B.4. bindsystems

bindsystems is one of the ebXML technology vendors and supporters. It also supports a variety of B2B standards, such as RosettaNet PIPs, xCBL, and so forth. Its flagship product is bindStudio version 2.0, which provides process modeling and XML orchestration. It has a Web Services orchestration edition that handles WSDL import, WSDL generation, and BPEL4WS functionality.

Web Services Tools

  • bindStudio Collaborative Process Modeling— for building process models with support for RosettaNet PIPs, xCBL, and OAG BODs

  • bindStudio Model-to-WSDL Generation— generating WSDL from process models, with support for synchronous and asynchronous processes

  • bindStudio Model-to-ebXML Generation— generating ebXML BPS, CPP, and CPA from process models



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