

Before You Begin

1 Introduction to Computers and the Internet

1.1 Introduction

1.2 The Internet in Industry and Research

1.3 HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Canvas and jQuery

1.4 Demos

1.5 Evolution of the Internet and World Wide Web

1.6 Web Basics

1.7 Multitier Application Architecture

1.8 Client-Side Scripting versus Server-Side Scripting

1.9 World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

1.10 Web 2.0: Going Social

1.11 Data Hierarchy

1.12 Operating Systems

1.12.1 Desktop and Notebook Operating Systems

1.12.2 Mobile Operating Systems

1.13 Types of Programming Languages

1.14 Object Technology

1.15 Keeping Up-to-Date with Information Technologies

2 Introduction to HTML5: Part 1

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Editing HTML5

2.3 First HTML5 Example

2.4 W3C HTML5 Validation Service

2.5 Headings

2.6 Linking

2.7 Images

2.7.1 alt Attribute

2.7.2 Void Elements

2.7.3 Using Images as Hyperlinks

2.8 Special Characters and Horizontal Rules

2.9 Lists

2.10 Tables

2.11 Forms

2.12 Internal Linking

2.13 meta Elements

2.14 Web Resources

3 Introduction to HTML5: Part 2

3.1 Introduction

3.2 New HTML5 Form input Types

3.2.1 input Type color

3.2.2 input Type date

3.2.3 input Type datetime

3.2.4 input Type datetime-local

3.2.5 input Type email

3.2.6 input Type month

3.2.7 input Type number

3.2.8 input Type range

3.2.9 input Type search

3.2.10 input Type tel

3.2.11 input Type time

3.2.12 input Type url

3.2.13 input Type week

3.3 input and datalist Elements and autocomplete Attribute

3.3.1 input Element autocomplete Attribute

3.3.2 datalist Element

3.4 Page-Structure Elements

3.4.1 header Element

3.4.2 nav Element

3.4.3 figure Element and figcaption Element

3.4.4 article Element

3.4.5 summary Element and details Element

3.4.6 section Element

3.4.7 aside Element

3.4.8 meter Element

3.4.9 footer Element

3.4.10 Text-Level Semantics: mark Element and wbr Element

4 Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets™ (CSS): Part 1

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Inline Styles

4.3 Embedded Style Sheets

4.4 Conflicting Styles

4.5 Linking External Style Sheets

4.6 Positioning Elements: Absolute Positioning, z-index

4.7 Positioning Elements: Relative Positioning, span

4.8 Backgrounds

4.9 Element Dimensions

4.10 Box Model and Text Flow

4.11 Media Types and Media Queries

4.12 Drop-Down Menus

4.13 (Optional) User Style Sheets

4.14 Web Resources

5 Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets™ (CSS): Part 2

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Text Shadows

5.3 Rounded Corners

5.4 Color

5.5 Box Shadows

5.6 Linear Gradients; Introducing Vendor Prefixes

5.7 Radial Gradients

5.8 (Optional: WebKit Only) Text Stroke

5.9 Multiple Background Images

5.10 (Optional: WebKit Only) Reflections

5.11 Image Borders

5.12 Animation; Selectors

5.13 Transitions and Transformations

5.13.1 transition and transform Properties

5.13.2 Skew

5.13.3 Transitioning Between Images

5.14 Downloading Web Fonts and the @font-face Rule

5.15 Flexible Box Layout Module and :nth-child Selectors

5.16 Multicolumn Layout

5.17 Media Queries

5.18 Web Resources

6 JavaScript: Introduction to Scripting

6.1 Introduction

6.2 Your First Script: Displaying a Line of Text with JavaScript in a Web Page

6.3 Modifying Your First Script

6.4 Obtaining User Input with prompt Dialogs

6.4.1 Dynamic Welcome Page

6.4.2 Adding Integers

6.5 Memory Concepts

6.6 Arithmetic

6.7 Decision Making: Equality and Relational Operators

6.8 Web Resources

7 JavaScript: Control Statements I

7.1 Introduction

7.2 Algorithms

7.3 Pseudocode

7.4 Control Statements

7.5 if Selection Statement

7.6 if...else Selection Statement

7.7 while Repetition Statement

7.8 Formulating Algorithms: Counter-Controlled Repetition

7.9 Formulating Algorithms: Sentinel-Controlled Repetition

7.10 Formulating Algorithms: Nested Control Statements

7.11 Assignment Operators

7.12 Increment and Decrement Operators

7.13 Web Resources

8 JavaScript: Control Statements II

8.1 Introduction

8.2 Essentials of Counter-Controlled Repetition

8.3 for Repetition Statement

8.4 Examples Using the for Statement

8.5 switch Multiple-Selection Statement

8.6 do...while Repetition Statement

8.7 break and continue Statements

8.8 Logical Operators

8.9 Web Resources

9 JavaScript: Functions

9.1 Introduction

9.2 Program Modules in JavaScript

9.3 Function Definitions

9.3.1 Programmer-Defined Function square

9.3.2 Programmer-Defined Function maximum

9.4 Notes on Programmer-Defined Functions

9.5 Random Number Generation

9.5.1 Scaling and Shifting Random Numbers

9.5.2 Displaying Random Images

9.5.3 Rolling Dice Repeatedly and Displaying Statistics

9.6 Example: Game of Chance; Introducing the HTML5 audio and video Elements

9.7 Scope Rules

9.8 JavaScript Global Functions

9.9 Recursion

9.10 Recursion vs. Iteration

10 JavaScript: Arrays

10.1 Introduction

10.2 Arrays

10.3 Declaring and Allocating Arrays

10.4 Examples Using Arrays

10.4.1 Creating, Initializing and Growing Arrays

10.4.2 Initializing Arrays with Initializer Lists

10.4.3 Summing the Elements of an Array with for and

10.4.4 Using the Elements of an Array as Counters

10.5 Random Image Generator Using Arrays

10.6 References and Reference Parameters

10.7 Passing Arrays to Functions

10.8 Sorting Arrays with Array Method sort

10.9 Searching Arrays with Array Method indexOf

10.10 Multidimensional Arrays

11 JavaScript: Objects

11.1 Introduction

11.2 Math Object

11.3 String Object

11.3.1 Fundamentals of Characters and Strings

11.3.2 Methods of the String Object

11.3.3 Character-Processing Methods

11.3.4 Searching Methods

11.3.5 Splitting Strings and Obtaining Substrings

11.4 Date Object

11.5 Boolean and Number Objects

11.6 document Object

11.7 Favorite Twitter Searches: HTML5 Web Storage

11.8 Using JSON to Represent Objects

12 Document Object Model (DOM): Objects and Collections

12.1 Introduction

12.2 Modeling a Document: DOM Nodes and Trees

12.3 Traversing and Modifying a DOM Tree

12.4 DOM Collections

12.5 Dynamic Styles

12.6 Using a Timer and Dynamic Styles to Create Animated Effects

13 JavaScript Event Handling: A Deeper Look

13.1 Introduction

13.2 Reviewing the load Event

13.3 Event mousemove and the event Object

13.4 Rollovers with mouseover and mouseout

13.5 Form Processing with focus and blur

13.6 More Form Processing with submit and reset

13.7 Event Bubbling

13.8 More Events

13.9 Web Resource

14 HTML5: Introduction to canvas

14.1 Introduction

14.2 canvas Coordinate System

14.3 Rectangles

14.4 Using Paths to Draw Lines

14.5 Drawing Arcs and Circles

14.6 Shadows

14.7 Quadratic Curves

14.8 Bezier Curves

14.9 Linear Gradients

14.10 Radial Gradients

14.11 Images

14.12 Image Manipulation: Processing the Individual Pixels of a canvas

14.13 Patterns

14.14 Transformations

14.14.1 scale and translate Methods: Drawing Ellipses

14.14.2 rotate Method: Creating an Animation

14.14.3 transform Method: Drawing Skewed Rectangles

14.15 Text

14.16 Resizing the canvas to Fill the Browser Window

14.17 Alpha Transparency

14.18 Compositing

14.19 Cannon Game

14.19.1 HTML5 Document

14.19.2 Instance Variables and Constants

14.19.3 Function setupGame

14.19.4 Functions startTimer and stopTimer

14.19.5 Function resetElements

14.19.6 Function newGame

14.19.7 Function updatePositions: Manual Frame-by-Frame Animation and Simple Collision Detection

14.19.8 Function fireCannonball

14.19.9 Function alignCannon

14.19.10 Function draw

14.19.11 Function showGameOverDialog

14.20 save and restore Methods

14.21 A Note on SVG

14.22 A Note on canvas 3D

15 XML

15.1 Introduction

15.2 XML Basics

15.3 Structuring Data

15.4 XML Namespaces

15.5 Document Type Definitions (DTDs)

15.6 W3C XML Schema Documents

15.7 XML Vocabularies

15.7.1 MathML™

15.7.2 Other Markup Languages

15.8 Extensible Stylesheet Language and XSL Transformations

15.9 Document Object Model (DOM)

15.10 Web Resources

16 Ajax-Enabled Rich Internet Applications with XML and JSON

16.1 Introduction

16.1.1 Traditional Web Applications vs. Ajax Applications

16.1.2 Traditional Web Applications

16.1.3 Ajax Web Applications

16.2 Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) with Ajax

16.3 History of Ajax

16.4 “Raw” Ajax Example Using the XMLHttpRequest Object

16.4.1 Asynchronous Requests

16.4.2 Exception Handling

16.4.3 Callback Functions

16.4.4 XMLHttpRequest Object Event, Properties and Methods

16.5 Using XML and the DOM

16.6 Creating a Full-Scale Ajax-Enabled Application

16.6.1 Using JSON

16.6.2 Rich Functionality

16.6.3 Interacting with a Web Service on the Server

16.6.4 Parsing JSON Data

16.6.5 Creating HTML5 Elements and Setting Event Handlers on the Fly

16.6.6 Implementing Type-Ahead

16.6.7 Implementing a Form with Asynchronous Validation

17 Web Servers (Apache and IIS)

17.1 Introduction

17.2 HTTP Transactions

17.3 Multitier Application Architecture

17.4 Client-Side Scripting versus Server-Side Scripting

17.5 Accessing Web Servers

17.6 Apache, MySQL and PHP Installation

17.6.1 XAMPP Installation

17.6.2 Running XAMPP

17.6.3 Testing Your Setup

17.6.4 Running the Examples Using Apache HTTP Server

17.7 Microsoft IIS Express and WebMatrix

17.7.1 Installing and Running IIS Express

17.7.2 Installing and Running WebMatrix

17.7.3 Running the Client-Side Examples Using IIS Express

17.7.4 Running the PHP Examples Using IIS Express

18 Database: SQL, MySQL, LINQ and Java DB

18.1 Introduction

18.2 Relational Databases

18.3 Relational Database Overview: A books Database

18.4 SQL

18.4.1 Basic SELECT Query

18.4.2 WHERE Clause

18.4.3 ORDER BY Clause

18.4.4 Merging Data from Multiple Tables: INNER JOIN

18.4.5 INSERT Statement

18.4.6 UPDATE Statement

18.4.7 DELETE Statement

18.5 MySQL

18.5.1 Instructions for Setting Up a MySQL User Account

18.5.2 Creating Databases in MySQL

18.6 (Optional) Microsoft Language Integrate Query (LINQ)

18.6.1 Querying an Array of int Values Using LINQ

18.6.2 Querying an Array of Employee Objects Using LINQ

18.6.3 Querying a Generic Collection Using LINQ

18.7 (Optional) LINQ to SQL

18.8 (Optional) Querying a Database with LINQ

18.8.1 Creating LINQ to SQL Classes

18.8.2 Data Bindings Between Controls and the LINQ to SQL Classes

18.9 (Optional) Dynamically Binding LINQ to SQL Query Results

18.9.1 Creating the Display Query Results GUI

18.9.2 Coding the Display Query Results Application

18.10 Java DB/Apache Derby

19 PHP

19.1 Introduction

19.2 Simple PHP Program

19.3 Converting Between Data Types

19.4 Arithmetic Operators

19.5 Initializing and Manipulating Arrays

19.6 String Comparisons

19.7 String Processing with Regular Expressions

19.7.1 Searching for Expressions

19.7.2 Representing Patterns

19.7.3 Finding Matches

19.7.4 Character Classes

19.7.5 Finding Multiple Instances of a Pattern

19.8 Form Processing and Business Logic

19.8.1 Superglobal Arrays

19.8.2 Using PHP to Process HTML5 Forms

19.9 Reading from a Database

19.10 Using Cookies

19.11 Dynamic Content

19.12 Web Resources

20 Web App Development with ASP.NET in C#

20.1 Introduction

20.2 Web Basics

20.3 Multitier Application Architecture

20.4 Your First ASP.NET Application

20.4.1 Building the WebTime Application

20.4.2 Examining WebTime.aspx’s Code-Behind File

20.5 Standard Web Controls: Designing a Form

20.6 Validation Controls

20.7 Session Tracking

20.7.1 Cookies

20.7.2 Session Tracking with HttpSessionState

20.7.3 Options.aspx: Selecting a Programming Language

20.7.4 Recommendations.aspx: Displaying Recommendations Based on Session Values

20.8 Case Study: Database-Driven ASP.NET Guestbook

20.8.1 Building a Web Form that Displays Data from a Database

20.8.2 Modifying the Code-Behind File for the Guestbook Application

20.9 Case Study Introduction: ASP.NET AJAX

20.10 Case Study Introduction: Password-Protected Books Database Application

21 Web App Development with ASP.NET in C#: A Deeper Look

21.1 Introduction

21.2 Case Study: Password-Protected Books Database Application

21.2.1 Examining the ASP.NET Web Site Template

21.2.2 Test-Driving the Completed Application

21.2.3 Configuring the Website

21.2.4 Modifying the Default.aspx and About.aspx Pages

21.2.5 Creating a Content Page That Only Authenticated Users Can Access

21.2.6 Linking from the Default.aspx Page to the Books.aspx Page

21.2.7 Modifying the Master Page (Site.master)

21.2.8 Customizing the Password-Protected Books.aspx Page

21.3 ASP.NET Ajax

21.3.1 Traditional Web Applications

21.3.2 Ajax Web Applications

21.3.3 Testing an ASP.NET Ajax Application

21.3.4 The ASP.NET Ajax Control Toolkit

21.3.5 Using Controls from the Ajax Control Toolkit

22 Web Services in C#

22.1 Introduction

22.2 WCF Services Basics

22.3 Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)

22.4 Representational State Transfer (REST)

22.5 JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)

22.6 Publishing and Consuming SOAP-Based WCF Web Services

22.6.1 Creating a WCF Web Service

22.6.2 Code for the WelcomeSOAPXMLService

22.6.3 Building a SOAP WCF Web Service

22.6.4 Deploying the WelcomeSOAPXMLService

22.6.5 Creating a Client to Consume the WelcomeSOAPXMLService

22.6.6 Consuming the WelcomeSOAPXMLService

22.7 Publishing and Consuming REST-Based XML Web Services

22.7.1 HTTP get and post Requests

22.7.2 Creating a REST-Based XML WCF Web Service

22.7.3 Consuming a REST-Based XML WCF Web Service

22.8 Publishing and Consuming REST-Based JSON Web Services

22.8.1 Creating a REST-Based JSON WCF Web Service

22.8.2 Consuming a REST-Based JSON WCF Web Service

22.9 Blackjack Web Service: Using Session Tracking in a SOAP-Based WCF Web Service

22.9.1 Creating a Blackjack Web Service

22.9.2 Consuming the Blackjack Web Service

22.10 Airline Reservation Web Service: Database Access and Invoking a Service from ASP.NET

22.11 Equation Generator: Returning User-Defined Types

22.11.1 Creating the REST-Based XML EquationGenerator Web Service

22.11.2 Consuming the REST-Based XML EquationGenerator Web Service

22.11.3 Creating the REST-Based JSON WCF EquationGenerator Web Service

22.11.4 Consuming the REST-Based JSON WCF EquationGenerator Web Service

22.12 Web Resources

23 Web App Development with ASP.NET in Visual Basic

23.1 Introduction

23.2 Web Basics

23.3 Multitier Application Architecture

23.4 Your First ASP.NET Application

23.4.1 Building the WebTime Application

23.4.2 Examining WebTime.aspx’s Code-Behind File

23.5 Standard Web Controls: Designing a Form

23.6 Validation Controls

23.7 Session Tracking

23.7.1 Cookies

23.7.2 Session Tracking with HttpSessionState

23.7.3 Options.aspx: Selecting a Programming Language

23.7.4 Recommendations.aspx: Displaying Recommendations Based on Session Values

23.8 Case Study: Database-Driven ASP.NET Guestbook

23.8.1 Building a Web Form that Displays Data from a Database

23.8.2 Modifying the Code-Behind File for the Guestbook Application

23.9 Online Case Study: ASP.NET AJAX

23.10 Online Case Study: Password-Protected Books Database Application

A HTML Special Characters

B HTML Colors

C JavaScript Operator Precedence Chart

D ASCII Character Set


Chapters 2429 and Appendices EF are PDF documents posted online at the book’s Companion Website (located at

24 Web App Development with ASP.NET in VB: A Deeper Look

25 Web Services in Visual Basic

26 JavaServer™ Faces Web Apps: Part 1

27 JavaServer™ Faces Web Apps: Part 2

28 Web Services in Java

29 HTML5 WebSockets and Web Workers

E Number Systems

F Unicode®

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