17.4.2. Other Kinds of Distributions

The engines produce unsigned numbers, and each number in the engine’s range has the same likelihood of being generated. Applications often need numbers of different types or distributions. The library handles both these needs by defining different distributions that, when used with an engine, produce the desired results. Table 17.16 (overleaf) lists the operations supported by the distribution types.

Table 17.16. Distribution Operations

Generating Random Real Numbers

Programs often need a source of random floating-point values. In particular, programs frequently need random numbers between zero and one.

The most common, but incorrect, way to obtain a random floating-point from rand is to divide the result of rand() by RAND_MAX, which is a system-defined upper limit that is the largest random number that rand can return. This technique is incorrect because random integers usually have less precision than floating-point numbers, in which case there are some floating-point values that will never be produced as output.

With the new library facilities, we can easily obtain a floating-point random number. We define an object of type uniform_real_distribution and let the library handle mapping random integers to random floating-point numbers. As we did for uniform_int_distribution, we specify the minimum and maximum values when we define the object:

default_random_engine e; // generates unsigned random integers
// uniformly distributed from 0 to 1 inclusive
uniform_real_distribution<double> u(0,1);
for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
    cout << u(e) << " ";

This code is nearly identical to the previous program that generated unsigned values. However, because we used a different distribution type, this version generates different results:

0.131538 0.45865 0.218959 0.678865 0.934693 0.519416 ...

Using the Distribution’s Default Result Type

With one exception, which we’ll cover in § 17.4.2 (p. 752), the distribution types are templates that have a single template type parameter that represents the type of the numbers that the distribution generates. These types always generate either a floating-point type or an integral type.

Each distribution template has a default template argument (§ 16.1.3, p. 670). The distribution types that generate floating-point values generate double by default. Distributions that generate integral results use int as their default. Because the distribution types have only one template parameter, when we want to use the default we must remember to follow the template’s name with empty angle brackets to signify that we want the default (§ 16.1.3, p. 671):

// empty <> signify we want to use the default result type
uniform_real_distribution<> u(0,1); // generates double by default

Generating Numbers That Are Not Uniformly Distributed

In addition to correctly generating numbers in a specified range, another advantage of the new library is that we can obtain numbers that are nonuniformly distributed. Indeed, the library defines 20 distribution types! These types are listed in § A.3 (p. 882).

As an example, we’ll generate a series of normally distributed values and plot the resulting distribution. Because normal_distribution generates floating-point numbers, our program will use the lround function from the cmath header to round each result to its nearest integer. We’ll generate 200 numbers centered around a mean of 4 with a standard deviation of 1.5. Because we’re using a normal distribution, we can expect all but about 1 percent of the generated numbers to be in the range from 0 to 8, inclusive. Our program will count how many values appear that map to the integers in this range:

default_random_engine e;        // generates random integers
normal_distribution<> n(4,1.5); // mean 4, standard deviation 1.5
vector<unsigned> vals(9);       // nine elements each 0
for (size_t i = 0; i != 200; ++i) {
    unsigned v = lround(n(e));  // round to the nearest integer
    if (v < vals.size())        // if this result is in range
        ++vals[v];              // count how often each number appears
for (size_t j = 0; j != vals.size(); ++j)
    cout << j << ": " << string(vals[j], '*') << endl;

We start by defining our random generator objects and a vector named vals. We’ll use vals to count how often each number in the range 0 . . . 9 occurs. Unlike most of our programs that use vector, we allocate vals at its desired size. By doing so, we start out with each element initialized to 0.

Inside the for loop, we call lround(n(e)) to round the value returned by n(e) to the nearest integer. Having obtained the integer that corresponds to our floating-point random number, we use that number to index our vector of counters. Because n(e) can produce a number outside the range 0 to 9, we check that the number we got is in range before using it to index vals. If the number is in range, we increment the associated counter.

When the loop completes, we print the contents of vals, which will generate output such as

0: ***
1: ********
2: ********************
3: **************************************
4: **********************************************************
5: ******************************************
6: ***********************
7: *******
8: *

Here we print a string with as many asterisks as the count of the times the current value was returned by our random-number generator. Note that this figure is not perfectly symmetrical. If it were, that symmetry should give us reason to suspect the quality of our random-number generator.

The bernoulli_distribution Class

We noted that there was one distribution that does not take a template parameter. That distribution is the bernoulli_distribution, which is an ordinary class, not a template. This distribution always returns a bool value. It returns true with a given probability. By default that probability is .5.

As an example of this kind of distribution, we might have a program that plays a game with a user. To play the game, one of the players—either the user or the program—has to go first. We could use a uniform_int_distribution object with a range of 0 to 1 to select the first player. Alternatively, we can use a Bernoulli distribution to make this choice. Assuming that we have a function named play that plays the game, we might have a loop such as the following to interact with the user:

string resp;
default_random_engine e;  // e has state, so it must be outside the loop!
bernoulli_distribution b; // 50/50 odds by default
do {
    bool first = b(e);    // if true, the program will go first
    cout << (first ? "We go first"
                   : "You get to go first") << endl;
    // play the game passing the indicator of who goes first
    cout << ((play(first)) ? "sorry, you lost"
                           : "congrats, you won") << endl;
    cout << "play again? Enter 'yes' or 'no'" << endl;
} while (cin >> resp && resp[0] == 'y'),

We use a do while5.4.4, p. 189) to repeatedly prompt the user to play.

Image Warning

Because engines return the same sequence of numbers (§ 17.4.1, p. 747), it is essential that we declare engines outside of loops. Otherwise, we’d create a new engine on each iteration and generate the same values on each iteration. Similarly, distributions may retain state and should also be defined outside loops.

One reason to use a bernoulli_distribution in this program is that doing so lets us give the program a better chance of going first:

bernoulli_distribution b(.55); // give the house a slight edge

If we use this definition for b, then the program has 55/45 odds of going first.

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