C.1. Platform Requirements

For reasons of mobility and convenience, I chose to develop the samples on Open Source software and publicly available software on a notebook PC to illustrate the concepts and technology in this book. I have also verified and tested it on Solaris OE ™ version 8 on an Ultra-10 ™ system. Conceptually, these examples should be executable on any Unix operating system with minor modification of the class paths. Obviously, there are small platform differences in Unix when specifying the file name and path notation; for example, the Windows platform uses a backslash “” while Unix uses a forward slash “/”. The details should be referred to in the individual software product.

C.1.1. Hardware Requirements

The minimal hardware platform is recommended to be a Pentium 3 processor with a 400MHz CPU, 128MB RAM and at least 400MB additional hard disk space. You will require another 200MB or more to install the optional components. The sample programs in this book are tested on a Pentium 3 notebook PC with 700MHz CPU, 256MB RAM, and a 30GB hard disk, as well as on an Ultra-10™ with 128MB RAM and a 20GB hard disk running on Solaris OE™ version 8.

C.1.2. Software Requirements

The sample programs are tested on Windows 2000 and Solaris OE™ version 8, respectively. The software products listed in Tables C-1 and C-2 are used to support the sample programs and the Case Study in this book. The software used here will likely have newer versions by the time the book is published. Conceptually, the installation procedures should be similar, and the set-up files will have slightly different file names. Please note that you may need to check the compatibility in the release notes, revalidate the set-up, and retest all sample programs if you use a newer software release. If you are using the Unix platform, you also need to verify the file locations in the build.properties (such as the environment variable docs.path), build.xml, and in the source program files (such as the file location for the “sample_soap_keystore” in the file ProfileServlet.java).

Netegrity's jSAML Toolkit version 1.0, which comes with an existing Single Sign-on sample program, is used here to illustrate Single Sign-on integration using Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML). Liberty specification (for cross-domain Single Sign-on and federated identity management) is already available online at http://www.projectliberty.org. There have been recent updates to SAML since then. Netegrity's jSAML Toolkit does not have any new updates to support these new changes yet. Thus, the software toolkit is used, for instruction purposes, as it is, and there are likely some architectural or software changes required in order to be compliant with the latest SAML or Liberty specifications. Sun ONE Identity Server 6.0 (http://wwws.sun.com/software/products/identity_srvr/home_identity.html) now provides a similar SAML toolkit and supports the latest SAML and Liberty specifications.

VeriSign's Trust Service Integration Kit is an up-to-date toolkit to support XML Key Management Specification and WS-Security.

Core Software Components
Table C-1. Core System Components Used in This Book
SoftwareVersion UsedDescriptionDownload From
J2SE SDK1.4.1.02Software Development Kit to enable compiling and customizing sample codes.http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.1/download.html
Java Web Services Developer Pack1.0_01Also known as JWSDP. All-in-one development toolkit with Tomcat 4.1.2, Apache SOAP 2.2, and JAX Packs. This is the core component for this book.http://java.sun.com/webservices/downloads/webservicespack.html (JWSDP and JWSDP Tutorial)
Axis1.0New generation Apache SOAP engine. This is a good complementary product with JWSDP and is essential to run many samples in this book.http://xml.apache.org/axis/index.html http://ws.apache.org/axis/releases.html
Xalan2.4D1Latest Apache Xalan stylesheet processor used by Axis.http://xml.apache.org/xalanj/index.html
ANT1.5A prerequisite for installing Axis version 1.0.http://jakarta.apache.org/ant/index.html http://ant.apache.org/bindownload.cgi
Xerces2.3.0Latest Apache XML parser used by Axis.http://xml.apache.org/xerces2-j/index.html
XML Security1.05D2Optional security support used by Axis.http://xml.apache.org/security/index.html
JUnit3.7Required component for unit testing within Axis if you want to run all examples in Axis.http://www.junit.org/index.htm
Trust Services Integration Kit1.3Also known as TSIK. XKMS and WS-Security support. This component is essential to run the Case Study sample programs.http://www.xmltrustcenter.org/developer/verisign/tsik/download.htm
BouncyCastle JCE Provider1.14Required JCE provider component for TSIK.http://www.bouncycastle.org/latest_releases.html
jSAML Toolkit1.0A SAML-based toolkit for implementing Single Sign-on. (Currently, this version does not support Liberty specification.)

You'll need to register for download.

Select download from the “Product Downloads” in the left-hand column.

This component is essential to run the Case Study sample programs.
Acrobat Reader5.0Acrobat reader to access PDF documentation of different software products.http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/main.html
Winzip8.1Zip utilities to compress and uncompress sample codes or documentation from different software products.http://www.winzip.com/ddchomea.htm

Optional Software Components
Table C-2. Optional System Components Used in This Book
SoftwareVersion UsedDescriptionDownload From
Textpad4.5Simple coding IDE.http://www.textpad.com/download/index.html
Sun ONE Studio4.0Powerful IDE to build Java Web Services.

A good sample is available to illustrate how to build wireless Web Services.

Free try-and-buy Enterprise Edition is available for download. Community version is free for the public. User registration required.
http://wwws.sun.com/software/sundev/jde/buy/ Also select “Update Center” to download wireless module.
SOAP-Lite0.55Accessing SOAP from a Perl client.

Requires Perl version 5.0 or later.

This is instrumental to illustrate we do not require a Java client to invoke Web Services.
Perl5.0Perl script binaries required to support SOAP-Lite client that invokes Web Services.http://www.cpan.org/ports/index.html



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