hodiau (babel), 558

hodiaun (babel), 558

hoffset rigid length, 196, 203, 210

hoffset key/option (geometry), 210

holes, in paragraphs, 108, 109

hom, 500

hookleftarrow, 533, 534

hookrightarrow, 534

horizontal extensions, math symbols, 497, 499

howcited BibTeX field (jurabib), 723, 742

howcited key/option (jurabib), 722, 723, 742

howcitedprefix (jurabib), 723

howcitedsuffix (jurabib), 723

howpublished BibTeX field, 690, 763, 765

hphantom, 505

HR (tlc), 600, 616, 617, 863865

HRule (tlc), 858

hrule, 112, 227, 267, 867, 868

in headings, 31

hrulefill, 242, 856, 857

hscale key/option (geometry), 208, 211

hsize rigid length (tabularx), 252


(amssymb), 527

(eulervm), 398

(euler), 398

hspace, 131, 148, 151, 507, 508, 513, 694, 856, 857, 861

allowing hyphenation, 83, 127, 246, 247, 249, 250

error using, 903

hspace*, 849, 856

Hsub (tlc), 31

HTML files, of bibliographies, 776, 777, 789

Huge, 342, 343

huge, 146, 342, 343

humanbio BibTeX style, 792

humannat BibTeX style, 792

hungarian option (babel), 543, 555

Hut (ifsym), 405

hvams package, 523

hvmath package, 523

hyperlinking cross-references, 78

hyperref package, 78, 175, 643, 701, 706

incompatible with notoccite, 698

hyphen (-), nonbreaking, 83, 93

hyphen.tex file (babel), 581

hyphenate option (truncate), 233


character, defining, 427

cultural aspects, 542

defining dynamically, 542

document headings, 31

in multiple languages, 546, 580, 581

in tables, 246

Italian, 563

language aspects, 541

patterns, adjusting, 586

patterns, applying, 545

preventing, 545

special rules, 553

troubleshooting, 940

hyphenation, 940

error using, 902, 907, 917

hyphenchar, 427

hyphenpenalty, 942

hyphenrules env. (babel), 545

hyphens option (url), 95


I syntax (paralist), 133

i, 458

(tipa), 406

i syntax (paralist), 132, 133, 134, 135, 137

ibidem key value (jurabib), 735, 740, 797

ibidem key/option (jurabib), 727, 728, 729731, 734

ibidem citations, 728731, 740

ibidemalt key value (jurabib), 740

ibidemmidname (jurabib), 734

ibidemname (jurabib), 734

icelandic option (babel), 543, 563, 567

idem key/option (jurabib), 730, 731, 735

idemPfname (jurabib), 735

idempfname (jurabib), 735

idemPmname (jurabib), 735

idempmname (jurabib), 735

idemPnname (jurabib), 735

idempnname (jurabib), 735

idemSfname (jurabib), 735

idemsfname (jurabib), 735

idemSmname (jurabib), 735

idemsmname (jurabib), 735

idemSnname (jurabib), 735

idemsnname (jurabib), 735

identification part, 877880

identifierstyle key (listings), 170

idotsint (amsmath), 492

.idx file extension, 7, 8, 648, 650, 655, 874

errors when reading, 658, 659

(doc), 836

(index), 681, 682

(xindy), 673

idxitem (tlc), 232

ie (tlc), 80

IeC (inputenc), 445

ieeetr BibTeX style, 792

IF (algorithmic), 168

if$ BibTeX built-in function, 808, 809812

ifbottomfloat (fancyhdr), 231

ifcase, 899

ifdim, 905

iffalse, 814

IfFileExists, 879, 884

iffloatpage (fancyhdr), 231

iffootnote (fancyhdr), 231

iflanguage (babel), 546

ifmmode, 446

ifnum, 905

ifsym package, 403405

ifsym.ps file (ifsym), 403

ifthen package, 872877

ifthenelse (ifthen), 72, 73, 150, 157, 198, 199, 232, 307, 680, 692, 873, 874877, 886, 893, 899

comparing numbers, 852, 873

error using, 905

iftopfloat (fancyhdr), 231

ifToplevel (docstrip), 828

ifx, 828

ignored fields, bibliography database, 762

ignorehead key/option (geometry), 209

ignoremp key/option (geometry), 211

ignorespaces, 146, 147

iiiint (amsmath), 492

iiint (amsmath), 492

iint (amsmath), 492

ij, 591

.ilg file extension, 8

(makeindex), 648, 655, 658

Im, 527

image files, including, 616, 617623

encapsulation, 627, 628

file extension, search order, 624, 625

file extension, specifying, 625

file location, 624

file name parsing, 620

full type, 625

require full file name, 625

rotation, 620

scaling, 620

size of image, 620, 626

images, in paragraphs, 108, 109

imath, 527, 529

in, 475, 501, 533

(euro), 98

in key value (jurabib), 717, 723, 724

inbook BibTeX entry type, 763, 765, 772

(jurabib), 743

include, 18, 19, 49, 835, 919, 921

error using, 902

problems with TOC entries, 49

warning using, 925

(chapterbib), 747, 748

(excludeonly), 20

(index), 681

includeall key/option (geometry), 207, 211

includefoot key/option (geometry), 207


(graphics), 616, 617, 618, 624626, 628

error using, 896

graphics not found, 899

(graphicx), 109, 213, 214, 303, 614, 615, 618, 620623, 624627

error using, 896, 898


(graphics), 616, 617

(graphicx), 618

includehead key/option (geometry), 206, 207

includeheadfoot key/option (geometry), 207

includemp key/option (geometry), 206, 207, 210

includeonly, 18, 19, 681

(excludeonly), 20

including files, see also excluding files

candidates for, 19

image files, see image files, including

partial document reformatting, 19

reasons for, 19

source documentation, 835

inclusion and sets, math symbols, 533

inclusion and sets—negated, math symbols, 533

incollection BibTeX entry type, 763, 765

(jurabib), 743

incrementing counters, 852

.ind file extension, 8, 648

(index), 682

(makeindex), 648, 655, 658, 669

errors when writing, 658

(xindy), 648, 673

indent (picinpar), 108

indent_length keyword (makeindex), 661

indent_space keyword (makeindex), 661

indentafter option (titlesec), 40


after headings, 32, 40, 565

bibliographies, 738, 739

code listings, 172

enumerated lists, 137

headed lists, 141

of headings, 28, 39

of headings, suppressing, 32, 39

tables of contents, 50, 51, 59

typed text, removing, 157

indentfirst package, 32, 565

indention key/option (caption), 309, 313

independent footnotes, 122, 123125

Index (tlc), 653

index, 339, 648, 649, 650, 651654, 655, 664666, 874

(index), 681, 682

index package, 665, 681, 682, 701

index commands, list of, 820824

index files, 7

index generation

LaTeX commands, indexing, 654, 669

author indexes, 681

automatic indexing, disabling, 817

bibliographic citations, indexing automatically, 709, 720, 721

blanks, 650, 655, 666, 669

case sensitivity, 650

citations, indexing automatically, 709, 720, 721

column breaks, 680

commands, indexing automatically, 817, 836

consistency, 666, 667


creating, 651

verifying, 667

Cyrillic alphabet, 573

debugging messages, 675

entries, creating automatically, 817, 836

entries, printing in margin, 680

error messages

list of (MakeIndex), 658, 659

suppressing, 657, 668, 675


page numbers, 651, 652

with MakeIndex, 654666

with LaTeX, 679, 680, 682

with xindy, 666679

French words, sort order, 670

generating formatted index

MakeIndex, 655

xindy, 668, 669

generating raw index, 649

German words, sort order, 657, 668, 670

glossary entries, processing, 653

in tables of contents, 48

index level separator, 651

indxcite, 680

input files, specifying, 655, 668

input style parameters, 660

leader dots, 664

leading blanks, 650, 655, 666, 669

letter groups, 662, 677

letter-by-letter sort order, 657, 668

location classes, 677, 678

location formatting, 678

macros, indexing automatically, 817, 836

merge rules, 673, 676

messages, suppressing, 657, 668, 675

multiple indices, 681, 682

non-English words, 666, 669671

output files, specifying, 655, 657, 668, 674

output style parameters, 661

page breaks, 680

page numbers

composed (folio-by-chapter), 665

duplicates, 650

encapsulating, 652, 671, 672

formatting, 651, 652

MakeIndex, 664, 665

roman numerals, 666, 677

sort order, 657, 664, 678, 679

xindy, 678, 679

page ranges

disabling, 657, 668, 672, 677

limiting length, 677

process flow, 648, 673

progress messages, suppressing, 657, 668, 675

quiet mode, 657, 668, 675

repeatindex, 680

roman numerals

sort order, 666

suppressing page ranges, 677

showidx, 680

sort order

French words, 670

German words, 657, 668, 670

letter-by-letter, 657, 668

page numbers, 657, 664, 678, 679

roman numerals, 666

spaces, 666

Spanish words, 670

special cases, 667

symbols, 666, 667

troubleshooting, 665, 666

xindy rules, 673, 677


compressing, 650, 655, 666, 669

sort order, 666

Spanish words, sort order, 670

special characters, 652, 653, 654, 662

stand-alone indices, 659662

standard input/output files, 655, 668

starting page number, setting, 657, 662

style files

MakeIndex, 658665

specifying, 658

xindy, 673679

subentries, 650, 651

symbols, sort order, 666, 667

table of contents support, 681

technical indices, 667

tocbibind, 680

trailing blanks, 650, 655, 666, 669

transcript file, specifying, 658, 668

troubleshooting, 665, 666

unifying index entries, 676

user commands, defining, 653, 654

verbose mode, 675

index level separator, 651

index* (index), 681

indexed key value (jurabib), 720

indexentry, 649, 653, 660, 874

(natbib), 709

IndexInput (doc), 818, 821

IndexMin rigid length (doc), 822

indexname, 34, 679, 680

(babel), 547, 549, 550

IndexParms (doc), 822

IndexPrologue (doc), 822

indexproofstyle (index), 681

Indextt (tlc), 653

Indian, 592

indxcite package, 681

inf, 491, 500

Info Math font in math and text, 523

infomath package, 523

informational messages, 920931, see also troubleshooting

infoshow option

(multicol), 188

(tlc), 880

(tracefnt), 368

infty, 491, 492, 500, 501, 528

init (nfssfont.tex), 369, 370

initfamily (yfonts), 396

initial code part, 880

initiate@active@char (babel), 589, 590

injlim (amsmath), 500

inner key/option (geometry), 208

innerbars option (changebar), 190

innerbody option (sidecap), 323

innercaption option (sidecap), 323

inparadesc env. (paralist), 136, 138

inparaenum env. (paralist), 132

inparaitem env. (paralist), 135

inplus (stmaryrd), 533

inproceedings BibTeX entry type, 690, 763

input, 20, 432, 835, 884, 919

error using, 899

(docstrip), 826, 829

input encoding, 329, 330, 357, 358, 359361, 443447

input files

indexes, 655, 668

source files, 6

specifying, 826, 827

input style parameters, indexes, 660

inputenc package, 7, 175, 329, 357361, 443447, 571, 578

combined with listings, 175

error using, 889, 903

required for icelandic, 566

restrictions with keys, 66

inputencoding (inputenc), 360, 361, 417, 571

inputencoding key (listings), 175

InputIfFileExists, 879, 881, 884

.ins file extension, 825

(docstrip), 825

(doc), 814

insert, 917

install-pkg.sh program, 961

install-tl.sh program, 960

installation support, adding, 830833

institution BibTeX field, 763, 765

int, 536

sub/superscript placement on, 491, 492

(relsize), using larger symbol, 85

int.to.chr$ BibTeX built-in function, 808

int.to.str$ BibTeX built-in function, 808

INTEGERS BibTeX command, 805, 807

integral signs, multiple, 492

intercal (amssymb), 530

interleave (stmaryrd), 530

interlingua option (babel), 543

internal files, 7

internal tables, overflowing, 917919

internallinenumbers (lineno), 177

internallinenumbers* (lineno), 177

international documents, see multilingual documents

International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), 405, 406, 407

International Standard Book Number (ISBN), 710

International Standard Serial Number (ISSN), 710

Internet resources, bibliographies, 773, 774

interrupting displays, 479

intertext (amsmath), 479

Interval (ifsym), 404

intextsep length, 285

(wrapfig), 300

intlimits option (amsmath), 491

invert option (crop), 214

iota, 527

IPA env. (tipa), 406

IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet), 405, 406, 407

irish option (babel), 543

IroningII (marvosym), 401

is-abbrv BibTeX style, 792

is-alpha BibTeX style, 778, 792

is-plain BibTeX style, 792

is-unsrt BibTeX style, 792

isbn BibTeX field, 690, 764, 772, 779

(BibTexMng), 789

(custom-bib), 802

(natbib), 710

ISBN (International Standard Book Number), 710

iscurrentchapter (tlc), 72

iso (euro), 98

iso88595 option (inputenc), 571

isodd (ifthen), 157, 876

issn BibTeX field, 690

(BibTexMng), 789

(custom-bib), 802

(natbib), 710

ISSN (International Standard Serial Number), 710

.ist file extension, 8

(makeindex), 648, 659

it, 347, 464

used in math, 349, 464

it key value

(caption), 310, 311, 313, 324

(subfig), 316, 318

it option (titlesec), 37

italian option (babel), 543, 544, 839

italic key value (jurabib), 718, 720, 733, 737

italic correction, 340, 341, 342

italic font shape, 333

ItalicNums option (parallel), 183

ITC Bookman font, 374

itdefault, 346

item, 128131, 144146, 147151, 167, 849, 858, 875

error using, 903, 910

in theindex, 679, 680

(fancybox), 600

(threeparttable), 278

item_0 keyword (makeindex), 661

item_01 keyword (makeindex), 661

item_1 keyword (makeindex), 661

item_12 keyword (makeindex), 661

item_2 keyword (makeindex), 661

item_x1 keyword (makeindex), 661

item_x2 keyword (makeindex), 661

itemindent rigid length, 145, 147, 148, 151

itemize env., 128, 135, 364, 600

error using, 911

style parameters, 128

(babel), 565

(paralist), 136

itemized lists

default settings, 136, 137, 138

extensions, 135, 136

standard, 128

itemsep length, 145, 707

ITERATE BibTeX command, 806, 807

itshape, 340, 341, 344, 346, 408, 464

used in math, 348, 350


J syntax (tabulary), 254

j, 451, 458

problems in T1, 417

JabRef program, 789

JackStar (bbding), 403

JackStarBold (bbding), 403

Japanese, 592

jas99 BibTeX style (chicago), 700

Java database manager, 787789

jbactualauthorfont (jurabib), 718, 736

jbactualauthorfontifannotator (jurabib), 718

jbannotatorfont (jurabib), 736

jbannoteformat (jurabib), 740, 741

jbauthorfont (jurabib), 736

jbauthorfontifannotator (jurabib), 736

jbauthorindexfont (jurabib), 721

jbbfsasep (jurabib), 736

jbbibhang rigid length (jurabib), 739

jbbstasep (jurabib), 736

jbbtasep (jurabib), 736

jbcitationyearformat (jurabib), 733

JBibtexManager program, 787, 788

jbignorevarioref (jurabib), 727

jbindexbib (jurabib), 721

jbindextype (jurabib), 721

jbtitlefont (jurabib), 736

jbuseidemhrule (jurabib), 740, 797

jbyearaftertitle (jurabib), 733

jmath, 527, 529

(mathptmx), unavailable with, 377

jmb BibTeX style (jmb), 791, 792

jmb package, 792

jobname, 754

Joch (ifsym), 405


(amssymb), 535

(LaTeXsym), 464

joinrel, 535

jot rigid length (multirow), 273

journal BibTeX field, 763, 765, 770

jox BibTeX style (jurabib), 742, 792

.jpeg file extension, 642, 643

.jpg file extension, 8, 896

jput (epic), 604, 605, 606

jtb BibTeX style, 792

jura.bib file (tlc), 717, 776

jurabib BibTeX style

(bibtopic), 755

(jurabib), 717721, 723741, 742, 764, 785, 792, 797

jurabib package, xxvi, 715743, 745, 792

compatibility matrix, 746

installation possibilities, 831

jurabib.cfg file (jurabib), 741

used for this book, 716

jurabibsetup (jurabib), 716, 717724, 726735, 740, 741

jureco BibTeX style (jurabib), 742, 792

jurunsrt BibTeX style (jurabib), 739, 742, 792


document headings, 31

float captions, 311

paragraphs, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106

justification key/option

(caption), 301, 311, 313, 323

(subfig), 316, 318

justified key value (caption), 311

justify env. (ragged2e), 106

justifying (ragged2e), 106

JustifyingParfillskip length (ragged2e), 106

JustifyingParindent rigid length (ragged2e), 106


k, 452, 458, 567

kappa, 527

keepaspectratio key (graphicx), 619, 622, 623

keeping material on same page, 234, see also floats

KeepShorthandsActive option (babel), 581

keepsilent (docstrip), 828

Ker (tlc), 466

ker, 500

kernel errors, see troubleshooting

key BibTeX field, 764, 765, 779, 795

Keyboard (marvosym), 401

keys, see also arguments


adding to bibliography listing, 778

case sensitivity, 762

definition, 761

extracting, 778

generating, 782, 783

removing duplicates, 780, 787

searching by strings, 775

displaying, 68

extracting RCS information, 837, 838

naming, 842

parsing $Id$ keyword, 838, 839

keyval package, 206, 308, 623

keyword BibTeX field (printbib), 776

keyword keyword (makeindex), 653, 660

keywords BibTeX field (BibTexMng), 789

keywordstyle key (listings), 170, 171, 172

kill, 241, 242

(longtable), 261

kluwer BibTeX style (harvard), 700, 792

koi8-r option (inputenc), 358, 417, 570, 571

KOMA-Script classes, 236, 237

Korean, 592

kuvio package, 488, 980


L syntax

(fancyhdr), 225, 226230

(tabulary), 254

(tlc), 248

L, 457

(babel), 568

producing geminated L, 552

(pxfonts), problems with, 390

(txfonts), problems with, 389

l, 458, 567

(babel), producing geminated l, 552

(pxfonts), problems with, 390

(txfonts), problems with, 389

l syntax, 243, 244, 245

(array), 249

L.. font encoding, 416, 430

l@language (babel), 546, 579, 580

l@chapter, 50

l@english (babel), 580

l@example (tlc), 55

l@figure, 50, 53, 54

l@paragraph, 50

l@part, 50

l@section, 50

l@subfigure (subfig), 320

l@subparagraph, 50

l@subsection, 50, 52

l@subsubsection, 50, 52

l@subtable (subfig), 320

l@table, 50, 53, 54

label, 26, 66, 67, 69, 7173, 111, 121, 130, 178, 215, 307, 853, 876, 918, 927

causing extra space, 859

error using, 894, 906

problems using, 26, 67, 85, 852

restrictions on key, 66, 842

strange results with, 26

warning using, 924, 928

(amsmath), 473, 482, 485

(babel), 66

(fancyvrb), 161

(longtable), 262

(paralist), 132, 133

(prettyref), 75, 76

(showkeys), 68

(subfig), 316, 318, 319

(subfloat), 322, 323

(textcase), 86

problems using, 85

(titleref), 77

(varioref), 71

(wrapfig), 300

(xr), 78

label key

(fancyvrb), 158, 159

(listings), 174

labelenumi, 129, 130, 131, 854

labelenumii, 129, 130, 854

labelenumiii, 130, 854

labelenumiv, 130, 854

labelfont key/option

(caption), 301, 306, 310, 311, 313, 324

(subfig), 316

labelformat (varioref), 69, 71, 72, 75, 130, 727

labelformat key/option

(caption), 310, 311, 313, 314

(subfig), 316, 317

labelitemi, 128, 365

labelitemii, 128

labelitemiii, 128

labelitemiv, 128

labelposition key (fancyvrb), 158, 159


chart axes, 606, 607

equations, see tags float captions, 310, 311, 313, 314

format, cross-references, 71, 72, 7375

format, document headings, 38

labelsep rigid length, 131, 138, 145, 148, 151, 241, 850

labelsep key/option

(caption), 310, 311, 313, 314, 324

(subfig), 316

labelstoglobalaux option (bibunits), 753

labelwidth rigid length, 145, 147151, 850

Lambda, 527

lambda, 479, 500, 527

land, 530

landscape env. (lscape), 212

landscape key/option (geometry), 206, 207, 211

landscape option, 887, 888

(crop), 213

(typearea), 204, 205

landscape mode, 211, 212

langle, 498, 537


and typesetting, 541

current, setting/getting, 544, 545, 546

defining, 584, 585

identifying, 582

language, 544

language BibTeX field

(BibTexMng), 789

(custom-bib), 802

(jurabib), 717, 734

language key (listings), 170, 171175

language attributes, 549, 550

language definition files

adding definitions to, 589

copyright information, 582

definition, 579

documentation driver, 583

documentation initialization, 583

hyphenation patterns, adjusting, 586

language identification, 582

languages and dialects, defining, 584, 585

license information, 582

punctuation, special cases, 591

release information, 583

shorthands, 589591

structure, 582591

translating language-dependent strings, 586

language options, babel package

language-specific commands, 558564

layout considerations, 564566

shorthands, 550558

translations, 550

language-dependent strings

babel package, 542, 547, 579

customizing, 549551, 579

hyphenation patterns, 586

translations, 550

language.dat file (babel), 7, 545, 580, 581, 584, 919

language.skeleton file (babel), 579, 582

language0 (babel), 584

languageattribute (babel), 549

warning using, 931

languagename (babel), 545, 546

languageshorthands (babel), 548, 589

LARGE, 342

Large key value (caption), 310

Large, 342

large, 342, 343, 856

large key value (caption), 310

largepencil (dingbat), 401

larger (relsize), 84

largestsep option (titlesec), 40

last key value

(fancyvrb), 159, 160

(listings), 172

last update field, bibliographies, 743

LastDeclaredEncoding, 431

lasthdashline (arydshln), 267, 268

lasthline (array), 268, 280, 281

lastleftmark (extramarks), 220

lastleftxmark (extramarks), 220

lastline key

(fancyvrb), 162, 163

(listings), 172

LastPage counter (lastpage), 216, 226

lastpage package, xxvii, 216

lastrightmark (extramarks), 220, 229, 231, 232

lastrightxmark (extramarks), 220, 221


current system, overview, 69

files used in, 69

history of, 16

process flow, 9

LaTeX 2.09

fonts, 347

high-level font commands, 347

symbols, 464

LaTeX files, obtaining

CD-ROM, 948, 949

ftp, 948, 950953

web access, 949, 950

LaTeX format file, 7

LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), 4, 961

LaTeX.fmt file, 7

LaTeX.ltx file, 365, 829, 854

LaTeX2html program, 839

LaTeXsym package, 464

latin option (babel), 543, 556, 557

Latin Modern fonts, 356, 357

latin1 option (inputenc), 90, 100, 101, 359, 361, 417, 567

latin2 option (inputenc), 359, 361

latin3 option (inputenc), 359

latin4 option (inputenc), 359

latin5 option (inputenc), 359

latin9 option (inputenc), 359

latinencoding (babel), 567

latintext (babel), 568, 589

law support, bibliographies, 743, 744, 745

layout (layout), 199

layout package, 199

layout of a page, see page layout

layout parameters, list of, 820824

layouts package, xxvii, 195, 199202

LB (tlc), 845

Lbag (stmaryrd), 537

lbag (stmaryrd), 530

lbrace, 472, 498, 509, 511, 537

lbrack, 498, 537

lccn BibTeX field (BibTexMng), 789

lceil, 498, 537

Lcs (tlc), 339

.ldf file extension, 8

(babel), 7, 542, 579, 582588

(jurabib), 733

ldf@finish (babel), 588

LdfInit (babel), 584

ldots, 496, 536, 844, 874, 932

le, 500, 532


document headings, 41, 42

in tables of contents, 59

indexes, 664

tables of contents, 59


blanks, indexes, 650, 655, 666, 669

spaces, removing from typed text, 157

vertical spacing, 106, 107, 108, 343, 373

leadsto (LaTeXsym), 464

ledmac package, 117, 982

left, 478, 483, 487, 498, 504, 525, 526, 537, 899

error using, 905, 906

left key value

(fancyvrb), 159, 160, 163, 165

(listings), 172

left key/option (geometry), 208, 209

left option

(eurosym), 409

(lineno), 181

Leftarrow, 534

leftarrow, 534

leftarrowtail (amssymb), 534

leftarrowtriangle (stmaryrd), 534

leftbars option (changebar), 190

leftbody option (sidecap), 323

leftcaption option (sidecap), 323

leftFloats option (fltpage), 325

leftharpoondown, 534

leftharpoonup, 534

lefthyphenmin, 586

leftlabels option (titletoc), 60

leftleftarrows (amssymb), 534

leftline key value (fancyvrb), 158

leftmargin rigid length, 145, 147149, 151, 850

leftmargin key (titlesec), 38, 43

leftmark, 218, 226228, 229, 232, 233

(extramarks), 220

leftpointright (dingbat), 401

Leftrightarrow, 534

leftrightarrow, 534

leftrightarroweq (stmaryrd), 532

leftrightarrows (amssymb), 534

leftrightarrowtriangle (stmaryrd), 534

leftrightharpoons (amssymb), 534

leftrightsquigarrow (amssymb), 534

leftroot (amsmath), 504, 505

leftskip length, 182, 183

leftslice (stmaryrd), 530

leftthreetimes (amssymb), 530

leftthumbsdown (dingbat), 401

leftthumbsup (dingbat), 401

legal option (crop), 213

legalpaper key/option (geometry), 206

legalpaper option, 195

(typearea), 204

lem env. (tlc), 139

length, see space parameters

lengthtest (ifthen), 150, 307, 875, 876

Lenny option (fncychap), 34, 35

leq, 532

(eulervm), 399

leqno option (amsmath), 466, 469, 471, 472, 484

leqq (amssymb), 532

leqslant (amssymb), 532

less than sign (<), shorthand character, 557

lessapprox (amssymb), 532

lessdot (amssymb), 530

lesseqgtr (amssymb), 532

lesseqqgtr (amssymb), 532

lessgtr (amssymb), 532

lesssim (amssymb), 532

let, 162, 249, 308, 501, 587, 680

Letter (ifsym), 405

letter option (crop), 213

letter document class, 6, 22, 547

letter groups, indexes, 662, 677

letter-by-letter sort order, indexes, 657, 668

letter-shaped math symbols, 527

letterpaper key/option (geometry), 206

letterpaper option, 195, 196, 881

(typearea), 204

letters, math symbols, 526529

letterspacing, 8892

lettrine (lettrine), 99, 100, 101

lettrine package, 99101

lettrine.cfg file (lettrine), 101

LettrineFontHook (lettrine), 100

LettrineTextFont (lettrine), 100

level keyword (makeindex), 659, 660, 662

levelchar (doc), 822

lexical analyzer, bibliographies, 777

lfloor, 498, 537

lfoot (fancyhdr), 224, 225

lg, 500

Lgem (babel), 552

lgem (babel), 552

LGR font encoding, 567, 574, 575, 576

lgroup, 489, 498, 537

lhang key (lettrine), 101

lhd (LaTeXsym), 464

LHE font encoding, 577, 578

lhead (fancyhdr), 221, 224, 225, 598

lhook, 535

license information

language definition files, 582

LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), 4, 961

multicol package, 184

LICENSE.TL file, 961

LICR (LaTeX internal character representation), 442, 443

list of objects, 455463

Lightning (ifsym), 405

lightning (stmaryrd), 528

lightrulewidth rigid length (booktabs), 270

lim, 491, 500

sub/superscript placement on, 491, 492

liminf, 500

limiting positions (subscripts/superscripts), 491, 492

limits, 492

error using, 903

limsup, 500

Line (pspicture), 641

line, 601, 607, 608

error using, 895

warning using, 926

(eepic), 608, 609, 610

(epic), 608

(pspicture), 639, 641

line breaks, see also space parameters

badness rating, 859

bibliographies, 694

code listings, 172, 173

computer code, 172, 173

document headings, 31

in citations, 694

in tables, 247

number-only citations, 694

second-last line, 849, 850

line_max keyword (makeindex), 661

linebreak, 102, 845, 943

(soul), 90

linelabel (lineno), 178, 179

Lineload (marvosym), 401

lineno package, xxvii, 176181, 182

linenomath env. (lineno), 178

linenomath* env. (lineno), 178

LineNumber (lineno), 180, 181

linenumberfont (lineno), 179, 180

linenumbers (lineno), 176, 177, 178182

linenumbers env. (lineno), 177

linenumbersep rigid length (lineno), 179, 180, 182

linenumberwidth rigid length (lineno), 179

lineonmath env. (lineno), 178

lineref (lineno), 179

lines key (lettrine), 100, 101

lines key value

(fancyvrb), 158, 159

(listings), 173

lines key/option (geometry), 207

lines (graphic), see also boxes; frames

drawing, 603, 604, 610, see also epic package; eepic package

thickness, 604

lines (of text)

fonts for line numbers, 179, 180

numbering, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181

per page, 198

referencing line numbers, 178, 179

lineskip length, 936

linespread, 107, 204, 373

linethickness, 611, 612

(epic), 602

(picins), 304, 305

(pspicture), 639, 640, 641

linewidth rigid length, 158, 194, 242, 250252, 326, 624, 858, 867, 869871

(multicol), 186

lining (fourier), 393

linking cross-references, 78


(lips), 82, 83

(tlc), 81

lips package, 82, 83, see also ellipsis package

list env., 144, 146, 147, 151, 850, 858

error using, 911

style parameters, 145

list stack, displaying, 944

listdesign (layouts), 202

listdiagram (layouts), 202

listfigurename, 34, 53

(babel), 547

listfiles, 21, 884

listing env. (moreverb), 153

listing* env. (moreverb), 153

listingcont env. (moreverb), 153

listingcont* env. (moreverb), 153

listings package, xxvi, 154, 168175

combined with color, 171

combined with inputenc, 175

listof (float), 55, 293, 294

listofexamples (tlc), 54, 55

listoffigures, 22, 46, 52, 54, 222, 293, 307

listed in TOC, 48

(caption), 315

(subfig), 321

listofformat key/option (subfig), 319, 320

listofindent key/option (subfig), 320, 321

listofnumwidth key/option (subfig), 320

listoftables, 22, 46, 52, 54, 222, 259, 293

listed in TOC, 48

listparindent rigid length, 145


boxed, 600

bulleted, see itemized lists


extensions, 136

standard, 131

user-defined, 147, 148151


default settings, 136, 137, 138

extensions, 132135

indentation, 137

standard, 129131

user-defined, 151

headed, 138, 139, 140

customizing, 141, 142, 143

font, 141

indentation, 141

proofs, 143, 144

punctuation, 141

QED () symbol, 143, 144

spacing, 141

style name, 141

style, defining, 140


default settings, 136, 137, 138

extensions, 135, 136

standard, 128

multilingual documents, 565

numbered, see enumerated lists; headed lists

of figures/tables, in tables of contents, 48

schematic layout, 145

types of, 128

unnumbered, see itemized lists

user-defined, 144146

description lists, 147, 148150, 151

enumerated lists, 151

quotations, 146, 147

lists option (endfloat), 290

listtablename, 34

(babel), 547

ll, 532

llap, 180, 181


(fourier), 392

(stmaryrd), 498, 537

llceil (stmaryrd), 537

Lleftarrow (amssymb), 534

llfloor (stmaryrd), 537

lll (amssymb), 532

llless (amssymb), 532

llparenthesis (stmaryrd), 537

lmargin key/option (geometry), 206, 208

lmodern package, 357

lmoustache, 498, 537

ln, 500

ln option (graphics), 615

lnapprox (amssymb), 532

lneq (amssymb), 532

lneqq (amssymb), 532

lnot, 528

lnsim (amssymb), 532

LoadClass, 879, 886, 887

error using, 903, 908, 912

warning using, 931

LoadClassWithOptions, 883, 887

loading option (tracefnt), 369, 946

loadonly option (titlesec), 44, 45

location BibTeX field (BibTexMng), 789

location classes, 677, 678

location formatting, 678

.lof file extension, 7, 8, 46, 48, 53

(chapterbib), 749

(subfig), 320

(titletoc), 58

lofdepth counter (subfig), 320

log, 493, 500

.log file extension, 7, 8, 657

logonly option (trace), 946

long, 846, 932, 933

long key value (jurabib), 732

long option (rcsinfo), 839

Longarrownot (stmaryrd), 533, 535

longarrownot (stmaryrd), 535

longgather env. (tlc), 468

Longleftarrow, 534

longleftarrow, 534

Longleftrightarrow, 534, 862

longleftrightarrow, 533, 534

Longmapsfrom (stmaryrd), 534

longmapsfrom (stmaryrd), 534

Longmapsto (stmaryrd), 534

longmapsto, 534

longnamesfirst option (natbib), 704, 705

problems using, 705

longpage (tlc), 234

Longrightarrow, 534

longrightarrow, 489, 534

longtable env. (longtable), 259, 260, 261264, 270, 277

“floating”, 289

longtable package, 259263

combined with booktabs, 270

combined with caption, 262

lookat key/option (jurabib), 727, 728, 729, 741

lookatprefix (jurabib), 727

lookatsuffix (jurabib), 727

lookforgender key/option (jurabib), 735

looktex program, 775

looparrowleft (amssymb), 534

looparrowright (amssymb), 534

loose option

(minitoc), 56

(shorttoc), 55

looseness, 943

output produced from, 943

lor, 530

lost characters, tracing, 945

.lot file extension, 7, 8, 46, 48

(chapterbib), 749

(subfig), 320

(titletoc), 58

lotdepth counter (subfig), 320

loversize key (lettrine), 101

lowercase, 341

problems with, 571

lowersorbian option (babel), 543

lozenge (amssymb), 528

LPNobreakList (lips), 82

LPPL (LaTeX Project Public License), 4, 961

lproject (tlc), 94, 95

LR (tlc), 182

LR boxes, 860862

lraise key (lettrine), 101

lrbox env., 869, 870

lscape package, 211, 212

Lsh (amssymb), 534

lsorbian option (babel), 559

lstinline (listings), 171

lstinputlisting (listings), 171, 172175

lstlisting counter (listings), 174

lstlisting env. (listings), 170, 172, 173, 175

lstlistingname (listings), 174

lstlistlistingname (listings), 174

lstlistoflistings (listings), 174

lstloadlanguages (listings), 170, 171

lstset (listings), 169, 170, 171175

Lsub (tlc), 31

LTcapwidth rigid length (longtable), 262

LTchunksize counter (longtable), 263

ltimes (amssymb), 530

LTleft length (longtable), 261

ltoutenc.dtx file, 368

LTpost length (longtable), 261

LTpre length (longtable), 261

LTright length (longtable), 261

.ltx file extension, 8

(tlc), 14, 960

.ltx2 file extension (tlc), 14, 960

ltxdoc document class, 818, 834, 835

ltxdoc.cfg file (ltxdoc), 835

Lucida Bright font, in math and text, 521

lucidabr package, 339, 521

luximono package, 386388

LV1 font encoding, 416

lvec (tlc), 845, 846, 932, 933, 934

lVert (amsmath), 498, 501, 537

lvert (amsmath), 498, 500, 501, 537

lvertneqq (amssymb), 532

LY1 font encoding, 416

list of LICR objects, 455463

(pxfonts), 391

(txfonts), 388


m syntax

(array), 244, 245, 249

(tabularx), 252

M-xcompile function (emacs), 787

m@ne, 843

macce option (inputenc), 360

maccyr option (inputenc), 571

MACRO BibTeX command, 805, 807, 812

macro env. (doc), 815, 816, 817, 821, 824

macro stack, displaying, 892

macrocode env. (doc), 815, 816, 817, 821, 824

macrocode* env. (doc), 815, 817, 821

MacrocodeTopsep length (doc), 824

MacroFont (doc), 824

MacroIndent rigid length (doc), 824


cross-references, 817, 818

descriptions, creating, 815, 816

documenting, see documentation tools

naming, 842

spacing after macro names, 80, 81

MacroTopsep length (doc), 816, 824

mag key/option (geometry), 210

magnification, 210

magyar option (babel), 543

main (doc), 822

main code part, 883

main font, 338, 339

mainmatter, 22, 216

make-rules program, 671

makeatletter, 14, 18, 25, 26, 114, 129, 692, 693, 843, 852

makeatother, 14, 18, 25, 26, 114, 129, 692, 693, 843, 852

makebib program, 776

makebox, 113, 158, 242, 835, 860, 861, 862

zero-width, 126, 147, 183, 629

(fancybox), 597

(ltxdoc), 835

(pspicture), 640

makebst program, 685, 705, 708, 711

makebst.tex file (custom-bib), 798, 799, 801804

makeenmark (endnotes), 126

makeglossary, 653

makeidx package, 649, 652, 656

makeindex, 649, 655

MakeIndex program, 8, 573, 574, 648, 650, 652, 654666, 827, see also index generation; xindy program

Cyrillic alphabet, 573

multilingual documents, 573

makeindex program, 7

makelabel, 145, 147, 148, 149, 150, 850

makeLineNumber (lineno), 180, 181

makeLineNumberRight (lineno), 179

MakeLowercase, 37, 63, 64, 85, 341, 571

(fontenc), 361

MakePercentComment (doc), 824

MakePercentIgnore (doc), 824

MakePerPage (perpage), 120, 121, 125

MakePrivateLetters (doc), 824


(doc), 816, 821

(shortvrb), 152, 885


(doc), 816, 822

(shortvrb), 152, 153

MakeTextLowercase (textcase), 86

MakeTextUppercase (textcase), 86

maketitle, 22

error using, 907

producing unwanted page number, 222, 230

warning using, 925

MakeUppercase, 85, 86, 229, 571, 767

in headings, 31, 91, 92, 679, 680

(fontenc), 361

(textcase), 86

Manju (Mongolian), 592

manjutex package, 592

manual BibTeX entry type, 690, 763, 765, 779

manyfoot package, xxvi, 122125

.map file extension, 420

Mapsfrom (stmaryrd), 534

mapsfrom (stmaryrd), 534

Mapsfromchar (stmaryrd), 535

mapsfromchar (stmaryrd), 535

Mapsto (stmaryrd), 534

mapsto, 534

Mapstochar (stmaryrd), 535

mapstochar, 535

marg (ltxdoc), 834

margin key/option

(caption), 309, 318

(geometry), 211, 213, 214

(subfig), 316, 317

marginal option (footmisc), 118, 124, 728, 730

marginal notes, 126, 127, 209, see also endnotes; footnotes

margincaption option (sidecap), 323, 325

marginlabel (tlc), 127

marginpar, 103, 126, 127, 177, 178, 221, 863

error using, 899, 907, 912

justification in, 106

numbered per page, 121

problems with hyphenation, 127

style parameters, 127

warning using, 924

(lineno), 177

(mparhack), 127

(multicol), not supported, 189

(perpage), numbered per page, 121

(titlesec), problems using, 38

marginparpush rigid length, 127, 194, 196

marginparsep rigid length, 127, 194, 196, 302

(fancyhdr), 227

(sidecap), 324

marginparsep key/option (geometry), 210

marginparswitchfalse (layouts), 200

marginparwidth rigid length, 127, 194, 196, 199, 203, 302

(fancyhdr), 227

marginparwidth key/option (geometry), 206, 209

marginratio key/option (geometry), 206, 211


driver margins, 196

footnotes in, 118, 119

inner margins, 195

optical alignment, 1089

outer margins, 195

page layout, 195, 208, 211

mark, 217, 218

mark commands, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 229, 230

markboth, 218, 219, 221223, 228, 229, 230

error using, 893

markers option (endfloat), 290

marking omitted text, see ellipsis

markright, 218, 219, 220, 222, 223, 228, 229, 230, 232

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