B.5. bowstreet

bowstreet is one of the portal and B2B Integration solution providers. Figure B-2 shows its flagship product, Factory 5's, product architecture. Factory 5 can be used to build portals, business partner integration (via portal), and contents syndication. Its Service Call Builder can generate Web Services with a given WSDL (by integrating with the portal framework) and facilitate testing of Web Services (using “Test Service” base model). Details can be found at http://www.bowstreet.com/resources/whitepapers/factory_technical.html.

Web Services Tools

  • Business Web Factory 5— this is a software automation toolset to build and automate Web Services (aka developer workbench). It has components of Business Web Browser (aka UDDI browser), Business Web Automation Engine, Business Web Customizer (for example, manage application profile set), and Business Web Warehouse (aka Service Registry and repository).

  • Factory Options— these are additional models and libraries for Business Web Factory. They have components of Portal Automator, Forms Automator, and Content Management Automator.

  • Factory Integrations— these components provide integration with BEA and IBM servers.



Figure B-2. bowstreet Architecture

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