Chapter 3. Getting Around: Navigation, Signposts, and Wayfinding

The patterns in this chapter deal with the challenges of navigation: How do users know where they are now? Where can they or should they go next? How can they get there from here?

To answer these questions, we look at these important aspects of navigation:

  • The purpose of navigation in user experience (UX)

  • Methods to promote wayfinding in your software

  • Different types of navigation

  • How to design navigation

  • Patterns of navigation that can be useful

Navigation can be challenging because moving around in a website or application is like commuting: you need to do it to get where you want to go, but it’s dull, it’s sometimes infuriating, and the time and energy you spend on it just seems wasted. Couldn’t you be doing something better with your time, such as playing a game or getting some actual work done?

The best kind of commuting is none at all. Having everything you need right at your fingertips without having to travel somewhere is pretty convenient. Likewise, keeping most tools “within reach” on an interface is handy, especially for intermediate-to-expert users (i.e., people who have already learned where everything is). Sometimes, you do need to put lesser-used tools on separate screens where they don’t clutter things up; sometimes, you need to group content onto different pages so that the interface makes sense. All of this is fine as long as the “distances” that a user must travel remain short. So, less is better.

Understanding the Information and Task Space

The purpose of navigation is to help the user know and understand the information space they are in. This includes understanding what tasks they can do, as well. Finally, they need to know how to get around. Navigation helps users know the following:

  • The information and tools that are available in terms of subject and scope

  • How the content and functionality are structured

  • Where I am now

  • Where I can go

  • Where I came from and how to go back or how to back up

Suppose that you’ve built a large website or application that you’ve had to break up into sections, subsections, specialized tools, pages, windows, wizards, and so forth. How do you help users navigate?


Signposts are features that help users figure out their immediate surroundings. Common signposts include page and window titles, web-page logos and other branding devices, tabs, and selection indicators. Patterns and techniques such as good global and local navigation links, Progress Indicator, Breadcrumbs, and Annotated Scroll Bar —all described in this chapter—inform users as to where they currently are and, often, where they can go with only one more jump. They help a user to stay “found” and to plan their next steps.


Wayfinding is what people do as they find their way toward their goal. The term is pretty self-explanatory. But how people actually do it is quite a research subject—specialists from cognitive science, environmental design, and website design have studied it. These common-sense features help users with wayfinding:

Good signage
Clear, unambiguous labels anticipate what you’re looking for and instruct you where to go; signs are where you expect them to be, and you’re never left standing at a decision point without guidance. You can check this by walking through the artifact you’re designing and following the paths of all the major use cases. Make sure that each point where a user must decide where to go next is signed or labeled appropriately. Use strong “calls to action” on the first pages that a user sees.
Environmental clues
You’d look for restrooms in the back of a restaurant, for instance, or a gate where a walkway intersects a fence. Likewise, you would look for an “X” close button in the upper right of a modal dialog box and logos in the upper-left corner of a web page. Keep in mind that these clues are often culturally determined, and someone new to the culture (e.g., someone who’s never used a given operating system before) might not be aware of them.
Sometimes, people go from sign to sign or link to link without ever really knowing where they’re going in a larger frame of reference. (If you’ve ever found your way through an unfamiliar airport, that’s probably what you did.) But some people might prefer to have a mental picture of the whole space, especially if they’re there often. Also, in badly signed or densely built spaces, such as urban neighborhoods, maps might be the only navigational aids people have.

In this chapter, the Clear Entry Points pattern is an example of careful signage combined with environmental clues–the links should be designed to stand out on the page. A Progress Indicator, obviously, is a map. Modal Panel sort of qualifies as an environmental clue because the ways out of a modal panel take you directly back to where you just were.

I’ve compared virtual spaces to physical spaces here. But virtual spaces have the unique ability to provide a navigational trump card, one that physical spaces can’t (yet) provide: the Escape Hatch. Wherever you are, click that link, and you’re back to a familiar page. It’s like carrying a wormhole with you. Or a pair of ruby slippers.

Design Considerations

Navigation must be designed. What navigation options are displayed, how they are labeled, and where and when the navigation displays in the UI are all considerations for design. This section briefly discusses design considerations for effective navigation.

Separate the Navigation Design from the Visual Design

It’s a good process to separate the design of the navigational model from its visual design. Work out the number and sequence of navigation options that are needed and what it shows by default. Is it necessary for the user to expand the navigation categories to browse the structure, with links to a second or even third levels? Or is that not necessary? Reasoning this way can help you think more flexibly and deliberately about how to design the pages themselves. After you’ve established that, you then can consider the look and feel. There are conventions regarding visual placement of navigational features. Although it’s tempting to be different, there are huge advantages to following common layout patterns.

Cognitive Load

When you walk into an unfamiliar room, you look around. In a fraction of a second, you take in the shape of the room, the furnishings, the light, the ways out, and other clues; very quickly you make some assumptions about what this room is and how it relates to why you walked in. Then, you need to do what you came in to do. Where? How? You might be able to answer immediately—or not. Or maybe you’re just distracted by other interesting things in the room.

Similarly, bringing up a web page or opening a window incurs a cognitive cost. Again, you need to figure out this new space: you take in its shape, its layout, its contents, its exits, and how to do what you came to do. All of this takes energy and time. The “context switch” forces you to refocus your attention and adjust to your new surroundings.

Even if you’re already familiar with the web page (or room) you just went into, it still incurs a cost in terms of time for perceiving, thinking, and reorienting yourself to the information space. Not a large cost, but it adds up—especially when you figure in the actual time it takes to display a window or load a page.

This is true whether you’re dealing with web pages, application windows, dialog boxes, or device screens. The decisions that users make about where to go are similar—they still need to read labels or decode icons, and the users will still make leaps of faith by clicking links or buttons they’re not sure about.

Furthermore, loading time affects people’s decisions. If a user clicks through to a page that takes too long to load—or fails to load altogether—they might be discouraged and just close the page before they find what they came for. (So, how many viewers is that sidebar video player costing you?) Also, if a site’s pages take a chronically long time to load, users will be less likely to explore that site.

There’s a reason why companies like Google work very hard to keep page loads as fast as possible: latency costs viewers.

Keep Distances Short

Knowing that there’s a cost associated with jumping from page to page, you can understand now why it’s important to keep the number of those jumps down. A great rule of thumb is to think about how to keep the number of taps or clicks to get from point A to point B as small as possible. There are several ways you can optimize for this in your navigation design.

Broad global navigation

Design your navigation and your application so that there are more selections at the first, topmost level. Make the site structure as flat as possible; that is, minimize the levels of the site hierarchy. Put access to more screens directly in the global navigation. Put another way, avoid having just a few top-level navigation items if that means users must navigate a lot of category and subcategory menus.

Put frequently accessed items directly in the global navigation

Frequency of use influences the design of your navigation, too. Elevate or raise frequent actions so that they are at the top level of your navigation structure and thus there is direct access. This is independent of where they are in the structure of your site or app.

You can bury infrequently-used tools or content in the site structure. They will require a drilldown in the appropriate submenu. This is true within a single tool or screen, as well. You can hide seldom-used settings or optional steps behind an extra “door : a closed accordion panel or a tabbed panel. As always, experiment with different designs, and usability-test them if you have any doubts.

Bring steps together

Real efficiency gains can come from structuring the application so that common tasks can be accomplished in a single screen. One of the most annoying situations for users is to have a simple or frequent task, but be forced to go into multiple levels of subpages, dialogs, and so forth to perform one step in each place. It’s even worse if there is a dependency among the steps. Having to back up because of a missing precondition is wasted time and energy.

Can you design your workflows so that the most common 80% of use cases can be done in one page, without any context switches?

This is difficult to do with some kinds of applications. A certain tool or form can simply be very complicated. First try simplifying and minimizing. Group and segment the screen, but then shorten labels, turn words into pictures, use different form controls that save space, and move instructional copy to tool tips and pop-up panels. Then, look at using progressive disclosure so that only the first step or most-used controls display. Consider Module Tabs or an Accordion to hide other steps or content by default. This can be revealed automatically as the user works their way through the tool, or it can be optional information that the user must click or tap to view.

A second method is to bring multiple steps, tools, or screens together into a single Wizard with multiple steps (we examine this shortly).

The Patterns

This chapter talks about several aspects of navigation: overall structure or model, knowing where you are, determining where you’re going, and getting there efficiently.

The first set of patterns address the navigational model and are more or less independent of screen layout:

  • Clear Entry Points

  • Menu Page

  • Pyramid

  • Modal Panel

  • Deep Links

  • Escape Hatch

  • Fat Menus

  • Sitemap Footer

  • Sign-In Tools

The next few patterns work well as “You are here” signposts (as can a well-designed global navigation):

  • Progress Indicator

  • Breadcrumbs

  • Annotated Scroll Bar

Progress Indicator, Breadcrumbs, and Annotated Scroll Bar also serve as interactive maps of the content. Annotated Scroll Bar is intended more for pan-and-zoom models than for multiple interconnected pages. Finally, Animated Transition helps users stay oriented as they move from one place to another. It’s a visual trick, nothing more, but it’s very effective at preserving a user’s sense of where they are and what’s happening. Now, let’s begin exploring these patterns.

Clear Entry Points


Present only a few main entry points into the interface so that the user knows where to start. For first-time and infrequent users, it removes some of the burden of learning the site. Make them task-oriented or directed at a specific audience type. Use clear calls to action. The Clear Entry Points schematic in Figure 3-7 represents this concept.

Clear Entry Points schematic
Figure 3-7. Clear Entry Points schematic

Use when

You’re designing a site or application that has a lot of first-time or infrequent users. Most of these users would be best served by reading a certain piece of introductory text, doing an initial task, or choosing from a very small number of frequently used options.

However, if the purpose is clear to basically everyone who starts it, and if most users might be irritated by one more navigation step than is necessary (like applications designed for intermediate-to-expert users), this might not be the best design choice.


Some applications and websites, when opened, present the user with what looks like a morass of information and structure: lots of tiled panels, unfamiliar terms and phrases, irrelevant ads, or toolbars that just sit there disabled. They don’t give the hesitant user any clear guidance on what to do first. “OK, here I am. Now what?”

For the sake of these users, list a few options for getting started. If those options match a user’s expectations, they can confidently choose one and begin working-this contributes to immediate gratification. If not, at least they know now what the site or app actually does, because you’ve defined the important tasks or categories at the outset. You’ve made the application more self-explanatory.


When the site is visited or the application started, present these entry points as “doors” into the main content. From these starting points, guide the user gently and unambiguously into the application until they have enough of a context to continue by themselves.

Collectively, these entry points should cover most of the reasons most users would be there. There might be only one or two entry points, or several; it depends on what fits your design. But you should phrase them with language that first-time users can understand—this is not the place for application-specific tool names.

Visually, you should show these entry points with emphasis proportional to their importance.

On the home page or starting page, most sites will additionally list other navigation links—global navigation, utility navigation, and so on—and these should be smaller and less prominent than the Clear Entry Points . They’re more specialized, and don’t necessarily lead you directly into the heart of the site any more than a garage door leads you directly into the living room. The Clear Entry Points should serve as the “front doors.”


Apple’s main iPad page (Figure 3-8) needs to do only a few things: identify itself, make the iPad look inviting, and direct the user toward resources for buying one or learning more. The global navigation recedes visually, compared to the strong, well-defined entry point. There is a secondary focus on the row of small schematic diagrams. These are links to the iPad models, too, plus accessories. But above the fold, the users is clearly directed to the iPad Pro. On the rest of the page, there are additional front doors—large promotional images for other iPad models.

iPad page on Apple’s site
Figure 3-8. iPad page on Apple’s site

Spotify (Figure 3-9) focuses exclusively on the new customer with its website’s landing page. There is a simple and clear call to action in the center of the screen.

The Spotify landing page—a very clear single door
Figure 3-9. The Spotify landing page—a very clear single door

Adobe Illustrator and other applications show a startup dialog when the application is started (see Figure 3-10). This orients a new or infrequent user to the possibilities for action. The major actions are creating something new or opening an existing document. Each one is treated twice. On the left, for more experienced or confident users who are ready to get down to business, there are two boldly marked buttons: Create New and Open. Despite being small, their visual treatment makes them pop as entry points into getting started. On the right, there are the same two options, but given a much bigger, more visual and more explanatory approach. “Start a New File Fast” has several choices that represent most likely device and screen sizes. The schematic diagrams for each make them even easier to understand. Below this, in Recent, is a grid of recently opened files, each with a thumbnail image to assist in recognition and recall. This is a good example of designing different entry points to appeal to different users.

The Adobe Illustrator CC startup dialog
Figure 3-10. The Adobe Illustrator CC startup dialog

Prezi (Figure 3-11), like Spotify, is using its entry point on the website to make it easy for potential customers to move toward purchase. In Prezi’s case, it realized its innovative presentation software needs demonstration. Differentiating its product is the biggest need, and probably the biggest question in the minds of Prezi’s potential buyers. The front door sends the message, “Come in and check it out.”

Prezi’s landing page
Figure 3-11. Prezi’s landing page

Tesla (Figure 3-12) offers three entry points as represented by the three Tesla models in the photograph. The primary focus is on the Model 3 (the user interface zooms in on it, a clever move). With the focus on the Model 3, there are two entry points: Customize your own Tesla or browse the cars that are available now.

Tesla’s landing page
Figure 3-12. Tesla’s landing page



Link together a sequence of pages with Back/Next links. Create a parent page that links to all of the pages in this sequence, and let the user view them either in sequence or out of order. Figure 3-18 presents this pattern schematically.

Pyramid schematic
Figure 3-18. Pyramid schematic

Use when

The site or application contains a sequence of items that a user would normally view one after another, such as a slideshow, a wizard, chapters in a book, or a set of products. Some users would rather view them one at a time and out of order, however, and they need to be able to pick from a full list of the items.


This pattern reduces the number of clicks it takes to get around. It improves navigation efficiency, and it expresses a sequential relationship among the pages.

Back/Next (or Previous/Next) links or buttons are all well and good. People know what to do with them. But a user doesn’t necessarily want to be locked into a page sequence that they can’t easily get out of: having gone seven pages in, will they need to click the Back button seven times to get back where they started? That is a recipe for frustration and low usability (lack of user control).

By putting a link back to the parent page on each sequence page, you increase the user’s options. You’ve now have three main navigation options instead of two—Back, Next, and Up. You haven’t made it much more complex, but a user who is casually browsing (or one who’s changed his mind in midstream) will need far fewer clicks to go where they want to go. It’s more convenient for users.

Likewise, chaining together a set of unconnected pages is kind to users who actually want to see all the pages. Without the Back/Next links, they would be “pogo sticking” to the parent page all the time; they might just give up and leave.


List all of the items or pages, in order, on the parent page. Render the list in a way that suits the types of items you’re dealing with (Chapter 7), such as a Thumbnail Grid for photos or a rich text list for articles. A click on an item or link brings the user to that item’s page.

On each item page, put Back/Next links. Many sites show a small preview of the next item, such as its title or a thumbnail. In addition, put in an Up or Cancel link to bring the user back to the parent page.

One Pyramid variation turns a static linear sequence into a loop by linking the last page back to the first without going back to the parent. This can work, but does the user know that they’ve looped all the way back around? Do they recognize the first page in the sequence? Not necessarily. If the order of a sequence is important, you should link the last page to the parent page; this signals the user that they’ve seen all there is to see.


Facebook’s photo album page is a classic Pyramid example.The album can be seen in its entirety by scrolling the page (see Figure 3-19). The images are thumbnails. Selecting a photo opens the slideshow, which is organized via the Pyramid pattern (Figure 3-20). Scroll right, scroll left, or exit to the grid again are the navigation options.

A Facebook photo album
Figure 3-19. A Facebook photo album
A child page from the same feature, showing Back, Next, and Close buttons near the photo
Figure 3-20. A child page from the same Facebook feature, showing Back, Next, and Close buttons near the photo

Escape Hatch


A well-labeled button or link that clearly gets the user out of their current screen and back to a known place. Use these on screens that have limited navigation options. Also use escape hatches for when a user is hopelessly entangled in an app, reaches an error state, or becomes deep-linked into a page that they have no context for understanding. The schematic in Figure 3-32 illustrates this concept.

Escape Hatch schematic
Figure 3-32. Escape Hatch schematic

Use when

You have pages that constitute some sort of serial process, such as a wizard, or any pages that lock the user into a limited navigation situation, such as a Modal Panel. These might also be pages that users can reach out of context, as they could do via search results.

There are also dead-end screens. For example, HTTP server error screens, such as for Error 404 Page Not Found (there are many of this type of error screens), are a great place to put an escape hatch.


Limited navigation is one thing, but having no way out is quite another! If you give the user a simple, obvious way to escape from a page, no strings attached, they’re less likely to feel trapped there. It also prevents people from bailing out completely by closing the application completely.

This is the kind of feature that helps people feel like they can safely explore an app or site. It’s sort of like an undo feature—it encourages people to go down paths without feeling like they’re committing to them. (See the Safe Exploration pattern in Chapter 1.)

Now, if these are pages that users can reach via search results, it’s doubly important that escape hatches be put on each page. Visitors can click these to get to a “normal” page that tells them more about where they actually are.


Put a button or link on the page that brings the user back to a “safe place.” This might be a home page, a hub page in a hub-and-spoke design, or any page with full navigation and something self-explanatory on it. Exactly what it links to will depend upon the application’s design.


Websites often use clickable site logos as home-page links, usually in the upper left of a page. These provide an Escape Hatch in a familiar place while helping with branding.

In some dialogs, a Cancel button or the equivalent can serve this purpose. These also let the user say, “I’m done with this; forget I ever started it.”

Have you ever called a company—for instance, your bank—and had to work your way through a set of phone menus? They can be long, confusing, and time-consuming. If you find yourself in the wrong menu, you might just hang up and try again from the top. But many phone menu systems have a hidden Escape Hatch that they don’t tell you about: if you dial “0” at any point, you might be connected to a human operator. Many customers go directly to this hidden shortcut.

Many websites have certain pages that limit navigation options, such as Modal Panel and pages without global navigation. The LinkedIn Settings screen is one example. This section of LinkedIn is separate from the main web application. The global navigation is not present. If a user finds themselves here, there are two ways to get back, through two escape hatches. The first is the LinkedIn logo to go back to the home page. The second is a “Go Back to” link with the member’s own profile picture (see Figure 3-33).

The LinkedIn Settings page, with link and avatar in the upper right as an escape hatch back to LinkedIn
Figure 3-33. The LinkedIn Settings page, with link and avatar in the upper right as an escape hatch back to LinkedIn

Helping browsers recover from dead ends is a good use of escape hatches, too.’s website offers an escape hatch on its 404 Not found error screens. In the copy is a link to jump to the home page (Figure 3-34). Curbed also offers system status messaging, so if the Curbed website is actually not active, the user would know that. 404 error page with an escape hatch to the home page
Figure 3-34. 404 error page with an escape hatch to the home page

Fat Menus


Display a long list of navigation options in drop-down or fly-out menus. Also called “mega-menus.” Use these to show all of the subpages in site sections. Organize them with care, using well-chosen categories or a natural sorting order, and spread them out horizontally. You can find an example of this pattern in the “All Microsoft” fat menu on (Figure 3-35).

Microsoft’s All Microsoft menu
Figure 3-35. Microsoft’s All Microsoft menu

Use when

The site or app has many pages in many categories, possibly in a hierarchy with three or more levels. You want to expose most of these pages to people casually exploring the site, so they can see what’s available. Your users are comfortable with drop-down menus (click to see them) or fly-outs (hover over them with the pointer).


Fat Menus makes a complex site more discoverable. They expose many more navigation options to visitors than they might otherwise find.

By showing so many links on every page, you make it possible for a user to jump directly from any subpage to any other subpage (for most subpages, anyhow). You thus turn a multilevel site—where subpages aren’t linked to the subpages in other site sections—into a fully connected site (Figure 3-35).

Fat Menus are a form of progressive disclosure, an important concept in UI design. Complexity is hidden until the user asks to see it. A visitor to a site that uses these can look over the menu headings to get a high-level idea of what’s there, and when that user is ready to dive in, they can open up a Fat Menu with a gesture. The user isn’t shown millions of subpages before they’re ready to deal with them.

If you’re already using menus in your global navigation, you might consider expanding them to Fat Menus if showing more links makes the content more attractive to casual browsers. People won’t need to drill down into categories and subcategories of your site hierarchy in order to discover interesting pages—they’ll see them there, right up front.


On each menu, present a well-organized list of links. Arrange them into Titled Sections (Chapter 4) if they fit into subcategories; if not, use a sorting order that suits the nature of the content, such as an alphabetical or time-based list.

Use headers, dividers, generous whitespace, modest graphic elements, and whatever else you need to visually organize those links. And take advantage of horizontal space—you can spread the menu across the entire page if you want. Many sites make excellent use of multiple columns to present categories. If you make the menu too tall, it might go right off the end of the browser page.

The best sites have Fat Menus that work stylistically with the rest of the site. Design them to fit well into the color scheme, grid, and so on of the page.

Some menu implementations don’t work well with accessibility technology such as screen readers. Ensure that your Fat Menus can work with these. If they can’t, consider switching to a more static strategy, such as a Sitemap Footer.

You can adapt Fat Menus for mobile screens if necessary. In that case, you should linearize the columnar layout left to right. That is, the menu is reordered into a single column, with the sections stacked vertically. It’s best not to insert this much navigation content into every mobile screen. Instead, consider making this a reference navigation screen that is accessed through a separate mobile navigation scheme.


Macy’s, like most big retailers, has a vast inventory with many categories of items for sale. Browsing and finding a specific category or item of interest can be challenging in these cases. Well-designed fat menus can be a useful solution. Macy’s uses a two-part fat menu (Figure 3-36). The shopper first opens the top-level fat menu with the level-one major categories. When they select one of these, a second panel opens that covers the page. A huge amount of level-2 categories are displayed in this second panel.

The Macy’s two-level fat menu with progressive disclosure The Macy’s two-level fat menu with progressive disclosure
Figure 3-36. The Macy’s two-level fat menu with progressive disclosure

The Fat Menus on the Starbucks website are very well designed (Figure 3-37). Each menu is a different height but the same width and follows a strict common page grid (they’re all laid out the same way). The style blends in with the site, and the generous negative space makes it easy to read. Product promotions are worked into the design, but not obnoxiously.

Starbucks coffee menu Starbucks coffee menu
Figure 3-37. Starbucks coffee menu

As shown in Figure 3-38, Mashable’s fat menus use a hybrid approach. The text menus are off to the left and deemphasized. It takes full advantage of the horizontal space to show featured articles. This is clever—the knowledgeable user can skim a large number of headlines by rolling over the menus.

Mashable’s Science menu
Figure 3-38. Mashable’s Science menu

The American Red Cross uses Fat Menus liberally (Figure 3-39). When the user rolls over any top-level menu item, the resultant Fat Menus cover up the top portion of the screen. There is good organization and presentation of topics and links, making this large website structure easily comprehensible. The sections in each Fat Menu are organized by most likely questions or use cases.

The American Red Cross menu
Figure 3-39. The American Red Cross menu

WebMD uses an alphabetical sorting order for its list of health topics (Figure 3-40). There is direct access to information on most common conditions, a long list of additional resources, and room for two promoted stories with graphics. The likelihood that the site visitor can find the link they’re looking for—and continue to engage—is high.

WebMD’s Health A–Z menu
Figure 3-40. WebMD’s Health A–Z menu



Place utility navigation related to a signed-in user’s site experience in the upper-right corner. Show tools such as shopping carts, profile and account settings, help, and sign-out buttons.

Use when

Sign-In Tools are useful for any site or service for which users often sign in.


This pattern is purely convention; the upper-right corner is where many people expect such tools to be, so they will often look there. Give users a successful experience by putting these tools where they expect them to be.


Reserve space near the upper-right corner of each page for Sign-In Tools. Place the user’s sign-in name there first (and possibly a small version of their avatar, if it exists), unless the name and avatar are already present elsewhere on the page. Make sure each tool works exactly the same on every page in the site or app.

Cluster together tools such as the following:

  • Sign-out button or link (this is important, so make sure it’s here)

  • Account settings

  • Profile settings

  • Site help

  • Customer service

  • Shopping cart

  • Personal messages or other notifications

  • A link to personal collections of items (e.g., image sets, favorites, or wish lists)

  • Home

Don’t make this space too large or loud, lest it dominate the page—it shouldn’t. This is utility navigation; it’s there when a user needs it, but is otherwise “invisible” (well, not literally). For some items, you can use small icons instead of text—shopping carts, messages, and help all have standard visuals you can use, for instance. See the examples in this pattern for some of them.

The site Search box is often placed near the Sign-In Tools, although it needs to be in a consistent spot regardless of whether anyone is signed in.

When no user is signed in, this area of the page can be used for a sign-in box—name, password, call to action, and possibly tools for retrieval of forgotten passwords.


Following are some examples of Sign-In Tools from Airbnb (Figure 3-47), Google (Figure 3-48), and Twitter (Figure 3-49). These are visually unobtrusive but findable simply because they’re in the correct corner of the page or window. Airbnb surfaces a set of links that relate to membership and signing in: becoming a host, upcoming trips, saved searches in addition to the member sign-in tools drop-down menu. Google and Twitter hide the sign-in tools completely in a drop-down menu. Only the user’s profile picture displays as the access by default.

Airbnb sign-in tools
Figure 3-47. Airbnb sign-in tools
Google sign-in tools
Figure 3-48. Google sign-in tools
Twitter sign-in tools
Figure 3-49. Twitter sign-in tools

Progress Indicator


On each page in a sequence, show a map of all the pages in order to show steps in a process, including a “You are here” indicator. Retailer Menlo Club (Figure 3-50) uses a progress indicator in its check-out process.

Menlo Club checkout progress indicator.
Figure 3-50. Menlo Club checkout progress indicator.

Use when

You design a written narrative, a process flow, a Wizard, or anything else through which a user progresses page by page. The user’s path is mainly linear.

If the navigation topology is large and hierarchical (as opposed to linear) you might want to consider using Breadcrumbs instead. If you have a large number of steps or items and their order doesn’t matter much, this morphs into a Two-Panel Selector (Chapter 7).


Progress Indicators indicate to a user how far they’ve come through a series of steps—and, more important, how far they have yet to go before the process is finished. Knowing this helps them decide whether to continue, estimate how long it will take, and stay oriented.

Progress Indicators also serve as navigational devices. If someone wants to go back to a previously completed step, they can do so by clicking that step in the map of steps.


Near an edge of the page, place a small map of the pages in the sequence. Make it one line or column if you can, to keep it from competing visually with the actual page content. Give the current page’s indicator some special treatment such as making it lighter or darker than the others; do something similar with the already-visited pages.

For the user’s convenience, you might want to put the map near or next to the main navigation controls, usually Back and Next buttons.

How should you label each page’s indicator on the map? If the pages or steps are numbered, use the numbers—they’re short and easy to understand. But you should also put the page titles in the map. (Keep the titles short, so the map can accommodate them.) This gives the user enough information to know which pages to go back to and anticipate what information they’ll need in upcoming pages.


The slideshow shown in Figure 3-51 has a simple Progress Indicator at the bottom. It’s a simple page count, with the current page indicated. The user cannot use it to actually move through the sequence. Users would need to use the Previous and Next arrow buttons on the sides.

National Geographic Kids slideshow with page number progress indicator (center bottom)
Figure 3-51. National Geographic Kids slideshow with page number progress indicator (center bottom)

The Vanity Fair slideshow also uses a static page numbering progress indicator (Figure 3-52). The indicator itself does not trigger navigation. 

Vanity Fair’s slide show with page number progress indicator
Figure 3-52. Vanity Fair’s slide show with page number progress indicator

The Mini Cooper product configurator (Figure 3-53) shows a full-featured progress indicator that lets the user move back and forth at will, but organizes the pages in a sequence. The Progress Indicator at the top is a critical control for “playing” with the app, for moving among the various pages, and exploring different options.

Mini Cooper product configurator, with sequence map across the top
Figure 3-53. Mini Cooper product configurator, with sequence map across the top

Ecommerce check-out processes usually have a few, defined steps. The one for B&H Photo (Figure 3-54) has a typical Progress Indicator at the top. Its steps are disabled when the user hasn’t completed the required earlier step.

B & H checkout with progress indicator
Figure 3-54. B&H checkout with progress indicator

Annotated Scroll Bar


An addition to ordinary scroll bar functionality so that it serves as a notification or as a map of the content in the current document or screen, or as a “You are here” indicator. In the example from Google Docs (Figure 3-59), the pop-up panel attached to the scroll grab bar lets the user see where they are in a multipage document.

Google Docs scrollbar showing page numbers
Figure 3-59. Google Docs scroll bar showing page numbers

Use when

You’re designing a document- or data-centric application. Users will scan this document or graphic for items of note such as specific page numbers or section or chapter titles, or alerts. This can be helpful if your users have trouble keeping track of where they are and where to go next as they scroll.


Even though the user remains within one navigational space as they scroll through the content, signposts are still useful. When scrolling quickly, it’s really difficult to read the text flying by (or impossible, if the screen can’t refresh quickly enough), so some other indicator of position is necessary. Even if they stop briefly, the part of the document that they can see might not contain anything by which they can orient themselves, like headers.

Why a scroll bar? Because that’s where the user’s attention is focused. If you put signposts there, the user will see them and use them as they scroll, rather than trying to look at two different screen areas at once. You can put signposts close to the scroll bar and still get the same effect; the closer, the better.

When the scroll bar shows indicators in the scroll bar track itself, you get something that behaves just like a one-dimensional Overview Plus Detail (Chapter 9). The track is the overview; the scrolled window is the detail.


Put a position indicator on or near the scroll bar. Either static or dynamic indicators might work—dynamic indicators change as the user scrolls (Figure 3-59). Static indicators are those that don’t change from second to second, such as blocks of color in the scroll bar track (see the DiffMerge screenshot in Figure 3-60). Make sure their purpose is clear, though; such things can baffle users who aren’t used to seeing graphics in the scroll bar track.

Dynamic indicators change as the user scrolls, and they are often implemented as tool tips. As the scroll position changes, the tool tip shown next to the scroll thumb changes to show information about the content there. This will vary with the nature of the application. Microsoft Word, for instance, puts page numbers and headers in these tool tips.

In either case, you’ll need to learn what a user will most likely be looking for and thus what you need to put into the annotations. The content structure is a good starting point. If the content is code, you might show the name of the current function or method; if it’s a spreadsheet, show the row number, and so on. Also consider whether the user is currently performing a search—the scroll bar annotation should show where the search results are in the document.


The DiffMerge application shown in Figure 3-60 visually highlights the differences between two versions of a text file: differing sections are marked in red, and the corresponding section of the scroll bar is highlighted in blue. The scroll bar serves as an overall map, thus making large numbers of file “diffs” easier to comprehend.

Figure 3-60. DiffMerge

Chrome annotates its scroll bar with search results (Figure 3-61). When you search for a word on a web page, Chrome highlights the found words on the page with yellow, and places a yellow indicator in the scroll bar wherever they are found. This way, the user can scroll directly to those points in the document.

In this example, the two instances of the “Find” search word are highighted in the text. In the scroll bar on the right, notice the small hash marks running top to bottom. The search matches are indicated as the first two yellow bars in this list. We can see that there are many more “Find” matches down in the rest of the article because we see many more yellow hash mark displayed down the scroll bar.

Chrome “Find” results
Figure 3-61. Chrome “Find” results

Animated Transition


Add motion and transformations to the appearance of objects to indicate that an action is happening. Smooth out a startling or dislocating transition with an animation that makes it feel natural. This pattern includes slides, fade ins/fade outs, bounces, zooms, and other animation techniques.

Use when

Interface animations are very popular and common in mobile applications. They are almost a standard for quality interactions on mobile. Some folder, window, and scrolling animations are part of the mobile OS itself. Above and beyond this, when you want to add a clear visual confirmation that a user’s input was received, such as a tap on a button or that an action is in progress (such as “screen loading”), or when you simply want to brand your application experience, consider using animations.

Users might need to move through a large virtual space, such as an image or map. They might be able to zoom in to varying degrees, pan or scroll, or rotate the entire thing. This is especially useful for information graphics, such as maps and plots.

Alternatively, the interface might have sections that can be closed and opened again, either by the system or by the user—such as trees with closable parent nodes, standalone windows that open and close, or an interface built with open/close panels. You also might use Animated Transition when users jump from one separate page to another.

Animated transitions can also give the user a sense for where the file or object is located in the interface itself—for example, where a launcher icon might be in the macOS launch bar.


All of these transformations can disrupt a user’s sense of where they are in the virtual space. Zooming in and out, for instance, can throw off a user’s spatial sense when it’s done instantaneously, as can rotation and the closing of entire sections that prompts a relayout of the screen. Even scrolling down a long page of text, when it’s jumpy, can slow down the reader.

But when the shift from one state to another is visually continuous, it’s not so bad. In other words, you can animate the transition between states so that it looks smooth, not discontinuous. This helps keep the user oriented. We can guess that it works because it more closely resembles physical reality—when was the last time you instantly jumped from the ground to 20 feet in the air? Less fancifully, an animated transition gives the user’s eyes a chance to track a location while the view changes rather than trying to find the location again after an abrupt change.

It can also give useful UI control and navigation feedback. In Figure 3-62, we see two animations that Apple’s macOS uses extensively. The first is rollover magnification of icons in the “dock.” This actually helps users understand which icon their mouse is above as they swipe back and forth. The second is the page open/close zoom effect. The document window animates to its parent app icon in the dock, helping the user remember where they have put it away.

Mac OS dock magnification and app window transition Mac OS dock magnification and app window transition
Figure 3-62. macOS dock magnification and app window transition

When done well, Animated Transition bolsters your application’s perception of quality, speed, and liveliness.


For each type of transformation that you use in your interface, design a short animation that “connects” the first state with the second state. For zoom and rotate, you might show the in-between zoom or rotate levels; for a closing panel, you might show it shrinking while the other panels expand to take up the space it leaves behind. To whatever extent possible, make it look like something physical is happening.

But this pattern is a double-edged sword. Beware of making the user motion sick! The animations should be quick and precise, with little or no lag time between the user’s initiating gesture and the beginning of the animation. Limit it to the affected part of the screen; don’t animate the entire window. And keep it short. Research shows that 300 milliseconds might be ideal for smooth scrolling. Test it with your users to see what’s tolerable.

If the user issues multiple actions in quick succession, such as pressing the down arrow key many times to scroll, combine them into one animated action. Otherwise, the user might sit there through several seconds’ worth of animation as the punishment for pressing the down arrow key 10 times. Again: keep it quick and responsive.

Some of the types of transitions to consider include the following:

  • Brighten and dim

  • Expand and collapse

  • Fade in, fade out, and cross-fade

  • Slide

  • Spotlight


Tesla (Figure 3-63) uses a simple zoom in the initial load of its website. The user can see the three Tesla models in overview, and then the image zooms in on the Model 3. In this case, the zoom in is purely an attention-focusing flourish. The user can’t actually control the zoom in. However, the user can pan left and right to select the other Tesla models. This panning action is smoothly animated., loading screen “zoom in” animation, loading screen “zoom in” animation
Figure 3-63., loading screen “zoom in” animation

Prezi presentation software makes extensive use of zooming and panning views to create unique and flowing presentations. Figure 3-64 shows a selection of screens from a demonstration. As the user steps through the screens, the presentation zooms in, displays text, pans to the right, and then zooms out again when exiting the section. It makes for an interesting sense of flying through the information space.

Prezi’s unique presentation software features animated “zoom reveals,” slides, and zoom-out animations.
Figure 3-64. Prezi’s unique presentation software features animated “zoom reveals,” slides, and zoom-out animations.

Further Reading

For a much deeper exploration of the value of animation and how to bring it into your interface design, check out the following:

  • Creating Web Animations: Bringing Your UIs to Life by Kirupa Chinnathambi (O’Reilly, 2017).

  • Transitions and Animations in CSS: Adding Motion with CSS by Estelle Weyl (O’Reilly, 2016)

  • “SVG Animations” in From Common UX Implementations to Complex Responsive Animation by Sarah, Drasner (O’Reilly, 2017)


Well-designed navigation and wayfinding in your app or platform can help your users learn your app more quickly, maintain a sense of orientation and context, be confident in using your content and tools, know what to do and where to go, and generally not spend excess time being flustered, confused, or lost. Navigation is a feature of your designs that has a long life cycle —maybe the longest of any feature. If designed well (that is, it makes sense from your user’s point of view and fit for purpose, based on the information and tasks they are working with), it will have “evergreen” value. Good navigation and wayfinding help tremendously with new user onboarding, recovering from error states and confusion, getting work done, and generally feeling not blocked but capable. The design approach and the navigation patterns outlined in this chapter will help you to create a UX in your application where getting around takes on a flowing, magic quality of almost vanishing from the user’s awareness.

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