Chapter 5



In this chapter we present some preliminary material which will be needed in order to study non-stationary models for generalized Newtonian fluids. We begin with the functional analytic framework and define Bochner-spaces. After this we present the Lipschitz truncation method for non-stationary problems. Finally, we give a historical overview about the mathematical theory of weak solutions for non-stationary flows of power law fluids.


Bochner spaces; Parabolic PDEs; Parabolic Lipschitz truncation; Whitney decomposition; Power law fluids; Historic comments on generalized Newtonian fluids

5.1 Bochner spaces

In the study of parabolic PDEs it is very useful to work with Banach space-valued mappings (see [143]). Let (V,V)Image be a Banach space. A mapping u:[0,T]VImage is called a step function iff for some NNImage



where kAk=[0,T]Image, AkAj=Image for kjImage and xkVImage for k=1,...,NImage. A function u:(0,T)VImage is called Bochner measurable iff there is a sequence (un)Image of step functions such that


Image (5.1.1)

for a.e. t. A function u:(0,T)VImage is called Bochner integrable iff there is a sequence (un)Image of step functions such that (5.1.1) holds and


Image (5.1.2)

The Bochner integral (as an element of VImage) is defined as



We define for T>0Image and p[1,)Image, the space Lp(0,T;V)Image to be the set of all Bochner measurable functions u:(0,T)VImage such that



The space L(0,T;V)Image is the set of all Bochner measurable functions such that



The space Lp(0,T;V)Image for p[1,]Image is a Banach space together with the norm given above.

Lemma 5.1.1

Let VImage be a separable and reflexive Banach space.

a) If p(1,)Image then Lp(0,T;V)Image is reflexive and we have



b) For p=1Image we still have



Lemma 5.1.2

Let 1p<Image and VImage be a Banach space. Let CImage be dense in Lp(0,T;R)Image and V0Image dense in VImage. Then the set



is dense in Lp(0,T;V)Image.

For uL1(0,T;V)Image we consider the distribution



Let YImage be a Banach space with VYImage continuously. If there is vL1(0,T;Y)Image such that

0Tu(t)φ(t)dt=0Tv(t)φ(t)dtfor allφC0(0,T)


we say that v is the weak derivative of u in YImage and write v=tuImage. The space W1,p(0,T;V)Image consists of those functions from Lp(0,T;V)Image having weak derivatives in Lp(0,T;V)Image. It is a Banach function space together with the norm



Obviously this can be iterated to define the space Wk,p(0,T;V)Image.

In order to study the time regularity of functions from Bochner spaces we need to define different notations of continuity.

Definition 5.1.1

Let (V,V)Image be a Banach space, T>0Image and α(0,1]Image.

a) C([0,T];V)Image denotes the set of functions u:[0,T]VImage being continuous with respect to the norm topology, i.e.



for any sequence (tk)[0,T]Image with tkt0Image.

b) Cw([0,T];V)Image denotes the set of functions u:[0,T]VImage being continuous with respect to the weak topology, i.e.



for any sequence (tk)[0,T]Image with tkt0Image.

c) Cα([0,T];V)Image denotes the set of functions u:[0,T]VImage being α-Hölder-continuous with respect to the norm topology, i.e.



Obviously, we have the inclusions



for any α(0,1]Image. The following variant of Sobolev's Theorem holds.

Lemma 5.1.3

Let X be a Banach space and 1p<Image. The embedding



is continuous.

The following theorem shows how to obtain compactness in Bochner spaces. The original version is due to Aubin and Lions (see [14] and [109]) but does not include the case p=1Image. The following more general version can be found in [128].

Theorem 5.1.22

Let (V,X,Y)Image be a triple of separable and reflexive Banach spaces such that the embedding VXImage is compact and the embedding XYImage is continuous. Then the embedding



is compact for 1p<Image.

In the context of stochastic PDEs we will be confronted with functions having only fractional derivatives in time. We define for p(1,)Image and α(0,1)Image the norm



The space Wα,p(0,T;V)Image is now defined as the subspace of Lp(0,T;V)Image consisting of the functions having finite Wα,p(0,T;V)Image-norm. It can be shown that this is a complete space and we have W1,p(0,T;V)Wα,p(0,T;V)Lp(0,T;V)Image. The following version of Theorem 5.1.22 holds (see [73]).

Theorem 5.1.23

Let (V,X,Y)Image be a triple of separable and reflexive Banach spaces such that the embedding VXImage is compact and the embedding XYImage is continuous. Then the embedding



is compact for 1<p<Image and 0<α<1Image.

The following interpolation result is a special case of [8, Thm. 3.1]

Lemma 5.1.4

Let p[1,)Image, and s0,s1,r0,r1RImage such that s0<s1Image and r0>r1Image. Let θ(0,1)Image and define sθ(s0,s1)Image and rθ(r1,r0)Image by



Then the following embedding is continuous



5.2 Basics on parabolic Lipschitz truncation

In this section we show how a Lipschitz truncation for non-stationary problems can be constructed. We follow the ideas of [65] (see [101] for a similar approach). Let Q0=I0×B0R×RdImage be a space time cylinder. Let uLσ(I0,W1,σ(B0))Image and HLσ(Q0)Image satisfy

Q0utξdxdt=Q0H:ξdxdtfor allξC0(Q0).

Image (5.2.3)

Let α>0Image. We say that Q=I×BR×RdImage is an α-parabolic cylinder if rI=αrB2Image. For κ>0Image we define the scaled cylinder κQ:=(κI)×(κB)Image. By QαImage we denote the set of all α-parabolic cylinders. We define the α-parabolic maximal operators MαImage and MsαImage for s[1,)Image by



It is standard [134] that for all fLp(Rd+1)Image


Image (5.2.4)


Image (5.2.5)

where the constants are independent of α. Another important tool is a parabolic Poincaré estimate for u in terms of uImage and H, see Theorem B.1 of [65]: Let Qrα=Ir×BrQαImage and any uL1(Ir;W1,1(Br))Image with tu=divHImage in D(Qrα)Image for some HL1(Qrα)Image. Then the following holds


Image (5.2.6)

where c only depends on the dimension.

In order to define the Lipschitz truncation we have to cut large values of uImage and H. We define the “bad set” as


Image (5.2.7)

This is the set where we have to change u. In contrast to the stationary case discussed in Section 1.3, a straightforward argument is not available. So we follow the more flexible strategy based on a Whitney covering as done at the end of Section 3.1. According to Lemma 3.1 of [65] there exists an α-parabolic Whitney covering {Qi}Image of OλαImage.

Lemma 5.2.1

There is an α-parabolic Whitney covering {Qi}Image of OλαImage with the following properties.

(PW1) i12Qi=OλαImage,

(PW2) for all iNImage we have 8QiOλαImage and 16Qi(Rd+1Oλα)Image,

(PW3) if QiQjImage then 12rjri<2rjImage,

(PW4) at every point at most 120d+2Image of the sets 4QiImage intersect,

where ri:=rBiImage, the radius of BiImage and Qi=Ii×BiImage.

For each QiImage we define Ai:={j:QjQi}Image. Note that #Ai120d+2Image and rjriImage for all jAiImage.

Lemma 5.2.2

There exists a partition of unity {φi}C0(Rd+1)Image with respect to the covering {Qi}Image from Lemma 5.2.1 such that

(PP1) χ12Qiφiχ23QiImage,

(PP2) jφj=jAiφj=1Image in QiImage,

(PP3) |φi|+ri|φi|+ri2|2φi|+αri2|tφi|cImage.

Now we define


Image (5.2.8)

where ui:=uQi:=QiudxdtImage. (In order to obtain a truncation with suitable properties up to the boundary one has to involve cut-off function as can be seen in [65] and Chapter 6. We neglect this for brevity.) We show first that the sum in (5.2.8) converges absolutely in L1(Q0)Image:



where we used (PP1) and the finite intersection property of QiImage (PW4). We proceed by showing the estimate for the gradient



where we used (PP3), (5.2.6) and (PW4). This shows that the definition in (5.2.8) makes sense. In particular we have


Image (5.2.9)

The truncation uλαImage has better regularity properties than u; indeed, uλαImage is bounded by λ.

Lemma 5.2.3

For λ>λ0Image we have




Let (t,x)QiImage, then



because {φj}Image is a partition of unity with (PP3), rirjImage and uiImage is constant. We also used that |QjQk|cmax{|Qj|,|Qk|}Image if QjQkImage as well as #AjcImage. By (5.2.6), (PW2) and the definition of OλαImage we have


Image (5.2.10)

As the {Qi}Image cover OλαImage and |uλα|=|u|λImage outside OλαImage the claim follows.  □

The next lemma will control the time error we obtain when we use the truncation as a test function. We will only consider this from a formal point of view ignoring the technical difficulties connected with the distributional character of the time-derivative of u. We refer to [65, Thm. 3.9.(iii)] for a rigorous treatment.

Lemma 5.2.4

For all λλ0Image we have



where the constant c is independent of α and λ.


We use Hölder's inequality, (PP3) and Lemma 6.1.10 to obtain



Note that we also took into account rirjImage and that ujImage is constant. Recalling the estimates in (5.2.10) and (5.2.6) we find that



using (PW2), the definition of OλαImage, rirjImage and the local finiteness of the {Qi}Image.  □

Remark 5.2.9

As in Lemma 1.3.2 it is possible to have smallness of the level-sets in the sense that



with κ(λ)0Image if λImage. This and the choice α=λ2pImage implies the smallness of the time error from Lemma 5.2.4. See [65, Section 4] for details.

5.3 Existence results for power law fluids

The flow of a homogeneous incompressible fluid in a bounded body GRdImage (d=2,3Image) during the time interval (0,T)Image is described by the following set of equations


Image (5.3.11)

See for instance [23]. Here the unknown quantities are the velocity field v:QRdImage and the pressure π:QRImage. The function f:QRdImage represents a system of volume forces and v0:GRdImage the initial datum, while S:QRsymd×dImage is the stress deviator and ρ>0Image is the density of the fluid. Equation (5.3.11)1 and (5.3.11)2 describe the conservation of balance and the conservation of mass respectively. Both are valid for all homogeneous incompressible liquids and gases. In order to describe a specific fluid one needs a constitutive law relating the viscous stress tensor S to the symmetric gradient ε(v):=12(v+vT)Image of the velocity. In the simplest case this relation is linear, i.e.,


Image (5.3.12)

where ν>0Image is the viscosity of the fluid. In this case we have divS=νΔvImage and (5.3.11) is the famous Navier–Stokes equation. Its mathematical treatment started with the work of Leray and Ladyshenskaya (see [106]). The existence of a weak solution (where derivatives are to be understood in a distributional sense) can be established by nowadays standard arguments. However the regularity issue (i.e. the existence of a strong solution) is still open.

As already motivated at the beginning of Chapter 4, a much more flexible model is


Image (5.3.13)

where ν is the generalized viscosity function. Of particular interest is the power law model


Image (5.3.14)

where ν0>0Image and p(1,)Image, cf. [13,23]. We recall that the case p[32,2]Image covers many interesting applications.

In the following we give a historical overview concerning the theory of weak solutions to (5.3.11) and sketch the proofs, cf. [29]. It can be understood as the non-stationary counterpart to Section 1.4.

Monotone operator theory (1969).

Due to the appearance of the convective term (v)v=div(vv)Image the equations for power law fluids (the constitutive law is given by (5.3.11)) highly depend on the value of p. The first results were achieved by Ladyshenskaya and Lions for p3d+2d+2Image (see [106] and [109]). They showed the existence of a weak solution in the space



The weak formulation reads as


Image (5.3.15)

for all φC0,div([0,T)×G)Image with S given by (5.3.14). In the case p3d+2d+2Image it follows from parabolic interpolation that (v)vvL1(Q)Image. So the weak solution is also a test-function and the existence proof is based on monotone operator theory and compactness arguments.

Let us assume that


Image (5.3.16)

and that we have a sequence of approximated solutions, i.e.,



solving (5.3.15). A sequence of approximated solutions can be obtained, for instance via a Galerkin–Ansatz (see [111], Chapter 5). We want to pass to the limit. Assume further that



Then vnImage is also an admissible test-function (using (5.3.16)). We gain uniform a priori estimates and (after choosing an appropriate subsequence and applying Korn's inequality)


Image (5.3.17)

A parabolic interpolation implies


Image (5.3.18)

As in the stationary case, (5.3.14) yields together with (5.3.17)


Image (5.3.19)

A main difference to the stationary problem is the compactness of the velocity. Due to (5.3.17), (5.3.18) and (5.3.15) we can control the time derivative and have


Image (5.3.20)

Combining (5.3.17) and (5.3.20) the Aubin–Lions Compactness Theorem (cf. Theorem 5.1.22) yields



and together with (5.3.18)


Image (5.3.21)

Plugging the convergences (5.3.17)(5.3.21) together we can pass to the limit in the approximate equation in all terms except for S(ε(vn))Image. As done in section 1.4 we have to apply arguments from monotone operator theory and show


Image (5.3.22)

This follows along the same line as in the stationary case; the only term which needs a comment is the integral involving the time derivative. Here we have in addition to the terms from the stationary case the integral



using vn(0)=v(0)=v0Image a.e., (5.3.17) and (5.3.20). As the integrand in (5.3.22) is non-negative the claim follows.

L Image -truncation (2007).

The classical results have been improved by Wolf to the case p>2d+2d+2Image via LImage-truncation. In this situation we have (v)vL1(Q)Image and therefore we can test with functions from L(Q)Image. The basic idea (which was already used in the stationary case in [78] together with the bound p2dd+1Image) is to approximate v by a bounded function vLImage which is equal to v on a large set and whose LImage-norm can be controlled by L. Now we will present the approach developed in [140]. Note that the LImage-truncation has been used in the parabolic context before in [80] and [39]. Different from [140], both these papers deal with periodic and Navier's slip boundary conditions, respectively. So, the problems connected with the harmonic pressure do not occur.

Let us assume that


Image (5.3.23)

and the existence of approximate solutions vnImage to (5.3.15) with uniform a priori estimates in



Note that test-functions have to be bounded as we only have (v)vL1(Q)Image due to (5.3.23) and a parabolic interpolation. We have again the convergences (5.3.17)(5.3.21) so we only have to establish the limit in S(ε(vn))Image. As the solution is not a test-function anymore we have to use some truncation. The LImage-truncation destroys the solenoidal character of a function and a correction via the Bogovskiĭ  operator does not give the right sign when testing the time-derivative. So one has to introduce the pressure. In [140] this is done locally for the difference of approximate equation and limit equation. Due to the localization one has to use cut-off functions which we neglect in the following as they only produce additional terms of lower order. We have


Image (5.3.24)

for all φC0,div(Q)Image with


Image (5.3.25)

where σ:=p(d+2)p(d+2)(2d+2)(1,)Image, cf. (5.3.23). Now we can introduce a pressure πnImage and decompose it into πn=πnh+πn1+πn2Image such that


Image (5.3.26)

for all φC0(Q)Image. The pressure πnhImage is harmonic whereas πn1Image and πn2Image feature the same convergences properties as Hn1Image and Hn2Image respectively (see (5.3.25)). Now we test (5.3.15) with the LImage-truncation of unπnhImage. The result is the same as in the stationary case (cf. Section 1.4) since the term involving the time-derivative has the right sign. Finally we have



and due to (5.3.17) and S˜,S(ε(v))Lp(Q)Image



We can finish the proof as in the stationary case; the additional function πnhImage is compact (harmonic in space and bounded in time).

Lipschitz truncation (2010).

Wolf's result was improved to


Image (5.3.27)

in [65] by the Lipschitz truncation method. Under this restriction to p we have vvL1(Q)Image which means we can test by functions having bounded gradients. So one has to approximate v by a Lipschitz continuous function vλImage. The best result so far has been shown in [65] by a parabolic Lipschitz truncation, see Section 5.2 for more details. Let us assume that (5.3.27) holds and that there is a sequence of approximate solutions vnImage to (5.3.15) with uniform estimates in Lp(0,T;W0,div1,p(G))L(0,T;L2(G))Image. On account of (5.3.27) we have vnvnL1(Q)Image such that test-functions must have bounded gradients. We have again the convergences (5.3.17)(5.3.21) so we only have to establish the limit in S(ε(vn))Image.

In contrast to the stationary Lipschitz truncation explained in Section 1.4, the parabolic version requires a suitable scaling of the Whitney cubes QiImage. To be precise, they shall be of the form


Image (5.3.28)

with α=λ2pImage (λ is the Lipschitz constant of the truncation). The reason for this is the control of the distributional time derivative. Despite the LImage-truncation the Lipschitz truncation is not only nonlinear but also nonlocal. So the term involving the time derivative does not have a sign. But due to (5.3.28) it is possible to show that



recalling Lemma 5.2.4. On account of this the Lipschitz truncation can be roughly speaking applied as in the stationary case in Section 1.4. However, there are certain technical difficulties. First of all, the known parabolic versions of the Lipschitz truncation work only locally. So, one has to involve bubble functions in order to localize the arguments. The approach in [65] introduces the pressure function as explained in (5.3.26) for the parabolic LImage-truncation. In fact, the authors use the Lipschitz truncation of the function unπnhImage.


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