Axis assumes the installation of the Apache Axis distribution, latest Xalan, Xerces, XML Security, and JUnit binaries.

C.5.1. Windows Platform

Download xml-axis-10.zip from the Axis distribution site http://xml.apache.org/axis/. Simply extract the zipped files into your target Axis installation location. Please also refer to the installation page axis-1_0docsinstall.html for details.

Copy the subdirectory axis and all files inside from the Axis distribution to the %JWSDP_HOME%webapps directory. Copy axis.jar, axis-ant.jar, commons-discovery.jar, wsdl4j.jar, and log4j-1.2.4.jar from the %JWSDP_HOME%webappsaxislib to %JWSDP_HOME%commonlib. You also need to add the latest xercesImpl.jar and xalan.jar from the Apache distribution, Xerces-J-bin.2.0.2.zip and xalan-j_2_4_D1-bin.zip, respectively, to %JWSDP_HOME%commonlib.

XML Security is an optional component for Axis. Download xml-security-bin-1_0_4.zip and extract xmlsec.jar. Copy the file into %JWSDP_HOME%commonlib and %JWSDP_HOME%webappsaxislib. Also, you may want to add it to the CLASSPATH.

Copy the junit.jar from Junit binary distribution to the directory %JWSDP_HOME%commonlib.

Because Axis requires some updated files for J2SE SDK's javac compiler, you need to add tools.jar in your CLASSPATH as well. In addition, add these newly added jar files to your CLASSPATH.

To be able to run the sample programs from Axis, you need to add your Axis installation location (for example, D:devaxis-1_0) into your CLASSPATH as well.

C.5.2. Unix Platform

The installation procedure is similar to that of the Windows version. Download xml-axis-10.tar.gz from the Axis distribution site http://xml.apache.org/axis/ and extract to your target location. Similar to the Windows version installation, you can extract the Axis distribution to your target location and move the webapps subdirectory to JWSDP's webapps (for example, /opt/jwsdp/webapps/axis).

C.5.3. Remarks

Apache Axis was released as version 1.0 on October 7, 2002. Since Beta 3, Axis has added some new jar files (for example, commons-discovery.jar, axis-ant. jar) and updated some existing files (for example, saaj.jar). tt-bytecode. jar, which is provided by Apache Axis Beta 3, is not available in RC1. It is still documented as a mandatory file in the installation section of the User Guide. There is no major change indicated in the Axis Architecture Guide documentation.

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