
2D charts, 21

2Screens Presentation Expert, 125

2Screens Remote, 126

3D charts, 21


Action Builds, 21

actions, undoing, xi, 5, 6, 29


audio, 124

Dock Connector to Component AV, 124

Dock Connector to Composite AV, 124

Dock Connector to VGA, 6, 123–127

Dock Connector to USB, 13, 133


guides, 43, 63

horizontal text, 52

layout, 44

tables, 84

text, 44, 52

vertical text, 52

angle tags, 63


bulleted text, 111–112

charts, 113–114

multiple objects, 115, 116

tables, 113–114

transitions. See transitions

App Store, 3

Apple Wireless Keyboard, 93

area charts, 88

attachments, email, 12, 14, 134

audio, 21, 123, 124

audio adapters, 124


backgrounds, 7, 21, 23, 73, 86, 114

bar charts, 88, 90, 99, 100

Bluetooth connections, 121, 126

body text, 7, 40–41

bold text, 44, 48


cells, 86

charts, 98, 99

photos, 68

shapes, 70, 71

tables, 84

text boxes, 44

Build In button, 111, 113, 116, 117

Build Out button, 111, 113, 116, 117

bulleted text, 42, 44, 50, 51, 111–112

bullets, 42, 50, 51


cables. See adapters

Caps Lock, xii

cells, table, 76, 79, 81, 83, 86

Cells pane, 86

chart area, 89, 90

chart builds, 105, 113, 114

Chart Data Editor, 89–94, 96–97, 103

Chart Options pane, 95, 98, 99, 104

charts, 87–104

2D, 21

3D, 21

adding to slides, 91

alternatives for creating, 90

anatomy of, 89–90

animations, 113–114

changing chart type, 95

columns, 88, 89–90, 92–94, 100, 103

data series, 88, 90, 96–97, 103

data sets, 90, 96–97, 103, 114

editing data, 92–94

entering data, 92–93

fonts, 99, 104

gridlines, 100, 102

legend, 89, 90, 96, 98–100, 104

modifying elements of, 98–102

overview, 87–90

pie, 88, 103–104

rows, 90, 92–94, 96

tick marks, 100, 102

titles, 99, 104

transposing, 96–97

types of, 88, 91

x/y axis elements, 89, 90, 98–102

Charts button, x, 91, 104

Charts pane, x, 91, 104

clip art, 58


borders, 68, 71

charts, xi, 91, 103

fills, 70, 86

shapes, 66, 70

tables, 77, 83, 84, 86

text, 44, 46, 48, 49

column selection bar, 78, 80–83

columns, charts, 88, 89–90, 92–94, 100, 103

columns, specifying for text layout, 52–53

columns, table

adding, 81

deleting, 81, 85

headers, 76, 78, 85

increase/decrease, 78, 81, 85

moving, 83

overview, 76

resizing, 82

selecting, 78, 80

comments, 21

Component AV Cable, 124

Composite AV Cable, 124

conference badges, 121

control points, 66

copying styles, 46


data series, 88, 90, 96–97, 103, 114

data sets, 90, 96–97, 103, 114

Delay slider, 108, 112, 113, 116, 118

Delete button, 14, 19, 29, 61

Delete Presentation button, 35

Delivery button, 112, 113, 116

Delivery pane, 112, 113

dictionary, 55, 56

displays, 6, 127–130.

Dock Connector adapters. See adapters

documents. See also files

adding to iTunes File Sharing, 13

bringing into Keynote, 11–22

deleting from iTunes File Sharing, 14

deleting from Import Presentation window, 19

exporting. See exporting documents

importing. See importing documents

moving from iPad. See exporting documents

moving to iPad. See importing documents

PDF. See PDF files

PowerPoint. See PowerPoint (Microsoft)

sharing. See sharing documents

Documents list, 12–14, 17, 133

double-tapping, x–xii

dragging, x

drives, USB flash, 124

drop shadows, 68–71

Duration slider, 108, 112, 113, 116


Edit popover, 29, 32, 33, 46, 55, 56, 61, 81, 83

Effects button, 69, 71


attachments, 12, 14, 134

importing documents via, 12, 14–15

exporting documents via, 134–135

email addresses, 45

End Presentation button, 128, 130


adapters. See adapters

cables. See adapters

laser pointer, 124

USB flash drive, 124

Excel (Microsoft), 90, 136

Export Presentation window, 132

exporting documents

to computer, 132–133

via email, 134–135

via, 136–138

external projector/monitor. See displays


feedback, 122

File Sharing. See sharing documents

File Sharing list. See Documents list

files. See also documents; Keynote files

exporting. See exporting documents

Help, 9–10

importing. See importing documents

library, 85

PDF. See PDF files

PowerPoint. See PowerPoint (Microsoft)

sharing. See sharing documents

fills, 70, 86

finding/replacing text, 54–55

flash drive, USB, 124

flicking, x

flipping graphics, 72

fonts. See also text

changing, 48–49

charts, 99, 104

families, 49

overview, 15, 20

styles, 47–49

tables, 84, 86

unsupported, 20

Fonts pane, 49

footer rows, 76, 85

formatting. See styles


Get Started presentation, 3

Go to Help item, 9–10

GoodReader for iPad, 126

graphics, 57–73. See also photos

aligning with guides, 63

background, 7

clip art, 58

copying/pasting, 60

cropping, Keynote’s lack of, 62

deleting, 61

flipping, 72

imported, 58

layering, 73

masking, 58, 65

moving, 62–64

placeholders, 7, 27, 58–60, 65

placing, 58–64

positioning, 62–64

resizing, 62, 64

scaling, 62, 64

shapes, 66–67

vector, 58, 66

grid options, tables, 84

gridlines, charts, 100, 102

grouping, Keynote’s lack of, 21

grouping slides, 5, 30, 31

guides, alignment, 43, 63


handouts, Keynote’s lack of, 121

header columns, 76, 78, 85

header rows, 76, 78, 85

headphone jack, 124

Help files, 9–10

hiding/showing groups, 30

horizontal alignment, text, 52

hyperlinks, 21, 45, 130


image bullets, 50–51

Image button, 7

image placeholder, 7

images. See graphics; photos

Import Presentation window, 13, 14, 17–19, 132

importing documents

from computer, 11–22

into Keynote, 18–19

limitations on, 17, 20–22

via email, 12, 14–15

via, 12, 15–16

increase/decrease columns, 78, 81, 85

increase/decrease rows, 78

Indent button, 50


slides. See grouping slides

text, 50, 52

Info button, 5, 6

inset margin, 52

Instant Alpha, Keynote’s lack of, 21


connecting projector to, 123, 124, 127

keyboard. See keyboard

moving documents from. See exporting documents

moving documents to. See importing documents

printing, lack of support for, 121

running presentations on, 130

using external projector/monitor. See displays

working with, x–xii

iPhone, 120, 126

italic text, 48


file sharing in, 12–14, 132–133

purchasing Keynote for iPad via, 2

importing documents from, 12, 15–16

exporting documents to, 136–138


Jobs, Steve, 120

jokes, in presentations, 122



Apple Wireless Keyboard, 93

external, 35, 41, 93

hiding, xii

onscreen, xi–xii, 41, 42, 93

Keynote ’09 (Apple), ix, 11

format, 17, 20–21, 135

vs. Keynote for iPad, 20

Keynote files. See also presentations

emailing, 134–135

password protecting, 138

unsupported features and, 22

versions, 13

Keynote for iPad

best practices, 22

compatibility issues, 20–22

content, 24

creating, 24–25

deleting, 35

duplicating, 34

emailing, 134–136

FAQs, 20

Get Started presentation, 3

Help, 9–10

installing, 2–3

managing, 34–35

overview, 1–10

purchasing from App Store, 3

purchasing from iTunes, 2

renaming, 35

starting, 3

themes, 21, 26

title, 5, 6

user interface, 4–6

vs. Keynote ’09, 20

workspace, 4–6


laser pointer, actual, 124

laser pointer, virtual, 128, 130

layers, graphics, 73


slide, 7, 21, 23, 24, 27, 28

tables, 77

text, 44, 52–53

lettered lists, 51

library files, 85

line charts, 88

line spacing, 52, 53

List button, 50, 51

List pane, 50, 51

lists, 50–51


Magic Moves, 109–110

Mail app, 12, 14, 15

margins, 44, 52

masking images, 58, 65

Match Size tag, 64

Media button, 5, 6, 43, 59–61, 77

Microsoft Excel. See Excel (Microsoft)

Microsoft PowerPoint. See PowerPoint (Microsoft)

monitors. See displays

movies, 7, 21. See also videos

My Presentations button, 5–6

My Presentations view, 6, 17, 18, 25


New Presentation button, 25, 132

Number key, xi, xii

numbered lists, 51

numbering slides, 36

Numbers (Apple), 10, 121, 136


object builds

creating, 115–116

described, 105, 111

ordering, 117–118


aligning with guides, 63

grouping, Keynote’s lack of, 21

layering, 73

moving, 62, 64

order, 115

resizing, 62, 64

selecting, xii

OmniGraphSketcher, 90

online resources, xii

onscreen keyboard, xi–xii, 41, 42, 93

opacity, 69, 71

Order button, 114

Outdent button, 50

outdenting, 30, 50


Pages (Apple), 10, 76, 121, 136

passwords, 138

Paste Style option, 46

PDF files

emailing, 134–135

exporting Keynote files as, 125, 132–133

sharing, 136, 138

Peachpit Web site for book, xii

Photo Albums, 7, 60, 61

Photo Library, 6, 58, 60

photo placeholder, 40

photos. See also graphics

borders, 68

drop shadows, 69

frame styles, 68

opacity, 69

reflections, 69

styles, 68–69

pie charts, 88, 103–104

pinch gesture, xi, 8

placeholders, 7, 27, 41, 58–60, 65

Play button, 5, 6, 37, 61, 127

playing presentations, 6, 127

popovers, x, 6

position tags, 63

PowerPoint (Microsoft), 11, 136

file formats, 17, 18

importing via email, 14

.pps extension, 17

.ppt extension, 17

.ppsx extension, 17

.pptx extension, 17

vs. Keynote for iPad, 20, 22, 135

presentations, 99–102. See also Keynote files; slides

advancing through, 129, 130

audience questions, 122

backup copies, 120

connecting projector to iPad. See displays

displaying, 5–6

ending, 128, 130

on external projector/monitor. See displays

feedback, 122

giving, 121–122

handouts, Keynote’s lack of, 121

hardware/software add-ons, 123–126

images in. See graphics; photos

on iPad screen, 130

jokes, 122

length of, 120

nervousness during, 121

password protecting, 138

playing, 6

preparing for, 120

previews, 37

rehearsing, 120

running, 37, 127–130

skipping, 129

starting/stopping, 37

summary slides, 122

text in. See text

tips for, 121–122

visualization, 121

Presenter Notes, Keynote’s lack of, 21

previews, 14, 16, 37

printing handouts, Keynote’s lack of, 121

projectors. See displays


Redo key, xi

reflection effects, 68–69

replacing text, 54–55

resolution, 66, 127

resources, online, xii

Reveal Slide Navigator button, 129

rotating objects, xi, 63

row selection bar, 78, 80–83

rows, charts, 92–94, 96, 103

rows, table

adding, 81

colors, 83, 84

deleting, 81, 85

footers, 76, 85

headers, 76, 78, 85

increase/decrease, 78, 81, 85

moving, 83

overview, 76

removing, 81

resizing, 82

selecting, 78, 80


Safari, 9, 10, 16, 136

sample files, xii

scatter charts, 88

selecting table elements, 78–80

selecting objects, xii

selection handles, xii, 43, 62–72, 78, 79–82

Send button, 132, 134, 137

Send via Mail window, 134


borders, 71

color fills, 70

control points, 66

drop shadows, 71

flipping, 72

inserting, 66

inserting text into, 67

opacity, 71

overview, 66

placing, 66

styling, 70–71

text boxes as, 43

Shapes button, 43, 66

Shapes pane, 43

Share button, 138

sharing documents

PDF files, 136, 138

via email, 14–15, 134–135

via iTunes, 12, 13–14, 132–133

via iWork, 15–16, 136–138

Shift key, xi

size tags, 63

Slide Canvas, 4, 7, 8

Slide Navigator, 4–5, 31, 129

slide transitions. See transitions

slides. See also presentations

adding, 27–28

anatomy of, 7

charts in. See charts

deleting, 29

dragging, 30

duplicating, 33

grouping, 5, 30, 31

hiding/showing, 30

layouts, 7, 23, 27, 28

moving, 31

numbering, 36

organizing, 5

outdenting, 30

placeholders, 7

reordering, 31

selecting multiple, 30

skipping, 5, 32, 129

spell checking, 56

tables in. See tables

text in. See text

thumbnails, 5

transitions between. See transitions

zooming in/out, 8

slideshows. See presentations

slow double-tapping, x

Smart Builds, Keynote’s lack of, 21

software, 125–126

spacing, line, 53

spell checking, 56

stacked area charts, 88

stacked bar charts, 88, 100

stacked column charts, 88, 100

Start Transition option, 108

starting Keynote, 3

stories, 24

strikethrough text, 48

Style pane, 45, 47


copying/pasting, 46

font, 47–49

photos, 68–69

presets, 47, 48

shapes, 70–71

table cell text, 86

tables, 84–86

text, 44–49

summary slides, 122

swiping, xi

Symbol key, xi

synchronization, 13, 133


table builds, 105

Table Options pane, 84

table position handle, 78

tables, 75–86

alignment, 84

animations, 113–114

borders, 86

cells, 79, 81, 83, 86

columns in. See columns, table

creating, 76–77

deleting elements in, 81, 82, 83

described, 76

fonts, 84

formatting, 84–86

grids, 84

images in, Keynote’s lack of, 77

layouts, 77

overview, 76

resizing, 82

reusing, 85

rows in. See rows, table

saving for later use, 85

selecting elements in, 78–81

selecting entire table, 79

styles, 84–86

text in, 81, 84, 86

Tables button, 77

tapping, x

televisions, outputting to, 124

text. See also fonts

adding to slides, 40–41

alignment, 44, 52

body, 7, 40–41

bold, 44, 48

boxes, 40, 42–43, 45

builds, 105, 111–112

bulleted, 42, 44, 50, 51, 111–112

bullets, 50, 51

in charts, 99

color, 49

columns, 53

finding/replacing, 54–55

hyperlinks, 45

indenting, 42, 50

inserting into shapes, 67

italic, 48

layout, 44, 52–53

line spacing, 53

lists, 50–51

margins, 52

outdenting, 50

placeholders, 41

selecting, xii

size, 48–49, 51

spell checking, 56

strikethrough, 48

styles, 44–49

style option, 44

table cells, 81, 86

in tables, 81, 84, 86

titles. See titles

underlined, 48

Text Options pane, 48–49

Text pane, 47

themes, 21, 23–25, 26

thumbnails, 5

titles, 6

placeholder, 7

text, 40–41

toolbar, 5–6

Tools button, 5, 6

touch and hold, x


applying, 106–108

between slides, 106–108

described, 105

limitations, 107

Magic Moves, 109–110

options, 108

styles, 106

unsupported, 21

Transitions and Animations button, 5, 6, 106

Transitions and Animations mode, 106–108

Trash button, 132


underlined text, 48

Undo button, 6, 8, 29

Undo key, xi

undoing actions, xi, 6, 8, 29

USB cables. See adapters

USB flash drive, 124


value labels, 98, 99, 101, 104

vector graphics, 58, 66

vertical alignment, text, 52

VGA adapters. See adapters

Video Out interface, 127–130

video projectors. See displays

videos. See also movies

deleting, 61

placing, 58, 61

playing, 61

previewing, 61

resolution, 127

YouTube, 123

View Document button, 138

virtual laser pointer, 128, 130

visualization, 121


Web browsers, 10

Wi-Fi connections, 121

workspace. See Keynote workspace

Wrap Text in Cell option, 86


X-axis labels, 89, 90, 99–102


Y-axis labels, 89, 90, 99–102

YouTube videos, 123


zooming in/out, 8

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