8.8. Lessons Learned

We have learned how to expose existing business functionality as Web Services using JAXM and JAX-RPC. Using JAXR, we can publish or unpublish business services in a public or private Service Registry. These new Open Standards technologies provide a vendor-independent API to develop Web Services.

The demo shows a script-based process of how to deploy the demo program in Tomcat Application Server. However, you may consider using developer tools (such as Sun ONE Studio) to simplify and manage the entire application life cycle.

TSIK is one initiative to provide a secure and seamless message service without requiring the developers to put security verification and encryption/decryption logic into the business logic. With the availability of Apache Axis, there will be a built-in message service that can provide TSIK-like secure SOAP messaging over HTTP/S transport. Developers do not need to customize their secure messaging handlers in their business logic.

Although the Case Study is a trivial business requirement, we attempt to highlight that a systemic architecture design and analysis is essential to a good Web Services implementation.

8.8.1. References

Web Services Implementation Case Studies

Bumiputra Commerce Bank. Implementation of portal services using Web Services. http://www.sun.com/finance/docs/bumiputra.pdf

Hewitt Associates. Exposing mainframe applications as Web Services.

Tim Hilgenberg and John A. Hansen . “Building a Highly Robust, Secure Web Services Architecture to Process Four Million Transactions per Day.” IBM developerWorks Live! 2002 conference.

Rima Patel Sriganesh . “Implementing Single Sign-on in Java Technology-based Web Services.” Java One conference 2002. (this includes a case study that illustrates Single Sign-on with Hewitt.com using SAML)

Iron Mountain. Implementation of records and information management using Web Services. http://wwws.sun.com/success-servers/pdfs/iron_mountain.pdf (There will be a case study available soon at http://www.sun.com)

People's Insurance Company of China Group. Integration of insurance portal with call center using Web Services. http://www.sun.com/software/cluster/peoplesinsuranceofchina.pdf

Sabre. Implementation of collaborative Web Services using ebXML. Paul Milo, Dan Malks, and John MacDonald . “Architecting and Delivering ebXML-based Collaborative Web Services” SunNetwork Conference 2002.

Standard and Poor. Implementation of UDDI Service Registry. http://techupdate.zdnet.com/techupdate/stories/main/0,14179,2855469,00.html (There will be a case study available soon at http://www.sun.com)

Trans-Canada Pipeline. Development of a Web Services conceptual framework.


Web Services in Action Case Study 349 References Bibliography Web Services Implementation Case Studies [ch08biblio01div01entry01] Bumiputra Commerce Bank Implementation of portal services using Web Services http //www sun com/finance/docs/bumiputra pdf [ch08biblio01div01entry02] Hewitt Associates Exposing mainframe applications as Web Services [ch08biblio01div01entry03] Tim Hilgenberg and John A Hansen " Building a Highly Robust Secure Web Services Architecture to Process Four Million Transactions per Day " IBM developer Works Live! 2002 conference [ch08biblio01div01entry04] Rima Patel Sriganesh " Implementing Single Sign on in Java Technol ogy based Web Services " Java One conference 2002 this includes a case study that illustrates Single Sign on with Hewitt com using SAML [ch08biblio01div01entry05] Iron Mountain Implementation of records and information management using Web Services http //wwws sun com/success servers/pdfs/iron_mountain pdf There will be a case study available soon at http //www sun com [ch08biblio01div01entry06] People s Insurance Company of China Group Integration of insurance portal with call center using Web Services http //www sun com/software/cluster/peoplesin suranceofchina pdf [ch08biblio01div01entry07] Sabre Implementation of collaborative Web Services using ebXML Paul Milo Dan Malks and John MacDonald " Architecting and Delivering ebXML based Collaborative Web Services" SunNetwork Conference 2002 [ch08biblio01div01entry08] Standard and Poor Implementation of UDDI Service Registry http // techupdate zdnet com/techupdate/stories/main/0 14179 2855469 00 html There will be a case study available soon at http //www sun com [ch08biblio01div01entry09] Trans Canada Pipeline Development of a Web Services conceptual framework http //wwws sun com/software/sunone/wp spine/spine pdf http //wwws sun com/software/sunone/success/SunTCPL pdf

Web Services Technologies Illustrated in This Chapter

Netegrity's jSAML Toolkit. jSAML toolkit supports implementing Single Sign-on using SAML. http://www.netegrity.com/products/index.cfm?leveltwo=JSAML&levelthree=download

Sun's Java Web Services Developer Pack (JWSDP). JWSDP provides development tool kit for Web Services. http://java.sun.com/webservices/downloads/webservicespack.html

VeriSign's Trust Services Integration Kit (TSIK). TSIK provides support for XKMS and WS-Security. http://www.xmltrustcenter.org/developer/verisign/tsik/download.htm


Web Services in Action Case Study 350 Web Services Technologies Illustrated in This Chapter [ch08biblio01div02entry01] Netegrity s jSAML Toolkit jSAML toolkit supports implementing Single Sign on using SAML http //www netegrity com/products/index cfm?leveltwo=JSAML&lev elthree=download [ch08biblio01div02entry02] Sun s Java Web Services Developer Pack JWSDP JWSDP provides development tool kit for Web Services http //java sun com/webservices/downloads/web servicespack html [ch08biblio01div02entry03] VeriSign s Trust Services Integration Kit TSIK TSIK provides support for XKMS and WS Security http //www xmltrustcenter org/developer/verisign/tsik/down load htm

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