Installing JDS

As described earlier, installing JDS involves inserting the first CD-ROM from the JDS distribution into your CD-ROM drive and powering up the computer again so it boots from this CD-ROM. At that point, the installation procedure displays a list of options:

  • Boot from hard disk

  • Installation

  • Installation—ACPI Disabled

  • Installation—Safe Settings

  • Manual Installation

  • Rescue System

  • Memory Test

The first option is provided in case you left your installation CD in your CD-ROM drive by mistake but don’t want to start an installation. If so, choose the first option. Otherwise, choose the installation option that pertains to you, and press the Enter key.

The installation program then displays Sun’s Binary Code License Agreement. If you accept the agreement, click on Accept and the installation will continue. If you do not accept the agreement, the installation will not continue and you will have to abort the installation. For Linux users who have installed free distributions, accepting the Binary Code License Agreement may be a new twist for you. JDS contains proprietary components that require the agreement. Installation is not an irreversible decision, however. If you decide later that you do not want to continue using JDS because of the license or for any other reason, you can wipe the drive clean and change to a free Linux distribution.

Now, you should be in the installation program. You will notice several sections of dialog boxes. Follow the procedure as they appear.

  1. In the Language Selection, choose the language you want to use and then click on Accept. (See Figure F-3.)

    Installation program language selection

    Figure F-3. Installation program language selection

  2. The JDS installation program browses your hardware and displays its findings.

    If the JDS installation program finds an existing Linux system on your hard drive, a variety of options will be displayed. Because this appendix is primarily written for first-time installers, we assume that you choose the first option and offer instruction for this option throughout the rest of the appendix.

    • New installation. Choose this if no Linux system exists on your machine or if you want to replace an existing Linux system completely.

    • Update an existing system. Select this option if you want to upgrade a JDS already installed on your machine. This option preserves configuration settings from your existing system. Use this option only if you have an earlier release of JDS on your system.

    • Boot installed system. Use this option to fix the problem manually if you have a Linux system on your hard disk that you cannot boot.

    • Abort installation.


    If you have another Linux distribution on your system, such as RedHat, SuSE or Debian, you can replace the existing distribution. If you want to keep your home directory, back it up and choose this option, otherwise, you will lose your data and the distribution. Letting both systems remain on your hard drive goes beyond the scope of this appendix; consult other documentation to explain how to use your bootloader to allow for multiple Linux systems.

  3. Next, you are presented with the Installation settings for your system. These are shown in Figure F-4. They include the partitions that will be created and a brief listing of the main software to be installed.

    Installation settings

    Figure F-4. Installation settings

    Many of the items shown on the Installation Setting screen are actually links or bookmarks that you can click, just like links on a web page, to alter the default settings. You can visit the links to make last-minute changes to your partitions or other choices. For example, if you place your mouse on an underlined section such as Mode or Keyboard layout and click, a new page will open dedicated to that section.

    To illustrate, if you click Partitioning to modify the default settings, the JDS Installation Program checks your hard disk and displays the following options:

    • Accept proposal as is.

    • Base the partition setup on this proposal.

    • Create a custom partition setup.

    If you have special reason to change the defaults, read the sections Section F.3 and Section F.4 for instructions you can follow at this point.

    As another example, if you click on Software, you’ll get a new screen and have the opportunity to change the default setup. First you’ll see a screen offering you two options:

    • Default system with StarSuite—for Japan, China, Korea and Taiwan only

    • Default system with StarOffice—for all other countries

    You will also have the option to change the defaults by using the selections available in Figure F-5. In this situation, we suggest you select Development Tools.

    Changing the software options

    Figure F-5. Changing the software options

    You can also select special configuration options for a modem and for a Laptop computer. After you select the appropriate options, click Accept.

    Once you have configured the system the way you want, you’ll once again see a screen similar to Figure F-4. Make sure the changes took effect. You can now continue with the installation by clicking Accept.

  4. The JDS Installation Program displays a message informing you that the installation will be performed according to the settings made in the previous dialogs. Click Yes to commit the installation and all the choices made so far.

  5. A message is displayed informing you that the JDS Installation Program is preparing your hard disk. When the installation begins, a screen is displayed containing the following window panes:

    Current Package

    Displays the name, description, and size of the installation package and a status bar showing how much of the installation of that package is complete.


    Displays the status of the percentage of installation completed from that CD, as well as the estimated time remaining to complete the download.

    Installation Log (extract)

    Displays a log of activity for all the packages currently being installed on your system.

    When the download of the packages from CD 1 is complete, the JDS Installation Program displays a screen informing you that the basic installation is finished and the system automatically reboots.

  6. After the system reboots, a dialog requests you to insert CD 2. Insert CD 2 and click OK.

  7. When the packages you need from CD 2 are installed, a dialog requests you to insert CD 3. Insert CD 3 and click OK.

  8. When all the packages you need from CD 3 are successfully installed, the JDS Installation Program prompts you to enter a password for root, the system administrator. Choose a hard-to-guess password for the root user and enter it twice in the boxes, shown in Figure F-6. Click Next.

    Root password screen

    Figure F-6. Root password screen


    Make a note of the root password in case you forget it. You will need it in the future.

  9. The JDS Installation Program prompts you to add a new user. Enter the first name, last name, user login, and password for the user you want to add and click Next. A new user account is created with the details you enter. This will be the user you normally use to access the system; the root account should be used only for critical system administration tasks.

  10. The JDS Installation Program starts to initialize the Desktop settings as follows:

    • Text mode only—no graphical desktop

    • Graphical desktop environment

    Select Graphical desktop environment and click Accept.

  11. For a standalone, non-networked installation, the JDS Installation Program tries to detect local printers only. Click Yes if you have a local printer attached to your system. Otherwise, click “Skip detection.”

  12. The JDS Installation Program writes the system configuration and displays the Installation Settings for the following hardware devices:

    • Network interfaces

    • Printers

    • Modems

    • ISDN adapters

    • Sound

    To change any of the Installation Settings, click Change. Click Next to accept the settings as displayed on the Installation Page. JDS displays a message that the configuration is saved successfully, and the system automatically reboots.

  13. Eject CD 3.

  14. At the login screen, log in with the username and password that you set up for the new user.

You are now ready to use the JDS.

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