C.16. Trust Service Integration Kit (TSIK)

C.16.1. Windows Platform

From the TSIK installation samples directory (for example, D:DevTSIKsamplesxkms), issue the following command as shown in Figure C-18. This will verify the XKMS installation. Please ensure you get an Internet connection with appropriate proxy settings.

Figure C-18. Verify the TSIK Installation
D:DevTest	sik1_0samplesxkms>java SampleXKMSClient http://interop-xkms.verisign.com
/xkms/Acceptor.nano locate http://xkms.verisign.com
/key?jurisdiction=d7ea68c518b2602ca4bbca895826a7dd&[email protected]

It denotes TSIK's XML Key Management Specification (XKMS) is properly installed, configured, and you can locate a key stored at the VeriSign Web site.

This should return the result with key information, as shown in Figure C-19.

Figure C-19. Verification Result of TSIK
sending debug output to D:Tempxkmsclient.out 
Response status is true 
KeyInfos is [com.verisign.xkms.client.XKMSKeyInfoImpl@bd7848]

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