

2D graphics, 330

arcs, 332-333, 341

circles, 332

ellipses, 332

lines, 330

PiePanel application, 333 source code, 338

PieSlice class, 335-336

rectangles, 331


< > (angle brackets), 238

; (semicolon), 17, 22, 102

!= (inequality operator), 81

$ (dollar sign), 54

% operator, 56

’ (single quotation mark), 51, 67

/ (backslash), 67

“ (double quotation mark), 51

> (greater than operator), 81

(newline character), 180

(_) (underscore) character, 53

* (multiplication operator), 56

+ (plus sign)

addition operator (+), 56

concatenation operator, 68-69

+= operator, 69

–– (decrement operator), 56

- (minus sign), 56

/ (division operator), 56

/ (forward slash) character, 284

// (double slashes), 17

// (two slash characters), 258

= (equal sign), 52, 54

== (equality operator), 81

? (question mark), 86-87

@Override annotation, 314

@WebMethod annotation, 315


Absolute program, 34

Abstract Windowing Toolkit. See AWT

access control

definition of, 138

methods, 142

variables, 138

default, 139

private variables, 139

protected variables, 139

accessor methods, 142

ActionListener interface, 202, 271

actionPerformed() method, 202-203, 212, 276


Hour 1, 12

Hour 2, 24

Hour 3, 38

Hour 4, 48

Hour 5, 64

Hour 6, 77

Hour 7, 94

Hour 8, 106

Hour 9, 119

Hour 10, 136

Hour 11, 154

Hour 12, 168

Hour 13, 186

Hour 14, 200

Hour 15, 218

Hour 16, 233

Hour 17, 248

Hour 18, 264

Hour 19, 281

Hour 20, 297, 311

Hour 21, 326, 342

Activity class, 346

Add Library dialog box, 303

Add Repository dialog box, 391

add() method, 157

add(Component) method, 228

addActionListener() method, 202

addChangeListener() method, 223


emulators, 350

plug-ins, Eclipse, 392

addItemListener() method, 204, 206

addition operator (+), 56

addKeyListener() method, 204

addOneToField() method, 212

addSlice() method, 335

Aggregator application, 307, 309

Agile Java Development with Spring, Hibernate and Eclipse, 381

ALIGN attribute (APPLET tag), 239



configuring AVDs, 350-351

creating, 345-349

Debug Configurations, 351-352

debugging, 366

design, 355-358

interface design, 359-362

manifest files, 358-359

navigating, 346-348

running, 352-354

writing Java code, 362-368

Java on phones, running, 35

overview, 343-345

phones, configuring, 394-395

plug-ins, installing, 344, 391-393

programming, 389-390

resources, 358

SDKs, 390

Android Virtual Devices. See AVDs

AndroidManifest.xml file, 347, 357-360

Angry Birds application, 35

Annotations, applying, 314-315

apostrophes (‘), 51

Apple iPhones, 343

APPLET tag (HTML), 238-239

ALIGN attribute, 239

CODE attribute, 239

CODEBASE attribute, 239, 247

HEIGHT attribute, 239

WIDTH attribute, 239

applets, 25, 42, 235

class files, 236

compared to applications, 236

definition of, 25, 39, 235


drawString() method, 240

paint() method, 236-237

repaint() method, 236

event handling, 201

actionPerformed() method, 202

check boxes, 204

combo boxes, 204

event listeners, 201-202

keyboard events, 206

events, 236

HTML markup, 238-239

initializing, 237-238

Java Boutique, 33-35

JTicker website, 32-33

LinkRotator, 273

methods, 235-236

destroy(), 238

init(), 237-238

paint(), 236-237

repaint(), 236

start(), 238

stop(), 238

object tags, applying, 245-246


naming, 243

passing, 243

receiving, 243

ShowWeight applet example, 244

WeightScale applet example, 243-245

real-word examples, Visible Human Project website, 27

Revolve, 270

class declaration, 271

error handling, 272

event handling, 276

initializing, 272

screen updates, 273

threads, 274-275

variables, 271

RootApplet, 43-44


displaying, 240

HTML markup, 241

source code listing, 240

saving, 7

security, digital signatures, 30

starting, 238

stopping, 238

structure, 43

threaded, 270

class declarations, 271

error handling, 272

event handling, 276

initializing, 272

running, 274-275

screen updates, 273

starting, 274

stopping, 275

variables, 271

WeightScale source code, 243-245

windows, sizing, 239

appletviewers, 44

applications. See also applets

Aggregator, 307, 309


configuring AVDs, 350-351

creating, 345-349

Debug Configurations, 351-352

debugging, 360

design, 355-358

interface design, 359-362

manifest files, 358-359

navigating, 346-348

overview of, 343-345

running, 352-354

writing code, 362-368

Angry Birds, 35

applets, creating, 42-44

arguments, 46

autodialers, 123

Benchmark, 103-104

Calculator, 251


output, 90

source code, 89-90

ClockFrame, 183

colors, 313, 327

RGB values, 329

setting, 329

compared to applets, 236

compiling, 19, 40, 294-295

Console, 289

creating, 39-42

Credits, code listing, 72

Crisis, 188-189

definition of, 39

deploying, 394

Fonts, 313, 327

formatting, 192, 196-197


output, 82

source code, 82

ID3Reader, 286-288

Java Boutique, 33-35, 205-206

LeaderActivity, 362-368

LottoMadness, 192-193, 196-197

applet version, 216

event listeners, 208 class, 209-211

methods, 212-213

source code listing, 213-215

multithreading, 31


output, 113

source code, 112


running, 378

troubleshooting, 378-380

NewCalculator, 252

NewRoot, 41, 130

Nines, 97

NumberDivider, 254-255

Organizing block statements, 81-83

PageCatalog, 258-261

PieFrame, 338-339

PiePanel, 333 source code, 338

PieSlice class, 335-336

PlanetWeight, 60-61

PrimeFinder, 268-269

properties.xml, 301, 300

ReadConsole, 289


compiling, 40

source code, 39

running, 7


class declarations, 15

class statements, 16

compiling, 19

greeting variable, 17-18

line-by-line breakdown, 18

main() block, 16

running, 20

saving, 18

source code, 15

troubleshooting, 19-20

writing, 14-15

SalutonApplet, 241-242

saving, 7

SpaceRemover, 110

SquareRootClient, 320-323

SquareRootServer, 315

SquareRootServerImpl, 316

SquareRootServerPublisher, 318

stock analysis, 32-33, 162-163

strings, viewing, 66-67

Tool, 228, 230

troubleshooting, 8


char variables, 51

code listing, 52

floating-point variables, 51

int statement, 50

integer variables, 51

string variables, 51

Virus, 148

class constructor, 143

getSeconds() method, 142

setSeconds() method, 142

showVirusCount(), 144

tauntUser() method, 143


output, 150

source code, 149-150

WeatherStation, 304-307

Wheel of Fortune, 113

character arrays, 115

integer arrays, 115

letterCount array, 115

nested loops, 115

output, 114

source code, 113

writing, 13


annotations, 314-315

arrays, 109

Arrays class, 112-113

Color class, 328

expressions, 59-60

Font class, 327-328

NetBeans, 373

creating new projects, 374-375

formatting classes, 376-377

installing, 373

running, 378

troubleshooting, 378, 380


existing, 159-160

tags, 245-246

Package Explorer, 348

threads, 270, 272

app_name string resource, 349

Arc2D class, 332-333

arcs, drawing, 332-333, 341

arguments, 46

applications, 41

methods, 142-143

ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, 250

arrayoutofbounds errors, 109

arrays, 109, 111

declaring, 108

definition of, 107

elements, 108

initial values, 108

multidimensional, 111

sample application, 110

sorting, 111-113

upper limits, checking, 109

Wheel of Fortune application, 113

output, 114

source code, 113

Arrays class, applying, 112-113

/assets, 347

assigning variables

types, 50

values, 54-55

asterisk (*), 56

attributes, 122, 137

ALIGN, 239

CODE, 239

CODEBASE, 239, 247


HTML, 238

inheritance, 125-126

SRC, 238

WIDTH, 239

autoboxing, 131

autodialers, 123

AVDs (Android Virtual devices), 350-351

AWT (Abstract Windows Toolkit), 169

Insets class, 191-192


backslash (/), escape code, 67

backspaces, escape code, 67

BASIC (Beginner’s All Symbolic Instruction Code), 4, 10


hierarchy, 125-126

inheritance, 125

Bell, Joshua, 6

Benchmark application, 103-104

benchmarks, 102

BlackBerrys, 343

blank spaces in source code, 22

block statements, 49, 81-83

blocks, 16-17

books, Java-related, 381

Boole, George, 53

Boolean variables, 53

BorderLayout manager, 190-191

borders, Insets class, 191-192

braces ({}), 16-17, 49, 82, 92

brackets ({}), 82, 92

break statement, 84, 92, 100

breaking loops, 100-101

Browser JAR/Folder dialog box, 303


Java Plug-in, 28

downloading, 242

buffered input streams, 288-290

Console application, 289

creating, 288

ReadConsole application, 289

reading, 288

bugs, 8. See also debugging

Builder class, 304

buttons, creating, 174-176

bytecode, 284

bytes, 284, 296


C++, 5, 10

CableModem class, 133

Cadenhead, Rogers, 381

Cafe au Lait website, 383

Calculator application, 251

calling web services, 323

cannot resolve symbol (error message), 20

career opportunities, 385

carriage returns, escape code, 67


changing strings, 71, 75

sensitivity, variable names, 54

statements, 84

casting, 127

definition of, 127

destinations, 127

objects, 132

sources, 127

variables, 127-128

catch statement, 272, 280


Calculator application, 251-252

DivideNumbers sample application, 254

errors, 272

exceptions, 249-255

NewCalculator application, 253

NumberDivider sample application, 254-255

PageCatalog sample application, 258-261

SumNumbers sample application, 251, 261

try-catch blocks, 250-255, 261

try-catch-finally blocks, 255

cell phones, 343. See also Android

CENTER tag (HTML), 238

change listeners, 223

ColorSlide sample application, 227

registering objects as, 223-224

changing string case, 71, 75

char variables, declaring, 51, 65


definition of, 51, 65

special, escape codes, 67-68

strings, counting, 113-115

charts, pie, 121

check boxes

creating, 177-178

event handling, 204

checkAuthor() method, 148

choice lists, event handling, 204. See combo boxes

choosing programming languages, interpreted languages, 7

Chrome browser, 44. See also Google; interfaces

circles, drawing, 332

classes, 122

Activity, 346

Applet methods, 156-157

Arc2D, 332-333

ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, 250

Arrays, applying, 112-113

CableModem, 133

Color, 329

Console, 289-290

declaring, 15-16

documentation, 382

DslModem, 133

Ellipse2D, 332

encapsulation, 142

Exception, 250

file, 133, 284-285

FileInputStream, 290

FileOutputStream, 290

Graphics, 237

Graphics2D, 330

arcs, 332-333, 341

circles, 332

ellipses, 332

lines, 330

rectangles, 331

hierarchy, 155, 167

inheritance, 125-126, 135, 155-158

inner classes, 146-147

Insets, 191-192

JApplet, 155-156, 235

inheritance, 156-157

methods, 157

subclasses, 157

JButton, 174

JCheckBox, 177-178

JComboBox, 178-179

JFrame, 171

JLabel, 176-177

JPanel, 180

JScrollPane, 219

JSlider, 222

JTextArea, 179

JTextField, 176-177

Line2D, 330

LottoEvent, 209, 211

methods, 144

Modem, 124, 132

ModemTester, 133-134

nesting, 146

NetBeans, 376-377


looping, 162-163

storing, 160-162

PieSlice, 335-336

Point, 164

Point3D, 164

code listing, 164

creating, 164-165

testing, 165-166

private, 135

R, 363

ReadConsole, 289

Rectangle2D, 331

Revolve, 271

statement, 15-16, 124

subclasses, 126, 133, 157-159, 164-165

superclasses, 126

testing, 165-166

Thread, 265


creating, 139-140

values, 140

Virus, 137

clearAllFields() method, 212

clients, 320-322

Clock application

output, 90

source code, 89-90

ClockFrame application, 183

clocks, 87. See also Clock application

close() method, 291

closing streams, 291


annotations, formatting, 314-315

writing Android applications, 362-368

CODE attribute (APPLET tag), 239

code listings

Benchmark application, 103

CableMode class, 133

Calculator application, 251

Clock application, 88-89

ColorSliders application, 224

Commodity program, 85-86

Console application, 289

Credits application, 72-73

Crisis application, 188-189

DslModem class, 133

Game program, 82, 259

ID3Reader application, 286-288, 205-206

LinkRotator applet, 276-279 class, 209, 211

LottoMadness application, 193-195, 213-215

MailWriter application, 220

Modem class, 132

ModemTester class, 133-134

Name application, 112

NewCalculator application, 252

NewRoot application, 41, 130

Nines application, 97-98

NumberDivider application, 254

PageCatalog application, 260 source code, 336-338

PlanetWeight application, 60

Point3D class, 164 program, 165-166

PrimeFinder application, 268-269

Root application, 40

RootApplet application, 43

Saluton application, 15, 18


HTML file, 241

source code, 240

ShowWeight applet, 244 application, 110, 162-163

Tool application, 229

Variable application, 52

Virus application, 149

VirusLab application, 149-151

WeightScale applet

HTML file, 245

Java source code, 244

Wheel of Fortune application

output, 114

source code, 114

WriteMail application, 221

CODEBASE attribute

APPLET tag, 239, 247

OBJECT tag, 247

Color class, 328-329

colors, 313, 327

Color class, 328

displaying RGB values, 329

Font class, 327-328

RGB values, 329

setting, 329

ColorSliders application, 227

com object, creating, 124-125

combo boxes

creating, 178-179

event handling, 204

commands, javac, 40. See also methods

comments, 17, 22, 304

comparing strings, 70

equal/not equal comparisons, 81

less/greater than comparisons, 80-81

compiled languages, performance, 10


definition of, 7

javac, error messages, 20

compiling applications, 19, 40

complex for loops, 102

components, 170, 219

arranging, 185

buttons, creating, 174-176

change listeners, 223

ColorSliders sample application, 227

registering objects as, 223-224

check boxes

creating, 177-178

event handling, 204

ClockFrame application, 183

combo boxes, 178-179, 204

creating, 180-183

disabling, 206-207

enabling, 206-207

frames, 170-171

adding components to, 174

creating, 171, 174

sizing, 172

image icons, 227-228

creating, 227

Tool sample application, 228-230

labels, 176-177

panels, 180

scroll panes, 219

adding components to, 220

creating, 219-220

MailWriter sample application, 221

WriteMail sample application, 222


creating, 222-223

labels, 223


areas, 179

fields, 176-177, 198

TextField, 176

toolbars, 227

creating, 228

dockable toolbars, 228

Tool sample application, 228-230

windows, 170-172, 174

computer speed, testing, 103-104

concatenating strings, 68

concatenation operator (+), 68-69

Conder, Shane, 390

conditionals, 79

Clock application

output, 90

source code, 89-90

if, 79-81, 83, 92

blocks, 81-83

equal/not equal comparisons, 81

less than/greater than comparisons, 81

less/greater than comparisons, 80

if-else, 83

switch, 84, 86

ternary operator (?), 86-87

configuration properties, reading/writing, 292-295 application, 294-295


AVDs (Android Virtual Devices), 350-351

Debug Configurations, 351-352

phones, 394-395 application, 291

Console application, 289

constants, 55

constructor methods, 143

arguments, 144

declaring, 143

inheritance, 144

containers, 170, 180

continue statement, 100

contracts, WSDL (Web Service Description Language), 318

controlling access. See access control


objects, 127

variables to objects, 129-131

counter variables, 96

counting characters in strings, 113-115

Create Activity checkbox, 346

Create New Library dialog box, 303

createNewFile() method, 285

Credits application code listing, 72

Crisis application, 188-189

currentThread() method, 275

customizing properties, 361


Darcey, Lauren, 390

data types. See also type values

Boolean, 53

byte, 52

char, 51

long, 52

short, 52

String, 17

date/time, displaying, 183

Debug Configurations, creating, 351-352


Android applications, 357, 366

definition of, 8

OOP applications, 123

phones, 395


arrays, 108, 111


class statement, 15-16

subclasses, 157-159, 164-165

methods, 141

class methods, 144

constructors, 143

public methods, 142

variables, 17, 50

Boolean, 53

char, 65

char variables, 51

class variables, 139-140

floating-point, 51

integers, 50

long, 52

object variables, 137-138

Revolve applet, 271

Revolve program, 271

short, 52

strings, 51, 66

decrement operator (––), 56

decrementing variables, 56-58

default statement, 84 file, 348


classes, inner classes, 146-147

services, 313

deleting files, 285


Android applications, 354

applications, 394

Deployment Target Selection Mode, 352


Android, 355-358

interfaces, 359-362

destinations (casting), 127

destroy() method, 238

detecting errors in Android applications, 357

determining string lengths, 70-71

development history of Java, 27

Development settings, 354

dialects, 302

dialog boxes, Add Repository, 391

digital signatures, 30

disabling components, 206-207



drawString() method, 240

paint() method, 236-237

repaint() method, 236

colors, 329

pie graphs, 339

revolving links, 279


println() method, 66-67

special characters, 67-68

text areas, 179

variable contents, 18

web services, 323

displaySpeed() method, 124-125

division, 59

division operator (/), 56

do-while loops, 99-101

dockable toolbars, 228

docking toolbars, 230

documentation, 9, 232, 382

dollar sign ($), 54

double quotation mark (“), 51

double slashes (//), 17

draw() method, 330


arcs, 332-333, 341

circles, 332

ellipses, 332

lines/shapes, 329-330

pie graphs, 333 source code, 338

PieSlice class, 335-336

rectangles, 331

drawRoundRect() method, 331-332

drawString() method, 141, 240

DslModem class, 133


EarthWeb’s Java directory, 385


Android plug-ins, 344. See also Android

installing, 390

plug-ins, 392

projects, creating, 355


NetBeans, 376-377

string resources, 348

XML, 349

editors, text, 13

educational applications, 27

elements, 108

comment, 304

forecastday, 305

initial values, 108

Ellipse2D class, 332

ellipses, drawing, 332

else statements, 83

employment opportunities, 385

emulators (Android), configuring, 350-351

enabling components, 206-207

encapsulation, 142

endless loops, 105

Endpoint Interfaces, 317

annotations, 314-315

creating, 313

equal sign (=), 52, 54

equality operator (==), 81

equals() method, 70, 156

error handling, 249

catching exceptions, 249-250

multiple exceptions, 253-255

PageCatalog sample application, 258-261

try-catch blocks, 250-255, 261

try-catch-finally blocks, 255

creating exceptions, 262

ignoring exceptions, 258

memory errors, 262

stack overflows, 262

throwing exceptions, 250, 256-258

PageCatalog sample application, 258-261

throw statements, 256

try-catch statements, 272


Android applications, 357

arrayoutofbounds, 109

bugs, 8

cannot resolve symbol message, 20

exceptions, 109, 117

handling. See error handling

javac error messages, 20

logic errors, 8

NetBeans, 379

Saluton program, troubleshooting, 19-20

syntax errors, 8

escape codes, 67-68

evaluating expressions, operator precedence, 59

Evans, Ben, 383

event handling, 201

actionPerformed() method, 202, 276

check boxes, 204

combo boxes, 204

event listeners, 201-202

ActionListener interface, 202

LottoMadness application, 208-211

keyboard events, 206

event listeners, 201-202

ActionListener interface, 202

actionPerformed() method, 202

adding, 201

LottoMadness application, 208-209, 211

EventListener interfaces, 201-202

Everlong.mp3 file, 287-288

Exception class, 250

exceptions, 109, 117

ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, 250

catching, 249-250

multiple exceptions, 253-255

PageCatalog sample application, 258-261

try-catch blocks, 250-255, 261

try-catch-finally blocks, 255

creating, 262

ignoring, 258

NumberFormatException, 253-254

throwing, 250, 256-258

PageCatalog sample application, 258-261

throw statements, 256

executing. See starting

existing objects, 159-160

exists() method, 284

exiting loops, 100-101

expressions, 49-50, 55, 59-61. See also operators

advantages, 60

operator precedence, 58-59

extends statement, 132, 157

extensions (file), .class, 22


File class, 284-285

File.pathSeparator, 284

FileInputStream class, 290-292

FileOutputStream class, 290


checking existence of, 284

creating, 284

deleting, 285

File class, 284-285

file extensions, .class, 22

finding size of, 285

manifest, Android applications, 358-359


ID3Reader application, 286-288

streams, 285-286

renaming, 285

writing to, 290-291


creating, 299-302

reading, 302-307

RSS syndication feeds, 307-309

fill() method, 330

fillRect() method, 329-331

fillRoundRect() method, 331

finding strings within strings, 71-72

Fisher, Timothy R., 381

float statement, 51

floating-point variables, declaring, 51

FlowLayout manager, 176, 187

folders, viewing, 356. See also files

Font class, applying, 327-328

fonts, 327

for loops, 95-97

complex for loops, 102

counter variables, 96

empty sections, 102

exiting, 100-101

sample application, 97

syntax, 96-97

vectors, 162-163

forecastday element, 305

formatting. See also configuring; design

annotations, 314-315

applications, 39, 192, 196-197

Android, 345-352

creating applets, 42-44

sending arguments to, 41-42

classes, NetBeans, 376-377

Color class, 328

components, 180-183

Font class, 327-328


annotations, 314-315

Endpoint Interfaces, 313

threads, 266

variables, 137-140

web service clients, 320-322

XML files, 299-302

formfeeds, escape codes, 67

forward slash (/) character, 284

frames, 170

adding components to, 174

creating, 170-171 example, 174

sizing, 172


Game application

output, 82

source code, 82

Gamelan website, 385


lotto. See LottoMadness application

running on phones, 35

/gen folder, 347

/gen/, 347

get(int) method, 304

getActionCommand() method, 203, 212

getAttribute() method, 304-305

getChildElements() method, 304

getFirstChildElement() method, 304

getId() method, 364

getInsets() method, 192

getKeyChar() method, 205

getKeyCode() method, 205

getKeyText() method, 205

getName() method, 284

getParameter() method, 243

getPort() method, 322

getProperty() method, 293

getSeconds() method, 142

getSource() method, 203, 223

getSquareRoot() method, 315, 320

getStateChange() method, 204

getTime() method, 315

getURL() method, 272

getValue() method, 304-305

getValueIsAdjusting() method, 224

getVirusCount() method, 149

GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), 303


Android. See Android

Chrome browser, 44

Gosling, James, 4, 26, 303, 344, 373

graphics, 330

arcs, 332-333, 341

circles, 332

color, 313, 327

RGB values, 329

setting, 329

ellipses, 332

fonts, 313, 327

Graphics class, 237

icons, 227-228

creating, 227

Tool sample application, 228-230

lines, drawing, 330

PiePanel application, 333 source code, 338

PieSlice class, 335-336

rectangles, drawing, 331

Graphics class, 237

Graphics2D class, 330

arcs, 332-333, 341

circles, 332

ellipses, 332

lines, 330

rectangles, 331

graphs, pie, 333, 339 source code, 338

PieSlice class, 335-336

greater than operator, 81

greeting variables

declaring, 17

displaying contents of, 18

GridLayout manager, 189-190

GridLayout() method, 197

GUIs (graphical user interfaces), 170, 219

AWT (Abstract Windowing Toolkit), 169

buttons, creating, 174-176

change listeners, 223

ColorSliders sample application, 227

registering objects as, 223-224

check boxes

creating, 177-178

event handling, 204

ClockFrame application, 183

combo boxes

creating, 178-179

event handling, 204

enabling/disabling components, 206-207

event handling, 201

event listeners, 201-202

ActionListener interface, 202

actionPerformed() method, 202

adding, 201

frames, 170

adding components to, 174

creating, 170-171 example, 174

sizing, 172

image icons, 227-228

creating, 227

Tool sample application, 228, 230

Insets, 191-192

labels, creating, 176-177

layout managers, 187

BorderLayout, 190-191

FlowLayout, 187

GridLayout, 189-190

LottoMadness sample application, 192-197

panels, creating, 180

scroll panes, 219

adding components to, 220

creating, 219-220

MailWriter sample application, 221

sliders, 222-223

WriteMail sample application, 222

Swing, 169


areas, 179

fields, 176-177

write-protecting, 198

toolbars, 227

creating, 228

dockable toolbars, 228

Tool sample application, 228, 230

windows, 170-172, 174


handling errors. See error handling

Harold, Elliote, 303, 383

HEIGHT attribute (APPLET tag), 239

“Hello world!”, 20

Hemrajani, Anil, 381

hierarchies, Java classes, 155

history of Java, 26-27 listing, 259

horizontal sliders

creating, 222

labels, 223

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), 238

angle brackets (< >), 238

APPLET, 238-239


P, 238

hyphen (-), subtraction operator, 56


I/O (input/output)

streams, 283-284, 299

buffered input streams, 288-290

byte streams, 284

closing, 291

defined, 283-284

reading data from, 285-288

writing data to, 290-291

IceRocket, 383

icons, 227-228

creating, 227

Tool sample application, 228, 230

ID3Reader application, 286-288

IDEs (integrated development environments), 344, 373

if statements, 79-81, 83, 92

blocks, 81-83

equal/not equal comparisons, 81

less than/greater than comparisons, 80-81

if-else statements, 83

ignoring exceptions, 258

ImageIcon constructor, 227

ImageIcon() method, 227

implementing Service Implementation Beans, 316-317

import statement, 237

incrementing variables, 56-58

indexOf() method, 71-72

inequality operator (!=), 81

infinite loops, 105

InformIT, 384

website, 382

inheritance, 125, 135, 155-157

classes, 155-158

constructors, 144

hierarchy, 125-126

init() block statements, 43

init() method, 237-238, 272


applets, 237-238, 272

definition of, 105

inner classes, 146-147

input/output. See I/O

Insets class, 191-192



plug-ins, 391-393

SDKs, 390

Eclipse, 390

NetBeans, 373

programming tools, 9

int statement, 50


arrays, creating, 108

variable types, 50

integrated development environments. See IDEs

Intel, 343

Intent() method, 365

interfaces, 227. See also GUIs

ActionListener, 202, 271

AWT (Abstract Windowing Toolkit), 169

buttons, 174, 176

ChangeListener, 223

check boxes, 177-178

combo boxes, 178-179

components, 170, 180-183

defined, 201

design, Android applications, 359-362

Endpoint Interfaces

annotations, 314-315

creating, 313

EventListener, 201-202

frames, 170-173

GUIs (graphical user interfaces). See GUIs

ItemListener, 204

KeyListener, 204, 206

labels, 176-177

layout managers, 187-189

BorderLayout manager, 190-191

BoxLayout manager, 191

GridLayout manager, 189

separating components, 191

NetBeans, 374

panels, 180

Runnable, 265

scroll panes, 219, 222

Service Implementation Bean, 316-317

text areas, 179-180

text fields, 176-177

windows, 170-173

Internet Explorer, 242

interpreted languages, 7, 10

interpreters, 28

definition of, 7

Java Plug-in, 28

ItemListener interface, 204

itemStateChanged() method, 204, 212

iteration, 97. See also loops

iterators, 97


JApplet class, 155-156, 235

inheritance, 156-157


add(), 157

equals(), 156

overriding, 157

setBackground(), 157

setLayout(), 157

subclasses, 157

JAR (Java Applet Ratings Service), 34

JARS (Java Review Service), 384

Java 7 Developer Blog, 383

Java Applet Ratings Service. See JAR

Java Boutique website, 33-35

Java Development Kits. See JDKs

Java Development Tools. See JDTs

Java EE 6 Tutorial, The Basic Concepts, 381

Java Enterprise Edition. See JEE

Java Mobile Edition. See JME

Java Phrasebook, 381

Java Plug-in, 28, 242

Java Review Service, 384

Java Standard Edition. See JSE

Java Virtual Machines. See JVMs

Java website, 382


commands, 40

compilers, error messages, 20

JavaWorld website, 29-30, 317

JAX-WS library packages, 322

JButton objects, 174

JCheckBox class, 177-178

JComboBox class, 178-179

JDKs (Java Development Kits), 8, 320


Saluton program, 14-15

writing, 13

installing, 9

JDTs (Java Development Tools), 390

JEE (Java Enterprise Edition), 373

Jendrock, Eric, 381

JFrame class, 171

JLabel class, 176-177

JME (Java Mobile Edition), 373

job opportunities, 385

Joy, Bill, 26

JPanel class, 180

JScrollPane class, 219

JScrollPane() method, 219

JSE (Java Standard Edition), 373

JSlider class, 222

JSlider() method, 222

JTextArea class, 179

JTextField class, 176-177

JTicker website, 32-33

JToolBar() method, 228

JVMs (Java Virtual Machines), 20, 28


keyboards, event handling, 206

KeyListener interface, 204-206 application, 205-206

keywords, this, 147-148


Label() method, 176


creating, 176-177

sliders, 223



selecting, 4-5

layout managers, 187

FlowLayout, 187

GridLayout, 189-190

LottoMadness sample application, 192-197

LeaderActivity application, 362-368

length variable, 109, 117

length() method, 70, 285

lengths of strings, determining, 70-71

LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License), 303

libraries, XOM, 303. See also XOM

Line2D class, 330

lines, drawing, 329-330

LinkRotator applet, 273


revolving, displaying, 279

variables with strings, 68-69

listeners, 201-202

ActionListener interface, 202

actionPerformed() method, 202

adding, 201

change listeners, 223

ColorSliders sample application, 227

registering objects as, 223-224

LottoMadness application, 208-211

listFiles() method, 285

listings. See also code listings

Aggregator application, 307-309

ClockFrame application, 183

ClockPanel application, 181 application, 294-295 application, 291 application, 259

LeaderActivity application, 362-368

NumberDivider application, 254-255

PageCatalog application, 260

PieFrame application, 338-339

Playback application, 175

properties.xml application, 301 application, 300 application, 173

SquareRootClient application, 320-323

SquareRootServer application, 315

SquareRootServerImpl. application, 316

SquareRootServerPublisher application, 318 application, 305-307

Web Service Description Language Contract application, 319

lists, choice lists, 204

load() method, 292

loading applets, 43

Log.i() methods, 364

logic errors, 8

long variable type, 52


Benchmark application, 103-104

definition of, 95

do-while, 99

exiting, 100-101

for, 95-97

complex for loops, 102

counter variables, 96

empty sections, 102

sample application, 97

syntax, 96-97

vectors, 162-163

infinite loops, 105

naming, 101

nesting, 101

while, 98-99 class, 209-211

LottoMadness application, 192-193, 196-197

applet versions, 216

event listeners, 208 class, 209, 211


actionPerformed(), 212

addOneToField(), 212

clearAllFields(), 212

getActionCommand(), 212

itemStateChanged(), 212

matchedOne(), 212

numberGone(), 212

source code listing, 213, 215

LottoMadness() method, 197

lowercase, changing strings to, 71


magazines, JavaWorld, 29-30

MailWriter application, 221

main() blocks, Saluton program, 16

MalformedURLException errors, 258, 273

managers. See layout managers

managing resources, 356-358

manifest files, Android applications, 358-359

matchedOne() method, 212

memory errors, 262

messages, SOAP, 322

methods, 137, 140, 236

accessor, 142

actionPerformed(), 202-203, 212, 276

add(), 157

add(Component), 228

addActionListener(), 202

addChangeListener(), 223

addItemListener(), 204

addKeyListener(), 204

addOneToField(), 212

addSlice(), 335

applets, 235

arguments, 142-143

checkAuthor(), 148

class methods, declaring, 144

clearAllFields(), 212

close(), 291

constructors, 143

arguments, 144

declaring, 143

inheritance, 144

createNewFile(), 285

currentThread(), 275

declaring, 141

definition of, 70

destroy(), 238

displaySpeed(), 124-125

draw(), 330

drawRoundRect(), 332

drawString(), 141, 240

equals(), 70, 156

exists(), 284

fill(), 330

fillRect(), 329, 331

fillRoundRect(), 331

get(int), 304

getActionCommand(), 203, 212

getAttribute(), 304-305

getChildElements(), 304

getFirstChildElement(), 304

getId(), 364

getInsets(), 192

getKeyChar(), 205

getKeyCode(), 205

getKeyText(), 205

getName(), 284

getParameter(), 243

getPort(), 322

getProperty(), 293

getSeconds(), 142

getSource(), 203, 223

getSquareRoot(), 315, 320

getStateChange(), 204

getTime(), 315

getURL(), 272

getValue(), 304-305

getValueIsAdjusting(), 224

getVirusCount(), 149

GridLayout(), 197

ImageIcon(), 227

indexOf(), 71-72

init(), 237-238, 272

init() blocks, 43

Intent(), 365

itemStateChanged(), 204, 212

JScrollPane(), 219

JSlider(), 222

JToolBar(), 228

Label(), 176

length(), 70, 285

listFiles(), 285

load(), 292

Log.i(), 364

LottoMadness(), 197

main() blocks, 16

matchedOne(), 212

numberGone(), 212

overriding, 157-158

pack(), 172

paint(), 43, 157-158, 236-237

parseInt(), 130, 152

println(), 61, 66-67, 141

public, 142

read(), 285

readLine(), 290

renameTo(), 285

repaint(), 236, 273

return values, 75, 141

run(), 267, 274-275

setBackground(), 157

setColor(), 273

setContentView(), 363

setDefaultCloseOperation(), 172

setEditable(), 179, 198

setEnabled(), 206

setLayout(), 157, 188

setLayoutManager(), 175

setProperty(), 293

setSeconds(), 142

setSize(), 172

setText(), 217

setTitle(), 171

showDocument(), 276

showVirusCount(), 144

skip(), 286

sleep(), 266

sort(), 112

start(), 238, 274

stateChanged(), 223

stop(), 238, 270, 275

storeToXML(), 300

substring(), 287

System.out.println(), 127, 376

tauntUser(), 143

TextArea(), 180

toCharArray(), 110

toLowerCase(), 71

toUpperCase(), 71, 75

variable scope, 145-146

void keyPressed(), 204

void keyReleased(), 204

void keyTyped(), 205

write(), 290

mfl arrays, 111

minus sign (-)

decrement operator (––), 56

subtraction operator, 56

Modem class, 124, 132

Modem objects, 123


CableModem class, 133

DslModem class, 133

Modem class, 132

ModemTester class, 133-134

ModemTester class, 133-134

modifying strings, case, 71

modulus operator (%), 56

Monitor objects, 123

Motorola, 343

mouse clicks, handling, 276

multidimensional arrays, 111

multiplication, 56, 59

multitasking, 265

multithreading, 31, 265

My Documents, 375


Name application

output, 113

source code, 112


file extensions, .class, 22

naming conventions

loops, 101

parameters, 243

variables, 54, 62

resources, 349

navigating Android applications, 346-348

Navigator, downloading Java Plug-ins, 242


classes, 146-147

loops, 101

NetBeans, 8. See also IDEs (integrated development environments)

applying, 373

classes, creating, 376-377

errors, Saluton program, 19-20

installing, 9, 373

projects, creating, 374-375

running, 378

troubleshooting, 378, 380

NetBeans Field Guide, 373

NetBeansProjects, 375

Netscape Navigator, downloading Java Plug-ins, 242

New Android Project Wizard, 345, 349, 355

New File Wizard, 14

New Project button, 375

New Project Wizard, 375

new statements, 108, 143

NewCalculator application, 252

newline characters, 180

escape codes, 67

NewRoot application, 130

source code, 41

news aggregators, 307. See also RSS syndication feeds

newSuffix variable, 129

Nines application, 97

nu.xom package, 304

NumberDivider application, 254-255

NumberFormatException, 253, 256

numberGone() method, 212

numbers, displaying sequence of prime numbers, 268-269

numeric variable types, 52

Nvidia, 343


Oak language, 27

OBJECT tag (HTML), CODEBASE attribute, 247

object-oriented programming, See OOP

objects, 137. See also classes

attributes, 122, 137

behavior, 122

casting, 132

classes, 122

converting, 127-131

creating, 124-125, 132-134

existing, 159-160

inheritance, 125-126, 155-157

Modem, 123

Monitor, 123

PieChart, 122

referencing, 147-148

storing, 160-163

tags, 245-246

variables, 137-139

private, 139

protected, 139

onCreate() method, 363

online communities, Stack Overflow, 384

OOP (object-oriented programming), 33, 121-122, 170. See also classes

advantages of, 122-123

applications, debugging, 123

autoboxing/unboxing, 131

encapsulation, 142

inheritance, 125-126, 135, 155-157


casting, 132

creating, 124-125, 132, 134

objects. See objects

overview, 33, 121

Open Handset Alliance, 343


addition (+), 56

concatenation (+), 68-69

decrement (––), 56

division (/), 56

equality (==), 81

greater than (>), 81

inequality (!=), 81

modulus (%), 56

multiplication (*), 56

precedence, 58-59

subtraction (-), 56

ternary (?), 86-87

Oracle, 25

Oracle Technology Network for Java Developers, 382

order of precedence, operators, 58-59


applications, block statements, 81-83

resources, 356-358

output. See I/O (input/output)

@Override annotation, 314

overriding methods, 157-158


P tag (HTML), 238

pack() method, 172

Package Explorer, applying, 348

packages, 139

Android SDKs, installing, 394 package, 317

JAX-WS library, 322

PageCatalog application, 258-261

pageTitle array, 271

paint() method, 236-237, 273

block statements, 43

overriding, 157-158

panels, creating, 180

PARAM tag (HTML), 242

NAME attribute, 243

VALUE attribute, 243



ShowWeight applet, 244

WeightScale applet, 243-245

naming, 243

passing to applets, 243

receiving in applets, 243

values, assigning, 243

parseInt() method, 130, 152



to applications, 41

to methods, 142-143

parameters to applets, 243


into strings, 69

strings together, 68

percent sign (%), modulus operator, 56

performance, interpreted languages, 10

phones. See also Android

configuring, 394-395

running Java on, 35

pie charts, 121

pie graphs, creating, 333 source code, 338

PieSlice class, 335-336

viewing, 339

PieChart object, 122

PieFrame application, 338-339

PiePanel application, 333 source code, 338

PieSlice class, 335-336

PieSlice class, 335-336

pipe (|) characters, 254

PlanetWeight application code listing, 60-61

platform independence, 29, 175


Android, 344, 391-393

definition of, 242

Java Plug-in, 242

plus signs (+)

addition operator, 56

concatenation operator, 68-69

increment operator (++), 56

Point class, 164

Point3D class, 164

creating, 164-165

testing, 165-166

postfixing, 57

precedence, operators, 58-59

preferences, configuring Android, 393

prefixing, 57

prime numbers, displaying sequence of, 268-269

PrimeFinder application, 268-269

printing strings

println() method, 66-67

special character, 67-68

println() method, 61, 66-67, 141

private classes, 135

private variables, 139

program listings. See code listings


Android, 389

configuring phones, 394-395

Eclipse, 390

plug-ins, 391-393

SDKs, 390

languages, selecting, 4-5

OOP (object-oriented programming). See also OOP

advantages of, 122-123

casting, 129

creating objects, 124, 132-134

overview of, 121

Saluton program

creating, 14-15

running, 20


installing, 9

selecting, 8-9

programs. See applications; software

proguard.cfg file, 348

Project Location text field, 375

Project Properties dialog box, 303

Project Selection dialog box, 352


Android applications, navigating, 346-348

creating, 355

NetBeans, 374-375


configuration, reading/writing, 292-295

customizing, 361

Properties object, 293, 299

properties.xml application, 301 application, 300

protected variables, 139

public methods, 142

public statements, 124

publishing web services, 317-318


QName, 321

question mark (?), 86-87


Hour 1, 11

Hour 2, 23

Hour 3, 37

Hour 4, 47

Hour 5, 63

Hour 6, 76

Hour 7, 93-94

Hour 8, 105-106

Hour 9, 118

Hour 10, 135-136

Hour 11, 153

Hour 12, 167-168

Hour 13, 185-186

Hour 14, 199

Hour 15, 217-218

Hour 16, 232-233

Hour 17, 247

Hour 18, 263

Hour 19, 280

Hour 20, 296-297, 310-311

Hour 21, 341-342

quotation marks

double (“), 51

escape codes, 67

single (‘), 51


R class, 363 file, 363

read() method, 285

ReadConsole application, 289


configuration properties, 292-295

files, 285

ID3Reader application, 286-288

read() method, 285

skip() method, 286

RSS syndication feeds, 307, 309

streams, buffered input streams, 288

XML files, 302-307

readLine() method, 290

real-word Java projects

JavaWorld website, 29-30

Visible Human Project website, 27, 29

receiving parameters to applets, 243

recommended reading, 381

Rectangle2D class, 331

rectangles, drawing, 331

Red, Green Blue (RGB) color system, 329

Reference Chooser dialog box, 361

referencing objects, this statement, 147-148

registering objects as change listeners, 223-224

renameTo() method, 285

renaming files, 285

repaint() method, 236, 273

/res folder, 347, 357

resources, 381. See also websites

Android, 358

folders, viewing, 356

Java-related books, 381

job opportunities, 385

managing, 356-358

naming, 349

strings, editing, 348

restricting access, 138. See also access control

return values (methods), 75, 141

Revolve applet, 270

class declaration, 271

error handling, 272

event handling, 276


actionPerformed(), 276

init(), 272

run(), 274-275

start(), 274

stop(), 275

screen updates, 273


running, 274-275

starting, 274

stopping, 275

variables, 271

Revolve class, creating, 271

revolving links, displaying, 279

RGB values (red, green, blue), 329

Root application, 40

RootApplet applet, 43-44

rounded rectangles, drawing, 331

RSS syndication feeds, reading, 307-309

run() method, 267, 274-275

RuneScape, 26

Runnable interface, 265


Android, 352-354

applications, 7

Java on phones, 35

NetBeans, 374-375, 378

Saluton program, 20

threads, 274-275


Saluton application


declarations, 15

statements, 16

code listings, 18

compiling, 19

creating, 14-15

main() block, 16

running, 20

saving, 18

troubleshooting, 19-20


declaring, 17

displaying, 18

SalutonApplet applet

displaying, 240

HTML markup, APPLET tag, 241

source code listing, 240

testing, 241-242, 174

Sams Publishing website, 382

Sams Teach Yourself Android Application Development in 24 Hours, 390

Sams Teach Yourself Java 2 in 21 Days, 381

Sams Teach Yourself Java 2 in 24 Hours website, 387-388

Sams Teach Yourself Java in 24 Hours website, 383

Samsung, 343


applications, 7

Saluton programs, 18

scope (variables), 145-146

screens, updating, 273

scroll panes, 219

adding components to, 220

creating, 219-220

MailWriter sample application, 221

WriteMail sample application, 222

SDKs (Software Development Kits), 343, 390

searching strings, 71-72

searchKeywords variable, 69

security, 30

digital signatures, 30

trusted developers, 30


languages, 4-5

programming tools, 8-9

semicolon (;), 17, 22, 102

Service Implementation Bean, 316-317


clients, creating, 320-322

defining, 313

publishing, 317-318

SquareRootServer, 313

setBackground() method, 157

setColor() method, 273

setContentView() method, 363

setDefaultCloseOperation() method, 172

setEditable() method, 179, 198

setEnabled() method, 206

setLayout() method, 157, 188

setLayoutManager() method, 175

setProperty() method, 293

setSeconds() method, 142

setSize() method, 172

setText() method, 217

setTitle() method, 171


arcs, 332-333, 341

circles, 332

drawing, 329-330

ellipses, 332

lines, 330

PiePanel application, 333 source code, 338

PieSlice class, 335-336

rectangles, 331

short variable type, 52

showDocument() method, 276

showVirusCount() method, 144

signatures (digital), 30

single quotation marks (‘), escape code, 67

sizing applet windows, 239

skip() method, 286

SkyWatch, 31-32

slashes (//), 17

sleep() method, 266


creating, 222-223

labels, 223

slowing down threads, 266

SOAP messages, 322


Absolute program, 34

overview, 5-6

strings, viewing, 66-67

troubleshooting, 8

Software Development Kits. See SDKs

sort() method, 112

sorting arrays, 111-113

source code

black spaces, 22

code listings. See code listings

editors, 13

sources (casting), 127

SpaceRemover application, 110

spacing in source code, 22 class, 377

special characters, escape codes, 67-68

speed, testing computer, 103-104

square brackets ([]), 108

SquareRootClient application, 320-323

SquareRootServer application, 313-315

SquareRootServerImpl application, 316

SquareRootServerPublisher application, 317-318

/src folder, 347

/src/, 347

sRGB, 329

stack overflows, 262, 384

standard applet methods, 235

Standard RGB, 329

start() method, 238, 274


applets, 238

threads, 274

variables, 55

stateChanged() method, 223

statements, 49, 79. See also conditionals

blocks, 16-17, 49, 81-83

break, 84, 92, 100

case, 84

catch, 280

class, 15-16, 124

continue, 100

default, 84

definition of, 5

example, 6

expressions, 50, 59-61

extends, 132, 157

float, 51

if, 79-80, 83, 92

blocks, 81-83

equal/not equal comparisons, 81

less/greater than comparisons, 80-81

if-else, 83

import, 237

init(), 43

int, 50


definition of, 95

do-while, 99

exiting, 100-101

for, 95-97, 102

infinite loops, 105

naming, 101

nesting, 101

while, 98-99

new, 108, 143

paint(), 43

public, 124

static, 140, 144

super, 158-159, 165

switch, 84, 86

this, 158, 165

throw, 256

try-catch, 250-255, 261, 272

try-catch-finally blocks, 255

void, 141

static statement, 140, 144

stock analysis applications, 32-33

stop() method, 238, 270, 275


applets, 238

threads, 275

storeToXML() method, 300


looping, 162-163

objects, 160-162

variables, 54-55

streams, 283-284, 299

buffered input streams, 288-290

Console application, 289

creating, 288

ReadConsole application, 289

reading, 288

byte streams, 284

closing, 291

defined, 283-284

reading data from, 285

ID3Reader application, 286-288

read() method, 285

skip() method, 286

writing to, 290-291

String data type, 17 source code, 162-163

strings, 65-66

adding to, 69

arrays, 108. See also arrays

changing case of, 71, 75

characters, counting, 113-115

comparing, 70

equal/not equal comparisons, 81

less/greater than comparisons, 80-81

concatenating, 68

definition of, 51, 66

determining length of, 70-71


println() method, 66-67

special characters, 67-68

finding within other strings, 71-72

resources, editing, 348

variables, 51

declaring, 66

linking, 68-69

strings.xml file, 349

Stroustrop, Bjarne, 5

subclasses, 126

creating, 133, 157-159, 164-165

substring() method, 287

subtraction operator (-), 56

Sun website, 25-26, 382

super statement, 165

class declarations, 158-159

superclasses, 126

Swing, 169, 219

buttons, creating, 174-176

change listeners, 223

ColorSliders sample application, 224-227

registering objects as, 223-224

check boxes

creating, 177-178

event handling, 204

combo boxes

creating, 178-179

event handling, 204

documentation, 232

enabling/disabling components, 206-207

event listeners, 201-202

ActionListener interface, 202

actionPerformed() method, 202

adding, 201

LottoMadness application, 208-211

image icons, 227-228

creating, 227

Tool sample application, 228, 230

JApplet class, 235

labels, creating, 176-177

layout managers, 187

BorderLayout, 190-191

FlowLayout, 187

GridLayout, 189-190

LottoMadness sample application, 192-197

panels, creating, 180

scroll panes, 219

adding components to, 220

creating, 219-220

MailWriter sample application, 221

WriteMail sample application, 222


creating, 222-223

labels, 223


areas, 179

fields, 176-177

write protecting, 198

toolbars, 227

creating, 228

dockable toolbars, 228

Tool sample application, 228-230

switch statements, 84-86

syndication feeds, reading RSS, 307-309

syntax errors, 8

System.out.println() method, 127, 376


T-Mobile G1s, 343

tabs, escape code, 67


angle brackets (< >), 238

APPLET, 238-239

ALIGN attribute, 239

CODE attribute, 239

CODEBASE attribute, 239, 247

HEIGHT attribute, 239

WIDTH attribute, 239


HTML, 238, 242-243


applying, 245-246

CODEBASE attribute, 247

P, 238

PARAM, 242

NAME attribute, 243

VALUE attribute, 243

tauntUser() method, 143

ternary operator (?), 86-87


computer speed, 103-104

Points3D class, 165-166

SalutonApplet program, 241-242

SquareRootServerPublisher application, 318


areas, 179

Color class, 328

editors, 13


creating, 176-177

write-protecting, 198

Font class, 327-328

pasting into strings, 69

TextArea() constructor method, 180

this keyword, 147-148

this statements, 165

class declarations, 158

Thread class, 265

threaded applets, 270

class declarations, 271

error handling, 272

event handling, 276

initializing, 272

screen updates, 273


running, 274-275

starting, 274

stopping, 275

variables, 271

threaded classes, 266-270

threads, 265. See also threaded applets

creating, 266-270

multithreading, 31

Runnable interface, 265

running, 274-275

slowing down, 266

starting, 274

stopping, 275

Thread class, 265

throw statements, 256

throwing exceptions, 250, 256-258

PageCatalog sample application, 258-261

throw statements, 256

time, displaying, 183

titles, frames, 171

toCharArray() method, 110

toLowerCase() method, 71

Tool application, 228-230

toolbars, 227

creating, 228

dockable toolbars, 228

docking, 230

Tool sample application, 228-230


appletviewer, 44


installing, 9

selecting, 8-9

toUpperCase() method, 71, 75

travel Java Boutique, 33-35


Android applications, 357

exceptions, 249-253. See also exceptions

NetBeans, 378, 380

Saluton program, 19-20

software, 8

trusted developers, 30

try-catch blocks, 250-255, 261, 273

Calculator application, 251-252

DivideNumbers sample application, 254

NewCalculator application, 253

NumberDivider sample application, 254-255

SumNumbers sample application, 251, 261

try-catch statement, 272

try-catch-finally blocks, 255 listing, 165

Twitter, 385

two slash characters (//), 258

type values (variables), casting, 127


Boolean, 53

byte, 52

char, 51

long, 52

short, 52

variables, 50


Udovydchenko, Aleksey, 34

unboxing, 131

underscore (_) characters, 53, 54

University of British Columbia, 28

updating screens, 273

upper limits of arrays, checking, 109

uppercase, changing strings to, 71, 75

user events, 201

ActionListener interface, 202

combo boxes, 204

components, 206

handling, 202-203

keyboard events, 204-206

LottoMadness application, 207-208, 212-213


validity, 302

van de Panne, Michiel, 28

Variable application

code listing, 52

int statement, 50


characters, 51

floating-point, 51

integers, 51

strings, 51


access control, 138

arrays, 109, 111

declaring, 108

definition of, 107

elements, 108

initial values, 108

multidimensional, 111

sample application, 110

sorting, 111-113

assigning values, 54-55

casting, 127-128

converting to objects, 129-131

counter variables

definition of, 96

initializing, 96

data types, String, 17

declaring, 17, 50

class variables, 139-140

object variables, 137-138

definition of, 49

displaying contents of, 18

initializing, definition of, 105

length, 117

naming conventions, 54, 62

newSuffix, 129

private, 139

protected, 139

referencing, this statement, 147-148

Revolve applet, 271

Revolve program, 271

scope, 145-146

searchKeywords, 69

strings, 66

changing case, 71, 75

comparing, 70

concatenating, 68

declaring, 66

determining length, 70-71

displaying, 66-67

escape codes, 67-68

linking, 68-69


assigning, 50

Boolean, 53

char, 51, 65

floating-point, 51

integers, 50

long, 52

short, 52

strings, 51


assigning, 55

decrementing, 56-58

incrementing, 56-58

starting values, 55

vectors, objects

looping, 162-163

storing, 160-162

Verburg, Martijn, 383

VeriSign website, 30

vertical sliders, creating, 223


Android projects, 347

appletviewers, 44

pie graphs, 339

resources, 356

revolving links, 279

strings, 66-67

text areas, 179

web services, 323

Virus application, 148

class constructor, 143


getSeconds(), 142

setSeconds(), 142

tauntUser(), 143

showVirusCount(), 144

Virus class, 137

VirusLab application

output, 150

source code, 149-150

Visual Basic, 4

void keyPressed() method, 204

void keyReleased() method, 204

void keyTyped() method, 205

void statement, 141


WeatherStation.application, 304-307

Web Service Description Language, See WSDL

web services

clients, creating, 320-322

publishing, 317-318

SquareRootServer, 313

Web Tools Platform. See WTP

weblogs, 383

@WebMethod annotation, 315


Cafe au Lait, 383

Gamelan, 385

InformIT, 382

JARS (Java Review Service), 384

Java Boutique, 33-35

JTicker, 32-33

JavaWorld, 29-30

Liberty BASIC interpreter, 6

Sams Publishing, 382

Sams Teach Yourself Java 2 in 24 Hours, 387-388

Sams Teach Yourself Java in 24 Hours, 383

Sun, 25-26, 382

VeriSign, 30

Workbench, 383

WeightScale applets, source code, 243-245

well-formed data (XML formatting), 302

Wheel of Fortune application, 113

character arrays, 115

integer arrays, 115

letterCount array, 115

nested loops, 115

output, 114

source code, 113

while loops, 98-101

widgets, customizing properties, 361

WIDTH attribute (APPLET tag), 239

windows, 170-172, 174

Debug Configurations, 351


New Android Project Wizard, 345, 349

New File Wizard, 14

New Project Wizard, 375

Workbench website, 383

write protecting text fields, 198

write() method, 290

WriteMail application, 222


applications, 13, 39

creating applets, 42-44

Saluton programs, 14-15

sending arguments to, 41-42

code, Android applications, 362-368

Color class, 328

configuration properties, 292-295

Font class, 327-328

streams, 290-291

WSDL (Web Service Description Language), 318-320

WTP (Web Tools Platform), 390


XML (Extensible Markup Language)

editing, 349


creating, 299-302

reading, 302-307

RSS syndication feeds, 307-309

XOM (XML Object Model), 303


Zamenhof, Ludwig, 20

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