. You can create a texture using most image editing programs or download them from the Internet – there are many sources of images in the public domain that may be appropriate for use in shaders, or you can find them on the Unity Asset Store.


When using images from the Internet, check the license attached to the image to ensure you have the rights to use it in your game. For example, some types of Creative Commons license like CC0 (CC-zero) are extremely permissive and allow redistribution, commercial use, and derivative versions of game assets. Other licenses may restrict some of those rights.

Adding texture support to an existing shader requires modifying many parts of the shader such as the properties and the main body – let’s see how it works in HLSL first and then create a Shader Graph to do the same.

Texture Support in HLSL

Let’s start by creating a shader that is very similar in structure to the HelloWorld shader we wrote in Chapter 3. We’ll be aiming to build a shader that uses a single texture to determine the base color of the object, along with a single color that we use to tint the texture color. Since HelloWorld already applies a tint color (without the texture), it’s a good place to start. Figure 5-1 shows what we are aiming for.

An illustration of two screenshots of the text example window depicts checkered spheres under the texture example shader for 1 x and 5 x tiling.

Figure 5-1

The completed TextureExample shader with a textured preview, using 1× tiling (left) and 5× tiling (right)

Remember that we should give each shader a unique name at the top of each shader file, so I’ll be calling this one “TextureExample”. Start by creating a new shader file called “TextureExample.shader”, and replace the file contents with the following code.
Shader "Examples/TextureExample"
            _BaseColor ("Base Color", Color) = (1, 1, 1, 1)
                  "RenderType" = "Opaque"
                  "Queue" = "Geometry"
                  #pragma vertex vert
                  #pragma fragment frag
                  struct appdata { ... };
                  struct v2f { ... };
                  v2f vert (appdata v) { ... }
                  float4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target { ... }
Listing 5-1

The TextureExample shader code skeleton

There are a few gaps in this shader currently, so think of it as a skeleton that we’re going to put some meat onto throughout this section. Let’s start by adding the tags and include files required by the shader – we’ll need to do this in each shader we write.
  • In the built-in pipeline, let’s just include the UnityCG.cginc file inside HLSLPROGRAM. We don’t need to add any tags.

  • In URP, we must add some additional tags alongside the include file:
    • Add a RenderPipeline tag to the existing Tags block in the SubShader.

    • Insert an additional Tags block in the Pass to contain a LightMode tag.

    • Include the Core.hlsl file inside HLSLPROGRAM.

      #pragma vertex vert
      #pragma fragment frag
      #include "UnityCG.cginc"
Listing 5-2

Adding the UnityCG.cginc include file in the built-in pipeline

      "RenderType" = "Opaque"
      "Queue" = "Geometry"
      "RenderPipeline" = "UniversalPipeline"
            "LightMode" = "UniversalForward"
      #pragma vertex vert
      #pragma fragment frag
      #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Core.hlsl"
Listing 5-3

Adding tags and including files in URP

Now we are ready to add a new entry to the Properties list.

Adding Texture Properties

Recall that, in shaders, properties are variables that we use as inputs, and we can assign values to these variables inside the Unity Editor. In ShaderLab, adding a texture property looks the same no matter which render pipeline you are using, but the syntax is a bit strange.
      _BaseColor("Base Color", 2D) = (1,1,1,1)
      _BaseTex("Base Texture", 2D) = "white" {}
Listing 5-4

Adding a texture to the Properties block

Back in Chapter 3, we saw how properties work; the process of declaring a Texture2D has many moving parts, so let’s go through each in turn:
  • The reference value we’ll use in the shader code is _BaseTex.

  • The human-readable name that will be visible in the Inspector window is “Base Texture”.

  • The type of this property is 2D, which we use for Texture2D properties.

  • After the equals sign, we specify the default value if no texture is assigned:
    • The choices for color textures are “white”, “gray”, “black”, and “red”, which generate a texture filled with the corresponding color.

    • For normal maps, we can use “bump”, which generates a flat normal map. We will see how normal mapping works in a later chapter.

    • If no color name is specified or an invalid name is supplied, Unity defaults to “gray”.

  • The curly braces after the default value are required.

Once we have added the texture to Properties, we also need to declare it inside the HLSL code block. Colors use the float4 type because they are simply a four-element vector of values, but textures are a bit more complicated. They are a 2D array of colors, and they could have an arbitrary size; they might not even be square. The type we use is called sampler2D, and we will define _BaseTex alongside the other variable declarations.

In Chapter 3, we saw that in URP, we must put variable declarations inside a constant buffer to ensure our shader is compatible with the SPR Batcher. You might, therefore, be tempted to put this texture declaration inside the buffer too. However, textures are an exception – they can be defined outside the buffer, and your shader will still comply with the restrictions required by the batcher. Your shader won’t actually break if you do happen to declare them inside the constant buffer, so don’t worry if you do that by mistake. In the built-in pipeline, they can be declared alongside all other variables as normal. I’ll be placing all variable declarations underneath the v2f struct definition (although we haven’t yet filled in the contents of that struct).
struct v2f { ... };
sampler2D _BaseTex;
float4 _BaseColor;
Listing 5-5

Declaring a texture in HLSL in the built-in pipeline

struct v2f { ... };
sampler2D _BaseTex;
      float4 _BaseColor;
Listing 5-6

Declaring a texture in HLSL in URP

Currently, your shader will not compile since we’ve left many blank sections. However, if you were to use the same structs and vert and frag function code as the HelloWorld shader, your material would look like Figure 5-2 in the Inspector.

A screenshot of the texture example window depicts a color-shaded circle under the texture example shader.

Figure 5-2

A theoretical version of the TextureExample shader attached to a material

In this screenshot, you can see the Base Texture property is now visible. I have attached a checkerboard texture to the property – you can use the small “Select” button on the texture preview to open a window containing all textures in your project. We haven’t modified the fragment shader to make use of the texture yet, so the preview at the bottom is still a solid color.

When you add a Texture2D property to an HLSL shader, you will also see Tiling and Offset settings attached to that texture. Both options modify how Unity maps the textures to objects. If we change the tiling setting, then the texture will get stretched or repeated across the surface of your mesh, and if you change the offset setting, the texture will be scrolled across the object’s surface. To use these inside the shader, Unity generates a set of optional variables for every texture as follows:
  • For any texture named {TextureName}, Unity creates a variable called {TextureName}_ST.
    • This variable contains the tiling and offset values inside a four-dimensional vector.

    • The (x,y) components store the tiling vector, and the (z,w) components store the offset vector.

    • “S” stands for “scale,” while “T” stands for “translation.”

  • Unity also generates the variable {TextureName}_TexelSize.
    • Texel is a term that stands for “texture element,” the same way pixel stands for “picture element.”

    • The (x,y) components store 1.0/width and 1.0/height, respectively. That may seem strange, but these values are used often in calculations.

    • The (z,w) components store the unmodified width and height, respectively.

  • Lastly, the variable {TextureName}_HDR is generated, but it is only helpful on High Dynamic Range–encoded textures.
    • An HDR texture (and HDR technology in general) represents each color channel of each texel with more than the standard 8 bits of data.

    • This lets us encode a greater range of values, and we can reproduce images with more accurate color and lighting details.

    • This variable can be used with the DecodeHDR function to properly extract HDR data from such a texture.

To use these variables in the shader, we must declare them the same way we would declare any other variable. Since they are each float4 variables, we must follow the SRP Batcher rules in URP to ensure the shader stays batcher-compatible. In the following code snippet, we will declare the tiling and offset variable for our shader.
float4 _BaseColor;
float4 _BaseTex_ST;
Listing 5-7

Declaring optional texture variables

Now that we can send textures to the shader via properties, it’s time to talk about how exactly we will map those textures onto the surface of the object.

Texture Coordinates

To sample a texture at a specific position, we use texture coordinates (also commonly called UV coordinates, or colloquially just “UVs”), which are a mapping between a 3D model and 2D textures – each vertex of the mesh is assigned a UV coordinate, which defines where on the texture we should read data from. For any other point on the mesh surface that isn’t a vertex, we interpolate the UVs between the nearest vertices. A demonstration of how UV mapping might work is seen in Figure 5-3.

A screenshot depicts the 3-D model of an abnormally shaped head and facial features and the U V mapping of each segment.

Figure 5-3

On the left, a 3D model in Blender, a 3D modeling software package. On the right, its associated UV mapping

The mapping doesn’t need to be contiguous – two adjacent faces on the mesh could map to opposite parts of the texture. As you can imagine, UV coordinates are a bit like trying to wrap a square sheet of wrapping paper around any weirdly shaped 3D object imaginable, but we’re allowed to cheat and cut the paper into tiny bits and stick them around the object however we want. 3D artists wrap people’s birthday presents creatively!

To use these UVs, we need to input them to the shader. In Chapter 3, we saw how to pass vertex positions to the vertex shader as part of the appdata struct – we use the same struct to pass UV data by adding an extra variable.
  • For UV coordinates, the type is float2, and the shader semantic is TEXCOORD0 (which stands for “texture coordinate 0”).

  • Unity supports more than one set of UVs, so if you wanted to use different UV channels for different textures, then you could specify multiple additional channels using the semantics TEXCOORD1, TEXCOORD2, and so on up to TEXCOORD7.

  • Some platforms may support more UV channels, but you will always have these eight available. Each of these texture coordinate slots is called an interpolator.

struct appdata
      float4 positionOS : Position;
      float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;
Listing 5-8

Passing texture coordinates to the vertex shader


The “standard” set of UVs, which is most commonly used for texture mapping, is TEXCOORD0. You can author UV channels on a mesh however you want, but almost every shader will assume you are using TEXCOORD0 for mapping regular textures to your mesh, so we will stick with that for our shaders.

The fragment shader requires these UVs, so we will also need to modify the v2f struct to include them. Unlike vertex positions, we don’t need to change the semantic we use for UVs – we can use TEXCOORD0 again. These edits to the appdata and v2f structs are the same whether you are using the built-in pipeline or URP.
struct v2f
      float4 positionCS : SV_Position;
      float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;
Listing 5-9

Passing texture coordinates from the vertex shader to the fragment shader

We process these UVs in the vertex shader between the two structs, which means we can modify them before sending them to the fragment shader. This is where we usually apply tiling and offset to the UVs depending on the tiling and offset settings of the textures we’re using, although you don’t have to. The easiest way to pass UVs from vertex to fragment is to just send them through unchanged, as this line of code would do.
o.uv = v.uv;
Listing 5-10

Passing UV data to the fragment shader without modification

No matter how you change the tiling and offset values in the Inspector, your texture won’t look any different if you use this shader. Thankfully, one of the macros included in Unity’s shader include files will apply the transformations for us. The macro is called TRANSFORM_TEX, and it automatically uses the {TextureName}_ST variable to apply the mapping. TRANSFORM_TEX takes the input UVs and the texture name as inputs. Thankfully, this macro uses the same name in the built-in and Universal pipelines.


If you don’t define {TextureName}_ST anywhere and try to use the TRANSFORM_TEX macro with the corresponding texture {TextureName}, then you will get an “undeclared identifier” compile error. Unity will helpfully let you know which variable is undeclared.

v2f vert (appdata v)
      v2f o;
      o.positionCS = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.positionOS);
      o.uv = TRANSFORM_TEX(v.uv, _BaseTex);
      return o;
Listing 5-11

Passing UV data to the fragment shader using TRANSFORM_TEX in the built-in pipeline

v2f vert (appdata v)
      v2f o;
      o.positionCS = TransformObjectToHClip(v.positionOS);
      o.uv = TRANSFORM_TEX(v.uv, _BaseTex);
      return o;
Listing 5-12

Passing UV data to the fragment shader using TRANSFORM_TEX in URP

We will be able to access these UV coordinates in the fragment shader. During the rasterization process, which happens between the vertex and fragment stages, Unity will interpolate the per-vertex UVs we just calculated to give us per-fragment UVs, which we can use to apply the right bits of the texture to the mesh. The process by which we grab values from the texture is called texture sampling.

Texture Sampling

We use UVs to sample textures. The basic function for sampling 2D textures is tex2D, which takes the name of the texture and the UVs as parameters. Unity takes those UVs, finds the position on the texture corresponding to the UVs, and returns the color at that location. The color is a float4. We’re going to modify the fragment shader to sample _BaseTex in the first line.
float4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target
      float4 textureSample = tex2D(_BaseTex, i.uv);
Listing 5-13

Sampling a texture using tex2D

Recall that vectors in shaders, like the float4 vector here, are just a collection of numbers – we can add or multiply them together. We had previously used the _BaseColor property to output only a solid color, so we can multiply that by the texture sample we just did to output a texture with a tint. It’s common in shaders to supply both a base texture and a base color because you may want to create a handful of materials with the same basic pattern (such as a checkerboard like I used in Figure 5-1), but with different coloration.

The alternative is to supply multiple different textures that were tinted differently when they were created and sample them without tinting, but this wastes texture memory on the GPU and increases the build size of your game, because you need to include all those textures. To multiply colors together, we use the asterisk (*) operator.
float4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target
      float4 textureSample = tex2D(_BaseTex, i.uv);
      return textureSample * _BaseColor;
Listing 5-14

A fragment shader that outputs a tinted texture

This code is identical between the built-in pipeline and URP. If you look at the material’s Inspector window now (see Figure 5-1), then the preview will display the texture tinted with the base color you chose. If you tweak the tiling and offset settings, then the preview window will update to reflect your changes.

Texture Support in Shader Graph

We will follow roughly the same steps to create this shader in Shader Graph. To start off with, create a new Unlit graph and name it “TextureGraph”. We’ll start by adding the same Base Color property we used in HelloShaderGraph. Then we’ll need to add a new texture property.

Creating a texture property is as easy as selecting the plus arrow on the Blackboard and selecting Texture2D as the variable type. The name of the variable should be “Base Texture”, and the reference value is _BaseTex, complete with underscore. Figure 5-4 shows what the property should look like. Unity compiles each Shader Graph into ShaderLab behind the scenes, so the properties in the generated file will be set up the same way we wrote our code, with a declaration in the Properties block and another one in HLSL.

A screenshot depicts the properties of base color and texture mentioned under the texture graph.

Figure 5-4

The Base Color and Base Texture properties for TextureGraph

In Unity versions from 2021.2 and up, you will see a Use Tiling and Offset option on all texture properties, which adds the Tiling and Offset vectors to the Inspector window. However, in versions below 2021.2, Unity won’t display the tiling and offset vectors for a texture on the material Inspector window, so you must create those properties yourself.

Applying Tiling and Offset Vectors

When working in versions prior to 2021.2, I usually add two separate Vector2 properties called Tiling and Offset and set the default values to (1, 1) and (0, 0), respectively. Unity will display both your Vector2 properties in the Inspector with four components, as if they were Vector4 properties (see Figure 5-5), so we must ignore the third and fourth components of each property.

A screenshot of the texture graph window depicts a color-shaded circle under the texture graph shader.

Figure 5-5

A material that uses the TextureGraph shader. So far, we have not sampled the texture inside the shader, so it only uses a block color for its output

Let’s see how to apply these values in Shader Graph. We don’t need to do these steps if you’re in Unity 2021.2 and above, but it will still be useful to read this section anyway. Unlike with shader code, we don’t need to deal with passing the UV data between shader stages. Unity does all of that behind the scenes and provides a UV node to obtain texture coordinate data about the mesh. To make use of the Tiling and Offset properties, we can add a node called Tiling And Offset, which acts somewhat like the TRANSFORM_TEX macro we used in code; it takes a base set of UV coordinates and scales it by the Tiling input and then translates by the Offset input.

By default, the UV input of the node uses the first set of texture coordinates attached to the mesh. Shader Graph calls these UVs UV0, which corresponds to TEXCOORD0 in shader code. The drop-down lets you pick which set of UVs to use, but Shader Graph only supports UV0UV3, whereas we can access at least eight sets of UVs with code. For now, we will use the default value. You could also explicitly add a UV node and connect that to the UV input. Figure 5-6 shows how these nodes and properties fit together.

A screenshot of the shader graph for tiling and offset which has nodes for tiling and a U V shaded graph.

Figure 5-6

Using tiling and offset values to modify UVs in Shader Graph

The output of the Tiling And Offset node is a new set of UV coordinates with those transformations applied to the original UVs. If we wanted to, we could pass any Vector2 into the Tiling And Offset node and treat those as UVs, even if they didn’t originate from a UV node – in fact, that’s how many custom effects are made. We’ll see how to do that later.

If you dislike using two separate properties for Tiling and Offset, you could instead create a single Vector4 property called TilingAndOffset with a default value of (1, 1, 0, 0), but this entails more work on the graph to separate the two Vector2 parts. In such a scenario, you would use the first two components for the tiling and the other two for the offset. Figure 5-7 shows how you might achieve that using the Swizzle node:
  • We output the TilingAndOffset property directly to the Tiling slot.

  • Since the Tiling slot expects a Vector2, it will truncate the property to its first two components (x, y).

  • We output TilingAndOffset into a Swizzle node. The Red Out is set to Blue, and the Green Out is set to Alpha. Then we connect the Swizzle output to the Offset slot.

  • In all, the Swizzle node will output (z, w, x, x), but it is truncated to just (z, w).

A screenshot of a tiling and offset shader graph that has a swizzle node linking the tiling and offset node and the offset of the shader graph.

Figure 5-7

The Swizzle node lets you rearrange the components of a vector

Now that we have our UVs, we will use them to sample the texture.

Sampling Textures

Like the tex2D function in shader code, Shader Graph has the Sample Texture 2D node for sampling textures. It takes a texture, a set of UVs, and a sampler as inputs and outputs a color, as seen in Figure 5-8. The color is available as a full vector, with the RGBA output, as well as the four individual components as floats. We will use the Base Texture property and the output from Tiling And Offset as the inputs and skip over the sampler for now.

A screenshot depicts the base texture and tiling and offsets nodes that have their nodes for U V, tiling, and offset.

Figure 5-8

Sampling a texture using tiling and offset in Shader Graph

If you’re using Unity 2021.2 or above and you ticked the Use Tiling and Offset option in the settings for Base Texture, then the Sample Texture 2D node automatically applies those tiling and offset options. That’s a lot more convenient as we avoid needing to add so many nodes to the graph! Although it’s not much of a problem because this graph is small, when we start making larger graphs, space-saving features like this are going to become invaluable.

In this example, I have attached a similar checkerboard texture to the default value for Base Texture. Sample Texture 2D displays a preview of what the texture looks like if it were sampled using the currently attached inputs with their default values. This node is more complicated than those we have seen so far, due to the options at the bottom of the node:
  • The Type dropdown is used to determine whether the node will output colors (in Default mode) or normal vectors (in Normal mode).

  • The Space dropdown determines which sampling space is used. This option is only relevant for normal mapping, which we will revisit in a later chapter.

I will leave both options alone for now. After sampling the texture, we can multiply it with the Base Color property, which already existed on the graph. This works the same way as shader code: colors are just four-element vectors, and when we multiply two of them together, each element is multiplied by the corresponding element of the other vector. We will output the result to the Base Color option on the graph’s master stack, as shown in Figure 5-9.

A screenshot depicts the vertex and the multiply node for the fragment and it has a base color and a sample texture 2 D node.

Figure 5-9

Outputting the combined color to the Base Color on the master stack

If you select the material and look at its Inspector window, then it will be slightly different from the code equivalent if you added the Tiling and Offset properties manually. Unfortunately, Unity will display these as four-element vectors even though we specified that they are of type Vector2, so the z and w components will be ignored (see Figure 5-10).

A screenshot of the texture graph window depicts a checkered sphere under the Texture Graph shader.

Figure 5-10

The material Inspector for a shader made with Shader Graph

At this point, the graph we just made should have parity with the shader code we wrote. However, there’s a lot more to textures in Unity than just simple sampling like this. Let’s look at some of the technical details of texturing and then customize how each texture is read while sampling.

Mipmaps and Level of Detail

By default, Unity uses a technique called mipmapping, whereby higher-resolution versions of a texture are used for close objects and lower-resolution versions of the same texture are used for faraway objects. Typically, Unity precalculates each of the mipmap levels ahead of time: the 0th mipmap level leaves the texture unchanged, the 1st level is half the size in each axis, the 2nd level is a quarter the size of the original in each axis, and so on, as in Figure 5-11. This increases the amount of texture memory required by a third, but it is faster to sample the lower-resolution mipmap levels when an object is far away, where there wouldn’t be a perceptible difference if you chose to sample a high-resolution mipmap level instead.

A diagram depicts five checkerboards for Mipmap levels 0 to 4 and the size of the boards gets smaller as the level rises.

Figure 5-11

A texture with different mipmap levels. Each time the mipmap level increases by one, the texture is scaled by a factor of half along both axes, resulting in a texture that is one quarter the size

A single large object with parts that are both close to and far away from the camera could be textured using more than one mipmap level. It is also possible to manually control which mipmap level is sampled inside a shader using alternative versions of the tex2D function and the Sample Texture 2D node in HLSL and Shader Graph, respectively.

Level of Detail

The term Level of Detail (LOD) usually applies to 3D meshes. In this context, when a mesh is far away from the camera, we can swap it for a version with fewer triangles, so we save precious rendering resources for close-up details we can actually perceive. It is also applicable to texturing. You can think of mipmaps as the 2D analogue of a 3D mesh LOD system because we use mipmaps to sample faraway objects with lower-resolution textures.

Texture LOD in HLSL

In code shaders, we can force Unity to use a specific mipmap level by using the tex2Dlod function in place of tex2D. Rather than supplying UV coordinates using a float2, we use a float4 – the UVs you know and love go in the (x, y) components, and then we stick an extra value representing the numbered mipmap level we want to sample (0 for the original texture, 1 for the 1st mipmap level, and so on) into the fourth (w) component.
float4 sampleUVs = float4(i.uv, 0.0f, 3.0f);
float4 textureSample = tex2Dlod(_BaseTex, sampleUVs);
Listing 5-15

Using tex2Dlod to sample a specific mipmap level (in this case, the 3rd level)

The tex2Dlod function, unlike tex2D, can be used within the vertex shader. It might seem strange, given what we’ve learned so far, to be using textures within the vertex shader, but it can certainly be helpful. There are many effects with work on object geometry that can benefit from reading precalculated values from a texture and applying those values to each object, such as a vertex shader that simulates rolling waves on the surface of the sea by reading wave data from a texture – we will see effects like that later.

Texture LOD in Shader Graph

Let’s see how this works in Shader Graph too. Instead of using a Sample Texture 2D node, we can use the alternative Sample Texture 2D LOD node. Both nodes have the same inputs, except the LOD variant has an extra LOD option, which works the same as in shader code. We can replace the set of nodes in Figure 5-8 with the nodes in Figure 5-12. Using higher LOD values will decrease the quality of the image, and a value of 0 would sample the highest-quality mipmap level.

A screenshot depicts the sample texture 2-D L O D with base texture and tiling and offsets nodes that have their nodes for U V, tiling, and offset.

Figure 5-12

Using Sample Texture 2D LOD in place of Sample Texture 2D. The 3rd mipmap level has been specified in the LOD input, so the preview’s resolution is noticeably lower than the original texture


While using Shader Graph, you will find that some nodes will refuse to connect their outputs to either the vertex stage or fragment stage outputs on the master stack. This means that those nodes are incompatible with that stage. For example, Sample Texture 2D will not connect to any nodes in the vertex stage, but Sample Texture 2D LOD will connect to nodes in either stage.

Sampling Options

Before we even create the shader, we can influence how textures will get sampled. If you’ve used Unity for a while, you will probably be familiar with the texture import window; if you click a texture in the Project View, then the Inspector will list many options related to how the texture gets used during rendering (see Figure 5-13). The ones we are most interested in right now are Wrap Mode and Filter Mode.

A screenshot of the 2-D texture import window depicts various settings and a checkerboard. The filter mode is bilinear, and the wrap mode is on repeat.

Figure 5-13

The texture import window of an example texture. The Wrap Mode and Filter Mode settings are seen roughly in the middle of the list of settings

Wrap Mode

The Wrap Mode of a texture defines what happens when you attempt to sample the texture using UVs outside the 0–1 range in either axis. There are five sampling modes:
  • The default behavior is to Repeat, which acts like the texture gets repeated infinitely, so sampling at (1.5, 3.5) is the same as sampling at (0.5, 0.5). Otherwise, we can pick the following modes.

  • The Clamp option locks your UVs to the 0–1 range. Sampling at (1.5, 3.5) is the same as sampling at (1.0, 1.0), and sampling at (−7.0, 0.3) is the same as sampling at (0.0, 0.3).

  • Mirror will sample normally between the 0 and 1 range, then mirror the UVs between 1 and 2, then sample normally again between 2 and 3, and so on. Sampling at (1.2, 1.3) is like sampling at (0.8, 0.7).

  • Mirror Once is like Mirror, but it will only mirror one time and then clamp. Sampling at (−0.1, 0.2) is like sampling at (0.1, 0.2), but sampling at (−2.3, −1.0) is like sampling at (−1.0, −1.0).

  • Finally, the Per Axis sampling mode lets you define one of the preceding four options for each of the two axes independently. You could Repeat along the u-axis and Clamp on the v-axis, for instance.

Figure 5-14 illustrates what each sampling mode might look like when applied to an example checkerboard texture with a number in each quadrant.

An illustration depicts the repeat, clamp, mirror, and mirror once warp modes which are applied to an example checkerboard texture.

Figure 5-14

Wrap modes applied to an example texture. The material used to render these textures uses the TextureExample shader with 4× tiling and an offset of –1.5 in both axes

Filter Mode

The Filter Mode, on the other hand, defines what type of blurring is used on the texture. One of the problems with texture mapping is that the pixel density of your screen (or, at least, the pixel density of the portion of your screen taken up by an object) doesn’t always line up with the texel density of the texture on that object. In a perfect world, pixels and texels would always line up 1:1 so that we can sample the texture, apply that color to the screen pixel, and sleep easy knowing that the mapping was absolutely perfect.

The real world, sadly, is messy. Sometimes, we will find ourselves with an object that takes up a large portion of the screen that uses a low-resolution texture or vice versa – in those cases, we must decide how sampling will operate. We use filtering to do that. Let’s look at the three settings available for Filter Mode:
  • Point filtering is perhaps the easiest to understand. If a UV coordinate does not line up exactly with the center point of a texel on the texture, then the UV gets rounded to the nearest one, and the color of that texel is sampled. For that reason, point filtering is sometimes called nearest-neighbor filtering.

  • Bilinear filtering, which is the default option, will interpolate between the (up to) four closest texels to the specified UV coordinate. If the UVs match up to the center of a texel exactly, that texel’s color is sampled. Otherwise, this filter works by taking a weighted average of the color of the four closest texels to the UV coordinate.

  • Trilinear filtering works like bilinear filtering with an added step. If the UV coordinate is being used to sample on the overlap between two mipmap levels on an object, then the resulting color is interpolated between those mipmaps. In effect, this is the result of using bilinear filtering on both mipmap levels and then interpolating between both those values.

Each combination of Wrap Mode and Filter Mode looks different. By default, when sampling a texture inside a shader, the behavior specified in the texture import settings will be used, but it’s possible to override those settings using sampler states.

Sampler States

Sometimes it will be necessary to override a texture’s default filter and wrap settings for a specific shader effect. Both HLSL and Shader Graph have mechanisms for doing so.

Sampler States in HLSL

So far, we have seen the sampler2D type, which bundles together the texture data (the texels that make up the texture) and the sampler data (the combination of wrap and filter settings) into one object, and the tex2D function that reads from a sampler2D. However, sometimes we want to separate the texture data from the sampling settings. For instance, we might find that we’re using many textures on an object, but we only want to use one set of wrap and filter settings for all of them.

We can use the Texture2D type in HLSL to declare the texture data by itself using the same naming conventions we previously used for sampler2D (such as naming a texture _BaseTex). Then, to define a sampler that uses the wrap and filter settings from a specific texture, we use the SamplerState type. The workflow looks like this:
  • Add a texture to your Assets folder and tweak the Wrap and Filter modes as you like.

  • Include the texture inside Properties in ShaderLab using the syntax we have seen before.

  • In HLSL, define the texture in your Properties list using the Texture2D keyword instead of sampler2D. Texture2D can be placed outside the UnityPerMaterial buffer in URP, like sampler2D.

  • Add an extra variable of type SamplerState. The name of this variable is sampler_BaseTex; in general, the variable sampler_{TextureName} accesses the wrap and filter modes associated with the {TextureName} texture.

  • Instead of using tex2D, use the Sample function. This function is defined on the Texture2D object directly, so to sample _BaseTex, we now say _BaseTex.Sample(sampler_BaseTex, i.uv).

Although this approach requires more typing, the advantage is that we can go on to define several textures and sample them all using a single SamplerState, as in the following code listing.
// Defining multiple textures and one sampler.
Texture2D _BaseTex;
Texture2D _AnotherTex;
Texture2D _ThirdTex;
SamplerState sampler_BaseTex; //_BaseTex's sampler.
// Sampling textures within the fragment shader.
float4 baseCol = _BaseTex.Sample(sampler_BaseTex, i.uv);
float4 anotherCol = _AnotherTex.Sample(sampler_BaseTex, i.uv);
float4 thirdCol = _ThirdTex.Sample(sampler_BaseTex, i.uv);
Listing 5-16

Sampling multiple textures using only one SamplerState object


Some older graphics APIs (such as OpenGL ES) only support the use of sampler2D. You cannot separate textures and samplers using those APIs.

It is also possible to create custom SamplerState objects that are not tied to any texture’s import settings. First, declare the SamplerState type. Then, we must name the sampler carefully. We build the name using the settings we want to use: if we want to use point filtering, the name will contain the word Point, and if we want to use repeat wrapping, it will contain the word Repeat. These names are case-insensitive and can be specified in any order, and we don’t need to include spacing characters between the words, so the following variables do the same thing:
  • SamplerState pointrepeat;

  • SamplerState Point_Repeat;

  • SamplerState sampler_RepeatPoint;

You can specify wrap modes per axis by naming the sampler “RepeatUClampV”, for example, which would repeat along the u-axis and clamp along the v-axis. The available names are the same as the filter and wrap options on the texture import window.

Sampler States in Shader Graph

SamplerState objects are also supported by Shader Graph. We can create a Sampler State node, which has drop-down options for Wrap and Filter. They are the same as before, except “Bilinear” is renamed “Linear” in the filter settings. We can link the output to the Sample Texture 2D node, which accepts a Sampler input.

Alternatively, we can create a property of type Sampler State and drag that onto the graph and then connect it to the Sample Texture 2D node. The only difference is that we define the sampler options in the Node Settings window when using properties. Despite it being a property, it is impossible to expose it to the material Inspector, so it acts more like a private variable than a public property. Figure 5-15 shows how you might connect a Sampler State node to the existing TextureGraph shader.

A screenshot depicts the sample texture 2-D with a mirror checkerboard and having a base texture, sampler state, and tiling and offset nodes.

Figure 5-15

Using a sampler state to override texture settings in Shader Graph

Try out different combinations of Filter and Wrap settings to see what effects you can create. For example, point filtering works great for pixel art, but bilinear filtering may work better for high-resolution organic textures.


Textures form the backbone of many shader effects. We have now seen several ways of manipulating the way textures are read in Unity shaders. In the next chapter, we will introduce some common ways of modifying the UVs used for sampling, such as rotating, scaling, shearing, and offsetting the UVs. We will then see a whole host of special shader effects and then look at Texture3D and Cubemap textures. Here’s what we learned in this chapter:
  • Basic textures contain color data about the surface of an object. We can sample them using tex2D or a Sample Texture 2D node.

  • Textures are mapped onto objects according to a set of coordinates called UVs.

  • Unity provides the TRANSFORM_TEX macro to assist with scaling and offsetting textures.

  • The Tiling And Offset node does the same thing in Shader Graph as TRANSFORM_TEX does in shader code.

  • Mipmaps are smaller versions of a texture that are automatically generated by Unity. We can access them using tex2Dlod or a Sample Texture 2D LOD node.

  • We can modify the Wrap Mode of the texture to influence what happens when we sample the texture outside of the typical 0–1 UV boundaries. We could clamp to a boundary texel, repeat the texture, or mirror across the texture boundary.

  • The Filter Mode controls what happens when we use UV coordinates that don’t quite match up exactly to the centroid of a particular texel. We can snap to the nearest neighbor with point sampling or blend between adjacent texels with bilinear or trilinear filtering.

  • Sampler states can be used to modify the wrap and filter settings of a texture within an individual shader.

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