
This book is an outgrowth of a book we wrote back in the early 1990s called NeXTSTEP Programming, Step One: Object-Oriented Applications (Springer-Verlag). Many NeXT people helped us with that original project (and quite a few of them are now at Apple Computer, Inc.); others helped when we made an attempt to update the book for Apple’s Rhapsody system back in 1997 (that system was never released). Many more Apple employees contributed time and energy reviewing this book, helping us obtain software and other resources, and answering our many technical questions. A very big and sincere thank you to all of these Apple employees.

We are also very grateful to the following people who provided technical reviews and other support while we were working on this book:

  • Bill Bumgarner at CodeFab

  • Andrew Stone at Stone Design

  • Carlos Weber, Kristofer Younger, Kurt Revis, Lance Bland, Simon Stapleton, Tom Waters, and Eric Peyton, via the cocoa-dev mailing list

  • Gary Longsine at illumineX, inc.

  • Ondra Cada at OCSoftware

  • Mike Beam at the University of Texas

  • Scott Anguish at Stepwise

  • Don Rainwater at the University of Cincinnati

  • Michael “wave” Johnson at Pixar

  • Louise Mahoney

Thanks as well to both Apple and James Duncan Davidson for providing some of the source material that we used in writing the appendix.

Our editor Debby Russell did a fabulous job of championing this book with O’Reilly, working with Apple, and editing this book. Jessamyn Read created illustrations that helped convey some of the more difficult ideas. Many thanks to Rachel Wheeler, the production editor and copyeditor for this book; Emma Colby, who designed the front and back covers; David Futato, who designed the interior format and wrestled the many icons into submission; Leanne Soylemez, the proofreader; and John Bickelhaupt, who indexed the book.

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