For all subsets I {1, . . . , n} and nodes b in G, we introduce an arc from b to b'' = (b AeI )/2, provided b'' n and b1 A1. The label of this arc is 2x + eI and denotes the affine mapping x 2x + eI.

This construction is sound: by following the arcs we cannot transform an unsolvable linear Diophantine system into a solvable one.

Next, we prove completeness: if b is any node in G and x n is a vector solving Ax = b, then there exists a path in the graph G from b to the final node 0 such that h(0) = x, where h is the label of that path, interpreted as composition of mappings. We show this claim by induction on x1.

The assertion is trivial for x1 = 0, because then we must have x = b = 0. Thus, we may assume that at least one component xi of x = (x1, . . . , xn) is positive. As above, let I = {i {1, . . . , n} | xi is odd } and eI be the characteristic vector of I. Then b' = b AeI 2n and x'' = (x eI)/2 n satisfy Ax'' = b'' where b'' = b/2. Thus, we only need to show that b'' is a node in G, that is, b1 A1. This is immediate: we have b1 A1 and hence

We are done by induction because x1 < x1.

What we have shown is that on input (A, c) we can effectively construct a finite labeled graph G (of singly exponential size) with final state 0 and initial state c which, when viewed as a nondeterministic finite automaton, accepts a rational set R of affine mappings from n to itself such that

Clearly, Ax = c has a solution if and only if R Ø.

Actually, the graph G is not optimal, as it might contain unreachable nodes and as it always has a selfloop around 0 labeled by x 2x, even if Ax = c has only finitely many solutions. This is something we do not like because the graph should be acyclic if there are finitely many solutions, only. We prefer to have a graph that encodes solutions in a more efficient way; it should be empty if there are no solutions and it should have no directed cycles if there are only finitely many solutions. For example, in the case that Ax = 0 where A is invertible, so x = 0 is the only solution, the graph we have constructed (and hence the rational set) contains the infinite set of mappings x 2x for . We can remove the selfloop around 0 by introducing additional arcs. If we are at node 0 and x = 0, then we are at a final node and there is no need to use the selfloop x 2x at 0. Therefore, it is enough to consider a nonzero solution x of Ax = 0. Since x 0, there is some index 0 i n such that xi > 0. Then x' = x e{i} n solves Ax' = Ae{i}, and we have Ae{i}1 A1. Hence, Ae{i} is a node in G. Thus, we simply add the n arcs from 0 to the nodes Ae{i} for 1 i n and each such arc is labeled by x + e{i}.

This yields a new NFA '' which accepts the rational language R' = L('). The graph ' for the linear Diophantine system ((1, 1), 2) (representing x1 x2 = 2) is depicted in Figure 7.3. We retain for R' the first two properties of R, but we also obtain a desirable third property

(a)(x n : Ax = c) R' Ø

(b){ x n | Ax = c } = { h(0) n | h R' }

(c)|{ x n | Ax = c }| < |R'| <

We can then trim the NFA by removing any node that does not lie on a path from initial to final states.

Example 7.65. For simplicity, let r = 1 and n = 2; there is only one equation with two variables. We consider the linear Diophantine system is Ax = 2 were A = (1, 1). We have A1 = 21 = 2. Hence G has five states: 2, . . . ,2, where 2 is initial and 0 is final. Replacing the loop around state 0 by arcs labeled x + e{i} yields the graph which is depicted in Figure 7.3. The state 2 does not lie on any path from the initial to final vertices; so removing the state 2 produces a smaller G. However, this is not the smallest NFA describing the set of all solutions. For example, an ad hoc construction shown in Figure 7.4 also describes all solutions; it has only two states.

Fig. 7.3. The NFA ' (before trimming) describing all solutions x 2 of (1, 1)x = 2.

Fig. 7.4. The minimal NFA ? describing all solutions x 2 of (1, 1)x = 2.


7.1. Consider the syntactic monoid Synt(L) for L = {anbn Σ | n } with Σ = {a, b} and a b. For u Σ let [u] Synt(L) denote the syntactic congruence class of the word u.

(a)Show that each congruence class [u]L Synt(L) contains a unique shortest representing word. Show that the set of all shortest representatives is regular.

(b)Show that D = J is not true in Synt(L).

(c)Show that there are s, t Synt(L) such that s J t and s R t, but sR t.

7.2. A semigroup S is cyclic if there is an element x S with S = {xk | k 1 }. Determine all cyclic semigroups with n elements.

7.3. Let φ: Σ M be a homomorphism into a finite monoid M. Show that a number n 1 exists with φ(Σn) = φ(Σ2n). The smallest such number is called the stabilization index of φ.

7.4. Let M be a monoid and let L M be recognizable. Show that the language { u M | uu L } is recognizable, too.

7.5. (Mezeis theorem) Let M1 and M2 be monoids. Showthat L M1×M2 is recognizable if and only if L is a finite union of languages of the form K1×K2 with K1 REC(M1) and K2 REC(M2).

7.6. Let A = (Q, , q0 , F) be a deterministic M-automaton. Then the complement automaton is B = (Q, , q0 , Q F). Show L(B) = M L(A).

7.7. Let A1 = (Q1, , q1, F1) and A2 = (Q2, , q2, F2) be two deterministic M-automata. For an arbitrary subset F Q1 × Q2, one can construct the product automaton B = (Q1 × Q2, , (q1, q2), F) with (p, q) a = (p a, q a).

(a)Give a subset F such that L(B) = L(A1) L(A2).

(b)Give a subset F such that L(B) = L(A1) L(A2).

7.8. Let Σ = {a, b} and L = ((ab)a abb) RAT(Σ).

(a)Use the Thompson construction to find a Σ-automaton A with L = L(A).

(b)Convert A into a spelling automaton A.

(c)Convert A' into a deterministic automaton B.

(d)Determine an automaton C with L(?) = Σ L.

(e)Specify a rational expression for Σ L.

7.9. Minimize the following automaton.

7.10. (Brzozowskis automata minimization) Let Σ be a finite alphabet. For a spelling nondeterministic finite Σ-automaton A = (Q, δ, I, F) let Aρ denote the automaton (Q, δρ , F, I), where δρ = {(q, a, p) | (p, a, q) δ } (the symbol ρ stands for reverse). The nondeterministic automaton Aρ accepts the mirror language L(A)ρ = { an a1 | a1 an L(A), ai Σ }. Finally, by ?(A) we denote the subset automaton of A. Show that for any deterministic finite Σ-automaton A = (Q, δ, q0, F), in which all states are reachable, the automaton ?(Aρ) is the minimal Σ-automaton for the language L(A)ρ.

Remark: This means that for each spelling nondeterministic automaton after the four operations mirror subset construction mirror subset construction one ends up with the equivalent minimal automaton. This amazing observation is due to Brzozowski (born 1935) [11].

7.11. A nonempty class of finite monoids V is a variety (also called a pseudovariety in the terminology of universal algebra) if the following two closure properties are satisfied. (i) N V and N' N implies N' V. (ii) N1, N2 V implies N1 × N2 V. For any monoid M let ?(M) be the set of all subsets of M which are recognized by a monoid from the variety V. Show:

(a)The subset system ?(M) is closed under finite union, finite intersection and complementation.

(b)We have L ?(M) if and only if Synt(L) V.

7.12. Let Σ be a finite alphabet and L Σ. Show that the following properties are equivalent:

(i)L is a Boolean combination of languages of the form B for B Σ.

(ii) For all x, y Synt(L) we have x2 = x and xy = yx.

7.13. Let M be a finite monoid and C the smallest family of finite monoids containing U2 and being closed under wreath products and divisors. Show:

(a)M is aperiodic if and only if {1} is its only group divisor.

(b)M is aperiodic if and only if M C.

7.14. Let M and N be monoids and let φ: A M N be a homomorphism. Show that there exist homomorphisms ? : A N and such that φ(u) = φ(υ) whenever ν(u) = ν(υ) and μ(σν(u)) = μ(σν(υ)).

7.15. Let M and N be monoids. A surjective partial mapping ψ: N M is a covering if for each m M at least one element m̂ N exists with

for all n N, for which ψ(n) is defined. The element m̂ is called a cover of m. Show that M is a divisor of N if and only if there exists a covering ψ: N M.

7.16. Give a covering from Un × U2 to Un+1.

7.17. Let M be a monoid generated by A; let c A and let N be the submonoid of M generated by A {c}. Give a covering from (UN × Mc) (N# × U1) to M.

7.18. Recall that Greens relation Dis defined in an arbitrary monoid M as L R. Show that D is an equivalence relation; that is, show L R = R L.

7.19. Let φ: Σ+ S be a homomorphism into a finite semigroup S and let L Σω. Show that L is recognized by φ if and only if the following equality holds:

7.20. Let φ: Σ+ S be a homomorphism to a finite semigroup S. Define the relation φ on Σω by letting α φ β if there are factorizations α = u1u2 and β = υ1υ2 such that ui, υi Σ+ and φ(ui) = φ(υi). Show that φ recognizes L if and only if from α L and α φ β it follows that β L.

7.21. In Remark 7.50, we discussed several variants of Büchi automata: acceptance either by states or transitions and allowing that labels on transitions are words instead of letters. We may also allow a set of initial states and/or that there are no incoming arcs into initial states. Show that these variants do not change the expression power of Büchi automata.



(formal) language

Kleene star

recognizing a language

recognizability, REC(M)

syntactic monoid


state, transition


finite state



reachable state

minimal automaton AL

transition monoid

rational, RAT(M)

(accepting) run

equivalent automata

spelling automata

regular language



local divisorMc

simple group

divisor, group divisor

partial homomorphism


wreath product M N

right zero

augmented monoid

Greens relations H, L , R,D, J

Schützenberger group

infinite words Σω


Büchi automaton

ω-regular, ω-rational

ultimately periodic

recognizing L Σω

syntactic homom. μL

Presburger arithmetic

linear Diophantine systems

Methods and results

REC(M) is closed under Boolean operations.

The syntactic monoid is the smallest monoid recognizing L.

The minimal automaton is the smallest automaton accepting L.

Moores algorithm for automata minimization.

The syntactic monoid is the transition monoid of the minimal automaton.

L REC(M) L is accepted by a deterministic M-automaton with |Q| <.

Thompson construction: conversion from RAT to nondeterministic finite automaton.

Elimination of ε-transitions and construction of spelling automata.

State elimination: conversion from nondeterministic finite automaton to RAT.

L RAT(M) L is accepted by a nondeterministic finite M-automaton.

McKnight: M finitely generated REC(M) RAT(M).

Kleene: If Σ is finite, then REC(Σ) = RAT(Σ).

Schützenberger: If Σ is finite, then: L SF(Σ) Synt(L) finite and aperiodic.

KrohnRhodes: Every finite monoid M is a divisor of a wreath product consisting of monoids U2 and simple group divisors of M.

For Greens relations L, R,D, J: D = L R = R L and in finite monoids D = J.

Ifs D t in a finite monoid M, then the local divisors M s and Mt are isomorphic.

Schützenberger groups within a D-class are the group of units in local divisors M s.

finitely many as cannot be accepted by a deterministic Büchi automaton

Deterministic languages are closed under union, intersection, but not under complementation.

Nonempty ω-regular languages contain ultimately periodic words.

L is ω-regular L is ω-rational L is recognized by a homomorphism to a finite monoid Synt(L) is finite and μL recognizes L

ω-regular languages form a Boolean algebra: K, L Σω are ω-regular K L, K L, Σω L are ω-regular

Büchi: MSO over infinite words is decidable.

Presburger arithmetic is decidable.

Solution sets of linear Diophantine equations have an effective description by finite automata.

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