2.7. Perspectives

2.7.1. Highlights

  • Reduction of total cost of ownership and easier integration with partners and legacy systems are the key business drivers for Web Services.

  • Web Services is gaining more momentum in industry implementation and has wider vendor support.

  • There are early success stories of Web Services implementation.

  • There are a few ways to present a business case to implement Web Services, but they must be put in the context of the future (long-term benefits, non-quantitative benefits) and reusability, not one-off development costs.

2.7.2. Best Practices and Pitfalls

The following are some ideas regarding establishing a business case for Web Services implementation.

Best Practices

  • When presenting a Web Services business case, always present both the short-term and long-term benefits.

  • Compare alternatives with risk mitigation.

  • Cite scenarios showing how your company can make use of Web Services. Remember to bring Use Case Studies as part of your story.


  • Do not quantify ROI for the business case—it is too early to see the result. Using hard figures too early will not win the confidence of your business audience.

  • Do not start the business case with Web Services technology details. Business audiences do not like a business case for technology's sake.

2.7.3. Paper and Pencil


Invoking Web Services can be very easy. The objective of this exercise is to learn how to invoke a public Web Service (with a Web Services Description Language) using a rich client (non-Java) and a Java client, respectively.


The following site: http://www.xmethods.net/sd/2001/CurrencyExchangeService.wsdl contains a service definition for a currency exchange service provided by xmethods.net. Write a rich client to invoke the remote Web Service. You may develop a Java™ client or a SOAP-Lite client. A Java™ sample program is available from http://www.xmethods.net/download/servicefiles/CurrencyClient.java. You can download SOAP-Lite from http://www.soaplite.com.

Procedures for Java™ Client

You need to install and configure your J2SE™ SDK with CLASSPATH and PATH set. Refer to Appendix C in this book for details. Download the CurrencyClient.java and save a local copy. Execute the following commands to compile and execute the client program (see Figure 2-9):

Figure 2-9. Invoking a public Web Service with Java™ client
D:Devmydemo>javac CurrencyClient.java
D:Devmydemo>java CurrencyClient

The CurrencyClient.java program will invoke the currency exchange service at http://services.xmethods.com:80/soap. It specifies the sell/buy cross-currency pair United States to Taiwan, which returns the spot rate US$1 = 34.19 Taiwan yen.

Procedures for SOAP-Lite Client

You need to install and configure SOAP-Lite with Perl 5.0 or higher with PATH pointing to the Perl 5.x distribution. Refer to Appendix C for details.

The sample SOAP-Lite client is shown in Figure 2-10. You only need to specify the “service” with the WSDL, and the operation name (that is, getRate) with the input parameters. The result is shown in Figure 2-11.

Figure 2-10. Sample SOAP-Lite Client Code
#!perl -w

BEGIN { warn "Invoking a public FX Web Services...
" }

# import interface. All methods from loaded service are imported by default
use SOAP::Lite
   service => 'http://www.xmethods.net/sd/2001/CurrencyExchangeService.wsdl',

warn "Loaded...
print getRate('us', 'taiwan'), "

Execute the SOAP-Lite program just like any Perl script. This should render the same result as the Java™ client for the sell/buy currency pair United States to Taiwan.

Figure 2-11. Invoking a Public Web Service with SOAP-Lite Client
D:Devmydemo>perl myCurrencyRate.pl
Invoking a public FX Web Services...

2.7.4. References

Web Services Trends

John Hagel III and John Seely Brown . “Your Next IT Strategy.” Harvard Business Review, October 2001.

Web Services Case Studies

David Chappell and Tyler Jewell . Java Web Services. (California: O'Reilly, 2002).

Anton Fricko . “Tasting SOAP—Project Experience with Web Services.” IBM developerWorks Live! Conference 2002 .

Tim Hilgenberg and John A. Hansen . “Building a Highly Robust, Secure Web Services Conference Architecture to Process 4 Million Transactions per Day.” IBM developerWorks Live! Conference 2002

IDC. “People's Insurance Company of China: eBusiness Portal Attracts New Customers and Reduces Costs.” http://www.sun.com/service/about/success/recent/picc.html

Chris Nelson . “Web Services Real Enterprise Usage.” IBM developerWorks Live! Conference 2002.

Trans-Canada (TCPL). http://www.infoworld.com/articles/hn/xml/02/03/18/020318hnspine.xml

Kevin Yin . “A Reference Architecture for Smart Web Service.” August 17, 2001. http://dcb.sun.com/practices/devnotebook/webserv_refarch.jsp

Ezra Zask, ed. The e-Finance Report. New York: Wiley, 2001.


The Web Services Phenomenon and Emerging Trends 37 References Bibliography Web Services Trends [ch02biblio01div01entry01] John Hagel III and John Seely Brown "Your Next IT Strategy " Harvard Business Review October 2001 Web Services Case Studies [ch02biblio01div02entry01] David Chappell and Tyler Jewell Java Web Services California O Reilly 2002 [ch02biblio01div02entry02] Anton Fricko " Tasting SOAP--Project Experience with Web Serv ices " IBM developerWorks Live! Conference 2002 [ch02biblio01div02entry03] Tim Hilgenberg and John A Hansen " Building a Highly Robust Secure Web Services Conference Architecture to Process 4 Million Transactions per Day " IBM developerWorks Live! Conference 2002 [ch02biblio01div02entry04] IDC "People s Insurance Company of China eBusiness Portal Attracts New Customers and Reduces Costs " http //www sun com/service/about/success/recent/ picc html [ch02biblio01div02entry05] Chris Nelson " Web Services Real Enterprise Usage " IBM developer Works Live! Conference 2002 [ch02biblio01div02entry06] Trans Canada TCPL http //www infoworld com/articles/hn/xml/ 02/03/18/020318hnspine xml [ch02biblio01div02entry07] Kevin Yin " A Reference Architecture for Smart Web Service " August 17 2001 http //dcb sun com/practices/devnotebook/webserv_refarch jsp

Grid Computing and Web Services

Global Grid Forum. http://www.gridforum.org/ogsi-wg/drafts/draft-ggf-ogsi-gridservice-23_2003-02-17.pdf

The Globus Project. http://www.globus.org/research/papers.html#OverviewPapers

The Securities Industry Middleware Council. “The Future of Middleware: Grid Computing and Web Services.” November 19, 2002, General Meeting. http://www.simc-inc.org/archive0203/Grid/agenda19nov2002.htm

Tom Sullivan . “Sun Combines Grid Computing, Web Services.” http://www.infoworld.com/article/02/02/15/020215hnsunonegrid_1.html

Liang-Jie Zhang, Jen-Yao Chung, and Qun Zhou . “Developing Grid computing applications, Part 1.” http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/webservices/library/ws-grid1/

Liang-Jie Zhang, Jen-Yao Chung, and Qun Zhou . “Developing Grid computing applications, Part 2.” http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/webservices/library/ws-grid2/

Other References

White label service using Web Services (i-Deal). http://www.lighthouse-partners.com/wallstreettng/presentations/Frank%20LaQuinta.ppt


The Web Services Phenomenon and Emerging Trends [ch02biblio01div02entry08] EzraZask ed The e Finance Report New York Wiley 2001 38 Grid Computing and Web Services [ch02biblio01div03entry01] Global Grid Forum http //www gridforum org/ogsi wg/drafts/draft ggf ogsi gridservice 23_2003 02 17 pdf pers html#OverviewPapers [ch02biblio01div03entry02] The Globus Project http //www globus org/research/pa [ch02biblio01div03entry03] The Securities Industry Middleware Council " The Future of Middleware Grid Computing and Web Services " November 19 2002 General Meeting http // www simc inc org/archive0203/Grid/agenda19nov2002 htm [ch02biblio01div03entry04] Tom Sullivan "Sun Combines Grid Computing Web Services " http // www infoworld com/article/02/02/15/020215hnsunonegrid_1 html [ch02biblio01div03entry05] Liang Jie Zhang Jen Yao Chung and Qun Zhou " Developing Grid computing applications Part 1 " http //www 106 ibm com/developerworks/webservices/li brary/ws grid1/ [ch02biblio01div03entry06] Liang Jie Zhang Jen Yao Chung and Qun Zhou " Developing Grid computing applications Part 2 " http //www 106 ibm com/developerworks/webservices/li brary/ws grid2/ Other References [ch02biblio01div04entry01] White label service using Web Services i Deal http //www lighthouse partners com/wallstreettng/presentations/Frank%20LaQuinta ppt

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