


AAC (advanced audio coding) with MPEG-2, 51925

AALs (ATM adaptation layers), 71821

AAL-1, 71920

AAL-5, 719, 721

common part convergence sublayer (CPCS), 721

convergence sublayer (CS), 719

FEC, REED-Solomon, 720

headers, 720

and MPEG applications, 719

segmentation and reassembly (SAR) sublayer, 71819

single-program transport streams (SPTS), 719

timing codes, embedded, 720

unstructured data transfer, 718

Acoustics, 20719

acoustic impedance, 203

anechoic chamber, 217

diffusers, 218

headphones, 21314

microphones, 212

reflection of sound, 21617

reverberation, 218

temperature gradients and inversion, 215

wind effects, 21415

see also Loudspeakers; Sound, physics of; Wave acoustics/wave theory

Active loudspeakers, 4334

Adaptation layer, 6578

Adaptive Spectral Perceptual Entropy Coding (ASPEC), 507, 516

ADCs (analogue to digital convertors):

ADC clipping, 180

coding for, 44, 47

delta modulation, 2589

differential PCM, 2579

flash convertors, 16770

Nyquist rate PCM, 256

principles of, 16770

sigma DPCM, 259

see also DAC (digital-to-analogue convertors/conversion)


full adder, 503

half adder, 501

ADSL (asymmetric digital subscriber line), 448, 674

Advanced audio coding (AAC) with MPEG-2, 51925

AES/EBU interface, transmission techniques, 6628

equalization characteristics, recommended, 6634

eye pattern specification, 6634

format, 6658

standard configuration, 663

AGC (automatic gain control) system, 537, 604

Aliasing, 1389

aliasing/anti-aliasing filters, 1389

spatial aliasing, 324

Alphanumeric characters,

representation of, 10

Alternate mark inversion (AMI)

coding, 6723, 674

ALU (arithmetic logic unit), 73

AMI (alternate mark inversion)

coding, 6723, 674

Analog colour television signals, 3536

Analog video, 3324

Analogue to digital convertors see ADCs

Anamorphic lenses, 392

Anechoic chamber, 217

Anti-aliasing filters, 1389

Anti-aliasing function and oversampling, 263

Anti-image filter, 138

Aperture effect, 1437

aperture ratio, 143

resampling, 145

zero-order-hold (ZOH) system, 1434

Application independence, 715

ASCII (American standard code for

information interchange), 9

ASI (asynchronous serial interface), 662

ASPEC (Adaptive Spectral Perceptual

Entropy Coding), 507, 516

Aspect ratios, 3904

anamorphic lenses for cameras, 392

conversion 4:3 to 16:9 ratios, 3934

conversion 16:9 to 4:3 ratios, 3923

Asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL), 674

Asynchronous networks, 91

Asynchronous transfer mode see

AALs (ATM adaptation layers); ATM

ATLANTIC encoder/research project, 491

ATM (asynchronous transfer mode), 87, 901, 657, 71518

addressing structure, 718

application independence, 715

cell routing mechanism, 716

virtual channels/links, 717

see also AALs (ATM adaptation layers)

ATSC system, 7006

block diagram, 701

data segment sync, 702

and error correction in digital television, 689, 696

inner precoder, 706

interleave, 7023

and NTSC transmitters, 705

outer correction code, 7012

randomizer, 701

receiver, 7045

trellis coding, 7023

Attentional selectivity (cocktail party effect), 224

Audio compression, 493506

ASPEC (Adaptive Spectral

Perceptual Entropy Coding), 507, 516

companding, 4967

DCT (discrete frequency transform), 501

DFT (discrete frequency transform), 501

floating-point coding, 4978

listening tests, 495

MDCT (modified discrete frequency transform), 501, 516, 521

MPEG audio compression, 5069

MPEG Audio coding layers I, II and III, 507

MUSICAM (Masking pattern

adapted Universal Sub-band

Integrated Coding), 507

near instantaneous companding, 498

noise masking ratio (NMR), 4956

and PCM codes, 494

quadrature mirror filter (QMF), 5026, 516

sound quality measurement, 4946

sub-band coding, 499, 5016

variable time windows, 4989

window functions, 500

see also Dolby AC-3 transform coders

Audio, digital and sound aspects see

Digital audio; Sound, physics of;

Sound radiation mechanism

Audio level metering, 1802

headroom requirement, 1812

peak program meter (PPM), 1801

Volume Unit (VU) meter, 180

Audio systems, impedance matching, 1778

Auditory canal/meatus, 183

Automatic gain control (AGC) system, 537, 604

Azimuth recording and rotary heads, 5412


B-ISDN (broadband ISDN), 673, 71517

Back channels, 655

Background strobing, 3001


limiting effects, 56

and picture definition, 33840

Bartlett window, 104

Baseline wander, 546

Bel, 177

see also deciBel (dB)

Bell, Alexander Graham, 668

BER (bit error rate), 212, 24, 25, 5678, 573

Bi-phase mark/FM/Manchester code, 5545, 605

Bidirectional coding/coders, 45861, 4703, 474, 678

Binary coding/system, 4253

ADCs (analogue to digital convertors), 44, 47


full adder, 503

half adder, 501

advantages, 35

binary words, 89

for broadcast luminance signals, 45

for colour difference signals, 456

counters, 44

digit representation, 67

electrical representation, 4

Galois field, 5760

hexadecimal notation, 8

LSB (least significant bit), 6, 424

modulo arithmetic, 44

modulo-n arithmetic, 567

MSB (most significant bit), 6, 424, 4752, 58

multiplication problems, 534

octal notation, 8

offset binary streams, 46

overflow, 44

radix points, 7

two's complement system, 4650

underflow, 44

wraparound, 44

see also Floating-point coding

Birefringence effect, 279

Bit error rate (BER), 212, 24, 25, 5678, 573

Bit interleave, 591

Bit rate reduction see Compression


definition, 6

see also Binary coding/system

Black body concept, 275

Black crushing, CRTs, 398

Blanking intervals, 3357

Block codes, 5735

Block interleave, 5912

Block matching, motion-estimation, 377

Blumlein pair stereo microphones, 250

Bootstrap programs, 70

Brillouin zones, 325

Broadband ISDN (B-ISDN), 673, 71517

Broadcast luminance signals, binary

coding for, 45

Broadcast modulation, 68692

channel coding, 687

multi-level Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QUAM), 68991

and OFDM, 692–6

phase-shift keying (PSK), 6878

Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK), 6878

Broadcasting, digital television see

Television broadcasting, digital

Burst errors, 21, 234, 29



automatic equalization, 65960

constant impedance, 531

see also Transmission lines

Camera shake compensation, 3868

Candela, 282

Cassettes, digital video, 63740

Cathode ray tubes (CRTs), colour, 4012

dynamic convergence, 402

gamma characteristics, 2967

shadow mask, 4012

static convergence, 402

temporal effects, 4067

triad, 4012

see also Colour television;

Micromirror projectors; Plasma


Cathode ray tubes (CRTs),

monochrome, 396401

anode, 397–8

black crushing, 398

brightness and contrast control, 398

EHT voltage, 398

gamma characteristics, 398

getters, 396

main components, 397

PLUGE (Picture Line-Up

GEnerator), 398–400

pulse cross monitor, 401

temporal effects, 4067

Cathode ray tubes (CRTs), projection, 403

keystoning, 403

Causal systems, 934

CD (Compact Disc):

characteristics, 601

integrated circuits with, 15

sampling rates, 256

see also Optical disk


Central processing unit (CPU), 15, 723

CFF (critical flicker frequency), 2901

Channel coding, 301, 5513, 687

density ratio, 552

see also Codes, coding and decoding

Characteristic impedance of

transmission lines, 5345

Chips (integrated circuits), 15

CI (Contrast Index), 2845

CIE colour matching, 30516

chromaticity diagram, 30713, 31416

xyz tristimuli, 31618

Clock jitter, sampling, 1479

CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow and black) colours, 13

Cocktail party effect, 224

and surround sound, 24950

Codecs, and compression, 441

Codes, coding and decoding:

block codes, 5735

channel coding systems, 5513

codewords, 245, 572, 5789

coding artifacts, 4847

coding gain (compression), 438

convolution codes, 5735

crossinterleaving, 594

cyclic (redundancy) codes, 57580

data separators, 5512

encryption systems, 5601

equalization techniques, 5634

and error propagation, 575

FM/Manchester/bi-phase mark

code, 5545

group code recording (GCR), 5567

group codes, 5568

interleaving, 5914

jitter, 551

modified frequency modulation

(MFM)/Miller code, 5556

Non-Return to Zero (NRZ), 553

pattern sensitivity, 559

product codes, 5946

randomizing technique, 55860

run-length-limited (RLL) codes, 558

simple codes, 5536

synchronization, 5657

Viterbi decoding, 5645

see also Binary coding/system;

Channel coding; Compression;

Error detection/correction/

concealment; Floating-point

coding; JPEG; MPEG; PCM

(pulse code modulation); Reed-

Solomon (R-S) codes

Codewords, 245, 572, 5789

Coincident pair stereo microphones, 250

Colour, 30018

additive colour matching, 305

CIE chromaticity diagram, 30713, 31416

CIE colour matching functions, 306

CIE xyz tristimuli, 31618

colorimetry, 3057

colour bleed, 485

colour matching functions, 31416

colour mixture curves, 307

colour temperature, 276, 277

eye rods and cones functions, 303

eye/HVS compensation ability, 3024

eye's peak photopic response, 313

Grassman's Law, 304

hue, 312

Maxwell's triangle, 3034, 307

metamers, 3045

NTSC primary colours, 317

PAL primary colours, 317

primary colour choice, 31618

representation problems, 3001

RGB colour space, 3079

saturation, 313

spectral power distributions (SPDs), 2745, 2767, 3024

subtractive colour matching, 305

trichromatic coefficients, 311

tristimulus values/units, 283, 307, 31618

white and the chromaticity

diagram, 31214

Colour difference signals, binary

coding, 456

Colour television, 34551

analog colour signals, 3536

analog/digital timing relationships, 363

colour difference

processing/signals, 34751

component vectorscope, 350

composite video signals, 353, 355

demodulation of composite signals, 355

primary colours, 317

quadrature modulation, 354, 355

RGB components, 3456

sync with, 3456

test colour bar signals, 34950

see also Cathode ray tubes (CRTs),

colour; Colour; Digital colour

signals; Micromirror projectors;

Plasma displays

Comb filtering, for hearing directivity, 2256

Commercial television:

and convergent technology, 335

and programmable video recorders (PVRs), 34–5

Common part convergence sublayer (CPCS), 721

Communication systems:

ATM (asynchronous transfer mode), 657

back channels, 655

basic types, 6545

computer industry networks, 655

layer concept, 656–8

SANs (storage area networks), 655

TCP (transmission control protocol), 657


Compact Disc see CD


compression, 438, 4967

near instantaneous companding, 498

Component vectorscope, 350

Composite/non-composite video

signals, 3347, 353

MPEG-2 problems, 486


analog compression schemes, 440

asymmetrical, 438

benefits of, 437

bidirectional coding/coders, 458461, 4704, 474

and codecs, 441

coder complexity, 442

coding artifacts, 4847

coding gain, 438

compression factor, 438

DVD (digital video (versatile) disk), 447

elementary streams, 32

and entropy, 441

expanders, 438

format types summary, 506

Huffman code, 443, 444, 4469, 499, 525

I and P (intra and predictive)

coding, 457–8

inter-coding, 4523

interlace as compression, 43940

intra-coding, 4513

Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) lossless

codes, 4434

lossless and lossy coding, 439, 4434

with PCM (pulse code modulation), 4401

perceptive coders, 439, 440

profiles, levels and layers, 44850

program streams, 32

redundancy, 441

and scanning, 46670

slices, 474

spatial compression, 462–6

standards see JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group)

compression standards; MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group)


statistical multiplexing, 443

subjectively lossless systems, 442

system outlines, 313

transport stream, 32

see also Audio compression;


Dolby AC-3 transform coders;


Computer industry, networks for, 655

Computer and television formats see

Television and computer formats,

conversion between

Computers for convergent systems, 69–72

bootstrap programs, 70

firmware, 70

interrupts, 746

operating systems, 70

rendering, 70

ROM and RAM, 72

software verification, 71

viruses, 70, 71

see also CPU (central processing unit)


naive concatenation, 488

and processing MPEG-2, 48793

and synchronization, 566

Concealment of errors, 27, 30

by interpolation, 56970

with compression, 33

DVTR, 6412

Conditional branching, 69

Cone of confusion, hearing, 2245

Constant luminance, 3513

failure of, 352

Contrast Index (CI), 2845

Convergence sublayer (CS), 719

Convergent systems:

related services and products, 12

technologies involved, 13

Conversion, principles of, 914

Conversion between formats see

Television and computer formats,

conversion between

Convertors see ADCs (analogue to digital convertors); DAC (digitalto-analogue convertors/conversion); Flash convertors

Convolution, 979

Convolution codes, 5735

Convolution interleave, 5924 and crossinterleaving, 594

Convolution randomizing, with SDI, 559, 659

Correction of errors see Error detection/correction/concealment

Counters, binary coding, 44

CPCS (common part convergence sublayer), 721

CPU (central processing unit), 15, 723

interrupts, 746, 85

kernel set, 77

memory management, 768

programmable timers, 76

stack/stack pointer, 74

subroutines, 756, 85

virtual addresses, 76

see also Computers for convergent systems

CRC (cyclic redundancy codes), 580

Critical bandwidth, HAS, 1889, 192

Critical flicker frequency (CFF), 2901

Crossed pair stereo microphones, 250

Crossinterleaving, 594

Crossover networks, loudspeaker, 411, 4312

CRTs see Cathode ray tubes (CRTs), colour; Cathode ray tubes (CRTs), monochrome; Cathode ray tubes (CRTs), projection; Plasma displays

CS (convergence sublayer), 719

Cycles-per-picture width (cpw), 135

Cyclic codes, 57580

cyclic redundancy codes (CRC), 580


DAC (digital-to-analogue

convertors/conversion), 1657

see also ADCs (analogue to digital convertors)

Data channels:

baseline wander, 546

data separation, 5456

equalization, 5445

eye patterns, 548

jitter rejection, 5489

peak detectors, 546

peak shift distortion, 545

phase-locked loops (PLL), 5501

slicing and jitter rejection, 54651

voltage-controlled oscillators (VCOs), 5501, 6812

see also Codes, coding and decoding

Data reduction see Compression

Data segment sync, ATSC system, 702

Data separators, 31, 5512

Datacines, 367

dB (deciBel), 1749

dB(A), 179

dB(m), 176, 1789

dB(SPL), 179

dB(U), 1789

dB(W), 176

DCT see Discrete cosine transform

De-interlacing, with motion compensation, 38990

deciBel (dB), 1749

see also dB(A); dB(m); dB(SPL); dB(u); dB(W)

Definition and bandwidth, 33840

Delta modulation, 2589

Density ratio (DR), channel code, 552

Deserialization, and synchronizing, 5657

DFT see Discrete Fourier transform; Discrete frequency transform

Differential PCM, 2579

Diffusers, acoustic, 218

Digital audio, 2556, 25571

anti-aliasing function, 263

delta modulation, 2589

differential PCM, 2579

digital audio mixing, 46

digital representation, 13

flash convertors, 2601

noise shaping, 26671

Nyquist frequency/sampling rate and PCM, 256

oversampling, 25966

PCM and ADCs, 2569

power spectral density (PSD), 2656

pseudo-video audio recording, 255

sampling rates, 2556

white-noise-dithered quantizer, 265

Digital Betacam, coding for, 561, 565

Digital coding see Codes, coding and decoding

Digital colour signals, 35663

4:1:1 format, 357

4:2:0 format, 3589

4:2:2 format, 3579

analog relationships, 363

co-siting, 357

colour difference working, 357, 361

digital colour space, 3646

resolution, 360

sampling rates, 357

sync pattern, 362

Digital dither, 1601

Digital faders, 7981

Digital filtering, 159

Digital multiplexing, surround sound, 173

Digital signal processors see DSPs

Digital sound broadcasting, 172

Digital television broadcasting see ATSC; DVB; Television broadcasting, digital

Digital video effects (DVE) equipment, 3878

Digital video tape recorder see DVTR

Digital video (versatile) disk see DVD


convertors/conversion (DAC), 1657

see also ADCs (analogue to digital convertors)

Dim encoder, 491

Direct memory access (DMA), 61315

Discrete cosine transform (DCT), 128–32

with audio compression, 501

and interlaced pictures, 47580

with MPEG, 462–4, 46970

with MPEG-2 decoder, 483

and slices, 474

two-dimensional, 131

Discrete Fourier transform (DFT), 120–6

butterfly stage, 125–9

Discrete frequency transform (DFT), with audio compression, 501

Discrete multitone technique (DMT), 675

Disk controllers, 61216

defect handling systems, 617

disk servers, 61819

DMA (direct memory access), 61315

header-check function, 61516

interfaces, 613

Raid (redundant array of

inexpensive disks), 61718

SCSI bus/interface, 613

video data handling, 616

Disk drives/storage see CD (Compact Disc); Disk controllers; DVD (digital video (versatile) disk); Magnetic disks/disk drives; Magnetic recording heads; Magnetic recording principles and technology; Optical disk principles/technology; RAID (redundant array of inexpensive disks); Winchester disk technology

Disk servers, 61819

Display processors, 408

Dissonance 194, 191

Distributed mode loudspeakers (DML), 418

Dither, 13, 1569

analogue dither, 1601

digital dither, 1601

Gaussian pdf dither, 1645

rectangular pdf dither, 1613

subtractive dither, 156

techniques, 1615

triangular pdf dither, 1634

DMA (direct memory access), 61315

DML (distributed mode loudspeakers), 41819

DMT (discrete multitone technique), 675

Dolby AC-3 transform coders, 5257

MDCT (modified discrete cosine transform), 525

time-domain aliasing cancellation (TDAC), 525

Dolby Surround sound, 242, 2457

Dolph window, 104


frequency domain, 957

time domain, 957

Doppler effect, 2012

DPCM (differential PCM), 2579

DR (density ratio), channel code, 552

DSPs (digital signal processors), 816

advantages over CPUs, 81

for image processing, 84

interior structure, 83

purpose of, 14

for spatial interpolation (resizing), 83

DTMF (dual tone multi frequency) touch-tone dialling, 671

Dual-motion estimators, 470

Duality, and transforms, 11720

DV (consumer format digital video tape) and DVCPRO (professional digital video tape), 64453

audio channels, 6513

block diagram of DVC signal system, 650

cassettes for, 6446

error correction strategy, 64951

product codes, 6512

segmentation, 645

tape format and dimensions, 6459

tape type, 644


tracking mechanism, 6456

tracking technique, 649

see also DVTR (digital video tape recorder)

DVB system, 697700

error correction, 6967

inner coding process, 6989

OFDM, 692–6

PCR (program clock reference), 700

Program Association Tables (PAT) with, 700

pseudo-random sequence generator, 60

QUAM with, 699

receiver, 699700

and transforms, 96

transmitter, 697

DVD (digital video (versatile) disk), 62933

chucking, 630

compression standards, 447

control system, 6323

data path, 630

and electronic cinemas, 356

error-correction, 6301

interleave system, 6301

laser safety, 630

MPEG decoder, 6302

MPEG-2 decoding for, 482

track following, 633

see also Optical disk principles/technology

DVE (digital video effects) equipment, 3878

DVTR (digital video tape recorder), 6337

Ampex DCT format, 634

block diagram, 63843

cassettes for, 63740

concealment, 6412

D-1 format, 633, 643

D-2 format, 6334, 643

D-3 format, 6334, 643

D-5 format, 634

DV format, 634

DVCPRO format, 634

error correction, 6413

picture in shuttle, 644

segmentation, 6402

see also DV (consumer format digital video tape) and DVCPRO (professional digital video tape); Rotary head tape transport


Ear, the, 182–5

basilar membrane, 185

cochlea/inner ear, 183, 184

Eustachian tube, 184

frequency discrimination, 18792

frequency response, 1867

helicotrema, 184

incus, 183

malleus, 183

meatus/auditory canal, 183

nerve firings, 185

ossicles, 183, 184

Reissner's membrane, 184

tympanic membrane, 183

see also Human auditory system

(HAS); Music and the ear

Electronic cinemas, 356

Electronic exchanges, 671

Electrostatic loudspeakers, 78

Elementary stream, MPEG-2 coder, 4812

Embedded servos, 612

Encoders, dim encoder, 491

Encryption systems, 5601

Entropy, and compression, 441

Equalization and data separation for

transmission lines and magnetic

recording, 5446

Equivalent rectangular bandwidth (ERB), 190

Erasable optical disks, 601

Erasure, error correction by, 58991

ERB (equivalent rectangular bandwidth), 190

Error detection/correction/

concealment, 2030, 5679

basic principles, 5679

BER (bit error rate), 212, 5678, 573

codewords, 245, 572, 578

concealment, 27, 30, 56970

correction by erasure, 58991

digital television broadcasting, 6967

DV and DVCPRO, 64951

DVTR, 6413

error bursts, 21, 234, 29

error propagation, 575

forward error correction schemes (FEC), 569, 720

interleaving, 2830

magnetic recording, 23

optical recording, 23

parity, 5703

read after write strategy, 26

redundancy strategy, 26, 28

retry strategy, 26

see also Codes, coding and decoding; Gaussian

distribution; Noise

Ethernet, 87, 707, 70912

Expanders, compression, 438

Exponents, floating-point coding, 55

Eye patterns, data channels, 5489, 562

Eye, the, 28793

aqueous humour, 287

astigmatism, 287

background strobbing, 3001

cones, 2878

critical flicker frequency (CFF), 2901

dynamic resolution, 297

fovea, 278, 2889

hypermetropia (long-sightedness), 287

luminous efficiency function, 2889

motion blur, 2913

motion portrayal, 297300

MTF estimates for, 290

myopia (short-sightedness), 287

optic flow axis, 298300

peak photopic response, 313

persistence of vision, 290

photopic vision, 288

presbyopia, 287

Pulfrich effect, 290

Purkinje effect, 288

rods, 2878

scotopic vision, 2901

visual accommodation, 287

vitreous humour, 287

see also Colour; Gamma; Human visual system (HVS)

Eye tracking, 298, 3757


Fades, 53

Failure of constant luminance, 352

Faraday effect, with optical disks, 544

Fast Fourier transform (FFT), 127–8

on MPEG Layer II, 514

FDM (frequency division multiplexing), 90

FEC (forward error-correcting scheme), 569, 720

FFT see Fast Fourier transform FIFO chip (silo), 627, 616

Figure-of-eight microphone, 231

Film projection and convergent systems, 3203

colour accuracy/correction, 323

flicker problems, 3201

movement limitations, 3212

static and dynamic resolution, 3223

strobing problems, 322

temporal effects, 4067

Film weave, compression problems with, 487

Filters/filtering, 97100, 1007

anti-aliasing filters, 139

anti-image filter, 138

Bartlett window, 104

convolution by, 100

Dolph window, 104

effects of, 94

folded filters, 1078

Gibb's phenomenon, 102

Hamming window, 1046

Hann window, 104

IIR (infinite-impulse response filters), 100

impulse response, 1002

Kaiser window, 104

optical filtering, 40910

phase-linear characteristics, 945

reconstruction filters, 138

sampling and quantizing, 102

window functions, 1024

FIR (finite-impulse response) filters see Filters/filtering

Firewire (IEEE 1394–1995), 71315

application, 71314

bus management arbitration system, 714

in networks, 707

limitations, 71415

Firmware, 70

Flash convertors, 16770

with audio oversampling, 2601

Flash guns, MPEG-2 problems with, 487

Flash-point coding, 54

Flat panel distributed mode loudspeakers (DML), 418


computer screens, 370

Critical flicker frequency (CFF), 2901

film projection problems, 3201

and motion compensation, 375

Floating-point coding, 546

and compression, 4978

double precision, 56

exponents, 55

flash-point coding, 54

limited precision, 56

mantissae, 55

FM/Manchester/bi-phase mark code, 5545, 605

Folded filters, 1078

Forward error-correcting schemes (FEC), 569, 720

Fourier analysis/transforms, 117

see also Discrete Fourier transform (DFT); Fast Fourier transform (FFT)

Fractional ratio conversion, 11416

Frequency division multiplexing (FDM), 90

Frequency domain:

FIR filters, 102

and transforms, 957


Gain control, 534

Galois field, 5760

and Reed-Solomon codes, 5847

Gamma, 2937

computer graphics standards problems, 296

and constant luminance, 3513

CRT characteristics, 2967

definition, 293

gamma correction, 294

inverse gamma function, 2934

on LCD displays, 297

luma, the, 2945

and near black and near white levels, 2934

retention in digital domain, 294

and television/computer conversion, 3713

Gaussian distribution, 17–18, 24, 164

Gaussian pdf dither, 1645

GCR (group code recording), 5567

Gibb's phenomenon, 102

Granules, on MPEG layer II, 51415

Grassman's Law, 304

Gray code, 7981

Group codes, 5568

group code recording (GCR), 5567

Group of pictures (GOP), 4534,

45960, 461, 491

Haas (precedence) effect, 2223

Hamming window, 1046

Hann window, 104

Hard disk drives see CD (Compact Disc); Disk controllers; DVD (digital video (versatile) disk); Magnetic disks/disk drives; Magnetic recording heads; Magnetic recording principles and technology; Optical disk principles/technology; RAID (redundant array of inexpensive disks); Winchester disk technology

Harmonic distortion in audio equipment, 193

HAS see Human auditory system

HDTV (high definition TV), 450

Headphones, 21314

Heads see Magnetic recording heads

Hearing, directional ability, 21926

attentional selectivity (cocktail party effect), 224

comb filtering, 2256

cone of confusion, 2245

inter-aural delay (IAD), 2201, 223

low frequencies, 219

phase shift detection, 21920

pinna, part played by, 225

precedence (Haas) effect, 2223

transients, 21921

see also Human auditory system (HAS); Sound level and loudness; Sound, physics of

Hearing, general see Ear; Human auditory system (HAS)

Heisenberg inequality, 120

Hexadecimal notation, 8

High definition TV (HDTV), 450

Hubs, 707

Hue, 312

Huffman code/coding, 443, 444, 4669, 483, 499, 525

Human auditory system (HAS):

critical bandwidth, 1889, 192

and the ear, 182

equivalent rectangular bandwidth (ERB), 190

finite time discrimination/

resolution, 190

frequency discrimination, 18792

impulse response, 18890

now better understood, 1734

pitch discrimination, 188

and sound level and loudness, 1867

see also Ear; Hearing, directional ability; Music and the ear

Human interface, 7881

computer mouse, 789

digital faders, 79

remote handsets, 78

Human visual system (HVS):

background strobing, 2857, 3001

and concept of reality, 286

and light, 2745

modelling capability, 2867

motion portrayal, 297300

optic eye axis, 298300, 3312

see also Colour; Eye; Gamma


I and P (intra and predictive) coding, 457–8, 471

IAD (inter-aural delay), 2201, 223

IDN (integrated digital network), 6723

IIR (infinite-impulse response) filters, 100

Image processing with DSPs, 84

Image rotation, MPEG-2 problems with, 487

Image stabilizing cameras, 3868

Impedance matching, audio systems, 1778

Impulse response testing, 94

Infinite-impulse response (IIR) filters, 100

Insertion loss, 179

Integrated circuits, 15

Integrated digital network (IDN), 6723

Integrated services digital network (ISDN), 6724

Intensity stereo, 244

Inter-aural delay (IAD), 2201, 223


production related, 658–9


Interlace, 3334, 3405

as compression, 43940

with computer-generated images, 345

with digital compression, 3445

display processors with, 4089

feathering, 3424

picture handling with, 4749

synchronizing, 3378

and transverse motion, 3424

Yeltsin walk, 478

Interleaving, 2830

bit interleave, 591

block interleave, 5912

convolution interleave, 5924

Interpolation/interpolators, 10

concealment by, 56970

see also Sampling-rate conversion

Interrupts, computer, 746, 85

Intersymbol interference, 561

Intra (I) coding, 451, 457–8

Inverse square law for sound, 207

Inverse transforming, 464

ISDN (integrated services digital network), 6724



Isochronous networks, 91



in data channels, 551

jitter margin, 553

jitter rejection, 548

sampling clock, 1479

JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) compression standards, 312, 451

Motion JPEG, 451


avoidance with motion compensation, 3823

MPEG-2 problems with, 486

Kaiser-Bessel derived (KBD) window, 104, 521

Kell factor, 339

Kernel set, 77

Kerr effect, with optical disks, 544


LAN (local area network), 706

Lasers, 61920

scanning, 405

see also DVD (digital video (versatile) disk); Optical disk principles/technology

Layer concept, communication systems, 6568

adaptation layer, 6578

physical medium dependent layer, 6567

protocol layer, 657

transmission convergence layer, 6567

see also AALs (ATM adaptation layers); MPEG

LCD displays, gamma considerations, 297

Least significant bit (LSB), 6, 42, 150

Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) lossless codes, 4434

Light, 273318

black body concept, 275

blue scattering, 276

candela, 282

colour temperature concept, 276, 277

Contrast Index (CI), 2845

and the human visual system (HVS), 2745

lumen, 281, 282

modulation transfer function (MTF), 2835, 290

nit, 282

perceived contrast, 285

photometric units, 2813

Planck's Constant, 277

polarization, 27981

refraction, 278

sources of, 2757

spatial frequency, 284

spectral power distributions (SPDs), 2745, 2767

surround effect, 285

tristimulus values/units, 283, 307, 31618

wave theory, 27881

see also Polarization of light

Listening fatigue, 41415

Listening tests, 495


and the deciBel, 175

use of, 174–5

Logic elements, 3840

AND gates, 39, 40

negative/low true logic, 39

NOR gates, 39

OR gates, 39, 40

positive/high true logic, 39

XOR gates, 39

see also Storage elements

Lossless and lossy coding, 439, 4434

Loudness, 1867


active, 4334

auxiliary bass radiators (ABRs), 42930

bandpass enclosures, 430

beaming, 411

crossover networks, 411, 4312

directivity, 41921

dispersion drive effects, 420

dome drivers, 4201

electrostatic, 417

enclosures, 4323

flat panel distributed mode loudspeakers (DML), 41819

infinite baffle concept, 428

large box construction, 4301

listening fatigue, 41415

low frequency reproduction, 42831

mechanisms, 41519

phased arrays, 421

positioning considerations, 21112

principles, 41015

reverberant sound, 41314

room/location considerations, 41115

smear, 435

spatial illusion, 413

squawkers, 411

for stereo and surround sound, 4345

stereo working, 212

surround sound systems, 41819

transmission line speakers, 42930

tweeters, 411

see also Moving coil loudspeakers

LSB (least significant bit), 6, 42, 150

Luma, the, 2945

Lumen, 281, 282

Luminance, constant, 3513


M-S (Mid and Side) stereo, 2535

Macroblocks, MPEG, 4557

Magnetic disk controllers see Disk

controllers Magnetic disks/disk drives, 6026

attributes, 16

multiplatter arrangement, 6024

servo-surface disks, 6089

terminology, 603

track seeking/following, 6068

see also Winchester disk technology

Magnetic recording heads, 5356, 6034

HDA for Winchester technology, 610

intersymbol interference, 561

magneto-resistive (M-R) heads, 539

rotary heads, 5412

as transversal filters, 5612

Magnetic recording principles and technology, 53541

AGC (automatic gain control)

system, 537, 604

azimuth recording and rotary heads, 5412

baseline wander, 546

bipolar recording, 5367

comb filters effect, 539

in contact recording, 5401

data separation, 5456

equalization separation, 5446

gated peak detection/detectors, 5378

jitter rejection, 548

magneto-resistive (M-R) heads, 53940

peak detection, 546

phase-locked loops (PLLs), 5501

recording heads, 5356

relative costs, 16

slicing, 5456

slicing and jitter rejection, 54651

see also Magnetic tape; Winchester disk technology

Magnetic tape systems, read after write, 569

Magnetism, as a binary store, 6

Magneto-optical recording, 5424

Manchester/FM/bi-phase mark code, 554, 605

Mantissae, floating-point coding, 55

Masking pattern adapted Universal Sub-band Integrated Coding (MUSICAM), 507

Masking threshold, MPEG Audio coding layer I, 51012

Maxwell's triangle, 3034, 307

MDCT (modified discrete cosine transform):

with audio compression, 501, 51617, 521

with Dolby AC-3 transform coders, 525

Memory management, CPU, 768

Metadata, 187

Metamers, 3045

MFM (modified frequency modulation)/Miller code, 5556, 605

Microinstructions, 73

Micromirror projectors, 405–6


capacitor/condensor microphone, 239–40

carbon granule, 2367

directional characteristics, 22935

electret microphone, 240, 241

end-fire configuration, 232

feedback/howl round, 231

figure-of-eight microphone, 231

mechanisms, 23642

moving coil microphone, 2389

moving iron/variable reluctance, 237


thermal, 235

unwanted pick up, 235

omnidirectional microphones, 230

phantom powering, 240, 241, 242

piezo-electric/crystal microphone, 237

pressure gradient (PG) microphone, 22930

pressure microphones, 22836

as pressure transducers, 2045

pressure zone microphone (PZM), 229

principles, 22636

ribbon microphone, 2379

sensitivity specifications, 235

shotgun microphone, 233

side-fire configuration, 233

telephone, 669

variable directivity microphones, 232, 240, 241

velocity microphone, 229

as velocity transducers, 204

Microphones for stereo and surround, 2503

crossed cardioid configuration, 251

crossed pair, coincident pair,

Blumlein pair configuration, 250

five cardioid configuration, 252

M-S (Mid and Side) configuration, 2545

and pan-pot audio, 250

tetrahedron configuration, 2523

Microsequencers, 69

Mixes and fades, 53

Modified discrete frequency transform (MDCT), with audio compression, 501, 51617, 521

Modified frequency modulation (MFM)/Miller code, 5556, 605

Modulation see Broadcast modulation;

Delta modulation; MFM; MTF; PCM

Modulation transfer function (MTF), 2835, 290, 329

Modulo arithmetic, 44

Modulo-n arithmetic, 567

MOS memories, bit errors in, 23

MOS (metal oxide semiconductor), 42

Most significant bit (MSB), 6, 424, 4752, 58

Motion blur, 2913

Motion estimation/compensation, 37589

background handling, 381

and background strobing, 375

block matching, 377

camera shake, 3868

compensated picture rate conversion, 37884

de-interlacing, 38990

estimation techniques, 3778

and flicker, 375

importance of, 3757

for judder avoidance, 382

motion-compensated standards convertor, 37984

and noise reducers, 375

slow motion improvement, 382, 384

telecine system, 3846

vector interpolator, 3812

see also Eye tracking; MPEG; Optic flow axis

Motion JPEG, 451

Motion portrayal, 297300

Motion-compensated coders, 4547

Mouse, computer, 789

Moving coil loudspeakers, 41517, 4218

coil configurations, 424

cone construction, 4278

magnets, 425

mass control region, 423

rare earth magnets for, 426

resonance effects, 4223

stiffness control region, 423

television distortion from stray flux, 425–6

tweeters, 428

woofers, 426–7

MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group) standards/coders/decoders:

and AALs (ATM adaptation layers), 719

bidirectional coding, 678

compression outline, 22, 312

compression standards, 445–8

and DCT coefficients, 466

group of pictures (GOP), 4534, 45960, 461, 491

and I and P coding, 457–8

inter-coded compression, 4523

and interlaced pictures, 4745

intra-coding compression, 4513

macroblocks, 4557

Motion JPEG, 451

motion-compensated coders, 4547

MPEG audio compression, 50625

MPEG Layer I (audio coding), 507, 50913

decoder for, 513

masking threshold, 51012

noise masking ratio (NMR), 512

sub-band compression, 510

MPEG Layer II (MUSICAM) (audio Coding), 507, 514–16

decoder for, 515–16

granules, 51415

SCFSI (scale factor select information), 514

MPEG Layer III (MP3) (audio Coding), 507, 51619

encoder for, 51719

modified DCTs, 51617


audio coding with, 5079

main features, 445, 474


AAC (advanced audio coding), 51925

audio coding with, 5079

bidirectional coding, 459–61

complete coder, 4801

complete decoder, 4824

composite video problems, 486

with digital TV broadcasting, 6757

elementary stream, 4812

filter bank, 521

flash gun problems, 487

Huffman coding, 525

image rotation video problems, 487

judder video problems, 486

Kaiser-Bessel derived (KBD) window, 521

low-complexity profile (LC), 519

M/S format, 524

main features, 445

motion compensation, 478

predictive coder working, 5223

processing, and concatenation loss, 48793

profiles and levels, 4489

program specific information (PSI), 6823, 686

scale factor bands, audio, 523

scaleable sampling rate (SSR) profile, 519

SDI (serial data interface), 490

spatial and temporal redundancy, 4557

switchers, 4923

temporal noise shaping (TNS), 522

top and bottom fields, 4745

MPEG-4, main features, 445, 457

MPEG-AAC (advanced audio coding), 450

with networks, 709

PES (packetized elementary stream), 67880

PID (packet identification code), 680, 6823

prediction errors, 454

profiles, levels and standards, 44850

residuals, 454

RLC/VLC, 46670

and slices, 474

spatial coding, 451

spatial compression, 462–6

SPTS (single program transport stream), 679

temporal compression, 452

time stamps, PTS and DTS, 67880

and variable-length coding, 22

MSB (most significant bit), 6, 42–4, 4752, 58

MTF (modulation transfer function), 2835, 290, 329

Multi-level Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QUAM), 689–91, 699


frequency division multiplexing (FDM), 90

and networks, 90

principles, 86

remultiplexing, 685–6

statistical multiplexing, 878

time-division multiplexing (TDM), 90

transport streams, 6835

Multiplication in binary, 534

Music and the ear, 1927

dissonance, 194

equal-tempered scale, 194

harmonic distortion in audio equipment, 193

harmonious/consonant sound, 192

just diatonic scale, 194

octave relationships, 1934

pitch discrimination ability, 1967

pitch and frequency, 1945

MUSICAM (Masking pattern adapted Universal Sub-band Integrated Coding), 507, 514–16


N-ISDN (narrow-band ISDN), 6734

Naive concatenation, 488

Near instantaneous companding, 498

Networks, 8891, 70621

adaptation, 708

arbitration considerations, 70613

asynchronous, 91

ATM (asynchronous transfer mode), 71518

Broadband ISDN (B-ISDN), 673, 71517

congestion, 89

Ethernet, 707, 70912

Firewire (IEEE 1394–1995), 707, 71315

hubs, 707

isochronous, 91

LAN (local area network), 706

with MPEG data, 709

multiplexing, 90

protocol facilities, 707–8

SDH (synchronous digital hierarchy), 716

SONET (synchronous optical network), 716

synchronous, 91

telephone system, 88

token ring systems, 711–13

Nit (luminance), 282

NLL (numerically locked loop), 61–2, 681

NMR see Noise masking ratio


Gaussian distribution, 17–18, 24

noise pumping, 485

and probability, 16–18

quantified statistically, 17

slicing effects, 5

Noise masking ratio (NMR), 4956

with MPEG Layer I, 512

with MPEG Layer III, 517

Noise reduction, and motion

compensation, 375

Noise shaping, 26671

NRZ (Non-Return to Zero) code, 553

NTSC see Colour television

Numerically locked loop (NLL), 61–2, 681

Nyquist frequency/sampling rate, 138, 141

in channel coding, 553

oversampling in audio, 259, 2634

PCM, 256


Octal notation, 8

OFDM (orthoganal frequency digital

modulation), 692–6

Offset binary streams, 46, 361

Operating systems, 70

Optic flow axis, 298300, 3312, 3747

Optical disk principles/technology, 5424, 61929

attributes, 16

cylindrical lens focusing, 6223

diffraction grating tracking, 6278

erasable optical disks, 601

Faraday effect, 544

focus technology, 6225

Kerr effect, 544

Knife edge system focusing, 625

lasers, 61920

magneto-optical disks, 5434, 61920

in optical disks, 61922

polarizing beams and prisms, 6201

reading technology, 620, 6212

rerecordable/eraseable optical

disks, 61920

spectrum shaping, 31

thermomagnetic-optics, 620

three-spot following, 6267

track seeking/following, 6068, 6259

write-once-read-many (WORM) disks, 601

see also CD; DVD

Optical fibre cable, 5312

Optical filters/filtering, 94, 40910

Optical principles see Wave theory of light

Orthoganal frequency digital

modulation (OFDM), 692–6

Overflow, binary coding, 44

Oversampling, spatial, 32930

Oversampling in audio, 25966

anti-aliasing function, 263

benefits, 25961

flash convertors, 2601

and noise shaping, 259

Nyquist rate filtering, 259, 2634

oversampling factor, 263

PCM recording, 262

power spectral density (PSD), 2656

white-noise-dithered quantizer, 265


Packet identification code (PID), 680, 6823

Packetized elementary stream (PES), 67880

Packets, 87

ID codes for, 87

PAL see Colour television

Pan-pot (panoramic potentiometer), 2445, 250

Panning, coder problems with, 485

Parallel transmission, 14


and error detection/correction, 5703

redundant bits, 572

PAT (Program Association Table), 683, 684, 686, 700

Pattern sensitivity, 559

PC (program counter), 745

PCM (pulse code modulation), 11, 14

and ADCs, 2569

Compression with, 4401

filtering effect of, 95

and oversampling in audio, 262

PCR (Program Clock Reference), 6802, 686, 700

pdf (probability distribution function), 1615

Peak detection, 546

Peak program meter (PPM), 1801

Perceived contrast, 285

Perceptive coders, 439, 440

PES (packetized elementary stream), 67880

PG (pressure gradient) microphone, 22930

Phase-locked loops (PLLs), 601, 5501

Phase-shift keying (PSK), 6878

phon, 186

Photometric units, 2813

Photometry, 273

see also Light

Physical medium dependent layer, 6567

Picture rate conversion, motion

compensated, 37884

Picture in shuttle, 644

PID (packet identification code), 680, 6823

Pinna, and hearing directivity, 225

Pitch and frequency, 1945


pixel spacing, 12

square pixels, 13

Planck's black body concept, 275

Planck's Constant, 277

Plasma displays, 404

contouring/posterizing, 404

temporal effects, 4078

PLL (phase-locked loop), 601, 5501

PLUGE (Picture Line-Up GEnerator), CRTs, 398–400

PMT (Program Map Table), 683, 684, 686

Point spread function, 924

Polarization of light, 27981

birefringence effect, 279

polarizing prisms, 281, 620

Power distribution, 531

Power spectral density (PSD), 2656

PPM (peak program meter), 1801

Precedence (Haas) effect, 2223

Prediction errors, 454

Predictive (P) coding, 457–8, 46970, 471

Pressure gradient (PG) microphone, 22930

Pressure zone microphone (PZM), 229

Printing, colour printing, 13

Probability see Noise, and probability

Probability distribution function (pdf), 1615

Processors see CPU (central processing unit) Product codes, 5946

Program Association Table (PAT), 683, 684, 686, 700

Program Clock Reference (PCR), 6802, 686, 700

Program Map Table (PMT), 683, 684, 686

Program specific information (PSI), 6823, 686

Programmable timers, 76

Programmable video recorders (PVRs), 34–5

Programmers, hardware controlled, 67–9

Projection CRTs see Cathode ray tubes (CRTs), projection

Protocol layer, 657

PSD (power spectral density), 2656

Pseudo-video audio recording, 255

PSI (program specific information), 6823, 686

PSK (phase-shift keying), 6878

Pulfrich effect, 290

Pulse code modulation see PCM

Pulse cross monitor, CRTs, 401

Purkinje effect, 288

PVRs (programmable video recorders), 34–5

PZM (pressure zone microphone), 229


QMF (quadrature mirror filter), 5026, 516

QPSK (Quadrature Phase Shift Keying), 6878

Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QUAM), multi-level, 689–91, 699

Quadrature mirror filter (QMF), 5026, 516

Quadrature modulator, 354

Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK), 6878

QUAM (Quadrature Amplitude Modulation), 689–91, 699

Quantizing, 148–52

compression problems, 485

and gain control, 534

and noise shaping, 2668

and noise/signal-to-noise ratio, 155

quantizing error, 1516

quantizing intervals, 150–2

requantizing and digital dither, 15961

see also Dither

Quincunx sampling, 3257


R-S codes see Reed-Solomon (R-S) codes

Radio propagation, 531

Radiometry, 273

see also Light

Radix points, 7

RAID (redundant array of

inexpensive disks), 61718

RAM (random access memory), 6, 1516, 42, 74

for time compression/expansion, 19–20

Random access memory see RAM

Randomizing technique with channel

coding, 55860

Read after write magnetic tape

strategy, 26

Recompression, 686

Reconstruction, 13942

filtering/band limiting effects, 1402

and Nyquist sampling rate, 141

reconstruction filters, 138

Shannon concept, 13940

splines, 1467

see also Sampling

Recording see Magnetic recording principles

Recording heads see Magnetic recording heads

Rectangular pdf dither, 1613


and compression, 441

error correction strategy, 26, 28

see also Error


Redundant bits, 572

Reed-Solomon (R-S) codes, 5818

calculation of generator polynomials, 5967

in digital television broadcasting, 696

with FEC of AAL-1, 720

Galois fields, 5847

primitive element, 584

with RAID arrays, 617

Refraction, acoustic, 214

Refraction of light, 278

refractive index, 278

Remultiplexing, 685–6

REN numbers, 670

Rendering process, 70


and digital dither, 15961

and noise shaping, 2667

and spatial compression, 4646

Resampling, 145

Resizing with DSPs, 83

Reverberation, 218

electronic artificial, 219

reverberation time of rooms, 218

RGB (red, green and blue) colour, 13

with colour television, 3456

RGB colour space, 3079

RLC/VLC (run length code/variable length code) in MPEG, 46670

RLL (run-length-limited) codes, 558

ROM (read-only memory), 42

for computers, 72

electric alterable, 42

for hardware programmers, 67–9

Rotary head tape transport, 6347

helical scan principle, 6356

picture in shuttle, 644

replay tracking, 6367

Rotary incremental encoder, 812

Run-length-limited (RLL) codes, 558, 5667

Run-length/variable-length coding, 46670



aperture effect, 1437

clock jitter, 1479

interpolation, 10

principle of, 1011

resampling, 145

sampling rate, 11, 136

sideband generation, 1378

spatial anti-aliasing filters, 324

temporal sampling, 1357

zero-order-hold (ZOH) system, 1434, 146

see also Oversampling in audio; Reconstruction; Spatial sampling

Sampling domain, FIR filters, 102

Sampling-rate conversion (interpolation), 10717

applications, 107

decimation, 111

fractional ratio conversion, 11416

integer-ratio changes, 109

integer-ratio conversion, 11011

integer-ratio sampling, 11112

interpolators, 117

rate changes by two small integers, 109

rate doubling, 11314

sampling jitter accuracy, 117

variable ratio conversion, 10910, 11617

SANs (storage area networks), 655

SAR (segmentation and reassembly sublayer), 71819

Saturation, colour, 313

Scale factor bands, audio, 523

Scaleable sampling rate (SSR) profile, 519

Scanning, 3324

and run-length/variable-length

coding, 46670

scanning lasers, 405

and spatial and temporal

frequencies, 135

zig-zag scans, 4667

SCFSI (scale factor select information), 514

SCSI bus/interface, 613

SDH (synchronous digital hierarchy), 716

SDI (serial data interface):

automatic cable equalization, 659–60

convolution randomizing, 659

and convolution randomizing, 559

and MPEG-2, 490

scrambling process, 659–60

transmission technique, 659–60

SDTI (serial data transport interface):

applications, 660–2

data capacity, 661

transmission technique, 660–2

Segmentation and reassembly (SAR)

sublayer, 71819

Self-clocking data see Channel coding

Servo-surface disks, 6089


on message accuracy, 25

on perfect reconstruction, 13940

on sampling rates, 138

Shift register, 40

Shotgun microphone, 233

Sidebands, from sampling, 1378

Sigma DPCM, 259

and noise shaping, 26970

Signal to noise ratio (SNR), 24

and quantizing error, 155

Silos (FIFO chip), 627, 616

Single program transport stream (SPTS), 679, 719

Skin effect, 531

Slices, compression, 474

Slicing, 54651

noise effects, 5

purpose/principle, 4

Slide rules, 175

Slow motion improvement, with motion compensation, 382, 384

SNR see Signal to noise ratio

Software verification, 71

SONET (synchronous optical network), 716

Sound digital broadcasting, 172

Sound level and loudness, 1867

phons, 186

weighting curves, 187

see also Hearing, directional ability

Sound level metering see Audio level metering

Sound, physics of, 197203

diffraction, 202

Doppler effect, 2012

gas adiabatic changes, 198–9

gas elasticity, 198–9

gas isothermal changes, 198

gas pressure/motion changes, 198

percussion events, 200

reflection, 202

shock waves, 199200

sinusoidal vibration, 200

sound as a power scalar quantity, 206

sound as a wave motion, 202

speed of sound, 199

volume velocity concept, 206

see also Acoustics; wave

acoustics/wave theory

Sound pressure level (SPL), 174

and loudness, 1867

measurement units, 179

Sound quality with compression, 4946

listening tests, 495

see also Audio compression; Stereo and surround sound

Sound radiation mechanism, 2037

inverse square law application, 207

reverberant conditions, 207

volume velocity concept, 206

Spatial aliasing, 324

spatial anti-aliasing filters, 324

Spatial aperture effect, 3289

Spatial compression, 462–6

and requantizing, 4646

Spatial frequency (light), 284

Spatial interpolation (resizing) with DSPs, 83

Spatial sampling, 1357, 3247

Brillouin zones, 325

quincunx sampling, 3257

spatial oversampling, 32930

display processors for, 408

square pixels, 325

transform duality, 325

SPDs (spectral power distributions), 2745, 2767

Spectrum shaping, 31

SPL see Sound pressure level

Splines, 1467

SPTS (single program transport stream), 679, 719

Square pixels, 325

SSR (scaleable sampling rate) profile, 519

Standards convertor, motion-compensated, 37984

Standing waves, acoustic, 215

Statistical multiplexing, 878, 443

stuffing/packing, 88

STATMUX (statistical multiplier), 685

Stereo and surround sound, 24250

by digital multiplexing, 173

centre speakers, 2478

and the cocktail effect, 24950

compatibility surround/stereo/

mono sound, 249

Dolby Surround sound, 242, 2457

five-channel surround sound, 24

intensity stereo, 244

loudspeakers for, 4345

M-S (Mid and Side) stereo, 2535

pan-pot (panoramic potentiometer), 2445

Pro-logic decoder, 247

smear, 435

stereophonic illusion, 2434

surround sound, 2423

see also Microphones for stereo and surround; Sound quality with compression

Storage elements:

dynamic memory, 401

latch, 401, 44

shift register, 40

see also Logic elements

Storage technology, 1516

see also CD (Compact Disc); Disk controllers; DVD (digital video (versatile) disk); Magnetic disks/disk drives; Magnetic recording heads; Magnetic recording principles; Optical disk principles/technology; RAID (redundant array of inexpensive disks); Winchester disk technology

Stuffing/packing, statistical

multiplexing, 88

Sub-band coding, 499, 5016

Subjectively lossless systems, 442

Subroutines, CPU, 756, 85

Subtractive dither, 156

Surround effect, 285

Surround sound see Stereo and surround sound

Switchers, MPEG-2, 4923

Synchronizing (sync) systems, 3348

blanking intervals, 3357

composite/non-composite signals, 3345

and concatenation, 566

and deserialization, 5657

interlace, 3378

run-length-limited codes, 5667

sync tip, 335

Synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH), 716

Synchronous networks, 91

Synchronous optical network (SONET), 716


Tape storage, attributes, 16

TCP (transmission control protocol), 657

TDAC (time-domain aliasing

cancellation), with Dolby AC-3

transform coders, 5256

TDM (time-division multiplexing), 90

Telecine, 3669

3:2 pulldown, 3679, 3856

colour correction, 369

flying spot scanning, 3678

motion-compensated, 3846

patch generation, 368

Telecommunications network, 88

Telephone based systems, 66875

ADSL (asymmetric digital subscriber line), 674

AMI (alternate mark inversion) coding, 6723, 674

B-ISDN (broadband ISDN), 673, 71517

bandwidth for speech, 669

dialling, 669

digitizing speech, 6712

DMT (discrete multitone technique), 675

E1 system, 673

electronic exchanges, 671

IDN (integrated digital network), 6723

impedance of lines, 669

ISDN (integrated services digital network), 6724

microphones, 669

N-ISDN (narrow-band ISDN), 6734

REN numbers, 670

ringing, 66970

T1 system, 673

time-division multiplexing of speech, 672

touch-tone dialling (DTMF), 671

uniselectors, 671

Television broadcasting, digital, 6757

error correction, 696

MPEG-2 compression, 6757

Reed-Solomon codes usage, 686

signal strength and picture quality, 676

transport stream, 677

see also ATSC; DVB

Television and computer formats, conversion between, 36974

array sizes, 370

colorimetry problems, 374

computer gamma standard problem, 372

flicker, 370

gamma conversion, 3713

RGB colour, 371

Television signals see Colour television; Commercial television

Temporal aperture effects, 3312

Temporal effects, 4068

Temporal noise shaping (TNS), 522

Temporal sampling, 135

Thermomagnetic-optics, 620

Time compression/expansion, 19–20

Time stamps, MPEG coding, 67880

Time-division multiplexing (TDM), 90

Time-domain, and transforms, 957

Time-domain aliasing cancellation (TDAC), with Dolby AC-3

transform coders, 5256

Timebase correction, 61–7

TNS (temporal noise shaping), 522

Token ring systems, 711–13

Touch-tone dialling (DTMF), 671

Transform duality, 325

Transforms, 957

and duality, 11720

Heisenberg inequality, 120

see also Discrete cosine transform (DCT); Discrete Fourier transform (DFT); Fourier analysis/transforms; Wavelet transform

Transmission channel types, 5302

Transmission control protocol (TCP), 657

Transmission convergence layer, 6567

Transmission lines, 5325

characteristic impedance, 5345

slicing, 5456

see also Data channels

Transport stream:

CAT (Conditional Access Table), 683

digital TV broadcasting, 677

multiplexing, 6835

PAT (Program Association Table), 683, 684

PMT (Program Map Table), 683, 684, 686

PSI (program specific information), 6823

recompression, 686

remultiplexing, 685–6

STATMUX (statistical multiplexer), 685

transport stream multiplexer, 681

Trellis coding, ATSC system, 7023

Triangular pdf dither, 1634

Trichromatic coefficients, 311

Tristimulus values/units, 283, 307, 31618

Two's complement system, 4650


Underflow, binary coding, 44

Unison, musical, 191

Unstructured data transfer, 718


Variable time windows, 4989

VBV (video buffer verifier), 481

VCO (voltage-controlled oscillator), 601, 5501

VCXO (voltage controlled crystal

oscillator), 681

Velocity microphone, 229

Video buffer verifier (VBV), 481

Video signals, digital representation, 13

Video-On-Demand, 448

Virtual addresses, 76

Virtual channels/links, ATM, 717

Viruses, computer, 70, 71

Viterbi decoding, 5645

Voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO), 601, 5501

voltage controlled crystal oscillator (VCXO), 681

Volume Unit (VU) meter, 180

Volume velocity concept for sound, 206

VU (Volume Unit) meter, 180


Wave acoustics/wave theory, 20719

constructive and destructive

interference, 207–10

far and near fields, 210–11

pulsating spheres, 210

reflection of sound, 21617

refraction, 214

standing waves, 21517

wavefronts, 208–10

see also Acoustics

Wave theory of light, 27881

polarization of light, 27981

refraction, 278

Wavelet transform, 132–4

Weighting curves, sound level, 187

White-noise-dithered quantizer, 265

Wien's Law, 275

Winchester disk technology, 61012

basic principles, 601

embedded servos, 612

head disk assemblies (HDAs), 610

landing areas, 611

see also Magnetic disks/disk

drives; Magnetic recording principles

Wind, and acoustics, 21415

Window functions, 1024, 500

WORM (write-once-read-many) disks, 601

Wraparound, binary coding, 44

Write-once-read-many (WORM) disks, 601


Yeltsin walk, 478


Zero-order-hold (ZOH) system, 1434, 146

Zig-zag scans, 4667

with interlaced pictures, 477

ZOH (zero-order-hold) system, 1434, 146

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